Chapter 931 Ready to start again

Jiang An is still thinking about Brother Xu's investment. His project has not yet advanced, so he is a little embarrassed to ask for money.

However, Brother Xu did not choose to wait because of Jiang An's silence.

He took the initiative to invest nearly several million dollars in the northern branch in the name of supporting enterprises.

This money was almost given to Jiang An for free.

This favor made Jiang An feel very heavy.

But when he wanted to return it, it was too late. When he called Brother Xu to express his gratitude, the other party just told him lightly: "Don't take it to heart, just do the follow-up things well."

This is the case with many things. Sometimes you may not succeed if you work hard, but when you don't pursue it deliberately, there are always noble people behind you who silently support you.

Jiang An knew that he could obtain all this largely because of his grandfather's network of connections, but he would never let these connections go to waste in his own hands.

"Okay, our work for this period of time can come to an end for the time being."

Jiang An looked at the schedule and said, "The new game project developed by Lao Lin is still in progress. We need to make an overall plan and planning first. If everything goes well, this time may take more than half a year. At present, our The focus is on maintaining sales of existing games and subsequent updates.”

"As long as the popularity of these two games continues, the company's revenue will continue to be stable. More importantly, our Jianghu Company's main source of income has now become diversified from a single one, with a large part of it coming from advertising revenue and Network traffic is divided into equal parts.”

The popularity of the games produced by their company has never diminished, which is why he dared to say such confident words. In such a fiercely competitive market environment, he still dared to invest more than half a year in game design.

"Having said that, I think we should still pay attention to Yang Wenqin."

Zhang Zhejie lay on the sofa and let out a long sigh, "I don't think this person is just a big deal. If his company officially launches the project, I believe it will have a big impact on us."

"I have thought about this," Jiang An said with a smile, "I have discussed with Lin Qingyou before and asked him to send someone to monitor the movements of Wangtu Company. If Yang Wenqin takes any new actions, we will Know immediately.”

"He said he wanted to compete head-on with me in the gaming market, and I believe him for the time being. So, I want to see what kind of products he will launch in the future, and then we can formulate corresponding strategies."

"Okay," Zhang Zhejie believed in Jiang An's judgment in this regard, "and the plan you made is definitely the most suitable for the company."

So the question arises. Since Wangtu Studio is just waiting and watching, the game development plan will take more than half a year, and the company does not lack other sources of income. As executives, how should they use this time effectively?

"No need to ask, of course I'm going on a trip!"

Jiang An put down the pen in his hand, organized the documents on the table, and then said, "I have proposed that we go out together before, and I told you all at that time, including that we also discussed taking Lao Lin and Ning Ning with us. Together."

"Are you going abroad now?" Although Zhang Zhejie was a little surprised, his eyes shone with anticipation, "Lao Jiang, if we want to go abroad, we have to agree, or we won't go, and we have to have a good time if we go."

"Don't worry," Jiang An smiled, "I will not interrupt this tour unless there are special circumstances. As for how long we will go, I have no specific plan. The general idea is to play until we have no money and then come back. also."

"That's it," Zhang Zhejie spread his hands. "According to what you say, we don't have to come back at all. Can't we just spend millions to buy a settlement outside?"

"I don't want to live outside."

Jiang An shook his head quickly. What he liked most was the land where he was born and raised. "Living abroad, I might as well go back to the north. I don't think foreign countries are that good. No matter how you say it, I was born in this country. You have to love it. If you don’t even love your own country, who can you love?”

"Oh, Teacher Jiang, can we not talk about this?"

Zhang Zhejie raised his hands to express surrender, "I mean, look at how much money we have on our books? Do you plan to spend all the money? Unless the company stops making money, but is that possible?" There are only words like this from Versailles. Only if it comes from Zhang Zhejie or Jiang An would people not feel uncomfortable. "Okay, let's not talk about this. Call Lao Lin over later and let's discuss where to go." Jiang An has considered more than a dozen different locations, but the specific route and planning still need to be discussed together.

However, after listening to Jiang An's words, Zhang Zhejie raised an objection: "Aren't you going to ask Lin Nuxia and the others to discuss it together? Wouldn't it be better if we all discussed it together? I'm worried that if the route set is different from that of the heroine, Children have different expectations, which can lead to trouble.”

However, Jiang An had different ideas this time, "Before, I always designed the route according to their preferences, but now I think we should make the decision ourselves for once and give those little girls a surprise. We understand them, Know where they want to go so you can prepare in advance.”

Jiang An's idea was very creative and expressed clearly, and Zhang Zhejie agreed and supported it.

However, he was still a little worried, "What if something goes wrong and the girls are unhappy?"

"This shouldn't happen," Jiang An said confidently, "Ruojia, Xixi and Ningning will never get angry with us because of such a trivial matter. Besides, we are all a family, and it doesn't really matter where we go. , the key is that everyone can be with you.”

"It sounds better the other way around," Zhang Zhejie immediately added, "We are only happy when we can be with them."

Jiang An looked at him in surprise, and then showed a playful smile, "I remember that foreign filmmaking now pays great attention to political correctness. How come you are so particular at home?"

"Of course, that's how it should be for family members." Zhang Zhejie wanted to explain further, but was speechless for a moment, but he believed Jiang An could understand what he meant.

"Okay, this matter is settled."

Jiang An smiled slightly and stood up slowly, "You and Lao Lin will keep an eye on the company first. I have to go out in the afternoon. A friend asked me to have tea, maybe to discuss the company's follow-up cooperation. I originally wanted to turn it down. , but we’d better talk about some things when we go home.”

"Since we are old friends, why did you reject him?" Zhang Zhejie was a little confused.

But Jiang An didn't explain too much, and just told Zhang Zhejie to trust his judgment, because his old friend was planning to take advantage.

After Jiang An discussed work matters with his friends in the afternoon, he handed over the company's affairs to Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou.

After work, everyone sat around the computer, facing the world map, and discussed the upcoming travel plans. However, what is unexpected is that everyone seems to be at a loss in front of the abundant choices.

"You two really don't have any suggestions?"

Jiang An looked at them in surprise. Usually in this situation, Zhang Zhejie should be the one who speaks most actively.

But now, he just frowned and stared at the computer screen.

"Old Zhang, do you really have no idea at all?" Jiang An couldn't help but ask again.

Zhang Zhejie gave an affirmative answer: "Brother, I really don't know which place we should choose to travel."

Although there are many choices, there are not many places that can truly make girls happy.

Zhang Zhejie proposed to go to Europe, but Lin Qingyou objected. During his studies abroad, he spent most of his time in Europe and visited almost every corner there, so he felt that there was nothing special about Europe.

"Europe has been over-publicized," Lin Qingyou said frankly. "In fact, many things there are similar to those in China. Moreover, if you compare its history with the history of our country, the gap is still huge."

Zhang Zhejie holds a different view, "Old Lin, your understanding of Europe does not represent everyone else. Although I have been to Europe many times, there are still many sights that I have not visited."

(End of this chapter)

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