Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 4 Mo Juren’s Many Wives and Daughters

Chapter 4 Mo Juren’s Many Wives and Daughters
At noon, preparations were completed.

Ji Changqing brought the two Tianbamen hall masters to the gate of Mo Mansion.

One of the guards saw someone coming and drew his knife to intercept him: "Who is it?"

Ji Changqing clasped his fists and said, "Disciple Mo Juren, if you want to see Mrs. Yan, please let me know."

"Master's disciple?" The guard's eyes widened and he looked at him from top to bottom.

Then he looked at the two people behind him. They were both masters with strong internal strength, and swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

"This is a letter."

The guard pinched it casually, looked down, and sneered secretly. It looked quite decent.


"Thank you."

After the guard walked into Mo Mansion, Ji Changqing turned around and looked up at the restaurant.

Wang Jiaoyan on the third floor is missing.


Ji Changqing lowered his head and touched the token tied around his waist.

Don't you want to see me embarrassed?

I'm so impatient.

Ji Changqing waited while observing the girls passing by.

Counting from one to a hundred, ordinary, ordinary is all ordinary.

Just when he was getting tired of waiting, a bright golden bubble appeared in his field of vision.

Han Yunzhi: Charm 41 (+15) (Extraordinary)

Taoist Companion Reward: Demon Refining Pot (Incomplete)
Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Demon Refining Pot (Fragment)
It's actually gold!
The highest level before was just orange.

Mo Caihuan’s Heaven-Building Pill.

Now a golden color actually appears...

He was somewhat impressed by Han Yunzhi.

A girl selling pens.

Five years later at the Tainan Mountain Xiaohui, she sold the gold pen for drawing talismans to Han Li, and then joined the Spirit Beast Mountain.

How could she appear in Jiayuan City?
In my memory, the Spirit Beast Mountain Sect seems to be not far from Jiayuan City.

But, very strange.

Ji Changqing could only see moving bubbles, but not people.

This is the first time this has happened.

Moreover, the bubbles jumped left and right in the street at first, and then floated towards him for some reason.

When it floated in front of us, it made one circle clockwise and then two times counterclockwise.

The last stop was up and down in front of him.

This situation is really weird.

Ji Changqing felt a little nervous and remained motionless, just moving his eyes following the bubbles.

At this time, the owner of the bubble stood on tiptoes, tilted his head, clapped his chin, and looked left and right.

If Ji Changqing could see it, he would find that this is a cute girl.

Mushroom head, long eyelashes, watery eyes that can speak, she looks pure and lovely, and the beauty mark under her left eye makes her even more cute.

"Brother, brother, he seems to have seen me."

"It's a bit strange. He's obviously just a mortal." Standing next to the girl was a man in his twenties, who looked rough and made people wonder if they were biological siblings.

This concealment technique and sound isolation technique were released by him, and ordinary people could not see or hear them.

Children like them from a family that cultivates immortality usually live in seclusion in the secular world or in the mountains before joining the immortal cultivation sect, and few people discover their existence.

Most of his sight stopped above Yunzhi. It was probably because his soul was naturally powerful that he could barely sense the direction.

I just don’t know if I have spiritual roots.

At this time, the door of Mo Mansion was opened from inside, and the guard slowly walked out, followed by a little maid behind him.

The little maid was obviously very happy when she saw him: "Master, Madam, please come with me."

"Thank you, girl." Ji Changqing replied with a smile, followed closely, and couldn't help but take a second look at the bubbles before entering.

Why did he appear at this time?

It’s hard to say that if I missed it this time, it will be difficult to meet again in the future.

This is gold!

With the task completed, the two Tianbamen hall masters returned to the restaurant to continue drinking.

After the door was closed, the young man withdrew his gaze and said, "Yunzhi, let's go too. Next, we need to purchase some seven-star grass to practice drawing talismans for you."

"Brother, that big brother just now is so handsome."

The young man's cheek twitched, and he was ignored by his sister: "Immortals have different paths, no matter how beautiful they are, they are just ordinary people."


Behind the gate of Mo Mansion is a winding path lined with various brightly colored potted plants.

At the end of the path is a hanging flower gate. Once you enter the hanging flower gate, there are walkways on both sides. In the middle is a round lotus pond with crystal clear bottom and a group of colorful goldfish in the pond.

A young girl swayed her bare feet and sat on the wooden steps beside the pool. She held a bowl in her left hand and sprinkled fish bait with her right hand. Fish were jumping around her feet. She smiled happily.

The girl Ji Changqing has met.

