Chapter 935: Unreachable Cooperation
Mr. Li put down the cigar in his hand and looked at Yang Wenqin with an unfathomable smile, "We have decided on the general direction, and I am also willing to lend a helping hand to you."

"However, I would like to know what unique returns your company can bring me? Don't tell me it's just monetary benefits. You know, my company is not lacking in this kind of benefits."

Mr. Li's intention is obvious - he is here to seek greater benefits.

This surprised Yang Tao. He was about to respond, but was stopped by Yang Wenqin.

Yang Wenqin calmly cut a new cigar, put it in his mouth and slowly lit it, "Mr. Li, I don't quite understand what you mean. Isn't our cooperation based on money and profit? If you don't value these, Then why help me?"

Mr. Li suddenly laughed loudly, "Do you think I am helping you? In fact, I am not interested in the resources in your hands. If you are willing, you can introduce the management behind you to me. In this way, we can create a new business A new win-win situation.”

A cold smile appeared on Yang Wenqin's face, "Mr. Li, you don't think that after we cooperate, all my partners will want to see you, do you? Don't take yourself too seriously."

These words obviously touched Mr. Li's dignity, but he did not refute, which surprised Yang Tao.

However, Yang Wenqin knew very well that the reason why Mr. Li did not refute was because what he said was true.

Mr. Li took the initiative to offer help and was willing to meet with him through Yang Tao, which was enough to prove that he knew the strength behind Yang Wenqin. Therefore, the purpose of his trip is not just because of star fruit.

In fact, Mr. Li's purpose was just to express goodwill to Yang Wenqin and hope to form an alliance with Yang Wenqin and the forces behind him.

Mr. Li pondered for a moment, restrained his previous tough attitude, and showed some kindness in his smile, "I may not express it clearly, but you should understand that you need help now. I don't want to take advantage of you, I just hope that we can Let’s make progress together.”

Yang Wenqin responded with a playful smile: "If I agree, but my big brother doesn't want to see you, you won't blame me, right? You must know that if you want to help me, I will welcome you and will give you unexpected help." "Return."

"But if you just want to use me as a springboard to improve your social circle, then you are totally wrong. My big brother is not someone you can meet just because you want to."

Mr. Li was irritated by Yang Wenqin's confident attitude and finally couldn't control his emotions. He slammed the table and even dropped the cigar in his hand to the ground.

He pointed at Yang Wenqin's nose and reprimanded loudly: "Do you think you are an important person? If it weren't for your big brothers, who would care about you? Don't forget your past mistakes. Your reputation in the industry is already bad. This time How many people really came to support your listing ceremony?”

Yang Wenqin still maintained his demeanor and said calmly: "What does that have to do with you? If you are willing, we will cooperate; if you are not willing, please leave. Don't challenge my bottom line here. Also, don't take me for granted. As a springboard for you. You don’t understand the relationship between me and my big brother, do you understand?”

"You two have a shitty relationship!" Mr. Li spat at Yang Wenqin and threatened fiercely, "Yang Wenqin, if you dare to reject me today, don't expect me to help you if you encounter any trouble in the future!"

"You are not my brother at all, get out!" Yang Wenqin's attitude was even more decisive than Mr. Li's.

Mr. Li obviously did not expect that his good intentions would end like this.

Anger surged in his heart, but he did not dare to attack Yang Wenqin, so he turned his angry eyes to Yang Tao.

He felt that this woman had lied to him.

When Yang Tao found him, he described Yang Wenqin as being in urgent need of help and even in trouble.

This made Mr. Li feel that his opportunity had come, otherwise he would not have taken action easily. However, it now seems that Yang Wenqin is not as decadent as Yang Tao said.

On the contrary, Yang Wenqin still maintained his pride and tough style in the past.

Although he made many mistakes, with the help of his older brothers, he was not punished too severely. On the surface, those people seemed to have distanced themselves from Yang Wenqin, but in fact, they were still silently supporting him behind the scenes.

Because of this, Mr. Li still dare not vent his anger on Yang Wenqin.

However, something unexpected happened to Mr. Li. When his resentful eyes turned to Yang Tao, Yang Wenqin, who had been silent, suddenly burst out.

Yang Wenqin reached over the table, picked up the ashtray on the table, and hit Mr. Li hard on the head. In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and Mr. Li fell to the ground.

"Ah!" Yang Tao was frightened by this scene and screamed.

But Yang Wenqin did not stop. He sat on Mr. Li's body and hit Mr. Li's head again and again with a heavy ashtray.

After about seven or eight heavy blows, Mr. Li passed out and Yang Wenqin stopped.

At this time, Yang Tao immediately rushed forward, hugged him tightly, and asked eagerly: "What are you doing? Don't you know that if you commit a crime now, the consequences will be serious?"

Although Yang Tao's words revealed complaints, they were more concerned about Yang Wenqin's safety.

However, Yang Wenqin seemed disapproving.

He smiled and relit the cigar that had just been extinguished, took Carambola's hand and said, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I have nothing to do with it. Come with me to the police station."

"You want to surrender?" Yang Tao was very surprised.

"Can't I surrender?" Yang Wenqin smiled slightly, "Let's go, you accompany me all the way, and then make some phone calls for me."

Hearing this, Yang Tao already understood Yang Wenqin's intention. He needs to help himself and contact his good friends.

The two men then headed to the nearest police station under the leadership of the driver. In the car, they had contacted several friends who were willing to lend a helping hand and made corresponding arrangements.

As for Yang Wenqin's beating of Mr. Li, they will take a special approach to solve it. At most, they will just compensate some money.

For Yang Wenqin now, money is just a number. After all, not all the money in his hands belongs to him.

Until the company becomes profitable, all assets are borne by his sponsors, who are willing to pay for his expenses.

When Yang Wenqin arrived at the police station with Yang Tao, he stopped the car at the door and said to Yang Tao: "You can go back now. I will take care of the rest. Don't worry."

"Take care of your family. I estimate that I can go back in three to five days. If anyone asks about the situation at the company, tell the truth about what happened today so that everyone can feel at ease and don't worry about me. Do you understand?"

Yang Wenqin seemed very calm at the moment, while Yang Tao looked at him, a little at a loss, "Is there really no problem? I always feel that if you deal with it yourself, something bad might happen. After all, you have just been released soon."

However, Yang Wenqin's attitude was very firm, "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about anything, just do what I say. I will be fully responsible for the rest."

Although he was a little reluctant, Yang Tao didn't say anything more.

The two looked at each other speechlessly. After a while, Yang Tao watched Yang Wenqin walk into the police station.

At this time, the driver asked Yang Tao: "Madam, do you think we should go home or go to the company now?"

Yang Tao thought for a moment and decided to visit Liu Youran first.

In addition to wanting to know about the other party's situation, she also wanted to go to Jiang An's company to talk to Jiang An. Yang Wenqin said before that the person who can really help him may be Jiang An.

"Okay, let's leave now." The driver asked her to get in the car, and then the two of them went straight to Liu Youran's unit.

However, when they arrived at the building, they found that Liu Youran was not in the company today, but was out negotiating business. In desperation, Yang Tao had to return to his company first.

At the same time, Yang Wenqin at the police station was being questioned.

He truthfully explained what he had done and elaborated on the situation at the scene.

The police still have an impression of him, because the police station where Yang Wenqin surrendered this time was the same place where he was arrested last time.

It can be said that everyone was deeply impressed by him and not surprised by his behavior this time. The police even felt that Mr. Li's actions were even more excessive.

(End of this chapter)

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