Chapter 5
A young boy born as a waiter with such a low status appears here, threatening to marry the three daughters of her Mo family.

The young man's high spirits and extraordinary courage are no less than those of the young master.


In this world, force is respected after all.

At this age, he has already missed the best stage of martial arts training, and he may not be able to achieve anything in this life.

Yan, who was in charge, said nothing and looked at Ji Changqing with complicated eyes.

"I've met all the ladies!" Ji Changqing stood up and said to the beautiful women in order to ease the atmosphere.

He was a little surprised. Shouldn't these ladies be interrogated directly?
Forced himself to tell the whereabouts of Mo Juren.

Why does it look so peaceful now?

Yan smiled and nodded.

"sit down."

"There is tea on the table. It was planted by your junior sister Feng Wu."

"Thank you, Madam. Then I'll have a good taste." Ji Changqing was beaming with joy.

She didn't reveal it to her face and even admitted her identity.


Where's the trouble?
Although full of doubts, the play must be performed.

After sitting down, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Close your eyes and 'remember'.

"The aroma of tea is elegant, silky in the mouth, fragrant on the lips and teeth, and has a long aftertaste."

"Good tea! Really good tea! As expected of Sister Feng Wu, she is so clever and clever."

He opened his eyes, racked his brains, racked his brains, and praised without conscience.

In fact, his evaluation is still not as good as boiled water.

And he has never seen Mo Fengwu before.

Ms. Liu, who was sitting next to him, almost lost her composure and rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

This guy drinks tea as if it were boiled water buffalo, but you can't taste it.

If you don't learn well at a young age, you have a way of dealing with the world.

Mrs. Yan nodded, and all the ladies were quite satisfied, except Ms. Wang, the frosty beauty sitting opposite him.

The expression on his face has not changed since he entered this room, and it remains the same for thousands of years.

Among Mo Juren's wives, she was the most infatuated.

Come to think of it, I don't have a good impression of this impostor myself.

Ji Changqing looked at her without any trace, his cold, arrogant and aloof temperament was really eye-catching.

Then he took a look at Liu, a vixen with a fiery figure and alluring figure.

Obviously two extremes.

Ice and Fire.

Mo Juren's vision is impeccable.

Ji Changqing recognized his aesthetics.

"As long as you like it, I'll ask Feng Wu to give you a little more later." Mrs. Yan naturally saw that he didn't like drinking tea, but she still had to continue.

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Well!" Seeing that the atmosphere was brightening, Madam Yan began to get down to the topic and said in a clear voice: "When Chang Qing comes in, you will meet Wang Jiaoyan."

Ji Changqing nodded. He had been thinking about Wang Jiaoyan's purpose of coming here.

Make trouble for him?

Probably not. As long as she didn't help herself from the beginning, it wouldn't be a problem.

What did Madam Yan mean when she suddenly mentioned her?
"How is your relationship with her?" Yan asked tentatively.

Ji Changqing pondered for a while and felt that this problem was a bit difficult.

Although they are said to be friends, if the relationship between these two women is not good, it will be easy for them to be blamed.

So this issue completely depends on the relationship between Mrs. Yan and Wang Jiaoyan.

"I wonder what she said to Mistress?" Ji Changqing did not answer directly.

He is young and has a delicate mind, but Mrs. Yan has long observed the token on his waist and guessed that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Seeing that she couldn't get anything out of the question, she simply said: "She is here to represent Chunyu Tower and I, the Jingjiao Society, to re-alliance and deal with the Tianbamen together."

Isn't she Tianbamen's concubine?
How can it represent Chunyu Tower?

Jingjiao Club is the weakest among the three major gangs. This is completely irrational behavior.

"But she made a condition."

Mrs. Yan didn't say what the conditions were, she just stared at Ji Changqing with a smile on her face.

Only then did Ji Changqing realize that this condition should be related to him.

And it was precisely because of this condition that these beautiful women were so polite to him.

"Is it related to me?" Ji Changqing asked almost with an affirmative tone.

"It seems she didn't tell you in advance."

Mrs. Yan stopped being dumbfounded and continued.

"Her condition is that I will betroth the jade beads to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang, the frosty beauty opposite, raised her head and glanced at Yan.

Ji Changqing noticed this detail, which showed that Wang Jiaoyan's conditions were definitely not like this.

Even if it is, there is probably a discrepancy.