The orange bubbles above her head are also extremely dazzling.

Ink Color Ring: Charm 43 (Extraordinary)
Taoist companion reward: Tianbu Dan*10 (random attribute spiritual root)
Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Sky-Building Pill*1
Ji Changqing came to Mo Mansion just for her.

Although they are also called Tianbu Dan, they are two different types of elixirs.

The little maid trotted over.

"Miss, my wife said you can't feed the fish by the pond."

"My mother is not here, so what are you afraid of?"

The little maid went to put on her shoes, but was kicked off immediately.

Ji Changqing also came over, squatted down next to Mo Caihuan, took a handful of bait from her arms, and dropped it one by one.

Mo Caihuan tilted his head, who is this familiar elder brother?
"Miss, he is my disciple. Madam asked me to take him there." The little maid explained.

"Dad's disciple?" Mo Caihuan opened his mouth slightly.

"Are you really my father's disciple?"

Her voice was clear and sweet.

Ji Changqing threw down all the bait, clapped his hands, turned around, smiled, touched her little head and said, "Fake!"

Mo Caihuan immediately glared at him angrily.

"I knew it. It's been almost five years since dad disappeared. Where did he come from as a disciple?"

"Then why are you here?"

Mo Caihuan was confused.

"Of course I will marry you."

Ji Changqing is straightforward, there is no need to mince words about this kind of thing.

"Hmph, don't think about it."

"My mother said I was still young."

Ji Changqing stretched out his hand, but she slapped it away.

The girl in front of him might become his first wife.

"It's okay, I can wait."

"One year, two years."

"You'll always grow up."

"But you are not my father's disciple."

"Mother will not agree."

"It's okay. If she doesn't agree, you can elope with me."


The two of them chatted carelessly, but the precocious little maid next to them blushed and peeked at Ji Changqing from time to time.

Never had she ever heard such direct words.

Ji Changqing's plan to seduce the girl ended in failure.


Mo Caihuan had a high initial favorable impression of him, and his charm played a big role.

Unlike Jun Hei's idiot, Han Li was looked down upon through the crack in the door as soon as he came to Mo Mansion.

Madam Yan was even surprised that her husband actually accepted a disciple who was not very good-looking!
It can be seen that no matter where in the world, the first impression is based on face.

"Sir, let's go, my wife is waiting." The little maid urged.

She was really afraid that the young lady would be abducted.

This young man is not only good-looking, but also well-spoken.


Ji Changqing stood up and followed,

Mo Caihuan suddenly asked: "What's your name?"

Ji Changqing smiled slightly and said: "Ji Changqing, the season of the four seasons."

"One year, the seasons are evergreen! Young Master, what a good name."

Say goodbye to Mo Caihuan.

The Mo Mansion compound is connected in all directions and has many patrolling guards.

There are trees and rocks everywhere, and the environment is beautiful.

Walking through the verandah, Ji Changqing saw a familiar figure.

Wang Jiaoyan?
Why did she come to Mo Mansion?The two of them passed by each other, and she blinked, with an unclear smile on her lips.

Ji Changqing was confused.

She wouldn’t have said anything to Mrs. Yan!

The little maid took him to a small three-room hall, behind which was the main courtyard.

"Sir, please wait here, I will go and inform you."

Ji Changqing nodded and sat down on a recliner. There was a small tea table next to each chair.

Standing on both sides were maids, one pouring tea and the other fanning the room.

He took a sip.

The evaluation is not as good as boiled water.

But the life of rich people is so simple and boring.

Everything is taken care of.

No wonder some lay practitioners are obsessed with worldly life.

Ji Changqing put down the tea cup, lay down on his back, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

After a while.

"You'd really enjoy it."

A delicate voice came from my ear.

Ji Changqing opened his eyes and saw only one thing, which obscured his vision.

Look up a little.

Ji Changqing had just seen this woman's face, and his mind went blank. He was immersed in beauty and couldn't extricate himself. This woman was charming and charming, and she was even three points more beautiful than Mo Yuzhu.

It's a pity that she doesn't have bubbles on top of her head, otherwise her charm would be at least sixty.

In terms of appearance, Mo Yuzhu is already close to the limit of mortals.

But this woman must have practiced some charm skills, so her whole body exudes a seductive charm.

This is a mature charm that girls do not possess.

It is a fatal temptation for men.

I think this is the third wife of Mo Juren, Mrs. Liu.

Fortunately, Ji Changqing's soul was powerful and he escaped from the illusion in just a moment.

