Chapter 938 Prepare to see kangaroos

Lin Xixi's expression betrayed her heart. Although she didn't say anything, she obviously didn't have much interest in the food on the table.

Jiang An also felt a little disappointed. He looked at Manager Zhang and asked, "Does this store only have these kinds of food?" He was thinking that if the dishes were limited, they could simply eat some and then switch to another store. No matter what, he must ensure that Lin Xixi eats well.

However, Manager Zhang shook his head, "What I just ordered are all specialties from the Victorian era. If you are not used to it, there are also normal British dishes in the store, such as the very famous fish and chips."

Lin Xixi thought about it and decided to muster up the courage to taste it. "No need to give it a try. Otherwise, it will be a waste of people's efforts. Besides, not everyone has the opportunity to eat such English food." style food.”

Manager Zhang agreed: "Madam is right, these dishes may not look like much, but when you actually eat them, they still taste very good."

He introduced that he is a frequent customer of this store. Every time a customer comes to Australia and needs to be entertained, he will give priority to this store.

Although the store is not big, the overall style is luxurious and it treats customers with great respect. Coupled with the special delicacies in the store, it enhances the style of the entire restaurant.

He believes that for anyone who comes to a new environment, what they most want to taste is the most unique local food, rather than the cookie-cutter ready-made dishes in big hotels.

As soon as Manager Zhang finished speaking, Lin Xixi no longer hesitated and took the lead in serving a bowl of stewed beef.

This dish uses seven or eight different spices and is paired with some chickpeas. It has a soft and fragrant taste, but with a strong creamy taste.

"Is there any fresh cream added to this soup?" Lin Xixi asked curiously while eating.

Manager Zhang gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, fresh cream is indeed added to it. In addition to cream, yogurt fermented according to ancient methods is also used."

The ancient method he mentioned refers to the traditional production method in the British period.

Compared with the later yogurt, this yogurt tastes more sour and has a more mellow taste. If eaten directly, most people may find it difficult to accept its taste.

Lin Xixi nodded and continued tasting. Although he found the taste of these yogurts to be a bit strong, it stimulated his taste buds.

At this moment, while Lin Xixi was tasting, Jiang An also tried other dishes one by one and recommended them to everyone: "Everyone should try this dish. I think it tastes very good." He suddenly ate a stewed bean dish and was attracted by the special flavor. Attracted by the aroma of beans.

Upon seeing this, Manager Zhang introduced: "This bean stew is actually very special. It uses seven different kinds of beans and the stew time is also very long."

"Therefore, only some beans that are not easy to stew remain intact, and the rest are melted in the soup. This can be understood as a general stew of refried beans, but due to the unique seasoning, the taste of this refried beans is more mellow than ordinary ones. If it can be paired with some toasted crispy bread, the taste will be even better. ”

While speaking, Manager Zhang had already handed the bread to Jiang An.

This kind of bread has a strong wheat aroma, and the way it is baked makes the whole bread exude a special wheat aroma.

"Mr. Jiang, you can try pairing this bread with refried beans. I believe it will bring you a whole new taste experience."

Jiang An responded and then spread the bean paste on the slices of bread.

When the wheat-flavored bread meets the unique flavor of refried beans, it really brings a different taste, and the taste levels are also greatly enriched.

While everyone was enjoying their food, a restaurant staff member came over enthusiastically.

He went straight to Manager Zhang and asked him if he was satisfied with today's dishes. As a regular customer here, it is not surprising that Manager Zhang is familiar with the store staff. However, to everyone's surprise, the clerk could speak fluent Mandarin.

Zhang Zhejie looked at the clerk and asked with a slightly teasing tone: "Did you learn Mandarin from him?"

The waiter shook his head, "I learned Mandarin in a regular school. In fact, you don't know that there are many people here who can speak Mandarin, and I am just one of them, and my academic performance is not particularly good."

