Chapter 939 Kangaroo Boxing Champion
At Manager Zhang's insistence, the chef finally presented the dish that he had longed for.

However, when Zhang Zhejie and others saw the dish, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Although the colors of the stir-fried dishes on the plate are rich, the knife work is quite messy. The ingredients are cut into various shapes, strips, blocks, and slices are mixed together, and the color lacks a bright and bright feeling.

Indeed, when it comes to cooking skills, there is probably no one in the world who can match our domestic chefs. They use various techniques such as frying, stir-frying, boiling, deep-frying, stewing, boiling, stewing, and stewing to create a variety of wonderful dishes.

Facing the dish in front of him, Zhang Zhejie had some doubts about Manager Zhang's recommendation.

If the quality of the food is limited to this, it seems that you don’t need to tip that much.

But Manager Zhang smiled and explained: "Although this dish does not look very good, its taste is unique. It combines seventeen or eight kinds of ingredients, and the various flavors are intertwined. In theory, you can taste more than a hundred A taste.”

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand and interrupted: "To put it bluntly, isn't this just a hodgepodge?"

"You can understand it that way," Manager Zhang still maintained a smile, "Eat it while it's hot. This dish tastes best when it's hot."

A few people chatted while eating, and quickly finished the plate of stir-fried vegetables.

Although the taste is acceptable, there is still a big gap compared with domestic stir-fries.

After eating this dish, although everyone was full, they still felt unsatisfied.

Zhang Zhejie sighed: "This late-night snack allowed me to appreciate the so-called ancient British cuisine."

There was some dissatisfaction in his words.

Manager Zhang told him that in addition to this dish, they also specially ordered several domestic cold dishes at the hotel and had them delivered to everyone's rooms.

In fact, it is not difficult to eat domestic food here. The hotel we are staying in now has a domestic chef responsible for cooking.

This is not only because our country’s cuisine is world-renowned, but also because many guests come here but are not used to British food. Driven by guest demand, the hotel has naturally added a variety of domestic dishes.

Manager Zhang's words are true, but Jiang An and the others believe that the main reason why the hotel has added domestic dishes is that the country is becoming increasingly prosperous, and people have rich pockets and can travel to various countries around the world as they please.

Judging from the number of outbound tourists announced in recent years, our country has been in the top three for several consecutive years. This is a real strength, and the data does not lie.

When he returned to the hotel and saw the cold dishes placed in the room, Jiang An breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he hadn't eaten enough before, but he just didn't tell his friends because of his face.

"Teacher Jiang, try this spicy rabbit head. It tastes great!" Lin Xixi was attracted by the spicy aroma as soon as she entered the door and ran to the dining table impatiently.

Jiang An was no longer polite. The two of them cleared away the cold dishes on the table while watching TV. Although it is just a cold dish, the satisfaction it brings is far better than the previous big meal in the restaurant.

"Teacher Jiang, I found that only the food from our country suits my taste best." Lin Xixi leaned on the sofa, her belly was round, and her head rested on Jiang An's shoulder.

"I feel the same way. But since you're here to play, you have to do as the Romans do."

Jiang An sighed softly and stroked Lin Xixi's head, "Let's go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow we will go to the Sydney Zoo first, and then go to the nature reserve."

The two of them didn't say anything more. After taking a bath together, they were immersed in the sweet time. When they fell asleep, the moon was almost disappearing, as if they were about to take a break from get off work.

Although he slept very late last night, Jiang An still woke up on time according to his biological clock.

Although there is a time difference between Sydney and China, for Jiang An, this will not disrupt his schedule.

However, when Lin Xixi opened her eyes, she looked a little tired, "Teacher Jiang, can you give me a glass of cold Coke? I need to refresh myself."

"Do you want to drink ice coke early in the morning?" Jiang An looked at Lin Xixi with helplessness in his eyes. But in the end, he agreed to the little girl's request, "Please wait a moment, but you can only add a piece of ice."

"Teacher Jiang, why don't you give me another piece of ice?"

