Chapter 943 The desire to go home

Although several people from Jiang'an were also novice scuba divers, when they saw that something seemed to be wrong with the tourists' diving equipment, they quickly swam over without hesitation.

Manager Zhang also transformed into a lifeguard at this moment, rushing to the front.

They quickly rescued the tourist from the water.

However, to everyone's surprise, the tourist did not drown and his diving equipment was intact.

It turned out that he was just imitating drowning. He explained that he was actually a stuntman.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Jiang An apologized to the tourists while floating on the water.

The tourist smiled slightly and responded in less fluent Mandarin: "It doesn't matter, you are really a brave and helpful nation."

After this incident, they actually became friends.

After the dive, the stuntman invited them to lunch.

At the seaside, seafood is naturally the protagonist on the table.

However, since the Great Barrier Reef is a no-fishing zone, these seafood are transported from other waters.

At the dinner table, everyone talked freely and asked about the stuntmen's work and daily life.

This guest shared his various experiences at work with gusto. It must be said that as a stuntman, his life is indeed very exciting.

In his own words, his life is one adventure after another, and each adventure is like a new life.

"I really didn't expect that the life of a stuntman would be so exciting." Lin Xixi sighed, not forgetting to grab a crab leg in her hand. "I always thought that the lives of these actors are very different from the lives of us ordinary people. Woolen cloth."

Mr. Tourist continued to share his experience. He talked about the past of filming a movie with Tom Cruise.

Although he only had a small role in the film, the experience was of great significance to him and became an indelible memory.

He lamented: "You may not know that Tom Cruise almost never uses a body double when filming stunt scenes. Even if some scenes do require a body double, it is only because he had to do it in a hurry after he was injured. I I sincerely admire his professionalism.”

"To be honest, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do what he does."

Mr. Tourist's words were full of respect, and as a well-known top stuntman, Tom Cruise's life and work have been integrated into one, and together they have built his dream world.

Mr. Tourist also mentioned that Tom not only regards work as a platform to realize his dreams, but also constantly broadens his life horizons through work.

For example, he once obtained an airplane pilot's license. This move not only demonstrated his adventurous spirit, but also reflected his love and pursuit of life.

During that collaboration with Tom Cruise, Mr. Tourist was even lucky enough to have a scene opposite him.

He excitedly wrote down the title of the movie to share this unforgettable experience with everyone. The lunch lasted for nearly two hours. Everyone talked freely and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

However, when lunch was over and everyone was preparing to leave, Manager Zhang suddenly fell into deep thought.

On the way back to the hotel, he mysteriously said to everyone: "I think the guest we just met has an unusual identity."

"Don't tell me, he is Tom Cruise himself!" Mr. Zhang guessed excitedly.

But Manager Zhang shook his head, "That's not true, but his relationship with Tom Cruise should be very close. If I remember correctly, he should be one of Tom Cruise's agents."

"Oh my gosh, if I had known this was the case, I should have asked him for an autograph!"

Mr. Zhang regretted it greatly.

However, Jiang An believed that the reason why the other party did not reveal his identity was obviously because he did not want this identity to affect their friendship.

This unexpected encounter will undoubtedly become a good talk for them after dinner.

When Jiang An and his party returned to the hotel, Lin Xixi began to think about the next journey.

They had already visited the National Zoo and enjoyed the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, but the next destination left her feeling confused.

Although Australia has a vast territory and many scenic spots, those famous scenic spots on the Internet suddenly lost their appeal to Lin Xixi.

"Little girl, are you planning to return home now?"

Jiang An asked in surprise. After a brief hesitation, Lin Xixi nodded, "Yes, Teacher Jiang, I always feel that returning to China now is the most correct choice. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel homesick."

Jiang An directly agreed to her request without thinking too much.

In his opinion, even if Lin Xixi returns to China early, which may affect other people's schedules, he can leave Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou in charge of Manager Zhang while he accompanies Lin Xixi back to China.

Seeing Jiang An agreeing so readily, Lin Xixi was a little hesitant at the moment, "Do you think if I do this, it will affect everyone's interest?"

