Chapter 7 Ink Phoenix Dance

After thinking about it, Mrs. Yan felt that this matter was of great importance and she had to discuss it with several sisters, so she wanted to send Ji Changqing away first.

"Changqing, Yuzhu, that wild girl just came back from hunting. She should be taking a bath now. You can go find her in the backyard." Yan's words seemed to mean something.


What does mistress mean?
"Okay, Master." Ji Changqing said and walked towards the backyard.

After he left, Ms. Liu withdrew her gaze. When she thought of the scene of the boy and the girl having a frank meeting in the bathtub, her mouth suddenly became dry.

The backyard of Mo Mansion is a large garden, leaving only a pebbled path leading deeper.

There are all kinds of rare flowers and plants planted here. The flowers and plants exude a strange medicinal fragrance, which is refreshing.

Ji Changqing even saw a cucumber-like crop hanging on the greenhouse.

He walked over and reached out to pick one and try it.

"Hmm~ No." A cute voice came from beside her feet.

Only then did Ji Changqing realize that there was a cute little girl squatting at his feet.

But her little head was wearing a big flower hat, which almost covered her entire face.

She was holding a small kettle in her left hand and holding a sickle in her right hand. She pouted her little mouth slightly and stared at him unblinkingly with her big eyes.

Is this a cucumber that has become a spirit?
how so cute.

Ji Changqing squatted down and laughed, moving his hands together to rub the girl's fleshy face.

"Um, uh~"

A few minutes later, ravaged by Ji Changqing's claws, the girl's legs were weak and she sat down on the dirt, like a pitiful and helpless little frog.

Her cute big eyes began to glow with mist, her mouth was slumped and trembling slightly, as if she was about to cry.

"Don't cry, I'll pick some fruit for you."

Ji Changqing immediately panicked, the girl's heartbroken face was quite lethal.


When she saw that he was going to harm the green snake fruit she had worked so hard to grow again, the girl didn't even bother to cry. She rushed towards him and hugged his thigh tightly with both hands.

Ji Changqing's hands were frozen in mid-air. Just when he was about to lower his head, there was a sound of breaking through the air in his ears. He only saw a touch of white greasy in the corner of his eyes. Before he could react, his wrists were caught in the blink of an eye and folded behind him.

"You little thief, you actually bullied Feng Wu." The girl's clear voice came from behind and shouted angrily.

Ji Changqing felt a little pain, and he immediately guessed the identity of the girl behind him, his fiancée Mo Yuzhu.

At this time, his legs were hugged and he did not dare to move, and his hands were also held behind him. Due to the inertia, his body suddenly lost balance and fell backward. The girl behind him was afraid that he would hurt Feng Wu at his feet, so she blocked him in a panic.

The fragrance of a girl who has just bathed is like the morning dew on the tips of green grass in the morning sun after the clouds and mist, pure and beautiful.

"Feng Wu~ Get up quickly." The girl behind her spoke with strange tremors.

Although Ji Changqing couldn't see the girl's expression, he could still hear a trace of anger. The pain in his wrist hit him again. Seeing that Feng Wu at his feet was about to let go of his hand, he suddenly became anxious.

Can't beat it!

"Don't listen to her. I'll continue picking your cucumbers when you get up."

The little girl's body stiffened, and then she hugged him harder, even her little head was pressed against his lap.

"Damn it!" The girl behind her trembled angrily, but she immediately reacted, "Don't be afraid Feng Wu, his hands are caught by me and I can't take them off."

Feng Wu raised her head cautiously: "Really?"

"She lied to you. I can still move my mouth. If you let go, I can also move my feet."

"I'm so angry. Who are you?"

"Let me go first, and then promise not to use force on me." Ji Changqing is not in a hurry now. She is his fiancée anyway, so the opportunity to cultivate feelings has come.

"Yes, but you can't pick Feng Wu's cucumbers."

Mo Yuzhu was completely led astray by Ji Changqing. After all, cucumber was quite vivid and easy to remember.

"It's the Green Snake Fruit!"

Mo Fengwu was really speechless.

Why are these two people like this?

Ji Changqing naturally agreed.

Mo Yuzhu hummed softly, released her wrist and pushed his body upright.

Ji Changqing flicked his wrist, it still hurt. This girl looked weak, but she was quite strong, and her skills were amazingly fast.

"It's you, how did you get in?" Mo Yuzhu folded his hands on his chest, his slender figure stood tall and graceful, and his wet hair had not yet been dried.

Ji Changqing looked up and down, admiring his fiancée's beautiful face and slim waist, and nodded with satisfaction: "Master's wife said you were taking a bath and asked me to come in and take a look."

He has always been honest and not good at lying.

Mo Yuzhu's cheeks turned red: "That's nonsense."

"To be honest, no one believes it." Ji Changqing sighed.

At this time, the little maid from before came out of the hall, and her face lit up when she saw Mo Yuzhu: "Miss, Madam asked you to come over."

