Chapter 1 Mo Yuzhu

There are thirteen states in the Yue State. Although Lanzhou ranks eighth in area, it ranks second in terms of wealth, only behind Xinzhou.

Lanzhou is located in the southern part of Yue State, with fertile land and numerous waterways, lakes and canals within its jurisdiction.

In addition, the weather has always been good, so it is very suitable for growing food crops. The food produced locally not only feeds the entire Lanzhou, but also relies on the convenient water transportation. Major merchants and gangs even dumped food to the entire Yue Kingdom and even the Yuanwu Kingdom.

This is one of the reasons why Lanzhou is so wealthy.

Jiayuan City, located in the middle of Lanzhou, is not the capital city of Lanzhou, but it is indeed the first city in Lanzhou. The Xianglu Grand Canal, which runs through the north and south of Vietnam, runs through the center of the city, plus several other waterways. Main roads also pass through this place.

Therefore, Jiayuan City has extremely developed transportation and can be regarded as the country's water transport hub and business thoroughfare.

Because of this, Jiayuan City has a large population.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, grievances and grievances.

On the surface, Jiayuan City is under the control of the Yue government, but in reality gangs are powerful here. There are more than 40 named gangs, and almost all major industries are in the hands of gangs.

At dawn in the early morning, the lowest-level workers in Jiayuan City had already woken up and started their busy day.

A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a blue waiter's clothes, was walking on the street, yawning and looking around.

When passing by a red building called Xiaoxiangyuan, he stopped and watched for a moment.

The red building occupies a large area, with three floors and is more than three feet high. The beams and eaves of each floor are covered with red lanterns, giving the deserted streets a warm color.

There is a staircase in front of the door of Xiaoxiang Garden. Two girls in colorful clothes and heavy makeup stand at the door to welcome guests.

One of the girls, when she saw the boy, walked towards him with broken steps.

She walked to the guardrail and looked down, with a bright smile on her face.

"The young master is so handsome, could he be Ji Changqing from Xiangjia Restaurant?"

The young man raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised. He had never visited Xiaoxiang Courtyard before.

Ji Changqing clasped his fists with a gentle smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that the girl actually knows me. I dare to ask her her name."

"This slave is looking forward to spring. Could it be that the young master is interested in this slave?" The girl said, covering her mouth with a smile, her eyes were full of charm, and her words were quite explicit.

"Young lady, you are joking. How dare I, a waiter in a shop, have any inappropriate thoughts about a girl." Ji Changqing glanced above her head without leaving any trace.

A green bubble appears.

Wangchun: Charm 27 (Normal)
Taoist companion reward: Charm Pill*2.

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Charm Pill*1.

This is Ji Changqing's golden finger that travels to the mortal world.

As long as you combine with someone and become a Taoist companion, you can get rewards and you can see the rewards in advance.

Such rewards come in many forms.

There are elixirs, techniques, treasures, and talents.

Of course, women only! !

When Ji Changqing looks at women, the bubbles will show rewards.

Look at yourself, and a paragraph of text will appear inside the bubble.

Name: Ji Changqing
Cultivation Realm: Mortal

Infuriating: no
Age: 18
Lifespan: 78
Spirit root: none
Talent: Traveler (soul strength +100%, charm +10)

Charisma: 31 (+10) Charm

Constitution: 10
Ji Changqing traveled through time for about ten days and had adapted to the existence of the bubble, which could not be seen by others.

In my memory, Yuanwu Kingdom, Yue Kingdom, Lanzhou, Jiayuan City, and the Xiaoxiang Garden in front of me. After a little inquiry, I knew that it belonged to Tianbamen, one of the three major gangs in Lanzhou.

There are always signs that this is the human world where mortals practice immortality.

This also means that there are immortal cultivators in this world.

Mortals who want to cultivate immortality must first have spiritual roots. Any of the five spiritual roots or pseudo-spiritual roots will do.

The bubble shows that Ji Changqing's spiritual root is none.

In the secular world, most people have no spiritual roots, and he is one of them.

