Chapter 100: Family wet nurse, Dabai

The little white cow lay on the green grass, turned its head in a circle, and curled up against its belly.

After a while, he closed his eyes and began to fall asleep, his ears flapping from time to time.

Ji Changqing observed it for a while and found that its current physical condition was not bad.

The fur on the body is crystal white and greasy, and the chest rises and falls slowly and forcefully.

I don’t know how long it will take for the medicinal power of this thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi to be digested.

Thousand-year-old elixirs seem to be only usable if they are pills that are above the level of elixir formation.

A spiritual bull that didn't even reach the lower level ate nearly one.

Thinking about it is a little scary.

Ji Changqing squatted and watched for a long time. Waiting like this was not an option.

Still going according to the original plan.

It just so happens that demon blood can speed up digestion.

Ji Changqing opened the bubble space, and there were fifteen drops of scarlet demon blood.

There were originally more than 20 drops, and they were all given to Lao Liu. It stored a few drops of blood essence in its body in case of emergency.

Ji Changqing was thinking about how much demon blood should be used, one drop would last 100 years.

The lifespan of this kind of cow should not be too long.

"Just use one drop first."

Feeding whole drops feels a little inappropriate.

Just dilute it a bit.

Compared to the Towering Fortune Dew, the demon blood is a bit sticky.

Ji Changqing stirred it with chopsticks, and the spiritual spring water in the bamboo tube turned scarlet red after dripping with demon blood.

After mixing evenly, pour it out.

Ten bamboo tubes feel about the same, and one tube speeds up the life by about ten years.

This is safer.

The little cow was still sleeping, and Ji Changqing didn't wake up after calling for a long time.

Seeing that there was no other way, I had to break it open and pour it in.

The first tube was eaten.

Ji Changqing saw amazing changes in it.

He even immediately set up a diamond technique for himself, just in case.

The first is its size.

It's almost like Ultraman's transformation, expanding crazily and getting bigger in a short period of time.

From the size of a puppy to now, Ji Changqing needs to look up to him.

Nearly a foot tall.

With this size, let alone a cow, you can call it an elephant.

The second is realm.

From the original ordinary spirit beast, its cultivation level has skyrocketed.

Lower level, middle level, even in the blink of an eye to upper level.

This is not a big deal.

A cow that originally seemed to have no fighting power.

The cold breath blown out from the nostrils was like snow flying in the twelfth lunar month, instantly freezing the lake surface.

This is also the reason why Ji Changqing is suddenly nervous.

It is not a cow now.

It is completely an upper-level spiritual beast.

It is still a spiritual beast without a contract.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for ordinary monks to deal with monsters of the same level.

However, in the Demon Refining Pot, Ji Changqing has the home field advantage. Even if he cannot win, he will not be overthrown.

When Ji Changqing took a few steps back, the little... big white bull had already woken up.

It saw several bottles of blood on the ground and seemed to know what was inside.

Ji Changqing was still hesitating whether to continue feeding.

It's okay now, don't think about it.

It swallowed the tube in one gulp.

Ji Changqing frowned slightly after seeing it, but did not stop him. Instead, he floated upright into the air and looked down at the ground.

Watch it change.

Ten years to reach the upper level.

In a hundred years...

Its size grew to over one foot and stopped changing.

Time ran out of its body crazily, and it transformed from a small calf into a giant white bull in the blink of an eye.


After a cup of tea, a long roar shook the earth and the mountains.

A piece of white mist sprayed out from its huge nostrils.

The entire lake, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, has condensed into a world of ice and snow.

Ji Changqing was dumbfounded by this power.

His freezing technique may not even be able to freeze one tenth of it.

Second level spirit beast?

Ji Changqing's face was uncertain.

Now it's a bit tricky.

The second level is equivalent to a foundation-building monk.

Ordinary foundation-building monks may not be able to deal with it.

The key is, there is no contract.

Ji Changqing's soul strength may not be able to contract with a second-level spirit beast.

A cattle-like spirit beast, its combat power is not outstanding, but its intelligence is not bad.

It obviously recognized Ji Changqing, saved his life, and gave him delicious food.

So there was no intention to attack.

