Chapter 940 Boxing Match Interpretation

Lao Zhang's timid behavior triggered Lin Qingyou's ridicule, "When did you become so timid? Look at this kangaroo, isn't it very friendly?"

Lin Qing said, and was about to step forward to shake hands with the kangaroo boxing champion, but was hurriedly stopped by the staff.

"Sir, please don't do this," the staff explained. "The boxing champion has a very bad temper. If you touch his hands now, he will think you want to challenge him to boxing."

After listening to Manager Zhang's translation, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Lin Qingyou's forehead.

He really wanted to shake hands with the Kangaroo Boxing Champion just now, but he was also slightly afraid in his heart.

In Lin Qingyou's eyes, the Kangaroo Boxing Champion's giant punch could break his head in half with just one blow.

If Zhang Zhejie hadn't been affected by his previous behavior today and wanted to show some masculinity in front of Ning Ning, he would never have made such a risky move.

At this time, Jiang An asked the staff: "Can we only stand face to face with the boxing champion like this?"

The reason why he asked this was because he noticed Lin Xixi's eager expression.

Jiang An was not sure what this little girl would do, so he hurriedly communicated with the staff to avoid the possible consequences of Lin Xixi's sudden behavior.

Fortunately, the staff told them that although they were not allowed to touch the Kangaroo Boxer at will, they would have the opportunity to watch its heroic performance in the ring later.

Half an hour later, the kangaroo boxing champion jumped onto the ring, and Jiang An and his party were also arranged in the best viewing position in the boxing ring.

"Mr. Jiang, I have watched the Kangaroo Boxing Champion match before, and it was indeed very exciting." Manager Zhang was still introducing them to them enthusiastically. However, at this time, a bell rang in the ring, and the boxing match officially began.

The boxing champion's opponent is also a kangaroo, and is actually a bit taller than it.

"Oh my god, how come there are such big kangaroos in Australia?" Lin Xixi exclaimed.

She felt that the kangaroo boxing champion just now was shocking enough, but the opponent that appeared now was actually a head taller than it. Such an animal could be called a giant beast.

"It's really amazing." Ning Ning also felt a little incredible, "Why are there no such big kangaroos in our domestic zoos?"

Ruojia explained on the side: "This is mainly a matter of climate. Also, such a big kangaroo is actually very aggressive. Domestic zoos, whether open or non-open, pay more attention to the safety of tourists. This is a people-oriented principle.”

"I see," Lin Xixi nodded, "I saw many kangaroos when I went to the zoo before, but they were all about the same height as me, and the tallest one only reached Lao Zhang's forehead."

"It turned out to be to protect everyone's safety." Ning Ning sighed.

"Shall we guess who of the two will win?"

At this time, Lin Qingyou suddenly proposed a bet, "The jackpot is that if the three of you win, I will buy a bag for each of you three. If the three of us win, then Please take us to dinner, and all the expenses will be paid by the three of you later, okay?"

"Okay," Ning Ning was the first to agree, but she made it clear in advance, "Even if we treat you to dinner, it will still be your money."

"I can't agree with what you say," Lin Qingyou suddenly became serious and stared at Ning Ning, "How can I have money? Don't all our money belong to you?"

Ning Ning retorted after hearing this: "Since you don't have a penny, what are you going to use to buy us bags?" Lin Qingyou was stunned by the question, and then he laughed innocently and turned his attention to Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie , "With the two of them here, do you think I still need to pay?"

Sure enough, good brothers are used to "trap".

Amidst the laughter, the three-on-three gambling game officially kicked off.

The girls firmly believe that the kangaroo boxing champion will win the championship, while Jiang An and the others have no choice but to bet on the taller kangaroo.

This seems to be a showdown without any suspense, and Jiang An is ready to lose money.

When the two kangaroos clashed fiercely in the ring, the atmosphere instantly reached a climax.

The audience cheered and cheered for the kangaroos.

The kangaroo boxing champion's punches are heavy, powerful and flexible, while the other kangaroo, relying on his height and stronger body, can withstand the boxing champion's attacks every time.

