Chapter 942 Fun Facts about Diving
Jiang An took Lin Xixi and started learning to dive on the Great Barrier Reef.

I have to say that Manager Zhang was indeed very well prepared for them.

All knowledge points about Great Barrier Reef diving have been compiled in detail into a document, and also equipped with relevant video materials.

Many of the contents in these videos have been made into animations, which look lively and interesting, which can more or less alleviate the boring feeling of learning.

However, despite this, it is still difficult for Lin Xixi and others to learn these diving knowledge.

This is not to say that the content prepared by Manager Zhang is not comprehensive enough, but because there are too many knowledge points to learn.

A variety of diving skills, coupled with her knowledge of marine life, made Lin Xixi feel that this was not just a game, but more like a severe test.

"Okay, Xixi, don't feel too uncomfortable."

Jiang An comforted her, "Aren't we here to have fun? Besides, I think it's good to learn some new knowledge while playing."

Lin Xixi shook her head. She told Jiang An that she didn't feel uncomfortable because of studying, but she hadn't felt like listening to a class in a long time.

But Jiang An didn't completely agree with her statement: "Little girl, what kind of class is this? I've never seen such a good-looking cartoon in any class."

"Where isn't it?"

Lin Xixi pouted and rested her head on Jiang An's shoulder, "Teacher Jiang, have you forgotten that we have cartoons like this in our college? It's both educational and entertaining. I think it's quite interesting. But it's not I know why, but when I see these colorful fish, I always feel like I’ve seen them before.”

After listening to her words, Jiang An nodded thoughtfully, seeming to understand something.

It turns out that Lin Xixi didn't find learning boring, but she was just a little "face-blind" about marine life.

This is actually not difficult to understand. After all, for non-seaside residents or people who have not specifically studied marine life, the strange fish and other creatures on the seabed are indeed easily dazzling.

"It's okay, little girl, I will help you remember all this." Jiang An said softly, gently holding Lin Xixi in his arms.

Jiang An's words immediately cheered up Lin Xixi, "Okay, this is what you said. I will try my best to remember it, but if there is something I can't remember, Teacher Jiang, you have to help me!"

"Don't worry." Jiang An kissed Lin Xixi's lips affectionately. At that moment, the two of them seemed to be connected by electricity and connected.

Afterwards, Jiang An continued to take her to study. At the same time, Zhang Zhejie and Ruojia are also facing considerable challenges.

The two of them looked at the educational video provided by Manager Zhang, with uncertain expressions on their faces.

Especially Zhang Zhejie, he knows nothing about these marine creatures, and now it is a kind of torture to force himself to learn to distinguish them.

He complained: "Otherwise, when I go diving on the Great Barrier Reef, I would just follow the instructor. Anyway, with the instructor and safety officer around, there shouldn't be any problems."

However, Ruojia held a different opinion: "We should learn it ourselves, so as not to encounter any trouble later. After all, we have to be responsible for ourselves and these staff members."

Zhang Zhejie said with a grimace: "That's what I say, but it's really difficult for me to learn these things."

Ruojia glared at him: "I don't care, if you can't learn, let's not go diving."

Looking at Ruo Jia's firm eyes, Zhang Zhejie did not dare to say anything more.

He thought to himself that the ancients could hang beams on their heads and spin their buttocks. Although he, Mr. Zhang, could not do that, it should not be difficult for him to distinguish some fish.

So, he made up his mind to overcome this difficulty.

The only couple who are passionate about learning are Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning.

In the room, they carefully studied the information sent by Manager Zhang and quickly concluded a special method that suited them.

The two people were already full of confidence at this time. They believed that they could identify most of the marine life in this information even without the help of safety officers and coaches.

The two days of study flew by, and on the third day, Manager Zhang invited a professional safety officer to conduct testing. After a lot of hard work, these three couples finally managed to pass the test. Although Zhang Zhejie and Lin Xixi lowered their overall score, everyone did not criticize them, but gave them care and support.

Now that safety has been ensured, the next thing they need to learn is diving skills.

There are many ways to dive, including snorkeling, deep diving and freediving. In the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, you can choose any type of diving.

