Chapter 10 Changes brought about by Qi

When she went out, Qingmei noticed that her uncle was walking like a dragon and a tiger, and he no longer looked as sick as when he got up.

And the bruise on his neck seems to have faded a lot.

Is that bowl of soup really so nourishing?

Ji Changqing also felt the changes in himself. The true energy was flowing in his body, not only healing his physical injuries, but also strengthening his body muscles during exercise.

The biggest change is his eyes, he is full of energy, and others can tell he is Lian Jiazi at a glance.

At present, he is still unable to restrain his true energy.

He remembered that his physique was still ten points before, but now it was twelve.

I'm kind of looking forward to the effect of eating them all.

Ji Changqing walked out of the yard and couldn't wait to pick up a stone.

What is the best experiment?

Potted plants in the yard?

There seem to be bees too.

It's too small and I feel like I can't hit it.

'Lonely and widowed, lonely and widowed. '

Two small frogs squatted on the lotus leaves in the clear small pond.

It would be a bit disgusting if flesh and blood were everywhere.

'Quack. '

On the top of the green bamboo three to four feet high, a bird with black feathers is preening its feathers.

The croaking disturbs people's dreams early in the morning.

Just you.

Ji Changqing curled his fingers, accumulated strength, strengthened his energy, took aim, and the pebbles on his fingertips shot through the air towards the crow like bullets.

There was only a popping sound, the bamboo pole trembled violently, and the crow flew out diagonally. It was so frightened that it urinated feces and urine, and flapped its wings crazily in the air, scattering a few feathers.


"Wow, uncle, that's amazing." Qingmei saw it clearly, smiled and applauded.

Ji Changqing smiled and was quite satisfied, even though he was not aiming at that stupid bird in the first place.

But it's really interesting to see it in such a mess.

Ji Changqing clapped his hands and went to find Mo Yuzhu, Qingmei leading the way.

"The lady is over there in the bamboo clearing."

"Well, I heard it all."

From time to time, the crisp collision sounds of weapons could be heard in the bamboo forest.

Ji Changqing quickened his pace and walked through the bamboo forest path, and the view ahead suddenly broadened.

In front of you is a circular open space, earthy yellow, with few weeds on the ground and many fallen bamboo leaves.

In the middle of the open space, two stunning women were practicing sword practice.

The girl in white on the left stands proudly, with the sword in her hand dancing like an airtight, and the afterimages of the sword are connected together.

The woman in green clothes on the right has a frosty face and calm eyes. Facing the attack like a sudden storm, she relies on ghostly steps to sometimes dodge and sometimes wave her sword to resist, with ease and ease.

For one stick of incense, the two of them moved from one place to another. The bamboo leaves on the ground automatically fluttered in the windless movements of the two.

Ji Changqing stood aside and watched quietly.

This kind of special effects could only be seen in martial arts movies before.

Perhaps because they were tired, the two of them were already dripping with sweat when they stopped.

Only then did Ji Changqing discover that Wang actually had a bamboo sword in his hand.

"The Green Bamboo Phantom Sword has nine layers in total. When you practice it to perfection, any grass, wood, bamboo or stone can be turned into a sword. It is as fast as an afterimage and is extremely powerful."

Perhaps noticing his surprise, Wang walked up and explained.

"Why are you here?" Mo Yuzhu looked at him with evasive eyes, clearly not letting go in front of outsiders.

Ji Changqing hugged him and said, "What did you call me?"



Ji Changqing raised his eyes wide.

Mo Yuzhu then lowered his head and whispered: "Husband."


Ji Changqing was very satisfied.

Wang coughed, indicating that she was still there.

"I've met the fifth master's wife."

He greeted politely.

"Yes." Wang nodded, stood with his hands behind his hands, and looked at Ji Changqing with his eyes. Just one glance made him feel surprised.

After not seeing each other for a day, this young man has changed a lot.

Before, it was clear that he was an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken.

Take a look now.

His face is rosy, his blood is rising, his steps are steady, especially his eyes, which are full of energy. He is clearly a practitioner with a small amount of internal skills.

It's not even half the same as before.

Seriously, it's a day of farewell and treat each other with admiration.

"Give me your hand." Wang said coldly.


"Give me your left hand," she repeated.

"My Yu'er is still here."

Mo Yuzhu rolled her eyes at him and explained: "Fifth Yiniang wants to take your pulse." "I see."

Ji Changqing stretched out her right hand, and she said something about her left hand.

