Chapter 937 The Age of Heroes
Manager Zhang continued to introduce to everyone at this moment: "In the Victorian era, it was an era praised by foreigners as a time when heroes emerged in large numbers. They admired stories of warriors, just like a knight defeating a flying dragon."

He specifically described the "dragon" as a "flying dragon" because he felt that the perception of dragons abroad was completely different from that in China.

The domestic dragon symbolizes holiness, while abroad, the dragon often represents greed.

This difference also reflects the understanding of dragons in different cultures. Foreigners believe that defeating flying dragons is to obtain treasures, and this predatory idea is deeply rooted in their cultures.

"What a heroic age, I don't think so."

Zhang Zhejie retorted, "What our country has developed into at that time, that is the real big country in history. In comparison, the Victorian era is simply vulnerable."

Manager Zhang nodded and agreed: "Indeed, if compared with our country, the Victorian era is nothing. But if compared with Western countries, it is different. For other Western countries at that time, Victoria The times are indeed full of heroism.”

"Okay, let's go eat quickly."

Zhang Zhejie was really hungry, and he was not very interested in Victoria's story.

However, Lin Qingyou has a different view: "I think we should listen to these stories. After all, it will be helpful if we make games in the future."

Although Zhang Zhejie was a little helpless, he still chose to respect Lin Qingyou's ideas.

What really matters to them is work. So, the group followed Manager Zhang into the restaurant and prepared to have dinner.

After hearing what they said, Manager Zhang continued to explain in depth: "In the decoration and architectural style of the Victorian era, in addition to classical elements, we can also observe the budding ideas of plunder. Please follow me."

Manager Zhang led everyone to a sculpture and explained: "As you can see, this sculpture depicts the scene of a knight defeating a dragon. But please observe carefully. There is no treasure in the hands of the dragon. The treasure is actually hidden in the dragon's hand. In the cave behind it, there is a dazzling light."

"This means that the knights killed the dragon in its lair. But there is a question here," Manager Zhang asked a thought-provoking question, "Is this really a dragon?"

He directed everyone to continue reading, "There is also a small dragon and several dragon eggs in this scroll. The dragon eggs are piled on the treasure. This implies that these dragons need to use these treasures to hatch the dragon eggs."

"However, the knights killed the dragon and took the treasure, causing the remaining dragon eggs to fail to hatch. In the Victorian era, this was seen as a symbol of heroism, but from our modern perspective, isn't this the beginning of predatoryism? ?"

Manager Zhang said and led everyone to the next picture scroll, "Please look at this engraved illustration. It is different from the previous one. This was carved before the Victorian era. The dragon on it is not ferocious and is similar to the knight. It’s an alliance.”

"We all know that in Western legends, there are special heroes like dragon knights. They are a combination of dragons and knights, and are sometimes depicted as being able to transform into dragons."

"People of that era believed more in heroism and supernatural powers. But with the end of the pre-Victorian era and the advent of the Victorian era, all this changed. These are recorded in many ancient monuments in Australia."

"So, their understanding of dragons also began to change during this period, right?" Lin Qingyou keenly captured the core issue in the comparison of the two scrolls.

Manager Zhang gave a clear response to his statement: "You are right, all changes occurred in the pre-Victorian era and the transition from the Victorian era, which marked a change in thinking in the entire Western society."

"Moreover, you can see that the carving methods of these two engraving scrolls are also completely different." Manager Zhang gently stroked the engraving scroll and guided everyone to carefully observe the marks of the carving knife. "Look, the previous carving knife was relatively generous. The execution of the knife was also very precise; but in the Victorian era, the knife technique on the carved scrolls became more rough. Although it lost its previous precision, it still maintained a strong sense of artistry. "

"So, when foreign countries make games with the same contemporary background, they often confuse this, right?"

Jiang An also discovered a key link, "If we can incorporate this change into similar games or game textures, will it create a new chapter in the international market?" Manager Zhang smiled slightly, Expressing praise to Jiang An and others: "Mr. Jiang, your vision is really unique. In fact, many people will not notice this. After all, there is not much difference between the Victorian era before and after."

However, Jiang An shook his head, his point of view was different from Manager Zhang: "The entire Victorian era is not a static era. Just like every dynasty in history, from the beginning to the end of the dynasty, all the experiences and customs in between Human relationships evolve over time.”

"The same is true for the Victorian era. Since the artistic structures of the pre-Victorian era and the post-Victorian era are different, the core themes they display will also be different. If these details can be restored in the game, it will definitely bring unexpected surprises. reward."

Jiang An pulled Lin Qingyou, pointed at the carving and said: "Look at this dragon carving, it is a two-legged flying dragon, and the one at the back is a four-legged flying dragon with two sets of wings. This symbolizes people's love for the sky and the earth. different fantasies.”

"That's right, if we can integrate the two-legged flying dragon and the four-legged flying dragon and cleverly use them in the game textures, then the whole picture will be more realistic and the elements will be richer." Lin Qingyou said excitedly. Take out your phone and start taking quick photos of these precious carvings.

Recalling his days studying in Australia, he never noticed these details. If Jiang An hadn't mentioned it today, he might still have missed these inspirations.

Jiang An and Lin Qingyou quickly got into working mode, which made Zhang Zhejie and others feel a little helpless.

Zhang Zhejie rubbed his stomach and reminded: "You two, we are here for vacation now. It's okay if you want to work, but can we wait until after dinner? These paintings are placed here. They can't escape. After eating It’s too late to watch again.”

Jiang An realized that he was too involved, so he responded with a smile: "That's right, let's go in now. I'm also looking forward to tasting the delicacies of the Victorian era."

Under the guidance of Manager Zhang, they entered the restaurant.

The decoration and atmosphere in the restaurant made them feel like they had traveled back to the Victorian era. All the surrounding elements revolve around that era, making people feel like they are in the long river of history.

Lin Xixi sighed: "Oh my God, this feeling is so great! I seem to have put on a tutu skirt and girded my belt, just like a nobleman of that era." She straightened up involuntarily, Show elegance.

"Okay, let's eat first, and we'll talk about the rest later." Jiang An didn't want to tell Lin Xixi too much about that era, lest it affect her appetite. After all, every era has its cruel side, even the era that is promoted as a very beautiful era by the world is no exception.

Since we want to taste local specialties, the task of ordering is naturally left to Manager Zhang, who is well versed in this matter.

Soon, the dishes they ordered were served one after another.

However, the British cuisine in front of them was very different from what Jiang An and others had imagined before.

Everyone knows that the representative of British cuisine is fish and chips, but at this moment, there is no trace of these two on their tables, replaced by various stews.

Some are based on beans, some are meat-based, and some are a mix of various ingredients. Although it smells great, the presentation is a bit unsatisfactory.

Looking at the food, Lin Xixi's appetite suddenly disappeared. She looked at Manager Zhang in confusion, "Is this what people in that era ate?"

"Absolutely." Manager Zhang responded, "Although we can't be completely sure that people in that era only ate these foods, the general cooking methods and ingredients should not have changed much. Moreover, we can ensure the taste of these dishes. It’s almost the same as back then.”

Lin Xixi nodded. However, in her opinion, it would take considerable courage to enjoy these foods.

(End of this chapter)

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