Chapter 929 Reached a certain level

When it comes to peanut tofu, everyone's interest is immediately ignited.

Zhang Zhejie looked at Jiang An and asked curiously: "Is this peanut tofu similar to the almond tofu we tasted before?"

Jiang An shook his head slightly and explained: "Almond tofu is made from almond jam. Although peanut tofu is also made from puree, it uses a unique process of pressing and cold shrinking, so the taste and texture will be different."

"Lao Jiang, please stop teasing us. With our current conditions, can you still perform the compression and cold shrinkage process?" Someone joked dubiously.

Jiang An smiled confidently, "Why, can't I do it?"

"Of course that's not what I mean." Zhang Zhejie waved his hand, "It's just that the equipment and conditions here cannot be compared with those of professional factories."

"Don't worry about that."

Jiang An confidently said, "Although our conditions are limited, the tools and materials I prepared at home are more than enough to make a serving of peanut tofu. And, you see, these peanut tofu have already taken shape."

After hearing this, everyone gathered around to watch.

Jiang An continued: "Xi Xi will bring out these peanut tofu later, and everyone can try it. I am not promoting my craftsmanship, but I sincerely hope that this unique northern flavor can be accepted and accepted by more people." like."

Everyone was looking forward to the peanut tofu made by Jiang An, especially the two girls Ruojia and Ningning, who were discussing it excitedly.

"Tell me, what's the difference between this peanut tofu and ordinary tofu?"

Ruojia blinked her big watery eyes and asked curiously, "I have eaten dessert tofu made from almond tofu and other dried fruits before, and I like the taste very much. I wonder what the peanut tofu made by Teacher Jiang will taste like." ?”

Ning Ning smiled and pushed Ruojia gently, "You are too abstract. How can taste be confused with feeling?"

"But that's what I mean."

Ruojia insisted on her point of view, "Feeling refers to texture and taste. Besides, whether it tastes good or not is not just a matter of taste, but more of a comprehensive feeling. Eat if you feel good, if not Just don’t eat it.”

After hearing Ruojia's explanation, Ning Ning couldn't help but nodded in agreement, "What you said does make sense."

The two wanted to continue the discussion, but at this time Lin Xixi had already brought out a large tray from the room with various peanut tofu ingredients on it.

As soon as she went out, she greeted loudly: "You guys haven't come over to help, do you want to see me throw such a large plate of things to the ground by myself?"

It turned out that Jiang An had already prepared a lot of ingredients, but now that there were a few more people tasting, Lin Xixi had to add other ingredients in proportion.

Originally, Lin Xixi only wanted to prepare portions for a few people, but she didn't expect that in a short period of time, she produced a large tray of ingredients, which was simply staggering.

Ruojia and Ningning saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

At this time, Jiang An also called Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou, "Let's go to the kitchen and bring out those peanut tofu."

Looking at the tray full of ingredients, Zhang Zhejie was stunned, "Lao Jiang, these are just ingredients? Even the peanut tofu hasn't been served yet!" He looked at the big tray in front of him and muttered to himself: "If I had known this, I would have I didn’t eat that much just now. In fact, I prefer desserts.”

Jiang An listened and comforted him with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Peanut tofu is good for the stomach. It doesn't matter if you eat more. The important thing is that you like the taste, so that you can eat happily." After that, he took Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou with him Went into the kitchen.

Soon, they brought out two large barrels of peanut tofu. At this time, Zhang Zhejie suddenly suggested: "How about adding some ice cubes?" However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was opposed by Jiang An and Lin Qingyou.

"Stop making trouble, what season is it now? Aren't you afraid of a stomachache if you eat such cold food?" Jiang An said seriously.

However, Zhang Zhejie insisted on his own idea: "Since it is a dessert, of course it is better if it is cold. I remember that almond tofu tastes better after being chilled, and it must be the same with peanut tofu." Indeed, Zhang Zhejie's idea is not unreasonable.

After being chilled, the peanut tofu has a richer peanut aroma, and the emulsified oil is more tightly combined with the tofu itself, giving it a softer texture.

