Chapter 2

As a waiter in a shop, Ji Changqing's work is quite heavy.

Every corner of the tables and chairs on the first to third floor, and any dusty place, must be wiped with a towel.

After wiping, I went to the backyard to fetch water and filled the three large water tanks in the kitchen. This step alone took at least half an hour and was a strenuous task.

After the water tank was filled, Ji Changqing was so tired that he was sweating profusely and pounding his waist.

When the vendors deliver the ingredients via horse-drawn carriage, they have to help carry them into the kitchen. Not only that, the kitchen is too busy to wash and cut vegetables.

There is no idle moment during the morning market opening work.

The staff meal after work only consisted of three steamed buns.

It seems that no matter which world the workers at the lowest level are so miserable.

It's really impossible to do such a boring job.

Ji Changqing wants to run away with the bucket now.

But if she leaves the Xiang Family Restaurant and without the protection of the Mo Family, there is no way she can escape. The Ba Tian Clan's influence is spread throughout Lanzhou, and there is no other choice except Xiaoxiang Courtyard.

Do you really want to pick up guests?
Just wait a little longer, we haven’t reached that stage yet.

Ji Changqing lowered his head and silently gnawed on the cold steamed buns. He stood by the window on the third floor and glanced at Mo Mansion.

Wangchun's words gave him a vague sense of imminent crisis.

Fortunately, since Grandma Wang came to him for the first time, Ji Changqing had started to keep some back-ups in order to deal with such emergencies.

He took out three small paper balls from his sleeves and quietly stuffed them into the gap at the bottom of the dining table.

These table seams are very hidden and cannot be discovered by guests unless the dining table is damaged.

He has left notes like this in at least 30 places in the past few days, all in very hidden places.

It records that Mo Juren was injured and hid in the God's Hand Valley to recuperate.

When Mo Juren founded the Jingjiao Society, he was decisive in killing and ruthless, and made many enemies throughout Lanzhou. This was also the reason why he did not dare to return to the Mo family after being injured.

Since Mo Juren disappeared, not only the Mo family is looking for him, but also the major gangs are looking for his whereabouts.

Due to Mo Juren's reputation, even if he disappeared for so many years, no one dared to blatantly attack the Mo family, just for fear that Mo Juren would come back for revenge.

If someone picks up this note and learns about Mo Juren's current situation, the Mo family will be faced with disaster.

This is the worst situation, because Ji Changqing doesn't want to see this happen because of Mo Caihuan.

But there was no way, he had to leave himself a trump card.

"Evergreen! Haven't you finished eating yet? You lazy idiot, the guests are already here." The shopkeeper's urging voice came from downstairs, interrupting his thoughts.

It had only been less than 5 minutes since the meal started. Ji Changqing took a few bites of the steamed buns, wolfed them down and walked downstairs.

The restaurant's business is actually pretty good, and it's famous for selling thyme, so it's named Xiangjia Restaurant.

I heard that business was very popular in the past, but with the entry of other gangs and more and more restaurants nearby, there are far fewer people coming here to eat.

This is a good thing for Ji Changqing.

However, there are still three types of people who come frequently.

The first one is all about the wine.

The second category is the suitors of Sanjiao of the Mo family, who come here to try their luck. Most of them are idle young men.

Finally, the elite members of Jingjiao Society are their own property after all.

There are very few other gang members who come here to eat, but two of them came today.

And he’s from Ba Tianmen.

This made Ji Changqing realize that something was wrong, and it was most likely coming for him, but he didn't see Grandma Wang.

The two men were in their thirties, with strong builds and steady steps. They had large muscles bulging under their clothes, and the scars on their faces looked slightly ferocious.

The two people's eyes flashed coldly, and they looked like masters with superb internal strength.

As soon as they walked in, the restaurant suddenly became much quieter. The three major gangs were already hostile to each other.

These two people clearly had bad intentions when they arrived.

The shopkeeper kept winking at him, and Ji Changqing stepped forward to greet him: "Guests, please come inside."

"Are you that Changqing? You're not that good looking, and you're not half as domineering as Labor and Capital." The tall, short man on the left stared with a fierce look in his eyes.

The murderous intention with the true energy rushed towards him in waves. Fortunately, Ji Changqing's soul was strong. If it were an ordinary person, his liver and gallbladder would have burst from fear on the spot.

"Heh, that's a bit brave."

After staring for a long time, seeing Ji Changqing lowering his head and showing no reaction, the strong man curled his lips and looked bored, pushed him away and found a seat to sit down.

"Mediocre." The tall man on the right glanced at him, gave his evaluation without expression, and sat down.

Ji Changqing's eyes twitched, and he showed off his power as soon as they met.

He is not angry either. He is seeking death if he has no strength.

"Guest, what do you need to eat?"

Seeing that he dared to come over, the strong man laughed loudly: "The best wine, the best dishes, everything is provided to the labor and management, and there is a treat today."

"OK, just a second."

Ji Changqing served the food with quick hands and feet. Now he just hoped that these two plague gods would leave quickly after eating.

After a while, two more people came into the restaurant.

One is a gentle middle-aged man. Although there are some vicissitudes of life in the corners of his eyes, it is not difficult to see that he must have been loved by girls when he was young.

The other was a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old. He looked a little honest, but he had his hands behind his back and looked proud.

The boy's name is Yan Ge, and many people know him. He knows a thing or two about Mo Juren's famous stunt, the Magic Silver Hand.

