Chapter 3 Wang Jiaoyan

In fact, something is strange.

After observing these days, most of the people with bubbles are girls.

Of course there are also some older people.

It hasn't been verified, so it doesn't mean anything.

However, none of those married women who gave birth to children were rewarded.

So what's going on with the bubble reward above Wang Jiaoyan's head?

And that Wangchun.

Two wonders of Xiaoxiang Courtyard.

Could it be that Tianba was practicing the Sunflower Book?
Ji Changqing didn't even bother to ask about this kind of thing.

"Let's not talk about the incense for now."

Wang Jiaoyan rolled her eyes at him, feeling deeply moved. Her white and tender arms slowly wrapped around her neck. She opened her teeth lightly and said with an orchid expression, "I think I can go deeper, what do you think~"

There was a hot breath coming from the earlobe, which made people tremble all over.

Ji Changqing endured the discomfort and said: "First... help me write a letter."

"What letter?"

If he still wants to write a letter in this situation, is he really not a womanizer?

Wang Jiaoyan stopped making small movements.

Ji Changqing breathed a long sigh of relief, this is really a monster, I can't bear it.

Followed by a brief explanation of the content of the letter.

Wang Jiaoyan laughed angrily after hearing this.

"Are you trying to pretend to be a disciple of Mo Juren? They probably won't believe it."

"It's okay, just help me write it."

If it weren't for the Heaven-Building Pill, there would be no need for him to go to Mo Mansion.

Ji Changqing doesn't expect anyone to believe this letter at all!

It just gives both parties a step up and room for negotiation.

Everyone knows that.


Wang Jiaoyan's eyes were almost imperceptible and dim.

There is clearly a beauty within easy reach in his arms, but instead of enjoying it, he is thinking about other women.

It was just his status as a concubine that made it difficult for him to take action.

"I thought you weren't interested in women. Do you have any special hobbies?"

"No." Ji Changqing wasn't very sure, at least not before.


"I don't even bother to ask for the specific reason."

"I can write the letter for you."


Her feelings don't seem to be fake.

These days, I have been patient with him, refusing him five or six times, but still coming every day.

It didn't matter whether Wang Jiaoyan really liked him or was greedy for his body.

The important thing is that she has actually helped herself now.

Because Wang Jiaoyan brought two Tianbamen hall masters.

This also made him realize that the beautiful woman in front of him had an extraordinary status.

So I relied on my beauty to ask her to write a letter for me.

One is to serve as a stepping stone.

Second, even if the Mo family disagrees, considering the relationship between Wang Jiaoyan and him, the Mo family will not break up.

Even if he failed, the worst outcome would be to go with Wang Jiaoyan. Anyway, he is young and strong now.

It's worth the risk for the Heaven-Building Pill.

"I've helped you so much and you didn't say anything?"

Her voice was seductive.

Ji Changqing knew what she wanted.

Now he couldn't be satisfied.

After thinking for a while, he took out a silver bracelet from his sleeve.

"what is this?"

"My mother's only legacy is said to be for her future daughter-in-law."

Wang Jiaoyan took the bracelet. Although it was a bit ugly, she was still happy: "Given it to me?"

"Well, thank you as a gift today."

In fact, there are still a bunch of drawers at home!
It looks like it's silver-plated at first glance, but the inside has turned black.

But it is indeed a relic of his mother.

The place where Wang Jiaoyan's emotions moved was actually on his neck. He took a deep breath and it hurt like hell. He wiped the saliva away and left a red mark. Ji Changqing had to cover his neck when he asked the shopkeeper for pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

When she came back, Wang Jiaoyan was sitting upright in the private room, straightening her clothes.


She stretched out her hand with a lazy posture. Ji Changqing handed it over, put the paper on the table, and began to polish the ink.

Wang Jiaoyan posed: "How to write it?"

Ji Changqing's eyes were empty, brewing emotions.

This kind of deception can be seen through at a glance no matter how well written it is.

The handwriting cannot be imitated, and the speaking style is also different.

In this case, just think about it.

Ji Changqing coughed lightly: "I said, you write."



The first sentence almost made her stunned.

"Keep left and start another line."

"I am your master Mo Juren. This is my new registered disciple a few years ago. My name is Ji Changqing. He has a clean life, a jade tree facing the wind, suave, talented, and extraordinary talent... Even I was ashamed of myself back then. Not as good as that!”

Wang Jiaoyan's writing hand trembled slightly.

Get to know him better.

"If one day, Mo Mansion encounters a crisis, all three daughters can be betrothed to him." Wang Jiaoyan: "..."

One is not enough, I want to deceive three more!
"He is extremely talented and is a martial arts prodigy who is rare to see in a thousand years. I can teach him all my martial arts knowledge throughout my life. Madams, please don't neglect me if you need help."