Without the golden finger, he would never have been able to become an immortal in his entire life.

Fortunately, there were Taoist rewards, which gave Ji Changqing hope.

There is a kind of elixir called Tianbudan, which can not only obtain spiritual roots, but can even be promoted to heavenly spiritual roots.

It's a pity that it is difficult to obtain in a short time.

Because Ji Changqing only met one girl with such a reward.

A famous beauty in Jiayuan City, one of the three beauties of the Mo Mansion, Mo Caihuan.

The Mo family was in charge of Jingjiao Society, one of the three major gangs, and was once the leader of Jiayuan City and even the entire Lanzhou.

Unfortunately, it has gradually declined since the founder of the Jingjiao Society, Mo Juren, disappeared five years ago.

At present, it is almost impossible to become a Taoist companion with her.

It can only be said that time travel is not good, because the difference in identity between the two is too great.

Ji Changqing, the waiter at Xiangjia Restaurant.

A hotel waiter wants to marry the daughter of the Mo family?

From the perspective of others, it is simply a fantasy.

Ji Changqing also found it difficult, but it was not impossible.

Because at this point in time, Mo Juren should be hiding in the God's Hand Valley in Qixuanmen, teaching Erluozi.

When Er Lunzi came down the mountain, Mo Juren disappeared for ten years.

There are still five years to go.

As long as he uses this news as a bargaining chip to marry Mo Caihuan, it is really possible to succeed, but the risk is too high.

Another Mo Juren is cunning and cunning, and his four wives are not simple people, and they are not so easy to control.

In the future, the reason why Wu Jianming was able to pretend to be Mo Juren's disciple and marry Mo Yuzhu was because he had the backing of Domination Villa.

Everyone in the Mo family knew that he was a fake, but since he was powerful, they had no choice but to agree.

Ji Changqing, an ordinary person with no power, wants to make a deal with the Mo family. If possible, he will be arrested and tortured first.

Ji Changqing couldn't stand it.

This scenario is entirely possible.

So I can only figure it out slowly.

Improving your strength first is the most critical thing at the moment. Only with strength can you have the capital to negotiate.There are currently two ways to improve strength.

Serious method.

Get married and have children.

But the bride price also costs a lot, and most of the rewards for women are actually very average.

Most of them are white bubbles with ordinary rewards, such as 1 physical elixir, [-] taels of gold, and [-] spiritual stones.

And those rare bubbles are almost all people with extraordinary status or great luck.

Another way is to see Xiaoxiangyuan in front of you.

This is also the reason why Ji Changqing stopped here.

Listening to the music on the hook is so smooth!
The reward in front of Wangchun is very good.

Charm Pill, a pill that can enhance your appearance and temperament.

With the addition of talent, Ji Changqing was originally rated as outstanding with a Charisma of 31, but after adding ten points, it suddenly jumped to Extraordinary.

Looking at the entire Jiayuan City, the charm of those who are over forty and extraordinary can be said to be one in a million.

Dogs passing by had to look back at him.

The face shape is somewhat similar to Han Paopao in the animation.

This is probably why Wangchun knows his name.

Grandma Wang, the steward here, has been coming to Xiangjia Restaurant every day these days.

Grandma Wang's purpose was also very simple. She offered him a high price of twelve taels of silver a month to let him change jobs and come to Xiaoxiang Court to receive guests, and she promised to package him as the top one.

If Ji Changqing hadn't asked clearly that these guests included men, he might have agreed.

Not only is it free, there are also rewards available.

Kill two birds with one stone.

In this kind of world without legal constraints, people's inner desires will really be magnified infinitely.

Moral ethics are not as important as life.

Ji Changqing believes that his three views have always been upright, but now his moral bottom line has become more flexible.

The only iron rule in the mortal world: the weak eat the strong!

Only the strong deserve to have all the resources, elixirs, treasures, and even concubines automatically delivered to their doorsteps.

"Master Ji, please don't belittle yourself. Even Grandma Wang is full of praise for you and says that she will recruit you no matter what method she uses. There is no way we can get along with each other in the future..."