Fortunately, he is a cow and has a kind-hearted personality.Even if Ji Changqing slowly lowered the height, it remained motionless and even lay down.

Ji Changqing is in a dilemma.

It's a bit risky to approach rashly.

There is a huge difference in strength between foundation building and Qi training.

It was just a breath, but it was already so powerful.

It would be unimaginable to be angry.

Don't get too close. The big breasts under its belly are very attractive.

This is a second-level spiritual beast.

The milk produced must be even more unique.

Ji Changqing struggled for a long time and thought of a way.

First, leave a teleportation point on a nearby hill.

Then go out and enter the fairy ring space.

In the past, ten acres of fairyland were rewarded, but now they are planted with seven-star grass.

Ji Changqing cleared an area of ​​useless medicinal materials.

Sky green grass is densely planted in fairy fields.

Then I used a drop of Towering Fortune Dew, diluted it and sprinkled it as fertilizer.

Ji Changqing immediately got it, and there were patches of green grass nearly one meter long.

Even so, with Dabai's size, he wouldn't be able to eat for long.

But it's okay, this is just to increase the favorability.

Not really.

You can mix a powerful Bigu Pill in the haystack.

Guaranteed to be full in one bite!
Then I spent another drop to ripen the white polygonatum.

White Polygonatum grows very fast. Every time it grows, Ji Changqing cuts off a section.

It didn't take long for Ji Changqing to get hundreds of bamboo tubes.

This kind of bamboo grows slowly if it is not cut, but it grows very fast if it is cut.

Just like human hair, there seems to be some genes or rules that limit their unlimited growth.

Ji Changqing used magic to clean the bamboo tube and even made a bamboo tube cover.

The bamboo tube is as white as jade.

Beautiful and atmospheric.

The milk is packed inside, which is very convenient. You can drink it by opening the lid of the tube.

Back at the Demon Refining Pot, Dabai lay quietly.

Seeing him coming over, he didn't move.

Ji Changqing used the charm technique.

It wagged its tail and walked over obediently.

Although its eyes are extremely clear.

But the favorability has obviously improved a lot.

Seeing him bring a bundle of sky green grass, Dabai put down his guard and started chewing.

Ji Changqing immediately went around and took out a pile of white polygonatum.

He stood with his hand just enough to hold four boobs.

Dabai chewed grass in his mouth, glanced back, and ignored it.

Fortunately, Ji Changqing is now skilled in hand gestures, so milking the cow will not anger Dabai.

The milk that is squeezed out exudes a long, mellow aroma of milk.

The Nangong Ping one, when the milk is squeezed out, it looks like clear water.

And Dabai milk is as mellow and rich as blood.

If you feel it carefully, you can also find that milk contains considerable spiritual power.

Not to mention children, even low-level qi-training monks would overflow after drinking it every day.

Ji Changqing beamed with joy. He no longer had to worry about the child having no milk to drink.

A bundle of sky-green grass, it didn’t take long for Dabai to bloom.

It seemed that it was not full yet, wagging its tail and turning its head to look at him.

Ji Changqing took out another bundle.

Finally, after squeezing thirty tubes, I felt that the spiritual power contained in the milk was a little weaker.

Also stopped.

It seems that Dabai Nutrition needs to keep up in the future.

But it’s okay. Once the bamboo is cut, the sections will grow longer.

The leaves of Huang Jingzhi are still growing in pieces.

You can then plant the Polygonatum sibiricum back.

After diluting the Shengtian Dew, water it and slowly pluck the leaves.

It may take some time at first.

Once there are enough Thousand-year-old Polygonatum spp., water them in large areas and harvest them quickly.

If that doesn't work, there is the crudest method.

Feed the demon blood.

After dilution, if the milk is no longer good, drink a little.

But this method is a bit useless.

The average cow has a limited lifespan.

Only a natal spiritual beast like Lao Liu can harvest wool infinitely.

After Dabai finished eating, Ji Changqing put it close to the spirit beast bag, and it didn't struggle.

Otherwise, I really can’t accept it.

Let it stay inside for now.

A second-level spiritual beast without a contract,

Don't worry about taking it out.

Ji Changqing returned to the small courtyard soon.

(End of this chapter)

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