Jiang An smiled and said, "Now that you have said this, why are you worried about disturbing the fun?"

"Teacher Jiang, you shouldn't be teaching me, right?"

Lin Xixi suddenly pursed her lips.

In fact, she also knew that what she was doing might not be right, but for some reason, she just couldn't control her homesickness.

Just standing on the terrace of the hotel, what she saw in her eyes was not the scenery of Australia at all, but the motherland that haunted her.

She really wanted to go home.

"Okay, it's okay."

Jiang An comforted, "I'll go talk to Lao Zhang and the others in a moment. If they want to go back, we'll go together; if they still want to play, I'll ask someone to make arrangements. My friend has a career here. It’s very successful, and with Manager Zhang accompanying me, there should be no problem.”

That afternoon, Jiang An invited Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou to the hotel's coffee shop, and the three of them sat around a table.

Jiang An explained his thoughts to them. Zhang Zhejie couldn't help but feel surprised after hearing this, "When did our heroine Lin stop liking playing outside? She suddenly said she wanted to go home, Lao Jiang, shouldn't you have given her to Are you annoyed?"

Jiang An shook his head, "Do you think I'm that kind of person? Actually, I don't know what's going on. Since Xi Xi said so, I will discuss it with you. I can say hello to Manager Zhang. Then You guys are having fun here, and I can just go back and deal with the company's affairs."

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand, obviously he was on Jiang An's side and set his sights on Lin Qingyou.

In fact, Lin Qingyou had no other opinions.

His purpose of coming to Australia this time is very simple, that is, he wants to revisit the place where he once struggled, and hopes that a few girls can have fun here.

However, now that someone has brought up the idea of ​​going home, he thinks there is no harm in going back directly. After all, time and money are at their disposal.

"In this case, please tell Ningning and Ruojia."

Jiang An knew that his brothers were easy to talk to, but the two eldest ladies might not be so easy to deal with.

Girls always have their own thoughts. Sometimes they will be unhappy when nothing happens, and sometimes they can still smile when a lot of things happen.

"Don't worry," Zhang Zhejie slapped his thigh, "Can they not listen to what your Lin Xixi says? Anyway, Lin Nvxia is our guide. Wherever she points, we will rush to it."

His joke instantly made the atmosphere much more relaxed, and Jiang An also expressed his gratitude to the two of them.

Afterwards, he returned to the room and told Lin Xixi the outcome of the matter.

Lin Xixi felt very happy to hear everyone's understanding.

"Teacher Jiang, I'll tell you the truth. I really don't know what's wrong with me. I just feel so homesick all of a sudden. I especially want to go back to the Magic City and stand on the highest tower with you to overlook the night view of that city. ”

"No problem, this matter has been settled. You can simply clean up. I will contact Manager Zhang later to see what follow-up arrangements should be made."

"Although we can return to the country at any time, the necessary procedures still need to be processed. In addition, I have to tell Manager Zhang to cancel the subsequent schedule."

"When traveling, no matter what method you use, you are actually spending money every minute. Especially if someone has made arrangements for you in advance, you must say hello to them and never let them pay for it in vain."

Manager Zhang was very surprised by the news that Jiang An and others were returning to China, but he quickly nodded, "Okay, Mr. Jiang, let me contact my boss, or it would be best if you can contact my boss if it is convenient for you. Say."

Jiang An understood what he meant. Manager Zhang was worried that if he and his team left now, they would be blamed by the boss later.

"No problem, just don't worry. I've just called him. Thank you very much for your care these days." Jiang An said, taking out a small package from behind the chair, "This is what I carefully A gift for you.”

When he saw the souvenir, Manager Zhang stood up immediately and said, "Mr. Jiang, I can't accept this. It's too expensive." Although he didn't know what was inside, saying this highlighted Jiang An's status. , also expressed his respect for several people.

However, Jiang An's attitude was very resolute, "This is what we have prepared for you. It doesn't matter whether it is expensive or not. The key is that we are very grateful for your care these days, so please don't reject me."

(End of this chapter)

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