Chapter 936 Phantom Cat

"Yang Wenqin, this is your second time in the palace. Counting the mistakes you have made before, they are countless."

The case handler looked at Yang Wenqin and couldn't help but sigh, "However, your current state is different from before. If it were you before, you would definitely make a fuss here, right?"

"I stopped doing that a long time ago." Yang Wenqin laughed, and then asked the case handler, "Can you give me a cigarette?"

"Okay, we are old friends, and no one will embarrass you. Your records have just been completed, and one more thing is that there has been a call from above. I hope we can help you mediate. I'll see you then. Let’s see what the guy named Li will do.”

Yang Wenqin held a cigarette in his mouth and said slowly: "No matter what he does, I feel that I should beat him up. After all, he shouldn't look at my girlfriend like that. I always feel that there is something in his eyes about me. Girlfriend was threatening and humiliated.”

"Actually, we never thought that you actually found a girlfriend."

In fact, the person handling the case and Yang Wenqin can be regarded as true friends.

In addition to handling his cases before, the two also have a relatively good relationship in private. This is one of the reasons why Yang Wenqin chose to surrender here.

Yang Wenqin sighed slowly while smoking: "Actually, I don't know why I am with her, but I always feel that after the two of us are together, she seems to be of great help to me."

"All in all, we feel pretty good after we get together. And no matter what, as her boyfriend, I have the responsibility to protect her safety, don't I?"

"But your behavior is really too much. We cannot accept Yang Wenqin's behavior of beating people. You should remember that you are a businessman and a citizen. No one can hit you, but you can't hit others casually."

"Don't worry, I won't hit anyone casually."

Yang Wenqin smiled slightly, with a bit of disdain in his eyes, "Everyone I beat was a bastard. Let's put it this way, I was beaten before on the Huangpu River, but I didn't say anything."

"Do you still feel aggrieved?"

The person handling the case smiled and said, "Actually, we also understood the situation at that time, and the other party had surrendered. However, due to some circumstances and the fact that you yourself did not pursue the case, the matter was over and there has been no publicity to the outside world. But You should know why people hurt you, right?"

Yang Wenqin nodded heavily, "No matter what happened before, it is over now. Jiang An and I are already good friends. As for Lin Qingyou, there is not much conflict between us."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. You can smoke quickly, and we will investigate Mr. Li's situation later. If there is no problem, you can go back now."

"That's great, I still have people waiting for me at home." Yang Wenqin smiled slightly. At this time, the case investigator asked his colleagues to temporarily take Yang Wenqin to a nearby lounge to wait.

In any case, since he has beaten someone, he needs to deal with it according to the procedures. He cannot open the door for Yang Wenqin just because of their relationship.

Jiang An didn't know what happened in the magic city. He was enjoying a very dreamy opera - "A Cat" with Lin Xixi.

The specific story tells the story of a cat who, under the influence of magic, suddenly turns into a human and travels through different environments at the upper, middle and lower levels of society with no identity.

It uses its unique cat perspective and insight to analyze the changes and differences in the world. Although the story is full of fantasy, the opera also serves as a metaphor for many real-life situations.

The most important thing is that the lyrics and tunes of the entire opera are chosen very accurately, able to grasp and convey the atmosphere and emotions extremely accurately.

Coupled with the grand theater's top-notch sound, light, electricity, and stage art effects, the audience can be led into a dream-like fantasy world in an instant. Lin Xixi and the other girls have long been deeply immersed in this magical feeling.

And Jiang An also concentrated on the whole plot. He must admit that the plot was designed so perfectly.

When the actors sing the last note, the entire opera comes to an end.

This is not only a dreamlike adventure, but also marks the beginning of a new dream journey.

Jiang An looked at the slogan hanging on the wall of the Opera House and said with deep feeling: "Xixi, look at the decoration of the Sydney Opera House and their stage effects, do they perfectly interpret the essence of this sentence?"

"Of course!"

