Chapter 11

Although mortal martial arts is a trivial way to cultivate immortality, it still has merits.

Ordinary Qi training period monks mostly only practice Qi but not body.

It is generally believed that no matter how good your physique is, you cannot resist a fire bullet, so there is no need to waste time and resources on physical training.

This also results in their physique not being much better than that of ordinary people.

You will also die if you are attacked by a mortal with weapons.

And if you practice an external exercise, your ability to survive in the secular world can be greatly improved.

Another benefit is that when the spiritual energy is exhausted or cannot be used, the true energy is also a way to save life.

Moreover, some secular Qinggong movements can also increase the ability to escape and pursue.

It is also a good choice.

Before marrying Mo Caihuan, Ji Changqing could have used this time to learn some useful skills.

After dinner, Wang took him and Mo Yuzhu to the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion.

Mrs. Liu was also following behind her. She said she had nothing to do, so she planned to come over and take a look.

As for her third sister, Wang couldn't do anything about her, so she ignored her.

The Mojuren Sutra Pavilion is quite impressive, with a conical shape and a total of four floors. You can see a large number of red stone pillars as beams and a black brick roof on the outside.

There is also a huge peach blossom tree in front of the door, and the pink peach blossoms are really bright.

As soon as two middle-aged guards in black saw the person, they immediately opened the door to let people in, and everyone filed in.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see rows of bookshelves against the wall, filled with thick books.

Ji Changqing flipped through it curiously. At first, he was full of confidence and expectations.

When he took out a large pile and was told that it was a secret book, he couldn't help but have a headache.

Fortunately, Wang did not stop and led them towards the central spiral staircase.

"The first floor is mostly about basic martial arts. We go directly to the second floor."

Coming to the second floor, the space is much smaller than the first floor.

And the thickness of the books is also much thinner.

It's good news.

"Here are the first-class secrets of external skills collected by the master. Take a look at them first and see which one you like."

Wang walked to the bookshelf, and Ji Changqing followed him and asked curiously: "Is there any difference between this place and the first floor?"

"Of course, read this."

She picked up a black secret book with an illustration on the cover, which looked like a gibbon monkey, with three large golden characters written next to it.

'Through-arm boxing'

Turning to the first page, it says: "Three-branched ape is the Qi that penetrates the three gates, the brain, the heart, and the elixir, and penetrates the nine orifices, the second eye, the second nose, the second ear, the two yins in the front and back, and the mouth. There are almost twelve weeks of heaven, six yin and six yang, coming and going in cycles, waxing and waning, the twelve palaces that come and go in cycles..."

"This is the external skill and mental method practiced by the leader of the Siping Gang, Zhongshan Shan. Now he has practiced it to great perfection and has become a first-class master."

"The ones on the first floor are all basic skills. Even if you practice them to a great extent, it will be difficult to become a first-rate master."

Is there any realm division in this martial arts?
Ji Changqing was even more curious.

"Fifth Master, what is a first-rate master?"

Wang shook her head: "There is no specific classification."

"But if you want to be among the first-class masters in Jiayuan City, you must practice a certain skill to perfection."

"There are 33 small gangs in Jiayuan City, and their gang leaders are all among them, and they are quite famous among the first-class masters."

"I see, is there anything more powerful?"

"Further up are the top masters, who have practiced one or even multiple martial arts to the pinnacle, and they also need to have deep internal skills."

"All three major gang leaders in Jiayuan City are included here."

"For example, the master practiced this magic silver hand," Wang picked up another silver secret book.

"After the completion, the arms will expand several times, and the skin will turn silver, extremely hard, and no different from metal. Not only is it incredibly powerful, but it also contains highly toxic substances."

"Would you like to try it?" Mrs. Liu asked bewilderedly from the side.

Ji Changqing shook his head firmly and joked, his arms expanded several times and turned silver.

Totally deformed.

Being awesome only lasts a while, being handsome lasts a lifetime.

Moreover, it is a melee attack method, which is completely useless.

Ji Changqing's purpose for coming here is very clear.

Qinggong and bodybuilding secrets are given priority.

Let’s take a look at the attack types first. If you have time, learn them. If you don’t have time, don’t learn them.

Mrs. Liu obviously refused to give up and kept persuading him, saying that the master had achieved the prestigious title of Ghost Hand by virtue of this skill.

Wang, however, was very calm: "It seems that you have your own plans. What genre do you want to learn? We can help you find it."

Ji Changqing told them his plan.

"How about this book on Qinggong?" Mo Yuzhu brought a local yellow secret book. Ji Changqing took it and took a look. It said 'So close to the end of the world'.

"One of my father's special skills is that after mastering it, it can shrink into an inch, and it can span several feet in one step."

Ji Changqing's heart moved, this seems good, but can ordinary martial arts really shrink into an inch?

Although it's not as exaggerated as taking one step ten thousand miles, it can still be regarded as a magical power in space, right?
It's a bit outrageous, and the martial arts in this world are completely incomprehensible.

For example, Han Li's blinking sword technique has derived a series of techniques, not to mention the bone-shrinking technique that touches the floor, and Luo Yanbu can turn people into light smoke.

Even if you say this is magical power, some people believe it.

Every world has different rules, and things that seemed unthinkable before are actually easier to achieve in this world.

"Okay, this one is good. Practice it first, and then change it if it doesn't work."

Next to him, Mrs. Wang brought two secret books at the same time.

"This is the Elephant Armor Kung Fu, a physical training technique with nine levels in total. When you reach the top level, you will be invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and extremely powerful."

Ji Changqing took it and saw that it was indeed the Elephant Armor Kung Fu practiced by Zhang Tie. It was indeed a good physical training technique.

