Chapter 6 Infatuated

After the fifth lady Wang made such a fuss, the living room became quiet for a while.

Ji Changqing is also thinking about how to organize the language next to make the story more realistic.

In fact, he has been thinking about this question a lot these days.

How can I make these ladies willing to marry Mo Caihuan to me.

The optimal solution is to be like Han Li.

Show your strength to crush everything without you even opening your mouth.

In order to seek shelter, win over patrons.

Mrs. Yan will take the initiative to promise to marry her three daughters to you.

The mortal world is so cruel. Without the protection of a strong person, if you provoke a strong enemy, the result will be the destruction of the entire clan.

But cruelty is only for the weak.

The strong are all kinds of backstabbers.

There is no romance.

The family sends girls to get married in various ways, which is much more enjoyable than other worlds.

This method is the most reliable.

But it is also the slowest.

Han Li practiced by taking medicine for eight years before he reached [-]% Qi training.

If Ji Changqing wants to become stronger, he can only rely on Mo Yuzhu, a hundred true essence pills rewarded by the Taoist companion.

One pill is equivalent to one year's worth of cultivation.

Knock a hundred.

Hundred years of cultivation!
Xiang Bi should be no worse than ordinary Qi cultivators.

Although everyone had seen hope, Yan had to make a procrastination decision.

Ji Changqing could only think of another way.

Although a bit risky.

They won’t even believe the story they made up.


He has a way of proving what he says.

"Changqing, don't blame your fifth master's wife."

Yan was slightly embarrassed, but she had to intervene.

Mrs. Liu next to her also took the initiative to pour him tea.

Ji Changqing thanked him softly, Niu took a sip and waited for the next words.

"Before he left, your master said he would be back in two to three years."

"But now it's been five years and there's still no news at all."

"It's pity that my sisters have become widows at such a young age."

"I am the only one who has given birth to a daughter, your second master's wife, your third master's wife, and your fifth master's wife. So far, I have no children."

What Yan said was profound and pitiful.

The other ladies were secretly sad after hearing this.

"If you have any news about the master, just tell the master's wife, and we will arrange your marriage with Yuzhu as soon as possible."


Such vague words again.

Ji Changqing was unable to complain.

It can be seen that this Mrs. Yan has no sincerity at all.

As long as it's not a promise, he doesn't believe a word.

"The master's wife said that, she's out of touch."

"This is what I came to Mo Mansion for."

"Even if there is no sister Yuzhu's marriage, I will tell Master's situation one by one."

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu secretly took out a letter and placed it on the tea table, with her green and white jade fingers touching a line of words.

'If one day, Mo Mansion encounters a crisis, all three daughters can be betrothed to him'

Ji Changqing pretended not to notice and glared at her.

Why is this vixen so naughty!

"That's good, Changqing is interested. From the first moment I saw you, I knew that you were affectionate."

"Yuzhu is a good match for you, and I feel relieved."

Mrs. Liu took back the envelope and drank tea silently, fearing that she would laugh out loud.

"Master's wife is so complimentary. In that case, I will come with you one by one."

"I wonder if you ladies know about immortal cultivators."

His voice was not loud, but in the ears of several beautiful women, it was like thunder on the ground.

The living room returned to silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

Mortals in the secular world are most taboo about those who cultivate immortality.

That's what they need to look up to.

Mortals are like ants to immortal cultivators.

When the Wang family opposite heard about the immortal cultivator, her originally cold face turned pale with fear, and I felt pity for him.

Obviously she also realized that her master was related to the immortal cultivator.

"It seems that all ladies know something about immortal cultivators?"

Yan Shi smiled miserably, she had a bad feeling.

"In fact, many people in Jiayuan City know the existence of immortal cultivators."

"Some people even witnessed the fight between immortal cultivators outside the city."

"I heard that they can control the wind and rain, and make fire spray. They are all like living gods."

"Even our master has seen immortal cultivators fighting with his own eyes."

"I see." Ji Changqing frowned immediately.

It seems that there are many immortal cultivators living in seclusion in Jiayuan City.You should be more careful in the future and don't get carried away.

"Changqing, why did you suddenly mention immortal cultivators! It's hard for me to..." Yan didn't dare to continue mid-sentence.

She thought of a terrible result, if the master provoked the immortal cultivator, Mo Mansion.

Ji Changqing nodded and said, "I also saw it in a similar letter."

"A few years ago, Master was plotted against by the villain Wang Yi and was seriously injured."

"Sure enough, it's this villain. He used to be a close confidant of the master. It's a shame that the master trusts him so much." The fifth lady, Wang, gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

Second Lady Li frowned and said, "Now that he has joined the Five Colors Sect, there is nothing we can do against him."

