Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 928: An artifact that uses oil to remove oil

Chapter 928: An artifact that uses oil to remove oil

When he heard that it was about something that was very popular in the past, Zhang Zhejie's curiosity was immediately aroused, "Lao Jiang, what on earth is this soap you are talking about?"

"In the north, that's what we usually call it. In the south, I don't know much about it."

Jiang An thought about it for a moment and stopped being pretentious. "It's actually a soap-like thing made from pig's internal organs. It has a very strong decontamination ability, and the skin will feel particularly moisturized after use."

"Soap made from pig offal?" Zhang Zhejie couldn't believe his ears, "Brother, don't tease me. We are brothers, you can't tease me like this."

Looking at Zhang Zhejie's unbelievable expression, Jiang An smiled helplessly, "Am I that kind of person?"

"Technically you're not, but if you try to tease me on purpose, I can't stand it."

Zhang Zhejie sighed, "The purpose of decontamination and degreasing is to wash away the unclean things on our hands and bodies. The adhesion of lard is so strong, I accidentally got it on my hands once before, and I used I've been scrubbing it with dish soap for a long time. Now you're telling me that you need to use pig's entrails to clean these oil stains? "

"What if I really can make something like this?" Jiang An suddenly became interested, "Well, I won't bet anything else with you. If I can make this thing, you have to be on duty at the company for me. Half a month."

"Oh, I'm worth a month and a half for you!" Zhang Zhejie said very easily, "If you can really come up with this thing, I'll treat you to food for another month."

"Okay, it's settled then." Jiang An agreed very readily.

However, at this moment, Zhang Zhejie suddenly felt that something was not quite right, "Lao Jiang, you can't really make this thing, can you?"

"You'll find out just when you wait and see. Let's eat first today, and I'll take you to the market tomorrow morning to buy the materials, and then we'll do it together."

Jiang An smiled very confidently, "Don't forget, you have to be on duty for me, and you have to treat me to dinner. But I am very fair. We can split up the meals for this month. Xixi and I will eat half Month, leave the remaining half to Lao Lin and Ruojia.”

"No problem." Zhang Zhejie actually started to feel guilty. He was defeated by Jiang An's confidence and began to look forward to the next day's experiment.

As the topic deepened, the barbecue feast also officially kicked off.

The beef and mutton roasted previously were already cooked and exuded an attractive aroma. Everyone tasted them one after another and were full of praise.

However, today’s protagonist, Hump, is even more exciting.

After the beef and mutton were swept away, Zhang Zhejie couldn't wait to place the cut hump on the grate.

The hump is rich in oil, and when it comes into contact with the grate, it makes a "sizzling" sound. The crystal oil drops drop by drop on the charcoal fire, and a thick smoke immediately rises.

"Oh, I'll go!" Zhang Zhejie was moved to tears by the sudden thick smoke. He stood up in a hurry, "I'll get the fan."

"Bring out a few bottles of drinks by the way." Ruojia reminded, throwing a tissue box to Zhang Zhejie, "Also, pack more facial tissue."

"Don't worry, leader, I'll go right away." Zhang Zhejie responded.

The hump is very easy to cook due to its rich oil content.

As soon as Zhang Zhejie took out the fans and other items, Jiang An had already baked the first pot of humps.

"Come on, let's have a taste." Jiang An greeted everyone to taste.

Lin Xixi was the first to eagerly pick up a piece of baked hump. The hump now becomes golden and crispy, with small bubbles of oil rising on it, making a "sizzling" sound, which greatly increases your appetite.

He blew lightly on the hump to cool it down a bit before popping it into his mouth.

The rich milky flavor instantly fills your mouth, and as you chew, that special aroma spreads in your mouth.

The aroma of milk and the light aroma of meat fat are intertwined together, as if they are exploding in the mouth.

"Oh my god, no wonder the emperors in the past had to eat hump. It tastes really great!" Lin Xixi's eyes flashed with excitement and she was full of praise. Seeing that everyone was full of praise for the hump, Zhang Zhejie couldn't help but be eager to try it.

Different from Lin Xixi and other girls who chewed slowly, he seemed much more bold and bold. He picked up several pieces of hump at one time, generously dipped it in the sauce, and then stuffed it all into his mouth in one go.