Lin Xixi lay on the bed and said coquettishly.

But Jiang An chose to ignore it, because he knew very well that once he looked at this little girl for a moment, it would be difficult for him to refuse any of her requests.

Jiang An handed the ice coke to Lin Xixi's hand. Sure enough, after the little girl drank one cup, she felt much more energetic. "Okay, Teacher Jiang, I have regained my energy! Now I am going to take a shower. You can wait a moment." Contact them, don’t you plan to go to the zoo to see kangaroos today?”

Seeing Lin Xixi giving orders, Jiang An felt a little speechless, "You little girl, you gave me orders just after you woke up. But okay, you go and do your work, I will simply pack things up." Because. Going to see the kangaroos, Jiang An felt that they should change into some clothes suitable for playing, and they couldn't go in suits and leather shoes.

Also, you must choose comfortable shoes so that you can fully enjoy today’s journey.

When everything was ready, Jiang An got in touch with Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou. Afterwards, the group of people came downstairs of the hotel, where Manager Zhang was already waiting here in advance.

"Mr. Jiang, let's leave now." Manager Zhang said.

Compared with other internationally renowned zoos, Sydney Zoo has no particularly outstanding advantages.

But as the capital of Australia, it has the largest number of kangaroos in the world, as well as some unique Australian animals. After Manager Zhang arranged everything, Jiang An and others officially entered the park to play.

Although the structure of this zoo is very different from that in China, the animal species are generally similar, but you can enjoy some different scenery.

However, just when Lin Xixi and others felt their interest waning, a sign suddenly appeared in front of them and attracted their attention.

The sign clearly read: "Welcome to visit the Kangaroo Boxing Champion's studio."

"What does this mean?" the three little girls asked curiously. Jiang An also turned his attention to Manager Zhang.

It turns out that this zoo has a very special part, which is the kangaroo boxing match.

Although this is a kind of animal performance, a few years ago, a young kangaroo in the zoo defended his title and went on to fight all the opponents and even became a world star because of his boxing prowess.

In order to vigorously develop tourism, the zoo established him as a kangaroo boxing champion, built a studio for him, and even invited a world-class boxing agent for him. It is said that this agent's annual income is as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Oh, even Kangaroo's agent makes so much money," Zhang Zhejie sighed. "After I go back this time, I will definitely develop the company. I won't say surpass those big manufacturers, but at least be on par with them."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang," Jiang An smiled slightly, "If you were poor, there would be no poor people in the world."

Later, several people walked into the Kangaroo Boxing King's studio.

It has to be said that all the facilities here are the same as those of a normal boxer's studio, including training tables, training grounds, and computers and other equipment needed for administration.

At this time, a staff member wearing coaching uniforms came over to them and asked in the native Australian language: "Excuse me, what are you here for? This is the boxing champion's lounge and studio. You are not allowed to do anything without an invitation." Entered.”

Apparently, the invitation he was talking about was the tickets to the zoo.

Manager Zhang immediately handed the ticket to the other party.

After carefully checking the tickets, the staff's attitude immediately became enthusiastic and began to greet them warmly. Manager Zhang acted as their translator at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, he said he would take us to see the boxing champion's studio in full, and he would also introduce the boxing champion to us," Manager Zhang conveyed.

Jiang An and others were very interested, so under the leadership of the staff, they carefully visited every aspect of the boxing champion's studio.

Later, under the recommendation of this staff member, they finally met the legendary kangaroo boxing champion.

Jiang An has watched several world-class boxing matches before and took photos with the boxers in the arena.

Compared with those boxers, Jiang An always felt like a broken telegraph pole, short and thin.

However, when he saw the kangaroo boxing champion today, the feeling of a telegraph pole was completely gone.

Jiang An only felt that he looked extremely small in front of the kangaroo boxing champion.

He didn't expect that the kangaroo stood more than two meters tall, and its strong chest muscles looked like a solid concrete wall.

"Oh, my God, if I were punched by it, I would be sent away directly." Zhang Zhejie exclaimed and took a step back involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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