Most likely, Mrs. Yan pushed Mo Yuzhu out without permission to protect her daughter.Ji Changqing suddenly remembered that when he first entered Mo Mansion, Wang Jiaoyan passed him by with a meaningless smile on her lips.

That's what happened.

He smiled bitterly and touched the token on his waist. This time he was in great debt.

"Thank you, Master, for helping me."

"I have longed for sister Yuzhu."

"She went out hunting in the morning, and we met and fell in love with each other."

In fact, he was looked down upon. Because of his status as a waiter, Ji Changqing naturally noticed it.

But when you see someone talking to someone, you naturally want to strike while the iron is hot, for fear that she will regret it.

Although she's not Mo Caihuan, it's okay. If you marry one, will the second one be far away?
"I didn't expect such a thing. It seems that you and Yuzhu are indeed destined." Mrs. Yan chuckled, naturally not believing his lies.

How could she not understand Mo Yuzhu's character?
This girl has always been aloof and has numerous suitors, but none of them can catch her eye.

Can she fall in love with a waiter?

Ji Changqing smiled and said nothing.

"In that case, I have made an appointment for you and Yuzhu's marriage."

"Thank you so much, Master!" Ji Changqing stood up and thanked her.

My heart was filled with ecstasy, my hands were trembling slightly with excitement, I was finally going to get a wife.


Ji Changqing: "..."

Why is there a but!
Can you finish speaking in one breath!

Mrs. Yan also saw the loss in his eyes and a smile on her face.

They are young people after all.

"Getting married is not as simple as you think."

"Various procedures are quite complicated. Ordinary families have to go through the process of asking for the bride's name, asking for her name, asking for her name, accepting the invitation, and asking for a date before she can finally welcome the bride."

"But your family's situation is special. Some common etiquette can be avoided if possible."

"The only thing you need is for me to discuss with your mistresses and choose a good and auspicious day for you and Yuzhu to get married."

"You stay in Mo Mansion first, cultivate a relationship with Yuzhu first, and things will fall into place naturally."

Her words were watertight and well-founded, and she was entirely planning for Ji Changqing.

Ordinary people will feel grateful and guilty after hearing this. Their family background is so poor that they can't even do anything as big as getting married, and they can't even afford much as a betrothal gift.


Ji Changqing also has a problem.

He got the point.

Mrs. Yan only said to find a good time, but she didn't say how long.

This auspicious day may be tomorrow.

Most likely it will be next year.

even longer.

Because she said something else later, cultivate relationships first.

If you really want him to get married quickly, there is no need to say this.

To put it bluntly, I will find a good and auspicious day for you to get married as soon as possible.

Ji Changqing didn't believe that Mrs. Yan would care about Mo Yuzhu's feelings.

If you really cared, you wouldn't have made your own decision and betrothed Mo Yuzhu to yourself.

They didn't even officially meet!
Her only purpose in saying these words was most likely to delay time.

As long as Ji Changqing lives in Mo Mansion, he can stabilize the alliance between Jingjiao Society and Chunyu Tower.

Moreover, it can also prevent him from leaking information about Mo Juren and wait for their master to come back.

She has made up her mind.

Ji Changqing knew that none of the ladies like Mo Juren were simple people.

We cannot sit still and wait for death. God knows when this auspicious day will wait.

"Thank you, Master, for your love, although Master wants me to get married as soon as possible."

"Go help him."

"But what my wife said makes sense. How could Sister Yuzhu be so careless about her life-long affairs? I will stay in Mo Mansion first and slowly cultivate my relationship."

Help me? ? ?

The three beauties grasped the key points at once and were instantly silenced.

Only the frost beauty Wang suddenly stood up and approached Ji Changqing, with an even colder look in her eyes.

"Do you know about the master? What happened to him? Where is he now?"

She was so aggressive that her snow-like skin almost touched Ji Changqing's nose, and Ji Changqing had to bend down and lean back.

"That's enough!" Yan shouted.

"Sit back first, Changqing will definitely tell you, don't be in a hurry."

Her words were so conclusive that Ji Changqing's escape was blocked.

Wang snorted coldly, sat back and kicked the table legs.

Ji Changqing remained calm.

Mrs. Liu next to him could clearly see his little movements. This guy could clearly avoid him from the beginning.

I don't know if keeping him in Mo Mansion is a blessing or a curse.

(End of this chapter)

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