Chapter 932 Preparing to go to Australia

Lin Qingyou explained that he was not opposed because he was tired of the European scenery. In fact, his study life there was very intense and he rarely had time to actually travel.

"It stands to reason that I should be the person who wants to go to Europe the most because I want to make up for the regrets left during my studies."

However, the reason why Lin Qingyou was unwilling to go to Europe was actually far more than that. In his view, Europe is relatively small compared to other places, and its natural landscapes and cultural heritage are difficult to compare with other parts of the world.

"Then which place do you think is better?" Zhang Zhejie directly asked Lin Qingyou the question, "If you have a better choice, I am willing to listen."

Lin Qingyou thought for a moment and suddenly suggested: "What do you think of us going to Australia? Compared with Europe, I think Australia may be more suitable for our travel needs this time."

"Australia?" Zhang Zhejie frowned slightly, then asked with a smile, "Are you planning to take us to see kangaroos?"

"Australia not only has kangaroos, but also many other wild animals."

Lin Qingyou responded with a smile, "The purpose of our trip is to enjoy the journey, not just to see a specific scenic spot or cultural landscape, right?"

He is fully prepared and ready to answer any questions Zhang Zhejie may ask.

But to Lin Qingyou's surprise, Zhang Zhejie didn't ask too much.

He just asked lightly: "If we don't go see kangaroos, can you tell me which places in Australia are must-visit? Compared to Europe, my knowledge of Australia is indeed limited."

This opened Lin Qingyou's chat box.

He enthusiastically introduced the various benefits of Australia: not only can you see various wild animals, but you can also experience the unique scenery brought by different latitudes.

More importantly, they can experience the style left over from the Victorian era in Australia, which is unmatched in Europe.

The Australian Victorian style more accurately reflects the art and beauty of that era, which will be of great benefit to them in making games.

However, Zhang Zhejie still has concerns: "Having said that, if we really go to Australia, I'm worried that our skin may not be able to withstand the sun there. Many people get sunburned when traveling to Australia."

"Especially when we're taking girls with us," he added, "it would be inappropriate to make everyone unhappy because of some minor issues."

"I understand your worries, but I have a solution to this problem. Australia is a vast country with abundant resources, and we can choose places with pleasant climates to travel. For example, Sydney, where the climate and environment are very mild, and the sunshine is not as strong as we imagined." Lin Qingyou has obviously identified Australia as a travel destination.

Zhang Zhejie didn't say anything more, and turned to look at Jiang An, "Lao Jiang, do you think this guy's words today are a bit confusing? He insists on going to Australia so much. I always feel that Ningning is not mentioning going to Australia for a walk. idea?”

"Absolutely not," Lin Qingyou responded immediately, "I really want everyone to go there and see the real buildings left over from the Victorian era. This is also good for the development of our company. Moreover, I think the buildings from the Victorian era Architecture, not only can be used in games, but it is also a good spiritual experience for our fiancées. ”

At this time, Lin Qingyou's characteristics as a technical man are undoubtedly revealed.

He hopes to gain something special through this trip.

Although this was different from Jiang An's original idea, Jiang An had to admit that Lin Qingyou's words did make sense. If everyone has no objections, he is also willing to go to Australia.

"I guess there should be no problem," Zhang Zhejie also expressed his attitude. "If we go to Australia, we will start preparations now."

Jiang An thought about it for a while and said to the two of them: "Then let's settle this matter for the time being. We will tell them the travel destination tonight and see if Ruojia and Ningning have any other ideas. Then I will discuss it with Xi Xi said.

"If everyone is fine, then we will succeed. I will arrange the schedule and set off immediately after confirmation for a trip that can be done at any time." Jiang An's eyes flashed with a different light when he spoke. Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou felt a little strange. This was not like the expression Jiang An usually showed.

However, at this time, Zhang Zhejie suddenly asked: "Lao Jiang, are you also curious about Australia?"

"To be honest, I don't know much about Australia, but I have always wanted to go there to see the platypus. I heard it is the most magical animal in the world, but I have never seen a living platypus yet," Jiang An said frankly.

"Haha, I thought you had some grand ideals!"

Zhang Zhejie couldn't help laughing. But when it came to the platypus, he couldn't hide his curiosity and excitement. "To be honest, I have never seen what a platypus looks like. If you really have the opportunity to see it with your own eyes, it will definitely be a new experience. I heard that it is The only animal in the world that has genes for multiple genders, it’s just amazing.” That’s how it settled.

They agreed to meet again tomorrow and then go home to share their upcoming travel plans with their fiancées.

What Jiang An didn't expect was that when everyone met again the next day, everyone brought good news - their fiancées all agreed with the travel plan.

Especially Ruo Jia and Ning Ning, their attitudes are extremely positive, and they can even be said to be impatient.

Lin Qingyou smiled and said that Ning Ning was as happy as a child when she learned that she was going to Australia. Although he was also curious about why Ning Ning was so excited, he could feel that Ning Ning's joy came from the bottom of his heart.

For Lin Qingyou, this is enough.

They are about to embark on a journey full of unknowns and adventures, and everyone is full of expectations and excitement.

After deciding on the trip to Australia, everyone began intensive preparations.

As the initiator of this trip, Jiang An first started planning the specific itinerary.

He searched a lot of information on the Internet, compared the climate, attractions and cultural activities of different cities, and finally determined an itinerary that could not only meet everyone's sightseeing needs, but also ensure a suitable climate.

He carefully selected several must-see attractions, such as the Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, etc., and booked hotels and air tickets.

Zhang Zhejie is responsible for preparing everyone’s equipment. He knew that the sunshine in Australia was strong, so he specially bought sunscreen, sun hats and sunglasses for everyone.

In addition, he also took into account Australia's wild environment and prepared some first-aid medicines and anti-mosquito bite supplies.

He carefully distributed these items to everyone and reminded everyone to read the instructions before using them.

Lin Qingyou was busy looking for Australian food guides with Ning Ning. They plan to taste some local specialties, such as Australian lobster, meatloaf, etc.

To this end, Lin Qingyou also deliberately learned some simple local spoken English so that he could communicate smoothly with the waiters when ordering food in the restaurant.

Ruojia and Ningning were not to be outdone, and they began to pack their luggage.

In addition to necessary clothing and daily necessities, they also prepared some small gifts and planned to make some new friends in Australia.

They carefully selected small gifts representing Chinese culture, such as paper-cuts, Chinese knots, etc., hoping to spread Chinese culture in foreign countries.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the preparations were quickly completed. One night before departure, everyone gathered together again to check each other's luggage and equipment.

Everyone was full of anticipation and excitement, knowing that this trip would be an unforgettable experience.

Amid laughter, they agreed on a departure time tomorrow morning, and then went home to rest and recharge for the upcoming trip to Australia.

The next morning, when it was just dawn, everyone got up early and started their journey to Australia.

They arrived at the airport one after another, excitedly waiting for the moment to board the plane.

People were coming and going in the airport, and conversations in various languages ​​were heard one after another, but their mood was extremely calm and full of expectation.

After a long flight, the plane finally arrived in Australia.

They couldn't wait to walk out of the airport and felt a fresh and exotic breath blowing against their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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