But Jiang An and Lin Qingyou are still worried that eating too cold food this season will be bad for their health, especially the three girls outside. Once they see ice cubes, they will definitely be tempted to eat them and their stomachs will hurt. It's troublesome. So they ultimately decided not to put any ice.

"Old Zhang, don't you think about the health of your family Ruojia?" Jiang An's words immediately left Zhang Zhejie speechless.

Zhang Zhejie sighed helplessly, "Lao Jiang, I just realized that you are also a ruthless person. If I had known you would say this, I would have secretly packed a pot out just now to avoid being scolded by you."

"Okay, stop making trouble. Let's get out quickly." Jiang An urged.

Three people came to the yard carrying two large buckets of peanut tofu, and the girls had already placed all the ingredients. As soon as the peanut tofu was served, everyone couldn't wait to taste it.

The first thing you feel when you eat this peanut tofu is the rich aroma of peanuts.

With the emulsification and precipitation of time, the fragrance becomes more mellow, filling the mouth and nasal cavity, making people intoxicated.

Then, there is a hint of sweetness.

Jiang An is very particular about the use of sugar when seasoning, so the sweetness will not make people feel cloying. Along with the temperature and the melting of the peanut tofu, it penetrates your taste buds little by little, making you have endless aftertaste.

In terms of taste, this peanut tofu is as delicate as soft silicone, softer than jelly, but more resilient. After eating it, you only need to sip it gently with your tongue, and it will immediately turn into a puddle of water.

"Oh my gosh, this peanut tofu is so delicious!" Ruojia praised him profusely. "Lao Jiang, I really didn't expect you to make peanut tofu so well. I've never heard of anyone in Shanghai before. Make this dessert.”

Jiang An explained: “Although there are many people eating peanuts in the south, there should be very few people who use the raw materials for further processing.

After all, the place where peanuts are grown on a large scale is still in the north.

Moreover, the Magic City itself is a fishing village that has only developed in recent decades. There is no agricultural land here at all, so all materials need to be purchased from other places. Naturally, the production methods of such things will not be passed down. "

Everyone nodded in agreement. At this time, Lin Qingyou asked one more question: "Should we put all the ingredients in?"

"Not necessarily," Jiang An said, mixing a bowl for everyone first, "Just adjust it according to your own taste. I added chopped peanuts, sesame seeds, iced brown sugar water, and some other chopped dried fruits and fresh Nuts.”

"These multiple spices are sprinkled on top, which not only enriches the color, but also makes the aroma richer. And because of the increase in multiple nuts, the aroma of peanut tofu also becomes more mellow and penetrating. Just smell it, You can enjoy the full nutty aroma. ”

"This is basically the standard configuration," Jiang An said, finally adding some honey and blending it into the brown sugar water. Although it is only added in a trace amount, all the aromas are skillfully blended together to create a natural and delicious taste.

Lin Xixi couldn't wait to add the auxiliary ingredients one by one according to Jiang An's mixing method. After trying it, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the flavor of the peanut tofu was instantly enhanced. Although her production was not as refined as Jiang An's, the taste was not inferior at all.

"This is absolutely delicious!" she exclaimed.

At this moment, Zhang Zhejie had already eaten two large bowls of peanut tofu like a storm. Since it's a dessert, he doesn't have to worry about burning his mouth, so he can enjoy it in big mouthfuls. Unlike the others, all he ate was plain peanut tofu.

“Only by tasting the original flavor can you truly feel the soul of the food,” he explains. “Condiments are just the icing on the cake.”

While eating and chatting, he suddenly asked: "Do you still remember that cartoon? A child went to participate in a special chef competition. The first dish he cooked was a bowl of noodles. What was the name of that bowl of noodles? Unparalleled National Scholar?" Or is that animation called "Guo Shi Wushuang"? "

"In short, the bowl of noodles he made was very simple, with only noodles and basic seasonings, but he won the competition. Do you know why? Because the quality of the noodles itself is very good. It is just like the former General Han Xin, no need for extra decoration , which is excellent enough in itself.”

(End of this chapter)

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