"We had a chef here before, and his Mandarin was really good. He could easily control whether it was Mandarin or some dialects." "Really? Is our Mandarin so widely used abroad now?" someone asked curiously.

The waiter nodded affirmatively, "Of course, your country is so powerful now, and everyone wants to know more about the related culture. Many people even dream of immigrating to your country."

The words of the waiter in the store made everyone feel very proud.

At this time, Manager Zhang suddenly asked the waiter for a special dish, which confused Jiang An and others. Since you want to eat this dish, you can just order it. Why do you need someone to give it to you? And the waiter's expression seemed troubled.

In China, stores usually try their best to meet the requirements of regular customers, but due to cultural differences, foreigners may feel offended by this.

However, what is puzzling is that if the waiter feels disgusted, he can refuse directly, why should he look helpless and embarrassed? This made Zhang Zhejie feel a little unhappy.

"If you don't think it's appropriate to give this dish as a gift, then don't give it away. Why do you have to look so sad?" Zhang Zhejie asked.

The waiter explained helplessly: "Sir, I didn't mean that. But, can you give me another dish as a gift? Our head chef is very reluctant to make this dish."

"Why?" As soon as Zhang Zhejie asked, Manager Zhang gave the answer, "Because this dish takes a long time to make and requires the chef to stir-fry constantly, so their head chef doesn't like to cook it. After all, he He is a very lazy person.”

After Manager Zhang finished speaking, he laughed, but the waiter still kept a serious expression, "You must stop talking nonsense. If the head chef hears it, he will definitely scold me again."

Manager Zhang comforted: "It doesn't matter. Just tell him that I want to eat this dish and ask him to cook it now. Believe me, he will definitely accept it. As for whether he scolds you or not, I don't know, but brother , for the sake of the tip, would you like to help me? "

As Manager Zhang said, he took out a hundred Australian dollars and stuffed it into the waiter's pocket, which made the waiter speechless.

After receiving the tip, the waiter's attitude was obviously different from before, "Okay, I'm going to tell the chef now, but I don't know if he will agree. I can only try my best to help you fight for it."

"Just trying your best is not enough." Manager Zhang took out another hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to him, "Can you help us serve this dish now?"

The waiter took the tip seemingly helplessly, then quickly turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Looking at his back, Zhang Zhejie's curiosity was aroused, "What kind of dish is it that requires two tips before you are willing to communicate with the chef?"

However, Manager Zhang’s answer surprised them, “Actually, this is just an ordinary stir-fry dish, but the frying time is longer and the meat slices several centimeters thick need to be fried continuously.”

"The whole process may take a long time. I haven't calculated how long it will take. It depends on the size of the fire and the quality of the meat. But one thing I can assure you is that this dish is their family's reserved dish and has never been made public. It was sold. I had eaten it before because the chef was willing to give it to me.”

"So now I want to present this dish to everyone, after all, this is their real specialty."

Manager Zhang smiled slightly, and Jiang An and others did have a new feeling at this moment. They had never heard of what cooking was like in the Victorian era.

Everyone is looking forward to this dish that requires two tips to taste.

"Do you think the taste of this dish is particularly special?" Lin Xixi thought, and she could more or less construct the taste of this dish in her mind.

Ruojia and Ningning also have their own imaginations, "I think this should be a sweeter dish. After all, in the Victorian era, sugar was relatively precious and could only be enjoyed by nobles and rich people. And such a troublesome dish can only be enjoyed by Only nobles are qualified to taste it.”

Ningning's idea makes sense, and Ruojia also added, "Because this dish requires constant frying, it means that the wok required is very special. Combined with the level of science and technology at that time, ordinary people are absolutely I can’t afford it. This kind of pot can support long-term stir-frying.”

Several girls were discussing very clearly, but Jiang An just smiled and said nothing at the moment.

Because a classic Victorian dish suddenly flashed through his mind, but that dish had nothing to do with the rich. As for the nobility, they might have never even heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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