Mo Yuzhu looked confused and asked in a clear voice: "Did something happen?"

"I don't know. I just sent my slave to call you. All four ladies are here."

"Yes." Mo Yuzhu nodded, and then told Ji Changqing: "Don't bully Feng Wu."

Am I that kind of person?

Ji Changqing remained silent. It seemed that the ladies had already made their decision.

He lowered his head and saw Mo Fengwu at his feet, still hanging on his lap, for fear of picking her fruit himself.

He really has no immunity to such a cute little girl and wants to bully her again.

And the orange bubbles on her head are even more surprising.Mo Feng Wu: Charm 45 (Extraordinary)
Taoist Companion Reward: Xiantian Najie (Xiantian*100)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Fairyland*10.

It's on the same level as the Heaven-Building Pill, so I don't think it's a mortal thing.

"Did you grow these herbs?" Ji Changqing asked curiously.

Mo Fengwu blushed slightly, and finally let go, picked up the kettle and the small sickle on the ground, and handed the sickle to Ji Changqing.

"You can only pick one."

Ji Changqing was stunned and took the sickle. There were less than eight green snake fruits on the vine.

Thinking of what she said before, it took two years to get results, and I felt a little embarrassed to start.

Cut one off with your backhand.

"Is there a pool nearby? I'll go wash it off."

In the end, I couldn't hold it back and wanted to taste something.

Mo Fengwu pointed at the kettle, as if saying there was water in it.


Aiming the spout of the kettle at the green snake fruit, after rinsing and rubbing it, Ji Changqing folded it in half with a click.

"Here's half for you."

Ji Changqing couldn't help but take a bite. It was crisp, refreshing, and unusually sweet. There was even a warm feeling in his stomach after eating it.

It's really not a cucumber. Cucumbers are not that delicious.

Mo Fengwu smiled and narrowed her big eyes into crescent moons. She didn't expect that he would give her half.

Others are quite nice.

After the two of them finished eating, Mo Fengwu pulled him and introduced his medicinal fields with great interest.

She is like a hard-working little bee, shuttling in the medicine field.

She had a bright smile as she spoke, and it was obvious that she really enjoyed growing herbs.

Ji Changqing followed behind and listened quietly.

Mo Yuzhu has been away for a long time and has not returned.

The sun gradually set and the sky became dark.

During this time, the little girl taught him a lot about medicinal herbs.

How to grow it and what its medicinal properties are.

Ji Changqing ate and listened at the same time. He was confused and confused, and his seven orifices were connected to the six.

I can't remember it at all. I will still learn Changchun Kung Fu if I have the chance in the future. It seems that the fifth level can give me the ability to have a photographic memory.

However, in the entire medicinal field, I have basically eaten everything that is edible.

Ji Changqing really likes this girl Mo Fengwu.

After he got used to it, he was very generous and gave him all kinds of delicious food to try.

I haven't eaten dinner yet, and my stomach is already eighty percent full.

"Sir, miss, it's dinner time soon. Madam will call you over." The little maid from before came over again.

Mo Fengwu asked them to go first, saying they should change their clothes and wash up.

Ji Changqing was taken to a large dining room. At this time, the room was brightly lit.

There is a large round table with a diameter of nearly one foot in the living room.

The maids lined up one after another to bring the food to the table until it was full.

No less than thirty dishes.

Mrs. Yan sat in the main seat, and several ladies sat on the left and right sides in turn.

In addition to the four wives of Mo Juren, Mo Yuzhu and Mo Caihuan were also there.

This was an ordinary family banquet in the Mo Mansion, but there was an extra Ji Changqing at this time. The servants who had never seen him were stunned.

You must know that even Mo Juren's eldest apprentice, Yan Ge, and his second apprentice Zhao Kun are not qualified to eat here.

What was even more shocking was that the eldest lady actually came out to greet him in person.

Mo Yuzhu came up and hugged his arm, and the friction on his arm gave him a soft touch.

Ji Changqing suddenly had this idea and walked in stiffly.

Under the candlelight, Mo Yuzhu's face was crimson and her silver teeth were biting secretly.

I don’t know how this guy deceived the four aunts.

When she learned that her aunts were betrothed to Ji Changqing, Mo Yuzhu was stunned for a while and then she agreed directly, her reaction was unusually calm.

There is absolutely no crying, fussing or reluctance.

Even unusually cooperative.

Does she really like Ji Changqing?
No, she had long since accepted her fate.

As a daughter of the Mo family, her only value is to bring benefits to the family.

Even if it's not Ji Changqing today, there will still be Ji Changlu and Ji Changlan in the future.

Women in this world rarely object to a marriage arranged by their family, unless you have the strength to resist the family.

Otherwise, even the Heavenly Spiritual Roots and even the alchemy cultivation level will not be able to escape the fate.

(End of this chapter)

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