Chapter 8
Mo Yuzhu walked into the hall with Ji Changqing on her arm, attracting everyone's attention. Several ladies nodded secretly.

In terms of appearance, the two of them have the appearance of a man and a talented woman, so they are very suitable for each other.

It's just that the walking posture is a little stiff and unnatural, and there is no tacit understanding at all.

When he walked to the dining table, Ji Changqing was the first to speak: "I've met all the ladies."

"Sit down, don't be so formal, we will all be family members from now on." Mrs. Yan smiled and nodded, as if she really regarded him as a family member.

When he looked at Mo Yuzhu, his eyes flickered and he felt a little guilty, but it was only for a moment, and he immediately felt that this was for Yuzhu's good.

"Okay, Mistress." Ji Changqing glanced at the ladies.

I don’t know what they said between them, but my fiancée has changed from a proud peacock to a well-behaved kitten.

At least that's how she looks to outsiders.

As for behind the scenes, Ji Changqing only hoped that he would not be beaten too hard.

That stretch of road just now.

Ji Changqing just rubbed it accidentally.

Touch something you shouldn't touch.

His waist was pinched, and he secretly bared his teeth in pain, even though he had to pretend to be smiling.

But overall it's a good thing, just take it one step at a time.

Because the dining table was too big, several ladies did not sit together, so the space seemed extremely spacious.

Mo Caihuan's little mouth never closed from the moment he came in. She was surprised by too many things. Is this still the Mo Mansion she is familiar with?
Her little head is still in a dazed state.

But there was one thing she remembered particularly clearly.

Didn’t he say that he was here to marry himself?
How did you become Sister Yuzhu?

Ji Changqing walked over and wanted to find a chair next to Mo Caihuan.

As a result, someone grabbed my arm and had to sit down one meter away.

Mo Yuzhu raised her white chin, looking slightly satisfied, but was immediately hugged by Ji Changqing's waist and sat down together.

Since someone is eager to get attention, Ji Changqing will naturally not let him down.

The ladies looked very satisfied, and any trace of guilt towards Yuzhu disappeared.

After a while, the little girl Mo Fengwu also came and sat directly on his left. At this time, she changed into emerald green clothes and looked even more petite and cute.

There are some differences between the Yan family's wives. Mo Fengwu has a somewhat withdrawn personality. She takes care of her small medicine garden all day long. It is rare to see her so close to others.

The key is that the two have only known each other for a short time.

In fact, Mo Fengwu's mind is very simple.

But Ji Changqing is more simple, he just eats and drinks.

One likes to plant, and the other likes what she plants.

This is also the reason why the two became friends quickly.

As soon as everyone arrived, everyone started to move.

The table full of delicacies will make your mouth water.

Eight people eat nearly forty dishes.

No matter how much you eat, you can't finish it all, not to mention that Mo Juren and his wife and daughter are all in good shape and their appetites can be imagined.

Ji Changqing is really sad when he thinks that he is still eating steamed buns in the morning and eating a lot of meat and fish in the evening. Things are unpredictable.

This soft rice is so fragrant.

Not only that, there were more than a dozen maids waiting on him.

Behind everyone, a maid fanned them.

You don’t have to use your hands to eat whatever you want, someone will help you put it into the bowl.

There were also people bringing tea and water.

It would be perfect if there were more beauties playing music and dancing in the hall.

These magical days are just that.

Therefore, what he envied most was the upright life of prestigious families like the Hehuan Sect.

You have to work hard to cultivate immortality, even if you become a Taoist ancestor, this is not what you are doing in the end.

Ji Changqing is determined to realize this dream sooner or later.

It's just that he just ate a few pieces, something similar to braised chicken wings, and his stomach felt a little full.

Delicious is delicious.

Unfortunately, there was too much to eat at Fengwu Medicine Garden.

Mo Yuzhu started to rub his belly when he saw that he hadn't even taken two bites, and then kept adding vegetables to his bowl.

Not only that, I even fed him with my own hands when he saw that he was eating slowly.

Ji Changqing came back for revenge and put his arms around her waist.

The two of them are so in love, it's incredible.

After eating two bowls of various delicacies from the mountains and seas fed by Mo Yuzhu himself, Ji Changqing couldn't eat anymore, so Feng Wu noticed his abnormality and even poked his bulging belly with her finger.

Mo Caihuan peeked in from time to time while eating, wondering why they had such a good relationship.

When Yan saw that she was almost done eating, she suddenly said, "Changqing, you should be able to drink."

"I'm not a good drinker, so I can only drink a little." Ji Changqing rubbed his belly and smiled bitterly. He didn't take out the wine sooner or later, but why did he take it out soon after finishing the meal?

"Today is the wedding day for you and Yuzhu, so you must drink some." Mrs. Yan said and ordered the maid behind her: "Go and get the beauty cup of jade liquid and fine wine."

"Yes, ma'am"

Mo Yuzhu said in surprise: "Jade liquid beauty cup! Dad has been collecting the wine for more than 20 years. When Wu Yiniang married dad, I took a sip."

Wang's frosty cheeks were rarely slightly red, and it was hard to spot if you didn't look carefully.Ji Changqing only took a few more glances.

"Yes, this is a fine wine that even the master is reluctant to drink. Yuzhu can drink more later." Mrs. Yan smiled happily.