"You're awake now? I haven't even started the torture yet." There was a little disappointment in the tone of the beautiful young woman.


Ji Changqing was speechless, with a flash of fear in his heart.

If there was no talent bonus, it would basically be at the discretion of others.

It is rumored that this woman has practiced Tianhu Dafa. Not only is she good at keeping her appearance, she now looks at most eighteen.

Moreover, it can charm the consciousness. As long as ordinary people look at it, they will not be able to wake up in a day.

"I've met Master." Ji Changqing sat up and said, "If you have any questions, Master, just ask me directly."

Mrs. Liu dismissed all the maids, then sat next to him and said leisurely: "A man's mouth can't be trusted."

"But I do have a few questions to ask." Ms. Liu picked up the teacup, her seductive red lips blowing away the heat.

Ji Changqing stared at it and swallowed.

"Master, please tell me. I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know."

Mrs. Liu took a sip, leaving a faint red lip mark on the mouth of the tea cup.

Ji Changqing glanced at the teacup he had just drank from.


No lip marks.

"I also read the letter."

"I thought I was bragging."

"Looking at it now, the master was indeed inferior to the master when he was young."

"I hope the young master is my disciple."

Ji Changqing just smiled, and he heard the underlying meaning.

The last sentence is the point.

It means that I already know that you are fake, so there is no need to pretend.

"I don't dare to take it seriously, my wife is too complimentary."

Mrs. Liu held her cheek with one hand and tilted her head to observe his every move.

"Why are Mr. Ji here?"

Ji Changqing expressed his feelings directly: "Marry Mo Caihuan."


Mrs. Liu was a little surprised.

"I thought Yuzhu would be more popular with you young masters."

"Caihuan is still young, and she is the only daughter of the fourth sister. It is not easy to marry her."

Ji Changqing finally figured out that he was asking himself to be replaced by Mo Yuzhu.

Don't even think about the ink color ring.

"Sister Yuzhu is naturally happy with me for a long time."

Mrs. Liu rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

It seems that all the descriptions of himself in the letter are true.

This guy really wants all three.

"Mr. Ji, have you met the master?"


"Do you know where the master is?"


"It seems that the young master does have someone to rely on."

In the past, liars always wanted to marry one person, but he wanted them all.

Such impossible conditions.

Either this person is crazy, or he has something to rely on.

Although Ji Changqing did not answer directly, her strength has always been her ability to detect words and expressions. Even without using Tianhu Dafa, she can easily tell whether a person is lying or not from his micro-expressions and movements.

Especially for men.

"I don't even ask where the master is."

"I just want to know how he is doing now!"

Ji Changqing really admired her for her extraordinary thinking.

Most people would not continue to ask questions when he answered that they had never seen it before.

You've never seen him, how do you know where he is?

But she just asked.

And he got the key.

Presumably these ladies in the Mo Mansion have already made some guesses.

If a person doesn't go home for several years, he either dies or has some special reason why he can't come back.

That's why she asked Mo Juren how he was doing now.

Ji Changqing pondered for a moment: "Not very good."

"Yeah, sure enough." Liu's eyes dimmed a bit.

"Who else besides the young master knows this news?"

When she said this, she was careless. Compared with before, it seemed like a casual question.

A cool breeze flows through the hall.

Ji Changqing felt a little cold in his hands and feet.

If she answers, only I know, will she kill someone and silence her?

At this time, he was a little lucky to have left those notes.

This is related to the life and death of Jingjiao Society.

Even if these women don't kill him, they probably won't be able to leave Mo Mansion.

The more nervous you are, the less timid you can be.

Ji Changqing smiled and said: "No third person will know about it in a short time."

Mrs. Liu stared at Ji Changqing for a long time, suddenly laughed, and then shouted towards the backyard.

"Second sister, fourth sister, fifth sister, please come out."

As soon as she finished speaking, three beautiful women of all kinds came from the backyard.

The leader was Yan, the fourth wife of Mo Juren, who was also his cousin and now the leader of the Mo family and the Jingjiao Society.

The face shape is somewhat similar to Mo Caihuan.

The second-ranked woman is Wang.

The fifth wife of Mo Juren.

She is young and beautiful, around [-] years old. Although she is beautiful, the frost on her face is intimidating. Her eyes are full of coldness, and she is a master of internal energy at first glance.

The last Li family was Mrs. Mo Juren.

When he came in, he nodded to Ji Changqing, looking like a lady.

The four ladies came in and sat there.

It looks like a three-chamber trial.

(End of this chapter)

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