Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 10 Five Star Fighters? Defeated in one move!

Chapter 10 Five-star fighter?Defeated in one move!
However, such a figure who is so popular among the stars is actually despised by others in this small city of Wutan.

That's right, just now, he noticed eyes falling on him and looked around.

I thought it was the admiration of a girl from the Xiao family, but I didn't expect that it was actually a handsome young man who was observing me.

The moment he saw the boy, Hormen knew that he had lost.

It wasn't that he noticed the young man's strength, but that this unknown young man was so handsome.

He was so handsome that Hermione, who considered herself to be very good-looking, felt a little inferior and didn't even dare to look at him.

However, after thinking about his own five-star fighter's strength, Hormeng instantly became confident again.

Although the young man in front of him looks far better than me, his strength is probably mediocre. What do I fear?
Thinking of this, Hormen raised his head, a proud look appeared in his eyes again, and nodded to the young man.

Hormen originally thought that the young man would be extremely excited when he saw himself, a five-star fighter, greeting him.

Unexpectedly, the young man curled his lips, turned around and whispered to the girl beside him, which made Hormen unable to hold himself tight.

"I, a 17-year-old five-star fighter and the proud son of Yunlan Sect, am actually despised by my peers in this small Xiao family?"

A surge of anger could not help but emerge in Hermione's heart, but it was quickly suppressed by him.

However, when he saw the girl talking to the boy, the flame of jealousy rose again.

The girl's delicate face, her graceful figure like a green lotus, and her every frown and smile stirred his heartstrings all the time.

"Why? Why does this girl not even look at me, but she talks and laughs with this guy?"

"How can a mere unknown boy from the Xiao family be so beautiful?"

Jealousy makes people lose their minds. At this time, there was only one voice in Hormon's mind: "Beauty is only worthy of the strong!"

"Hey! Boy, what did you mean by that action just now? Do you look down on my Yunlan Sect?"

Hormeng, who was dazzled by beauty, chose to cause trouble for Xiao Yun without hesitation.

Although he lost his mind, Hormon's IQ was still online.

Before causing trouble, he did not forget to label Xiao Yun as "looking down on the Yunlan Sect".

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Xiao family present turned pale instantly.

He quickly looked in the direction of Hormen's finger, and saw Xiao Yu who was still talking to Xiao Xun'er.

"Master Yunlan Sect, is there some misunderstanding about this matter?"

Xiao Yun's face was extremely ugly. It was his son who was causing trouble for this young man, Yun Lanzong.

"Meng'er, don't be rude!"

The old man frowned and reached out to swat away Hormen's hand that was still pointing at Xiao Yu.

He also saw Xiao Yu's expression just now, but he didn't care.

For young people, envy and jealousy are normal, he is used to it.

"Elder Ge, it's not that this junior is rude, it's just that this arrogant person's behavior just now is clearly contemptuous of our Yunlan Sect!"

Seeing this, Hormeng quickly bowed respectfully, not forgetting to say bad things about Xiao Yu.

"Oh? Contempt Yunlan Sect? You will really blame me!"

"But you are right, Yunlan Sect, I really don't take it seriously!"

Xiao Yu, who was still chatting and laughing with Xun'er, suddenly turned cold after learning that someone was causing trouble for him.

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, all the elders of the Xiao family were so frightened that they gasped, and the entire clan hall was almost sucked out of the air.

Xiao Zhan, who was sitting in the main seat, looked even pale at this time, with endless anger in his eyes.

In his opinion, Xiao Yu's words would definitely arouse the anger of Yunlan Sect.

At that time, the strong men of Yunlan Sect will come to their door. I am afraid that no one in the huge Xiao family can withstand that kind of anger.

"You bastard, you actually dare to say such arrogant words, why don't I teach you a lesson and let you know why words come from your mouth!"

Before Xiao Zhan could get angry, Hormeng took action first and pulled out the sword from his waist, preparing to teach Xiao Yu a lesson.

Kuzu Ye, who was standing aside, looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, as if he didn't see anything.

As a member of the Yunlan Sect, he naturally cannot listen to others criticizing his sect.So when Hormeng took action, he did not stop him, intending to give the Xiao family a blow.

Let everyone in the Xiao family know that there are some forces that cannot be offended by just the Xiao family.

Although your Xiao family is doing well in Wutan City, you still have to bow your head when facing the Yunlan Sect.

"Teach me a lesson? Just you? Hahahahaha!"

Xiao Yu seemed to have heard the big joke, and he laughed so hard that he lay directly in Xun'er's arms.

"Bastard! Look at the sword!"

Seeing that he was being looked down upon again, Hormen couldn't bear it anymore. He picked up the sharp blade in his hand and stabbed Xiao Yu.

At this time, Xiao Yu was still lying in Xiao Xun'er's arms without any reaction.

Seeing Hor Meng's sword getting closer and closer to Xiao Yu, Ge Ye felt that something was wrong.

You juniors of the Xiao family are about to get hurt, and no one will come out to stop them?
"Is this little guy not very popular with the Xiao family?"

Kuzu Ye couldn't figure it out and could only guess like this.

However, the next second, Kuzu Ye's guess was overturned.

Just when Hor Meng was about to stab Xiao Yu, an emerald green whip struck Hor Meng's body instantly.

The powerful force instantly knocked Hor Meng away, and in the blink of an eye he hit the stone pillar in the Xiao family hall.

All this happened so fast that Kuzu Ye didn't even react.

"Pfft! Cough-cough-cough!"

The flesh body collided with the stone pillar, and Hormen spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out.


"What happened?"

"Yu'er has become stronger again. I didn't notice what he did just now!"

"Xiao Yun gave birth to a good son!"

"Alas! You are still young and frivolous. I hope things don't get too big!"

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? This is Wutan City. The Yunlan Sect's hands are growing, can they still reach here?"

Looking at Xiao Yu who defeated Hormeng in one blow, the elders of the Xiao family started talking a lot.

"This young man took action just now? How is it possible that I didn't notice it?"

Ge Ye's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't realize how Xiao Yu took action just now.

As soon as his eyes blurred, Hormen was whipped away by a green whip, without even giving him a chance to save others.

"Ahem, Yu'er, how can you hurt others at will? Why don't you apologize to Elder Ge?"

Xiao Yun coughed twice to attract everyone's attention, then put on a straight face that was smiling just now and scolded Xiao Yu.

After all, the Yunlan Sect is powerful, and with the strength of the Xiao family, they really can't afford to offend. It's better to give others face now than to be troubled later.

"Harm! Dad, wasn't I scared just now? This is called a stress reaction!"

"And we are considered people of the same age. Isn't it normal for peers to compete with each other and win and lose?"

"I think this Elder Ge must be a generous person, and he will definitely not argue with me, right, Elder Ge!"

Xiao Yu climbed up from Xun'er's arms, cupped his hands towards Ge Ye, and said very casually.

Are you scared?Stress reaction?

Ge Ye's face twitched at Xiao Yu's rather shameless explanation. He didn't believe a word of Xiao Yu's words.

Just now, I was lying in the arms of a little girl, laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. Are you telling me that you were scared?

But no matter what, before he figured out what was going on with the attack just now, Kuzuye didn't intend to make a big deal out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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