Chapter 944 The Sky of Magic City

In the end, Manager Zhang accepted Jiang An's carefully prepared gift and immediately started arranging the itinerary.

In the morning of the next day, Jiang An and his party had returned to Sydney. They planned to take a short rest here and then fly back to China tomorrow night.

Time flies and it’s time to board the plane in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xixi looked at the buildings at Sydney Airport and couldn't help but sigh.

Although Jiang An couldn't fully understand her emotions at the moment, he could detect a bit of determination in her expression, mixed with a trace of reluctance.

Girls' emotions are always so complex and elusive.

Jiang An once tried to figure out her thoughts, but as time went by, he gradually understood that instead of guessing, it was better to wait patiently for her to talk to herself.

It had been a long time since Jiang An tried to guess Lin Xixi's thoughts, because he knew that no matter how he guessed, it would be futile.

He suddenly recalled a song he heard when he was a child - "Don't Guess What a Girl is Thinking". Indeed, guessing is useless, it is better to wait for her to speak.

As the plane slowly took off, Jiang An and his party's trip to Australia also came to an end.

Sitting in the first class cabin, he gently held Lin Xixi's hand and asked gently: "Little girl, can you tell me now why you suddenly want to go home?"

Lin Xixi looked at him solemnly, her past laughter and joy gone, "Teacher Jiang, because I know a secret, a very, very serious secret."

Jiang An was stunned. He didn't realize there was anything wrong with him, so he asked doubtfully: "Girl, what happened? Don't look at me like that. I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

He turned away pretending to be trembling, and joked: "You are not usually like this, why do you seem to be a different person now?"

Lin Xixi looked at Jiang An solemnly, her big eyes shining with determination, "Are you really not going to tell me the truth? Or are you going to keep it from me like this?"

Jiang An felt a little overwhelmed.

He had no idea why Lin Xixi was so serious today, or whether he had done anything wrong.

Normally, he should discuss with Lin Xixi what the problem was, but Jiang An didn't do that.

He gently held Lin Xixi's head, hugged her into his arms, let her little head rest on his shoulder, and stroked her gently.

This moment of comfort made Lin Xixi gradually calm down, and she finally revealed the secret in her heart - this secret was related to Jiang An.

"Do you know what you said when you went to bed at night?" Lin Xixi asked.

"Can I still talk when I'm sleeping?" Jiang An looked at her in surprise. This seemed to be a paradox.

However, Lin Xixi's answer was very positive: "Teacher Jiang, you not only talked in your sleep, but also exposed your secret. I will give you a chance now. If you tell the truth, we can still get along well; if you don't tell the truth, , I will press you here and kiss you hard."

Jiang An knew this, and the little girl could do it, but the problem was that he really didn't know what he was hiding from her.

Seeing that Jiang An refused to say anything, Lin Xixi was really unhappy.

Because there were only a few of them in the first class cabin of this flight, she didn't have any scruples and pounced on Jiang An.

Facing Lin Xixi's violent attack, Jiang An had no choice but to endure it and surrender.

Facing such a lovely girl, who could bear to push her away?
Having said that, if the environment permits, Jiang An will definitely not be polite.

After a passionate kiss, Jiang An finally "surrendered."

Although he didn't know Lin Xixi's intentions, at this time, the smartest thing to do was to admit his mistake to classmate Lin Xixi.

No matter whether you are wrong or not, it is always wise to admit your mistake first and then talk about the rest later.

Jiang An's trick worked quite well for Lin Xixi.

The little girl looked at him admitting his mistake and couldn't help but let out a faint smile, "Teacher Jiang, look at how nervous you are. Since you said you didn't hide anything from me, there's no need to feel so uncomfortable." Jiang An felt very helpless. , he doesn’t know what to say now.

But looking at Lin Xixi's relaxed and happy look at the moment, he also slightly relieved his nervousness.

"Then can you tell me now what's going on?" Jiang An stared into Lin Xixi's eyes, hoping that she could give him a clear answer.

"Since you are so sincere, I will tell you." Lin Xixi laughed, then leaned close to Jiang An's ear and whispered to him in a low voice.

"It's like this. You were dreaming and talking in your sleep when you were sleeping at night. You told me that you would marry me after you returned to the Magic City. When I heard the news, I was so happy that I couldn't help it. Want to come back."

"I didn't tell you before in Australia because I was worried that you would feel a little rushed. But I really can't control my excitement. So Teacher Jiang, you won't be angry, right?"

Oh my God, Jiang An suddenly realized that he didn't expect that he would leak this news in his dream.

However, fortunately, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou chose to support him this time. Otherwise, if he really returned to Shanghai with exhaustion and started preparing for the wedding, these two good brothers would definitely not be able to continue traveling in Europe.

Although Lin Xixi's voice was not loud, the news spread quickly in the first-class cabin where there were only a few of them.

Zhang Zhejie, Lin Qingyou and others immediately gathered around.

"Lao Jiang, it's okay. You actually want to get married after returning from Australia, and you didn't tell us in advance."

Zhang Zhejie joked, "If we don't choose to come back with you this time, do we still have to buy another ticket to rush back? Or do you have no intention of letting us appear at your wedding?"

Faced with Zhang Zhejie's teasing, Jiang An hurriedly defended: "I didn't mean that originally. If we go back to marry Xixi, we will have to prepare for a while. I guess by then you will have finished playing and come back."

"Forget it."

Zhang Zhejie burst out laughing, "What does it matter whether we can go back or not? Anyway, as soon as you open your mouth, let alone Australia, we have to fly back obediently even to the ends of the world."

"However, since you are going to marry Lin Nvxia, shouldn't we both put the wedding on the agenda? How about we prepare together as we did during the engagement ceremony?"

"Of course that's good," Jiang An said with a smile, "I just don't know if the old people at home agree."

"Don't worry about this," Zhang Zhejie patted his chest, "You also know my grandfather's character. As long as I speak, he will never refuse."

Although Jiang An said that he was worried that the old men would be unhappy, in his heart, he had already thought about how to persuade the old people. At this time, the pressure shifted to Lin Qingyou.

Compared to Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie, Lin Qingyou's situation is still unknown.

But this time, Lao Lin showed a firm attitude: "If we want to hold a wedding, let's hold it together. I have made it clear to my family a long time ago, and the company is currently operating well and we have a certain economic foundation. It is It’s a good time to get married. Besides, I’ve long wanted to give Ningning an explanation.”

The three people had a strong consensus, and the three little girls also gathered together to discuss the group wedding excitedly and full of expectations.

Since marriage is mentioned, preparations must be put on the agenda. Details such as choosing a hotel and inviting guests need to be carefully studied.

Of course, the plane was not the right place to discuss these matters, so everyone decided to have a good rest first and discuss it in detail when they returned to the Magic City.

The air travel was fleeting, and Jiang An and his party arrived at the Magic City Airport at midnight.

Looking at this familiar city, everyone is filled with emotions.

"Come on, let's go home first." Jiang An smiled and led everyone to take a taxi back to their residence.

As soon as she got home, Lin Xixi couldn't wait to throw herself on the bed.

Although you can rest on a plane, it is not as comfortable as at home. She was excited and exhausted now, and to make matters worse, her stomach was growling with hunger.

"Teacher Jiang, can you get me something to eat?" Lin Xixi said weakly, "I feel like I'm going to faint from hunger now."

Faced with Lin Xixi's request, Jiang An naturally could not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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