In order to ensure everyone’s experience and safety, Manager Zhang suggested that they learn all diving methods.

Because this is a recreational trip and there is no need to obtain a safety level certificate, it is expected that within two or three days, they will have a general understanding of all diving methods. As long as you meet the requirements for solo diving, you can have fun on the Great Barrier Reef.

However, learning to dive is not easy. Jiang An and others studied for four or five days before they mastered all the diving methods and successfully passed the diving instructor's assessment.

"Oh, it's finally over!" Everyone cheered in unison, looking forward to the upcoming Great Barrier Reef adventure.

Zhang Zhejie, who had just finished the exam, collapsed directly on the beach. He didn't even have time to take off his diving equipment. He sighed: "I'm really too tired. How about we rest for another day and then start again?" Let’s dive.”

Everyone agreed and understood his proposal. Lin Xixi also sighed: "I didn't expect that diving would be so energy-consuming."

After saying that, she followed Zhang Zhejie's example, lying down next to Jiang An, resting her head on Jiang An's lap, and asked curiously: "Teacher Jiang, why do I feel that you still have so much physical strength? Is it because of your physical strength?" Never run out of time?"

Jiang An couldn't answer this kind of question directly, so he could only smile helplessly: "The main reason is that I learned how to control my physical energy consumption during the study process. I always feel like you are all trying to dive forcibly."

Hearing what Jiang An said, Lin Xixi became unhappy and pouted.

Seeing Lin Xixi's cute appearance, Jiang An quickly took back what he just said: "Okay, okay, I made a mistake. Don't let us heroine Lin be unhappy, okay?"

"I'm not unhappy at all."

Although Lin Xixi said this, it was obvious that she was a little emotional.

Jiang An gently held Lin Xixi in his arms, stroked her forehead and comforted her: "Little girl, don't show your temper here. Let's just rest for two days."

As soon as Jiang An said she could rest, Lin Xixi regained her strength instantly: "Teacher Jiang, this is what you said, don't regret it."

"Don't worry, when have I ever regretted it?" Jiang An said with a smile.

In the blink of an eye, another two days of rest time passed.

On the morning of the third day, the group finally started their diving trip on the Great Barrier Reef.

It has to be said that when they came to the Great Barrier Reef, even though they had not yet entered the water, they were already deeply attracted by the spectacular scene on the sea.

As the largest coral reef in the world, the Great Barrier Reef has nurtured tens of thousands of different species of life, creating a unique ecosystem.

In Australia, any act that damages the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem will be severely punished, because Australians firmly believe that the Great Barrier Reef not only belongs to them, but also to the entire world.

"This sounds a bit wrong," Zhang Zhejie joked while putting on diving equipment. "If they really think this is a treasure in the world, then why don't they let me break it off and take it home?"

Jiang An smiled slightly and responded: "It's useless for you to take these things back. If this coral reef can be preserved forever, it would actually be a good thing. Wouldn't it be better for such a huge coral reef for everyone to appreciate? Maybe you can take it home Over time, it was thrown away as waste.”

"Oh, Lao Jiang, I was just joking."

Zhang Zhejie sighed helplessly. At this time, everyone had their diving equipment fully dressed. Surprisingly, Manager Zhang also wore a diving suit, and she was actually a licensed diving instructor and also qualified as a safety officer.

She said to everyone apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't tell you before, I just hope you can learn diving skills and related knowledge more seriously. I obtained these two qualifications because my boss likes diving very much."

In fact, everyone understands Manager Zhang’s intentions and does not need to explain too much.

That's it for now, no need to say anything more.

Everyone started this diving trip with great expectations.

To be honest, everyone was a little excited. After all, they were about to come into contact with the largest coral reef group in the world.

The underwater world is colorful, and the sun shines through the sea, making the Great Barrier Reef appear more mysterious and vibrant.

Although this is a coral reef, there are still many corals thriving.

Several people swam underwater, letting marine life swim past them.

When encountering safe marine life, they will gently touch its body to feel the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

However, at this moment, they noticed a tourist who was also diving in the water in the distance, writhing in the water, and bubbles kept coming out around him.

The first reaction of several people was that the tourist might have drowned or there was something wrong with the diving equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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