Lin Xixi was still immersed in the plot just now. She imagined that if she could become a kitten, she might have a new and unique understanding and feeling of the world.

"Okay, stop fantasizing, let's go back first." Jiang An glanced at his watch. It was already late at night, and after watching an opera, they all felt a little hungry.

So the question is, what should you eat when you are hungry? Just when everyone was hesitant, Manager Zhang suddenly walked over quickly from the side.

During the entire opera performance, although Manager Zhang was present, he was not in the same private room with Jiang An and his party. He knew his responsibilities well and knew that he should give his guests enough private space.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think of this opera?" Manager Zhang walked up to them, his face immediately filled with smiles.

Jiang An nodded in praise, not only praising the opera, but also expressing high appreciation for Manager Zhang's thoughtful arrangements.

"You're very grateful. As long as you are satisfied, I will be satisfied."

Manager Zhang still maintains a humble attitude.

Then, he asked Jiang An and others: "At this time, do you plan to go back to the hotel to rest, or do you want to eat something? The specialty of Sydney is pure British meals, of course it is not just as simple as fish and chips, we There are still many ancient delicacies from the Victorian era preserved here.”

"Then let's go taste these British delicacies." Jiang An smiled and led the group out of the Sydney Opera House.

At this time, Manager Zhang ordered the driver to drive over immediately.

"Shouldn't we go back to the hotel for dinner?" Zhang Zhejie asked doubtfully.

Manager Zhang shook his head, "The food in the hotel is not special. If we want to taste authentic British dinner and Victorian-style delicacies, we have to find some special shops."

Indeed, no matter where you are, the real delicacies and specialties are often hidden in those alleys.

Under the leadership of Manager Zhang, Jiang An and his party came to Dihua Division Road.

This main artery in Sydney's east is bustling with traffic and people.

There are many branches on both sides of the road, and the destination of their trip is a unique little Victorian restaurant on one of the branches.

From the decoration to the dishes sold, this restaurant reveals a strong Victorian style.

Manager Zhang led them into this street and introduced them enthusiastically: "As you can see, the end of this street is full of Victorian era features."

"And this small shop we chose is one of the best. What they are most famous for is not just the dishes, but the tableware that carries the delicious food. Each piece is an antique that is hundreds of years old."

Zhang Zhejie suddenly asked curiously: "Wait a moment, Manager Zhang, do you mean that these tableware are from hundreds of years ago. Are they inherited, or did they acquire them from somewhere?"

He secretly thought that if these tableware were acquired, they might involve some unexplainable problems.

Zhang Zhejie wisely chose to remain silent. He did not want to spoil everyone's happiness by talking too much.

Manager Zhang obviously understood his concerns and immediately explained: "Their tableware has been passed down. This store has been in business since the mid-Victorian period and has been operating to this day. Although it was suspended for a period due to the war. time, but this has not affected the legacy of this store.”

"It is said that the owner of this store also participated in the subsequent wars, and each generation of his family seems to have some connection with the war. Some people say that this store is actually to maintain the style and style of the war soldiers of that era. taste."

Although Manager Zhang’s story was told vividly, to Jiang An’s ears, it was just a publicity stunt by the store.

He knew the Victorian era and the subsequent history of Australia very well, and he knew that it would be impossible for such a British restaurant to survive to this day.

As for the reasons, it is not convenient for Jiang An to tell directly, because it involves some complex issues in history.

Of course, he didn't say this directly, because Jiang An was not sure that the information he obtained must be accurate. This can only be said to be a personal conjecture on his part.

At this moment, several people have arrived in front of the store.

Manager Zhang formally introduced the store to everyone: "Please see, the front of this store is decorated with a Victorian palace-style porch design, which is very unique and elegant."

"The coat of arms on both sides of the porch is also worthy of your careful viewing. These coats of arms mainly use elements such as flying dragons, knights, and flames. These are classic symbols of the Victorian era, symbolizing nobility and glory."

(End of this chapter)

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