It's not that I'm being modest, I'm just learning a little bit.

The two of them were wearing yellow leather armor, with the word "gold lion" on their chests.

"Jin escort chief, what's the wind that brought you here? Please come inside, please come inside." The shopkeeper still had good eyesight, and he rolled up and greeted him personally with a playful smile. This time he didn't call Ji Changqing.

"Yeah." The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and it was polite to cool down. "Hey, isn't this the golden escort? He's so majestic."

The strong man stopped holding the bowl and chopsticks, put his feet up on the bench, grabbed a few peanuts and threw them into the air. He raised his head, shook his head, and ate them all into his mouth.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "What are the lackeys of Ba Tianmen doing in our Jingjiaohui territory?"

"Haha, as escort chief Jin said, it's natural to come to the restaurant to eat."

"Humph, that's the best." The middle-aged man flicked his sleeves and walked upstairs, obviously not wanting to pay any attention to these two strong men.

"I heard that someone who escorted an escort passing by Jingzhou was killed by a small gang of wild wolves and was stripped of his armor. If I had hid earlier and didn't dare to see people, how could I dare to come out and embarrass myself? "

"Your Jingjiao Club is really getting worse day by day."

The middle-aged man paused as he went upstairs. Thinking of that gray light as fast as lightning, he felt chills all over his body.

The strong man thought he would get angry out of shame, but unexpectedly he just left a light sentence.

"If it were you, you wouldn't know why you died."

"What do you mean?"


"Tsk! This old guy looks so stinky, it makes people uncomfortable just looking at him."

Ji Changqing heard their conversation clearly.

Is this Wild Wolf Gang so powerful?

In my memory, a few years later, when Han Li was at the seventh or eighth level of Qi training, he killed the Wild Wolf Gang crying for his father and mother by killing one person.

You are a member of such a big gang, and you actually boosted others' ambitions after someone robbed them of their escorts.

Ji Changqing pricked up his ears to watch the excitement. This was probably the only joy of being a waiter, being able to hear all kinds of gossip.

The time for a cup of tea has finally come.

A beautiful woman in her thirties, wearing pink translucent clothes, walked towards her with a cat-walk, twisting her waist.

With frivolous eyes, she glanced around the restaurant and found two strong men, then walked towards Ji Changqing with a smile on her face.

"Let's go, find a private room, and let's have a good chat."

The beautiful woman didn't care whether Ji Changqing was happy or not, she pulled him upstairs.

There were only two people in the private room.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull, and Ji Changqing knew it.

Next, this woman will challenge his weakness.

The beautiful woman is Grandma Wang. Although her name is a bit unpleasant, it reminds people of the stereotype of pricking people with needles.

Mammy is just a profession, not her original name.

But she is really good-looking, with fair skin, a waist as soft as a water snake, and thighs that are slightly fat and elastic.

There are no ugly girls in Xiaoxiangyuan, let alone a ruthless character like her.

"What are you standing for? Come sit down." Grandma Wang patted her side.

A trace of shame and anger flashed across Ji Changqing's face. This woman came to him again for free. As soon as he sat down, a pair of elastic thighs rested on his base.

"Same as before, use a little more force." The beautiful woman said something of unknown meaning, and Ji Changqing snorted lightly, but did not stop moving her hands.

"How do you think about it?" The beautiful woman closed her eyes comfortably, a trace of blush appeared on her face, and her breathing became much heavier as she spoke.

Ji Changqing remained silent.

"I must be patient enough with you. If there were other stinky men, I would have sunk to the bottom of the river for him."

Ji Changqing felt that this woman had other motives for recruiting him.

On the surface, he promised to provide him with resources to make him famous.

In fact, various hidden rules are definitely indispensable.

It's a pity that Ji Changqing doesn't like her, not because of her appearance, but because her Taoist companion rewards are mediocre.

Wang Jiaoyan: Charm 39 (Outstanding)
Taoist companion reward: Charm Pill*6.

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Charm Pill*2.

Charm, without strength, is a completely negative and taunting debuff.

Like now, this damn charm.

"I heard that Madam is Ba Tian's concubine. If he sees her..."

"Ha." The beautiful woman opened her eyes and smiled sweetly, reaching out to touch Ji Changqing's cheek, but she was dodged.She persisted and refused to give up until she touched her: "Don't worry, that bastard has so many concubines that he doesn't have time to care about my affairs. And there are some things that we can't just tell by hearsay."

Is this something I can resolve with peace of mind?

After all, Tianbamen is the most powerful gang nowadays, and it must have many informants. Being caught is not as simple as sinking into the bottom of the river.

This big-breasted and brainless woman will be killed by her sooner or later.

"So, where's your answer?"

"Can't we give it a few more days?" Ji Changqing worked harder on his hands.

The beautiful woman snorted: "What do you think? I won't accept your trick, please be gentle."

"You also saw the two Tianbamen hall masters downstairs. If you don't agree today, you won't be able to go home in the evening."

Ji Changqing was speechless. He was silent for a while, and then he said calmly: "You should also know what's going on in my family."

"As of my generation, there is only one single seedling left in the Ji family."

"My father's biggest wish before he died was that I would get married and have children, so as to leave some incense to the Ji family."

"You have said so much that you just want to find another woman. Can't I leave you a trace?"

"Ahem!" This woman really couldn't communicate.

If Batian knew that not only was he being raped, but he also wanted to be a father, wouldn't he be allowed to chop him into pieces?
(End of this chapter)

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