Three cold jade fingers pressed against her wrist, and a stream of warm gas followed her fingers, entered Ji Changqing's wrist, and then flowed along his meridians to explore.

Wang's face was expressionless at first, but as the zhenqi flowed and he explored the acupoints, he let out a light sigh.

Then it was discovered that a second and even a third one was forming.

No matter how well-educated she is, she still looks like a monster at this moment.

For ordinary people to get through these two positions, it would take at least five years of hard training, twelve hours a day.

And he only spent one night!She had never heard of this speed of cultivation.

Is there really a special physique in this world?
"Is the improvement of Yuzhu's internal strength also related to your physique?" Wang couldn't help but asked curiously.

When she was practicing swordplay in the morning, she noticed that Mo Yuzhu's internal skills had improved a lot. They were very exaggerated and could be distinguished at a glance, so she had a test.

"Probably!" Ji Changqing's answer was ambiguous.

Only if he shows enough potential can he be recognized by these master ladies.

I believe that as long as they are not stupid, they will not tell this matter.

Maybe even more nervous than him.

As long as Ji Changqing digests the True Essence Pill step by step, he should be able to protect himself within a month.

"No wonder, last night, I felt vaguely hot in my stomach." Mo Yuzhu said with a slight blush on her pretty face.

Ji Changqing almost laughed out loud, his wife is so cute.

"Master Wife, I can't do it just with my true energy. Is there any martial arts secret book suitable for me?"

After watching Yu'er compete with Wang, Ji Changqing realized the gap between the three.

When he went up, not to mention Wang, even Yu'er couldn't survive a few moves.

Just relying on brute force is not enough, you also have to learn some martial arts skills.

Unless there is a move to release the true energy.

Wang took her fingers away from his wrist.

Her mission has been completed. This young man didn't lie. According to this cultivation speed, it won't take long to surpass the master.

"Of course there is. I will take you there after breakfast." Yan's tone of voice was much gentler.

After saying that, she left. She needed to take Ji Changqing's situation back, discuss it with Yan and the others, and then make a plan.

Only Ji Changqing and Mo Yuzhu were left in the bamboo forest.

Oh, and there is a green plum.


"Our Jingjiao Society used to be the largest gang in Lanzhou. Dad used to like to collect martial arts secrets. Every sect in the world has them."

"Whatever you want to learn, husband, I will teach you later."

"My Yu'er is still the most sensible." Ji Changqing is really in love, this girl understands me, and the pain is not in vain.

The two of them had a bit of banter and headed towards the restaurant last night.

Before it was just a bowl of soup.

Still haven't eaten breakfast.

Now that there is true energy in the body, the energy consumed will be even greater.

When passing the small medicine garden, I saw Mo Fengwu again.

This little girl has been busy early in the morning. She seems to have unlimited enthusiasm. Even if she is alone, she will not feel lonely.

I really envy those who have hobbies.

"Here." When the little girl saw him, she smiled happily and brought two fruits to feed, which were still washed.

"You left it especially for me?" Ji Changqing was not polite. He picked it up and nibbled on it. It was sweet, crispy and refreshing: "It's delicious."

"Why is Feng Wu so kind to you?"

On the way, Mo Yuzhu tasted it.

"Who knows, maybe I'm more innocent!"

"I don't believe it."


When the four of them came to the hall, only Mo Caihuan was there, and the other ladies had not yet arrived.

"Caihuan, good morning."

Ji Changqing greeted him with a smile and sat down next to him. Yu'er also followed him. This time he didn't stop him, but took the initiative to hold his arm.

"Good morning, should I call you Changqing or brother-in-law?" Mo Caihuan glanced at Mo Yuzhu who was swearing his sovereignty and joked.

"You are a brat, haven't the ladies come yet?"

"It seems like they are discussing something."

"Is it."

After a while, several mistresses came, all smiling, which made Ji Changqing feel embarrassed.

Presumably it was Wang who said something to them.

"Let's have dinner."

Following Yan's order, the maids served the breakfasts prepared in advance one by one.

Another rich meal.

"Changqing, your fifth master's wife said you want to practice martial arts?" asked Yan while eating.

Ji Changqing said bluntly: "Yes, Master Wife, it's better to be more powerful."

"Of course there are some who are powerful. For example, your master's famous secret skills, the Trapping Dragon Technique, and the Demonic Silver Hand are top-notch special skills."

"I'll ask your fifth master's wife to take you to the Master's Scripture Collection Pavilion later."

"Thank you, Mistress."

(End of this chapter)

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