"But there are also disadvantages. If you want to achieve great success, your body has to go through many hardships and endure pain that ordinary people cannot bear."

After Ji Changqing listened, his newly ignited enthusiasm was suddenly awakened by a basin of cold water, and he remained silent for a while.

"What about the other one?"

"This can be regarded as the top hard skill, Overlord A." Ji Changqing took the secret book and read it.

"There are ten levels in total. If you want to refine it to perfection, you need to combine deep internal strength and a large number of medicinal materials to strengthen the skin, muscles, and bones of the whole body."

"At the time of great achievement, the whole body is invulnerable to all weapons and weapons. Even the magic weapon that can cut iron like clay cannot be damaged at all. Its level of defense is even more powerful than the Elephant Armor Technique."

Ji Changqing's heart moved.

Isn't this the practice of flying Euros?

He thought he was invincible, but was beheaded by Fu Bao with a sword.

But it doesn't mean that this skill is rubbish. It can only mean that the attack methods of immortal cultivators are cross-dimensional strikes for mortals.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Nascent Soul cultivators would not be able to survive a blow from a sword just relying on their physical bodies.

This book is actually good, and quite suitable for him. After finishing the True Essence Pill, it mainly focuses on a person with deep internal strength, so it shouldn’t be difficult to practice.

Unfortunately, after searching around, I couldn't find any technique similar to the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

After asking Wang, I found out that if you want to release your true energy, you must at least be a master of transformation.

It requires deep internal strength.

At this level, there is no need for so-called skills.

Just swinging the sword can emit several inches of sword light.

It is rumored that there is such a master in Jingzhou Qixuanmen.

As far as he knew, the so-called transformation master was at most 70 years old.

Even if he practiced the most advanced techniques and took various medicinal materials, his Qi cultivation would not exceed 70 years.

Since they can release their true energy, Ji Changqing has eaten nearly a hundred pills, so there is no reason why they can't do it.

Then Wang took them to the third floor.

The space on the third floor is even smaller, and there is a stone table in the middle, which seems to be specially used for reading.

What is collected here are all the top internal skills in the world.

Ji Changqing naturally chose the Trapped Dragon Technique. He didn't care if it cultivated a lot of zhenqi. No matter how fast it was, how fast could it be compared to the Zhenyuan Dan?
Rather, we look at the effect when it is completed.

The true energy is endless.

In a word, get back to Lan quickly.

Seeing that internal strength, light strength, and external strength are all present.

But one thing is strange, there is no upward stairs here.

And the ceiling is sealed.

Ji Changqing searched for it for several times but still couldn't find it: "Fifth Master, I remember that the Sutra Pavilion looks like it has four floors from the outside."

"You remember right."

When Wang came to the stone table, she didn't know where she pressed the button to activate the room's mechanism. She just heard a click and a sound of a wheel turning.

Immediately following the third floor ceiling, a square entrance opens.

Moreover, the downward staircase suddenly started to rotate like a screw, turning higher and higher, leading straight to the fourth floor.

Mo Yuzhu: "..."

Growing up, she had been to the Sutra Pavilion countless times, but this was the first time she had seen a staircase leading to four floors.

Wang glanced at Ji Changqing: "This is also the purpose of bringing you here, let's go."

It's so mysterious, I don't know what it is.

Ji Changqing climbed up the stairs with curiosity.

After a few people came up, they found that it was pitch dark inside, so dark that they couldn't see their fingers.

There are no windows here.

Fortunately, Mrs. Wang had already prepared the flint and steel she had found unexpectedly, and lit the oil lamp on the table.

Under the dim light, I saw an ancient book lying quietly on the stone table.

It seems to have a special charm that attracts you from the depths of your soul.

Makes you want to open it, flip through it, and learn about it.

Ji Changqing frowned at the corner of his dry mouth. The moment he picked up the book, the blood in his body seemed to flow backwards, making his heart beat loudly.

"Beast Mastery!"

Ji Changqing read out the three golden characters on the book.

That’s right, it’s definitely an immortal cultivation technique!

Mo Yuzhu opened the cover, read a few lines, and was suddenly surprised: "Why are the formulas on this book so familiar? I seem to have practiced them before."

"Not only you, Cai Huan and Feng Wu have also practiced it." It was Liu who spoke, and she seemed to be more familiar with this technique.

"This is the biggest secret of our Mo Mansion."

"Early on, Master secretly asked us all to practice. Unfortunately, none of us succeeded."

"I haven't cultivated the so-called spiritual energy either. Fortunately, my mental strength is different from ordinary people, but it allowed me to learn the above technique, which is now the Tianhu Dafa."

Perhaps sensing Ji Changqing's doubts, Wang slowly explained.

It turns out that this skill is also related to the second lady Li.

The Li family was originally a large family in Yue State with a prominent status.

The higher you are at a high level, the more immortal cultivators you come into contact with.

Because a few cultivators who have no hope of becoming immortals will go to wealthy families like the royal family to be guests and enjoy the wealth and honor in the world.

When Li was young, she was as beautiful as a flower, so she was noticed by a cultivator of immortality. However, Li disliked this man because he was dark, old and ugly.

She threatened death.

With no other choice, the Li family approached Mo Juren, who was famous at the time.

"I heard from the master that that man controlled several huge frogs. The frogs spit out black ice and could freeze people into ice slag. But he himself was very ordinary and was hacked to death by the master and dozens of his men."

"It was from him that this book was found."

"In order to prevent the news from leaking out and attracting revenge from the immortal cultivators, I will keep it sealed here."

After Wang explained, Ji Changqing roughly understood the ins and outs.

After listening to it, I was still a little speechless.

You, a cultivator of immortality, are actually looked down upon by mortals. You are so ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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