Ji Changqing looked like a humble gentleman, and Wangchun's eyes were even more charming.

Few people looked up to them and treated them as playthings. Ji Changqing's attitude was obviously different. The most important thing was that he was handsome.

"Really?" Ji Changqing forced a smile.

Grandma Wang is backed by the Ba Tian Clan and has always been domineering and domineering. Some gang leaders come to listen to the music, and they all look at their faces.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiangjia Restaurant was opposite Mo Mansion and was owned by the Jingjiao Society, she might have dared to rob someone during the day.

His cheap daddy died in mysterious circumstances a few nights ago, and even his body was not found.

Otherwise, it would not be his turn to take over as the waiter at Xiangjia Restaurant.

Neighbors knew that such an unexplained disappearance must have been involved in a gang war and was dealt with.

Ordinary people want to spend the rest of their lives safely, depending on luck.

Ji Changqing doesn't want to leave his life to luck.

Since Wangchun said this, it should not be groundless.

I've rejected it five or six times, why don't I give up?

Be careful when you go back at night.

Saying goodbye to Wangchun, I walked through a few street corners and was about to arrive at the restaurant. At this time, there was a faint sound of horse hooves suddenly coming from the street. The sound came from far and near. A maroon horse with blood sweat peeked out from the gate of Mo Mansion. Come forward.

Ji Changqing looked up, and the girl on the horse also turned her head to look at each other. Their eyes met, and they both saw a touch of surprise in each other's eyes.

The girl's slender figure, a hint of whiteness under her seductive collarbone, her flesh-colored pink lips, her straight nose makes her facial features more three-dimensional, and her dark and bright eyes seem to have infinite light. Everyone will sigh: There is light in her eyes.

The astonishing amount of hair is tied behind the head, and the high ponytail is swaying in the air. The heroic appearance of the girl on horseback is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The purple bubbles above the head are more conspicuous.

Black Jade Bead: Charm 49 (Extraordinary)
Taoist Companion Reward: True Essence Pill*100
Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: True Yuan Dan*10.

Ji Changqing was really shocked, and the male hormones in his body surged.

The basic charm of 49 should be the limit of mortals.

I guess this is Mo Yuzhu, one of the three beauties of the Mo family, and her charm is even greater than the other two girls.

Mo Juren's eldest wife, Jin, had a gentle personality and was the only daughter of Jin Can, the chief escort of the Golden Lion Escort Bureau. She has been killed and left behind a daughter, Mo Yuzhu.

It is rumored that this eldest lady has not loved female celebrities since she was a child. She only loves to dance with swords and guns, especially hunting.

No, he took a group of servants out hunting early in the morning.

Mo Yuzhu looked at Ji Changqing without any trace.

Later, he was found wearing the clothes of a store waiter, frowning slightly, flicking his ponytail, and walked away.

The shopkeeper looked at the door for a long time, with a smile on his face, half-smiling but not smiling. After waiting for the people to leave, he shouted to Ji Changqing: "Why are you standing there, why don't you come in to work."

"Here you go, shopkeeper." Ji Changqing trotted over. When he approached, the shopkeeper patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Doesn't it look good?"

Ji Chang nodded and said, "Yes."

"I'm not lying, I like honest and obedient people, haha."

"But, what's the use of looking good." The shopkeeper said seriously: "You and I are both servants, so it's better not to have any wishful thinking, so as not to disturb others."

He said this somewhat out of good intentions, but no one knew.

Perhaps seeing the scene just now, as a servant, it made him feel a little strange.

"That's what the shopkeeper taught me."

Ji Changqing didn't think much about it.

The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out.

"It's just based on experience." The shopkeeper looked at him and sighed: "Work hard, maybe you will take over as shopkeeper in the future, and finding a good family will be easy."

"The shopkeeper is joking, how can a young waiter in a third-generation store have such a fate." Ji Changqing shook his head and replied, but the work at hand did not stop.

"You have a good heart." The shopkeeper smiled, said nothing, and walked towards the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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