"Listen to Changqing first." Yan said.

Ji Changqing nodded and continued: "Master was seriously injured at the time and went out to look for medicine. He met an immortal cultivator named Yu Zitong."

"Yu Zitong was also seriously injured at that time because he had a conflict with another immortal cultivator over some magical medicine."

"Master learned that Yu Zitong had a life-saving elixir. He first begged hard, but Yu Zitong was indifferent."

"When the master saw that Yu Zitong was also seriously injured, he became murderous and attacked Yu Zitong with poison and killed him."

The four beautiful women remained silent because they knew that this was the master's way of doing things and couldn't be wrong.

"But immortal cultivators are not so easy to kill. Before he died, Yu Zitong used all his blood and essence to turn into a blood curse and sprayed it on the master's head. This blood curse is extremely vicious and will cause people to age quickly."

"So the master found a place and hid. If he wants to save his old man, he needs his disciples to reach the fourth level of Qi training."

Ji Changqing said it all in one breath, not a single word was deceptive.

Even the first sentence and the last sentence.

The ladies were silent after listening to this. They were really helpless when it came to the immortal cultivators.

"So Changqing, what does this have to do with you marrying Yuzhu? Are you also a cultivator of immortality?" Mrs. Yan remembered what he said before, get married as soon as possible and then go help the master.

Good question.

This is what Ji Changqing was waiting for.

"I wonder if Master Madam has ever heard of it. In the world of immortality, there are two famous sects, the Hiding Moon Sect and the Hehuan Sect."

Yan smiled bitterly: "How can mortals like us understand the things in the world of immortality?

"Changqing, you seem to be very familiar with the world of immortality."

"I just read some ancient books and know a little bit about it." Ji Changqing gestured with his index finger and thumb.

"The mainstream techniques of these two famous sects are both yin and yang cultivation techniques, and their cultivation speed is different from ordinary people."

"Master ladies, I will tell you the truth, I also have a similar physique. As long as I get married to Sister Yuzhu, my internal strength will improve rapidly."

Several ladies looked at each other, although they had never heard of such a physique.

But in fact, there are still people who have heard of this kind of inner strength method of gathering yin and replenishing yang, but it is not as outrageous as what he said.

Thousands of miles per day is too exaggerated.

"If it's just to collect yin and replenish yang, then it shouldn't be jade beads." Mrs. Liu interjected. She was very knowledgeable about this kind of thing and even had a systematic understanding of it.

"Uh!" Ji Changqing was speechless. Why are you so smart at this time?

"That's true in theory."

Mrs. Yan smiled and said: "In that case, I will arrange some maids for you tonight."

In fact, she had only half believed Ji Changqing's words before.

It's just right now, thanks to Third Sister's reminder.

Didn't he say that he had a special physique and could travel a thousand miles at a time?

In this case, I will satisfy you.

If you can't see the result tomorrow, it means this guy is totally lying.

Yan wouldn't believe anything he said after that.

As long as he stays in Mo Mansion, don't even think about Yuzhu's marriage.

Ji Changqing is very distressed now.

How can such a thing happen?
Free maids are given to the whole room, how many are there at one time?
Yan is a good person.

People are beautiful and kind.

I misunderstood her before.


Ji Changqing is struggling with a problem, Xin Fu's troubles.

That is, he is still a young person in this world.

This was my first time giving it to a little maid of unknown origin.

He is a man of nostalgia.

For his first woman, he hopes that she will be someone with good conduct and who will accompany him throughout his life.

Ji Changqing smiled happily for a while, frowned for a while, and finally sighed.

Just take a gamble.

If it really doesn't work, he won't worry about it.

Ji Changqing raised her hands to Mrs. Yan and said seriously: "Master's wife, other girls can do it, but I am nostalgic for old feelings, even if it is a maid."

“If they become my women, I will make them my wives.”

"Sister Yuzhu or Caihuan, if you want to marry me in the future, you will have to suffer them."


"He's just a servant. Changqing, why are you so infatuated?"

Yan was caught off guard by his words.

If what Ji Changqing said is true, it means that he has great potential and may become an immortal cultivator in the future.

It is self-evident what a cultivator means to a family.

If he allowed those servants to become his wife and his daughter to be a child, she would not accept it under any circumstances.

At this moment, she really didn't dare to gamble.

"If my wife doesn't believe me, I can prove it tonight, but what I said is definitely not a lie. My only advantage is that I will never let down my woman."

"Fourth sister, he probably didn't lie." Ms. Liu reminded from the side. This serious expression also touched her deeply. Could it be that there is really such an infatuated man?
 If there are any poisonous points, forget to point them out because the new author is not very proficient yet.

(End of this chapter)

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