As the game progressed, Lin Xixi and others began to become nervous.

. Will the Kangaroo Boxing Champion really lose today?
The more he thought about it, the more punches the boxing champion seemed to receive. Not long after, it was forced to a corner of the ring.

"Oh my god, it's over now!" Lin Xixi exclaimed softly. Ruojia and Ningning also clenched their hands nervously.

Although this is just a game, the three girls are still very eager to win.

At the same time, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou were in high spirits.

They didn't expect that the god of luck would favor them so much.

However, Jiang An had a vague feeling that things were not that simple.

If the Kangaroo Boxer was so vulnerable, he wouldn't be hailed as a world-class star.

Sure enough, just when the boxing champion was forced into a corner and was about to be knocked out, the tall kangaroo suddenly made an incredible move - it used its tail as a support and kicked the boxing champion violently.

According to the rules of boxing, anyone who uses his legs will be sent off directly.

In this way, the Kangaroo Boxing Champion won again.

"Oh, let me go," Zhang Zhejie's mind was buzzing now, "Why do I feel that what we are watching is not a boxing match, but like a performance."

"To be honest, I also have such an illusion." Lin Qingyou hasn't reacted yet, but Jiang An thinks this is normal.

"You lost," Ruojia rushed directly to Lin Qingyou, "don't forget what you promised us."

"Don't worry, we do what we say."

Jiang An blocked the brothers behind him and said, "When we get out of here later, I will take you shopping, okay?"

"I don't want to go with you," Lin Xixi suddenly said with a bad smile, "The three of us have to go back to the hotel and wait. As for what to buy, it depends on your wishes. If we like it, then forget it; if we don't If you like it, hehe, just wait and see."

Although he was a little helpless, Jiang An was still very happy when he saw Lin Xixi looking so excited, "Okay then, leave this matter to us."

With the boxing match over, their visit to Sydney Zoo has come to an end.

After several people returned to the hotel together, the three girls went to the hotel gym to swim together.

Jiang An and the other three asked Manager Zhang to lead the way and found the best local luxury store.

"It's still the same old rule," Jiang An said. "When buying a bag, don't just buy one. You should bring several different ones back. Whether they like it or not, there will always be times when they can put it at home. And Buying something is not based on usage, on the contrary, it is a matter of intention.”

By the time Jiang An and the others came back from shopping, it was already evening. Lin Xixi and two other girls ordered a table of delicious food at the hotel and were waiting for their return.

After drinking and eating, Jiang An and others presented carefully prepared gifts - dozens of bags of different brands and styles, which made the three girls ecstatic.

However, apart from their joy, a practical problem faced them: How to transport so many bags back to the country?

"This is no problem," Manager Zhang dialed the phone at the side. "I can contact the logistics company now to ensure that these bags can be delivered to the country quickly and safely."

With the help of Manager Zhang, all problems were solved. After that, everyone went back to their rooms and prepared to have an early rest because they would be leaving Sydney tomorrow. However, even during the trip, Manager Zhang will accompany them and take care of them throughout the journey.

Lying on the bed, Jiang An looked out the window at the night view of Sydney, and felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. It felt like he didn't do anything substantial in Sydney.

However, Lin Xixi never forgot that night at the opera house, thinking that it was a memory worth cherishing. She picked up the photo album given by Jiang An from the bedside table and flipped through the pages.

"Teacher Jiang, look, we leave a few photos every time we travel, and this photo album is almost full." Lin Xixi suggested, "Shall we buy a new photo album after we return to the Magic City?"

She said with great expectation: "I want to record our past years and future time in this photo album. When we get married or grow old, we can show it to our children."

Jiang An hugged Lin Xixi tightly and was speechless. Because in his mind, he was imagining a more exciting drama.

He wanted to make this drama perfect, so he would not reveal any information until everything was settled.

And Lin Xixi, based on her understanding of Jiang An, also acquiesced to the other party's acquiescence. She was already thinking about how to fill up the new photo album as soon as possible after getting it. The photos taken over these years will become an eternal testimony of the emotions between them.

(End of this chapter)

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