The rich and rich oil exploded like fireworks in his mouth, awakening every sleeping taste cell. The mellow and wonderful taste seemed to carry his soul to the far western regions.

"Alas," he sighed, "you said, in the past, our ancestors conquered the Western Regions. In addition to beauties and raisins, were they also attracted by these delicious meats? Needless to say, beef and mutton, the key is camels. In the past, Isn’t it only found in the Western Regions?”

Jiang An smiled after hearing this, but did not fully agree with his point of view: "That's what I said, but I think our ancestors' conquest of the Western Regions must have a more important purpose, and it cannot be just for a bite of food and drink."

Zhang Zhejie burst out laughing after hearing this. He was about to continue tasting the hump in his mouth, but suddenly he was so hot that he screamed in surprise.

It turned out that he ate too quickly, and the fat inside the hump still maintained a high temperature, just like fried meat. Although the surface has cooled, the inside is still "squeaking" and continuing to cook.

He hurriedly shouted: "Give me some Coke!" He drank a big mouthful of cold Coke, and the burning sensation in his mouth gradually eased. He took a long breath and said, "Huh, it does taste too good, but I have to blow it before eating it next time."

After last night's barbecue feast, everyone returned home happily. As the night gets darker, the barbecue equipment is put away one by one, and the sky is shrouded in night.

"Ah, what a great day it is!"

Zhang Zhejie was lying on the deck chair in the yard, recalling the delicious taste of hump with endless aftertaste.

Originally, Jiang An was worried that the huge hump would be left behind, but to his surprise, after several rounds of barbecue, everyone had wiped it all away, and some people were even more interested in it.

"If you like it, I'll buy another one tomorrow." Jiang An said very generously. Only then did Zhang Zhejie remember to ask about the price: "How much did you spend on this camel hump?"

However, this problem caused Jiang An to face difficulties. They bought a lot of things when they were shopping yesterday, spending a total of several thousand yuan, but the shopping receipts have long since disappeared.

Therefore, Jiang An really couldn't remember the specific price of the hump.

"It's okay, I'll go with you tomorrow." Zhang Zhejie said cheerfully, "Aren't you still going to show me that thing called a pancake? Let's go buy it together, and then buy a hump and come back. I'll treat you."

Mr. Zhang's boldness won everyone's appreciation. Jiang An, on the other hand, is even more looking forward to Zhang Zhejie's reaction after seeing Yizi.

The next morning, Jiang An called Zhang Zhejie out of his home early. The sleepy Zhang Zhejie sighed helplessly: "Lao Jiang, are you trying to trick me on purpose? What time is it now? Can't you just let me sleep a little longer?"

"If you want to sleep, you can't buy anything." Jiang An's attitude was very firm.

Zhang Zhejie begged for mercy with a grimace: "Lao Jiang, can we change this attitude in the future? You always want to take advantage of me."

Hearing what Zhang Zhejie said, Jiang An helplessly shook his head and urged: "Stop talking nonsense and get in the car." The two of them were speechless all the way to the largest fresh meat wholesale market in the capital.

They chose the wholesale market not because of the price advantage, but because pig pancreas, an ingredient, is difficult to find in ordinary supermarkets and wet markets.

Even in the wholesale market, it took a lot of trouble for the two of them to find a stall that sold it. When the boss learned that they were going to buy pig pancreas, he asked with confusion on his face: "Why are you two buying this thing? You can't eat it either."

The boss kindly reminded them that if cooked improperly, the taste could be nauseating and suggested they consider other internal organs, such as the heart, liver, spleen and stomach.

However, Jiang An insisted with a smile: "We want this pig pancreas, it is useful. Boss, help us pick a few more high-quality ones."

Since the customer has a demand, the boss will naturally not refuse. He just reminded me out of good intentions. Soon, the boss selected a dozen high-quality pig pancreas for them.

After paying the price, Zhang Zhejie took the initiative to pick up the plastic bag filled with pig pancreas and said jokingly: "Let's go, Lao Jiang, it's 'hunting time'. Let's see who can win today."

(End of this chapter)

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