"Thank you, Fourth Aunt." Mo Yuzhu nodded, full of expectation.

Ji Changqing turned to stare at Mo Yuzhu.

Mo Yuzhu was confused by the look and rolled her eyes at him: "What are you doing?"

"Do you like to drink?"

"It's okay. I don't drink much when I practice, but I have a good drinking capacity. Dad can't even drink me."

"Really?" Ji Changqing frowned, a little worried about his married life, fearing that she would get drunk and give him a blow.

After hearing this, Mo Fengwu pinched Ji Changqing's sleeve and looked at Mo Yuzhu, hesitating to speak, but finally said nothing.

After a while, the maid carried a tray and brought the so-called beauty cup of jade liquid and fine wine.

Surprisingly, these are two types of wine.

Two wine bottles, the size of mineral water bottles.

The cyan bottle has a red piece of paper attached to the bottle, with the words "Jade Liquid and Fine Wine" written on it.

The white bottle is the Beauty Cup.

Mrs. Liu took the lead in picking up the white bottle and filled herself a glass. When the wine came out of the bottle, it was as clear and silky as a mountain spring, with a quiet and restrained aroma.

"This kind of wine is usually drunk as a cup of wine when getting married. The groom drinks the jade liquor and the bride drinks the beauty cup. The taste of the two wines is completely different. One is like a blazing fire, the other is cold and silky. The combination of the two... "

Each of the ladies had a full cup, including Caihuan and Fengwu.

Feng Wu didn't want to drink it at first, but when she saw Ji Changqing drinking jade liquor, she didn't refuse.

The Beauty Cup was divided among several women, and Yuzhu still had half a bottle in her hand.

As the only man present, Ji Changqing took a large bottle of jade liquid and nectar.

When the cork is removed, the rich aroma of wine hits your nose, and just one sip makes you feel ecstatic.

Fill the glass and the wine will be milky and silvery when exiting the mouth.

It really is a good wine.

Father-in-law, thank you!
Ji Changqing didn't want to drink at first, but he had no choice. Everyone brought them, and in line with table etiquette, everyone toasted.

It was nothing at first, but after the ceremony was over, I noticed that the faces of the women were all different.

Ji Changqing then realized that this wine seemed not to be served casually.

But it's okay, I didn't drink a glass of wine anyway.

But Mo Yuzhu, while he was toasting, Gu Yong kept drinking, one cup after another.

When Ji Changqing noticed the abnormality, her cheeks turned slightly red, and less than a tenth of the half bottle of Beauty Cup was left.

"Stop drinking. You'll get drunk if you talk to her again." Ji Changqing snatched her wine glass.

Mo Yuzhu persisted: "Leave me alone, I'm not drunk, I can still drink..."

Just after he finished speaking, he fell completely into his arms and remained motionless.


Ji Changqing frowned slightly, then turned around and looked around the dining table: "Is she usually like this?"

Mo Caihuan whispered: "Sister Yuzhu rarely gets drunk. I don't know what happened today."

Yan smiled unnaturally and said, "I must be too happy."

"It's almost time to eat. Changqing, please send Yuzhu back."

"Qingmei will show you the way, and she will also tell you where you want to sleep tonight."

Ask me to deliver?
Ji Changqing suddenly realized that this so-called drinking was probably directed at Mo Yuzhu from the beginning.

I just don’t know whether Yuzhu did it on purpose or accidentally.

"Okay, Master Wife, let's take our leave now."

With the help of the maid, Ji Changqing carried Mo Yuzhu on his back and walked towards the backyard room.

The maid named Qingmei was leading the way in front of him, holding a red lantern, and in her hand were two remaining bottles of jade liquid and beautiful wine cups.

After the ladies finished eating, they left the hall one after another. The maids began to clear the table, and less than a third of the dishes on the table were finished.

They happily take these delicacies to the canteen, where they will eventually share the remaining delicacies of their masters.

"Yu Zhu will probably hate us, right?" On the way back to the wing, Mrs. Li said with a look of dismay.

Yan shook her head and said, "She knows the general picture."

"But we didn't even hold a wedding for them. Is there something wrong?" Ms. Liu couldn't help but ask.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Caihuan is the future leader of the Mo family, so we can only wrong Yuzhu. If Changqing can become an immortal cultivator, then their wedding will be held together, and Yuzhu himself agrees."

Yan sighed, all this was to make her daughter Mo Caihuan become Ji Changqing's wife.

"Besides, Changqing will comfort Yuzhu. Before he left, he called Qingmei and took away the Beauty Cup of Yuye. He guessed our intention."

Mrs. Liu nodded and said: "I quite like this kid Changqing. He is bold and careful, and has a pretty good character. He actually wants to make a maid his wife."

Yan Shi smiled: "That's what I like about him. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to betroth the jade beads to him."

"Although he may be hiding something, as long as he can become an immortal cultivator, for the sake of Yuzhu, he cannot ignore the Mo Mansion."

"In the final analysis, our Jingjiao Club still lacks a top master like the master to take charge."

Wang said bitterly: "Our industry has been shrinking in these years, but Tianba Sect and Wuse Sect are still aggressive and insist on driving us out."

"Fifth sister, you are the best among us. You can go to Changqing tomorrow and have a look." Yan said meaningfully.

Wang nodded and said, "I also want to see if what he said is true or false."

(End of this chapter)

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