Chapter 933 The Story of Sydney, Australia

Standing at Sydney Airport, Jiang An and his party truly felt the exotic atmosphere.

This new world is both strange and full of temptations for them.

Lin Qingyou is obviously more familiar with this place than them. A trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, and he smiled and said: "I have always wanted to go to the Sydney Opera House before, but I was always unable to make the trip due to trivial matters. Now, with you as my company, I believe this trip will be more interesting."

Zhang Zhejie looked at Lin Qingyou with admiration and joked: "Old Lin, I really can't tell that you still maintain the spirit of diligent study and practice here. As the Sydney Opera House is an iconic attraction in Sydney, you have never been to it. Isn’t it a bit regretful?”

Lin Qingyou sighed helplessly, "I also wanted to travel around the world, but the heavy studies and trivial worldliness always made me miss a lot of beautiful scenery. Dealing with conflicts with local students also consumed a lot of my energy."

"Now that we have the chance, we must have a good time."

Ning Ning said excitedly, "I have always been curious about the Sydney Opera House. I heard that it is full of mystery and that many domestic and foreign movies were filmed there. The most attractive thing is the legend about the 'Phantom', although I don't know the details. meaning, but certainly very interesting.”

Although Ning Ning's words were a bit unreasonable, Lin Qingyou looked at his expectant eyes and knew in her heart that this choice was extremely correct.

Lin Xixi and Ruo Jia were equally excited. They gathered around Jiang An and Zhang Zhijie, excitedly discussing their next trip.

"Teacher Jiang, didn't you say that friends will come to pick us up when we get here? Why haven't we seen anyone yet?" Lin Xixi blinked her big eyes and asked with a smile.

Jiang An is also a little confused. He has indeed made an appointment with his friend to pick him up in Sydney, but so far he has not seen anyone.

Hearing Lin Xixi's question, Zhang Zhejie and others also looked at him.

Zhang Zhejie yawned and suggested: "If no one picks up, let's rent a car and go directly to the hotel. I'm a little tired. Flying is really unbearable. Although the first-class service is good, at high altitude I Never sleep well."

Jiang An smiled and reassured everyone: "Don't worry, I'll contact my friends first."

As soon as he took out his mobile phone, he saw several people walking in suits and ties from the other side of the airport, each holding flowers in their hands.

"It seems that my friends are here." Jiang An smiled and waved to those people.

Those people quickly walked up to Jiang An and others. The man leading them was wearing a pure black silk suit and looked very energetic. It can be seen from his dress that his identity is extraordinary.

"Mr. Jiang An, I'm here to pick you up. However, our general manager went to Belgium to discuss business due to urgent matters. He will communicate with you by phone later. I hope you don't mind." The man explained.

"So, what should I call you?" Jiang An asked.

"Just call me Zhang Junjun."

The man smiled and replied, "These are senior executives of our company, but you don't need to remember their names, because I will be responsible for arranging all your itineraries in Australia."

After Zhang Jun briefly introduced himself to Jiang An and others, Zhang Zhejie suddenly asked curiously: "Can you tell me about the relationship between your boss and this brother of mine? Why do I always feel that the relationship between them is unusual?" Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and explained: "Actually, our boss and Mr. Jiang An are very close friends. They have worked together on many computer projects. In Australia, we do not have the habit of calling 'boss' like we do in China."

Zhang Zhejie originally had a good impression of Zhang Jun, but after hearing his last words, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart, feeling that the manager seemed to attach great importance to the title.

However, he did not know the special relationship between Zhang Jun and their general manager. Only they themselves knew the subtleties.

At this time, Lin Qingyou suddenly pulled Jiang An and asked: "You have worked on a computer software project here before. Can you tell me which project it was? I am very interested in this." Jiang An chuckled and responded Said: "Actually, I didn't officially do any projects here. I just helped my friends design a few software. I didn't put much effort into it at the time, but I didn't expect the results to be pretty good, so my friend gave me some shares." , nothing more.”

Jiang An spoke lightly, but Lin Qingyou was keenly aware of the reservations in his words.

He thought to himself: "Lao Jiang, I always feel that you still have a lot of things to hide from us. I should find an opportunity for you to explain all these things clearly. As your employee and brother, shouldn't I have the right to know? ?”

There was a different meaning in Lin Qingyou's words, and Jiang An also realized that if he didn't admit something, he might make his brothers dissatisfied.

So, he reluctantly gave the right to speak to Zhang Jun: "Just tell them briefly about my past. But let's not stand around at the airport and go back to the hotel first. On the way, you and them Just talk.”

Zhang Jun nodded quickly and led everyone to an extended Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle. Although Mercedes-Benz is not a local Australian brand, as the world's top luxury car, it is often used to show its status.

"Everyone, please allow me to introduce this Mercedes-Benz. There are only a dozen or so customized models of this kind in the world. Our boss's car is also customized, so there are many elements in the car that reflect his personal preferences. Get in the car later Please don't be too surprised." Zhang Jun's words did not mean to show off, but were just a kind reminder.

However, this reminder aroused everyone's curiosity. Jiang An took the lead in opening the car door, and the sight in front of him surprised him.

The interior decoration of the car is full of rich Gothic style, from carvings, interior decorations to wine utensils, everything reveals a Gothic atmosphere.

Gothic symbols such as bats and dark elements can be seen everywhere, as if bringing people into a Gothic fairy tale world.

"Oh my God, Teacher Jiang, does your friend like those dark little lolita?" Lin Xixi couldn't help laughing. Jiang An thought about it and found that indeed, his friend was quite interested in this aspect.

But this is not the time to discuss this topic in depth.

Jiang An quickly greeted everyone to get on the bus, and Zhang Jun began to talk about the cooperation projects between Jiang An and his friends in Australia.

In fact, the number of projects is not many, about a dozen, but six or seven of them have made them famous here and made a lot of profits.

“The reason why our boss is able to achieve today’s achievements is largely due to the success of those projects at that time. This also attracted the attention of Australian investors, allowing us to easily obtain high amounts of funds when seeking investment, and The equity ratio that needs to be paid is also relatively low," Zhang Jun explained.

Getting investment is a challenge for companies, but exchanging less equity for more money is an even bigger challenge.

The smaller the equity, the more resources are in hand, and it is possible to get rid of the control of investors in the future.

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun couldn't help but glance at Jiang An. He planned to emphasize to everyone that all these achievements were attributed to Jiang An. At that time, their boss was responsible for administrative management, while Jiang An focused on software development.

Although the two were just students, they successfully completed this cross-border transaction, and Jiang An completed all the work remotely from the Magic City.

After hearing about Jiang An's past glorious achievements, everyone cast envious glances, especially Zhang Zhejie, who sighed: "Brother, I really didn't expect you to do so many big things behind your back. I always thought that the two of us Almost, now it seems that you have become my idol.”

Jiang An smiled slightly and gently put down the red wine glass in his hand, "At that time, I was just working hard with my friends. Manager Zhang gave all the credit to me, but in fact I want to tell you, if it weren't for my friends doing administrative work If you don’t do it well, those software and other design products may be wasted.”

"After all, I'm not good at selling these things, and I don't know how to open markets abroad."

"You are too modest." Lin Qingyou suddenly interjected, "I just recalled that I have actually been exposed to several projects mentioned by Manager Zhang during my studies."

(End of this chapter)

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