Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 11 Kuzu Ye’s autism, Xiao Yan’s arrival!

Chapter 11 Kuzu Ye’s autism, Xiao Yan’s arrival!

It's not that Kuzu Ye is a person who is afraid of trouble, but thinking back to the attack just now always makes Kuzu Ye feel a sense of crisis.

"Haha! This little brother is right. It is normal for peers to have wins and losses. How can I blame him?"

"Besides, Meng'er was too impulsive just now. This kind of character will cause trouble sooner or later. This time can be regarded as a lesson for him!"

Ge Ye stared at Xiao Yu, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking, but he said sincerely that he would not pursue it.

"I admire Elder Ge's magnanimity!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yun also knew that the matter was over, so he quickly raised his hand and flattered Ge Ye.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a fight between juniors. Yanran, go and take this elixir with your senior brother!"

Ge Ye smiled and waved his hand, then took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Nalan Yanran who was standing beside him.

But at this time, Nalan Yanran did not respond and stared at Xiao Yu intently.

It can be seen from those blazing beautiful eyes that Nalan Yanran has been attracted by Xiao Yu at this time.

Seeing this scene, Ge Ye was a little embarrassed. He had brought Nalan Yanran to the son of the head of the Xiao family to break off the engagement. Why was this little girl staring at the other juniors of the Xiao family.

"Ahem, Yanran!"

Thinking of this, Kuzu Ye coughed twice and raised his voice again.

"Elder Ge, why are you shouting so loudly? You scared me!"

Startled by Elder Ge's voice, Nalan Yanran patted her plump chest and gave him a vicious look.

Seeing the mischievous Nalan Yanran, Ge Ye opened his mouth, but did not make any sound.

At this moment, Kuzu Ye finally realized what it meant to speak of suffering.

Did I yell at you?If I didn't yell at you, your soul would be seduced by others.

But of course Ge Ye would not say this to his face, so he could only turn around silently and go to give Hormen medicine in person.

"Alas! Why did I take on this task in the first place? What a sin!"

Ge Ye secretly sighed in his heart as he stuffed the healing elixir into Hor Meng's mouth.

When the sect master issued the mission, many elders were eager to receive the mission when they learned that they could contact the sect master's disciples.

In the end, it was Kuzu Ye who was more skilled and received the task.

Before coming, he had thought that after completing this mission, he would become familiar with Nalan Yanran.

With Nalan Yanran's talent, he might be able to take over the position of sect leader in the future, and his status will rise accordingly.

The result is good now. The task has not been completed yet, and his old face is about to be lost.

First, the person he brought was beaten like a dead dog. Not to mention the show of force, Yun Lanzong's face was rubbed on the ground, and he didn't dare to get angry.

It's even better now. Before she can even mention breaking off the engagement, the disciple of the sect leader has already started ogling other men.

"Kudzu Ye, Kuzu Ye, you are so smart and confused for a moment!"

Thinking of this, Ge Ye raised his hand and slapped himself hard on the face.


The crisp sound of slaps resounded throughout the clan hall. Everyone in the clan hall was attracted by the sound and cast strange glances.

"Elder Ge, what are you doing..."

Xiao Zhan, who was in the main seat, was already stupid at this time. A series of things happened, and until now, his brain has not reacted.

Now the elder of Yunlan Sect suddenly slapped his mouth without saying a word.

"Do the people in the Yunlan Sect all have the habit of masochism? First, the five-star fighter challenged the "fighting master", and now the master did not get beaten and started beating himself?"

Xiao Zhan began to speculate maliciously in his heart.

"Nothing, a mosquito just landed on my face!"

Kuzu Ye's face turned red when everyone saw him, so he casually gave an excuse and planned to fool him.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the clan hall suddenly became strange.Let’s not talk about whether there are mosquitoes in the clan hall. You are a seven-star fighting master. What kind of mosquito can get close to you and land on your face?
Could it be that now even mosquitoes can practice fighting spirit?

Coupled with the identity of Kuzu Ye's seven-star fighting master, a picture suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

A mosquito practiced hard in the Xiao family for decades, and finally became a great fighting master. When he saw Kuzu Ye coming, he felt ready to fight.

"Hey! Look at your mouth!"

Mosquito summoned his fighting spirit and rushed towards Kuzu Ye, but he didn't want to be slapped to death.

Thinking of this, everyone quickly stopped their thoughts and threw this unrealistic idea out of their minds.

"Haha! I wonder why Elder Ge came here this time?"

Hearing Ge Ye's answer, Xiao Zhan smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the topic.

"Alas! Chief Xiao, actually I came here this time to ask for something!"

At this point, Ge Ye didn't want to do Tai Chi anymore and was ready to get straight to the point.

"Oh? If you have anything to do with Mr. Ge Ye, just tell him directly. If Xiao Zhan can do it, he will not refuse!"

Ge Ye's words made Xiao Zhan's heart skip a beat, and he always felt that something bad was about to happen.

But now that the person is standing in front of him, he still has to say nice things.

Besides, I also said that I can only help to the best of my ability. You, Kuzu Ye, can't force others to do something difficult, right?

"Clan Chief Xiao, I wonder if Young Master Ling is here!"

Ge Ye glanced around the room and found that the only one who matched Xiao Yan's age was Xiao Yu.

But judging from what just happened, it was obvious that this could not be Xiao Yan, so he asked.

"Yan'er is on his way here. Could it be that what Elder Ge said is related to Yan'er?"

Xiao Zhan's bad premonition became stronger and stronger at this time, and he quickly asked.

"This matter is indeed related to Young Master Ling. Since he hasn't arrived yet, let's wait and see!"

Ge Ye didn't hide anything and answered Xiao Zhan's questions bluntly.

While the two were talking, Xiao Yan also arrived.

"Father, elders!"

Xiao Yan walked into the house and saluted several people, but did not even look at Xiao Yu.

For some unknown reason, Xiao Yan felt a strong sense of disgust every time he saw Xiao Yu, even if Xiao Yu did nothing.

"Yan'er is here, sit down quickly!"

Seeing Xiao Yan's arrival, Xiao Zhan immediately suppressed any further questions and nodded to Xiao Yan with a smile.

The other elders, however, turned a blind eye to Xiao Yan's salute, not even bothering to nod in response.

"Yes, Father!"

Xiao Yan ignored the attitudes of the elders and turned around to find a place to sit down, but found that there were no empty seats in the entire clan hall.

"Xiao Yun!!!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhan's face turned livid, and his eyes looking at Xiao Yun were filled with endless anger.

Xiao Zhan knew very well that although the second elder was responsible for receiving the Yunlan Sect, Xiao Yun must have been involved in this matter.

In fact, just as Xiao Zhan thought, after learning about the arrival of Yunlan Sect, Xiao Yun thought of the possibility of Xiao Yan appearing in the clan hall.

If he were the patriarch, he would definitely bring his son to see the world.

Xiao Yun's guess was correct, Xiao Yan did appear, and the scene he wanted to see also appeared.

Yes, this is what he ordered the second elder to do. After the news about Xiao Yun becoming a "fighting master" spread, the second elder completely surrendered.

What's more, when it comes to embarrassing Xiao Zhan and his son, the second elder also approves with both hands. Who makes this father and son dislike others?

(End of this chapter)

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