He actually had an idea for Mrs. Mo Juren.

"With him in the Mo family, everything will be safe, and I can leave with peace of mind."

"As you all know, madam, the overall situation is our top priority."

"Remember, remember!"

"On the last line to the right, write the three characters Mo Juren."

The words fall and the words are completed.

Wang Jiaoyan put down her brush and dried the ink: "Take a look."

Ji Changqing took the letter and nodded, quite satisfied: "The words are just like the person, beautiful and generous."

"As long as you are satisfied."

Wang Jiaoyan chuckled: "I would like to see how you are kicked out next."

Thinking of the exaggerated content in the letter makes people laugh.


Ji Changqing is still a little confident: "You two men can also lend me some help."

Wang Jiaoyan was furious: "I brought them here to arrest you."

"Help people to the end, don't you want to see if I can succeed?"

"Hmm~ Okay, it does seem interesting."

Anyway, when he is kicked out, he will have nowhere to go and can only come and beg for help.

Wang Jiaoyan took out a bronze token.

"They will understand after seeing it."

Ji Changqing nodded, took it and saw the words "Chun Yulou" written on the front.

The reverse side shows a moon hiding in the clouds.

Chunyu Tower sounds like a serious sect, which makes people want to join.

The key is, isn’t Xiaoxiang Academy the property of Tianbamen?
How come she has the token of Chunyu Tower?
Use the Chunyu Tower token to order the Tianbamen Hall Master?

Moreover, Chunyu Tower and Jingjiao will have an alliance.

Could it be that Chun Yulou also rebelled and joined the Tianba clan?
The relationship is a little too complicated.

Ji Changqing didn't want to dwell on this, so he put the token away and suddenly thought of something.

"what happened again?"

"Can you lend me some money?"

Wang Jiaoyan bit her teeth, her chest rising and falling.

Finally, he sighed softly and took out ten taels of broken silver.


"I will definitely owe you my whole life."

"...Thank you!"

Ji Changqing walked out of the private room first and went down to the first floor.

Wang Jiaoyan did not follow. She came to the third floor and used a tael of silver to dismiss the two men eating by the window. Shi Shiran sat down.

You can just see the Mofu compound from here.

Under the sunlight on the windowsill, the silver bracelet he gave looked shabby. He said it was his mother's only relic and was given to his daughter-in-law.

She touched the bracelet, her eyes gradually blurred.

He should have been mine!

On the first floor, two strong men with rosy faces were drinking heavily and eating meat.

Ji Changqing arrived, said something at the table, and then took out a token. The two strong men suddenly looked constipated.

What is this? I was originally here to catch this kid, but he ended up being treated like his subordinate.

The tall man said in a low voice: "Did the lady really say that?"


Ji Changqing took out five taels of silver, handed it over and said politely: "I'll trouble you two next."

"Easy to say, easy to say! Hahaha."

The two of them immediately beamed with joy. If they had money, they wouldn't have told it earlier.

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but more about human relations.

Ji Changqing once again realized the charm of money.

He led the two strong men out of the restaurant. Seeing his posture, the shopkeeper didn't stop him.

Just thinking of what I said to him in the morning, I couldn't help but raise my head and lament the unfair fate. As a servant, how could he wish to succeed.

Mo Mansion is located on Nanling Street, the busiest street in Jiayuan City. Ji Changqing saw a large mansion when he went out, covering an area of ​​several acres.

On the dark gate of the house, there is a plaque with the word "Mo Mansion" written on it. Under the plaque, there are eight well-dressed men standing on both sides. He doesn't squint, and looks well-trained, making people dare not look down upon him.

That's why I didn't come to the door before.

He was a waiter in a shop who said he was a disciple of Mo Juren. He was probably arrested and beaten to death before he even got close.

There have been so many scams in Shangmo Mansion in recent years that people don't believe you at all, and you can't even meet the real owner.

Ji Changqing was not in a hurry to go to Mo Mansion.

First, I spent five taels of silver on Nanling Street to buy a set of clothes, shoes, hairpins, and a feather fan.

After dressing up a little, Ji Changqing was quite satisfied, and even his charm increased by five points.

Came to 46.

But the reviews are still outstanding.

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. This is not just talk.

With this temperament, he immediately transformed from a servant to a handsome young master.

If it was a dog that looked back before, now it is an eighty-year-old woman with a second spring.

"I admit that you are qualified to compete with me."

Ji Changqing glanced at him, if he was more domineering, then I would accept the defeat.

The strong man marveled beside him, thinking that his clothes must be too ugly, so no one pursued him.

I should buy a set of clothes when I go back later and dress up properly.

"Mediocre." The tall man still gave his fair evaluation without expression.

He is face blind.

No matter who looks at it, it's ordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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