Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 99: Feed the cow with the elixir of the year

Chapter 99 Millennium elixir fed to cows
Several people in the courtyard were sitting in rows holding their babies under the warm golden sunshine.

If you neglect a few children, they will cry and make a fuss.

This scene is quite harmonious.

As soon as he came in, Caihuan stood up and walked over with Qianyi in his arms.

Caihuan had a frown on her face. She had sex in her arms, closed her eyes, and cried profusely.

But not a single tear was seen.

No matter how much she shook or coaxed, it had no effect.

"Good boy, Ganyi, stop crying. Look who's coming. It's daddy." Caihuan turned around and asked Ganyi to face him.

Ji Changqing smiled happily: "Whose child is this, so cute? Come on, let me kiss his mother first."

Caihuan's figure is getting better and better, her face is rosy and she can squeeze out water, like a ripe peach.

It's becoming more and more wifely.

Ji Changqing couldn't help but kiss him a few times.

"Don't make trouble, the child is still watching." Cai Huan was hugged and kissed a few times, her face was rosy, and she became affectionate and affectionate to the naked eye, and her eyes were as charming as silk.

"It's okay, let Gan Yiduo learn from his father, and you won't have to worry about finding a Taoist companion in the future." Ji Changqing hugged him and kissed him twice.

Qianyi in my arms, suddenly stopped crying.

"Yeah!" Qian danced with his arms and widened his eyes.

"Look, this brat looks just like me." Ji Changqing pinched his little face.

"If you become a father like this, you will do bad things."


Feng Wu also came over holding Qianhuang.

"Brother, look at Huang'er. He is crying and fussing. My charming sister refuses to drink milk while breastfeeding. I have been having diarrhea recently."

When the two sons hugged each other, Qianhuang seemed to have lost weight.

Ji Changqing took it and shook it, trying to coax it, but it had no effect.

It really won't work if it goes on like this.

"I'm probably hungry. It's okay. Don't worry. I'll get some milk for the child."

Feng Wu felt relieved after hearing what he said.

"Where's Yu'er?" Ji Changqing looked around the courtyard and didn't see her.

"I should be taking a bath with my aunt."

Feng Wu's tone was a bit envious: "Little Fuyao is so good, Sister Yu'er doesn't even need to coax her. She lies in bed alone and doesn't cry or fuss."

"It's okay, Huang'er is still young now, it's normal to cry a little." Ji Changqing comforted her and walked towards the back room.

Caihuan waited for a long time, but no one came out. She only heard people laughing and playing inside, and the sound of water kept coming. She secretly spat.

Then he handed Qianyi to Qiu Wangshu and went in to take a look.

Didn't come out again after that.

An hour later.

Only Ji Changqing came out feeling refreshed.

Now that the business is done, it’s time to get some milk for the baby.

Ji Changqing flew away from the small courtyard in the wind, and soon arrived ten kilometers away. This circle of space restrictions was completely useless to him.

Ji Changqing passed through without any hindrance.

Come to the world outside the restricted space.

He found a lakeside. The water was clear and stones and grass could be seen at the bottom.

Ji Changqing landed on the shore. After his feet touched the ground, he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist facing the grass.

Two calves, one red and one white, flew out, their bodies growing longer in the wind.

It didn't stop until it was about the size of a puppy.

After the two calves flew out, their bodies were completely paralyzed on the ground, motionless, and they screamed one after another.

It may be that the Demon Refining Pot Spirit's spiritual energy is thin, making them both even weaker.

Ji Changqing hurriedly approached and knelt down to check.

The cow's eyes were tightly closed, its limbs were curled up, and although its belly was rising and falling, it was very weak.

Seeing that there is more air intake and less air output.

Isn't this going to die?
How long had these two calves been hungry?

Ji Changqing opened the bubble space and stared at the red demon blood for a while.

They are in such a weak state, they won't die directly if fed.

Ji Changqing's heart sank, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

It seems impossible for him to live to be a hundred years old if he is so exhausted.

Ji Changqing stared at the lake worriedly, his mind wandering.

If this fails, dozens of spiritual stones will be wasted.

The key is that the child has no milk to drink.

Forget it.

Ji Changqing gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and took out a thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi.

It is as black as ink, and the palm-sized leaves are crystal clear.

The body of Huang Jingzhi emits bright fluorescent light, which is three fingers thick and has as many roots as hair.

As soon as Huang Jingzhi came into contact with the air, an extremely strong medicinal fragrance spread crazily around.

Ji Changqing just took a sip and the spiritual energy in his body became extremely active.

There is also a thousand-year-old Huangjingzhi plant in the bubble.

The two sizes are completely different.

The one inside is as thick as an arm, and the body of Huang Jingzhi is extremely white and tender.The one in my hand now is much thinner.

It is the result of ordinary spiritual field ripening.

Ji Changqing did some experiments and found that the Huang Jingzhi ripened in different environments is different.

Those grown in the fairy field are obviously much larger.

Although the medicinal age of ordinary Lingtian and Huangjingzhi are the same, the volume will differ several times.

Just like people, some are fat and some are thin, some are short and some are tall.

The same goes for elixirs.

The Huangjingzhi grown in Xiantian is generally astonishingly large after ripening.

One stick is as big as three!
This virtually increases the output of elixirs.

The Immortal Ring combined with the Heaven Palm Bottle is no longer as simple as one plus one.

Ever since he knew the result, Ji Changqing would no longer accelerate ripening casually.

Planted in fairy fields every time.

Although I was also ripening in the Immortal Ring before.

Because I was worried about being discovered, I didn't plant it in the fairy field.

Instead, they randomly found a piece of land to ripen within the restricted area and out of sight.

So much so that he never noticed the difference.

But it's not too late to make amends.

Since it was planted in fairy fields and ripened.

The elixirs produced are doubled.

The Heaven Palm Vase used to be able to supply ten Heavenly Spiritual Roots for cultivation.

At least thirty can be supplied now.

So the elixir can really be eaten as a meal.

You can even hold Huang Jingzhi and chew it without any problem.


Two calves, dying of illness, sat up in shock.

He raised his head and stared at the cow's eyes, which were full of light.

It was as if they saw a life-saving straw.

With limbs like chopsticks, he stood up unsteadily.

Ji Changqing looked at Huang Jingzhi and then at the two calves.


Use Huang Jingzhi with three thousand spiritual stones to save the cow with one hundred spiritual stones.

This is all he can do.

There is nothing we can do at the moment, whoever lets us get two cows.

"Forget it, it's just a thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi, it's not as important as baby's milk."

Ji Changqing made up his mind and stopped worrying.

First, pluck the Polygonatum odorifera leaves one by one and throw them to the ground.

The two calves knelt down on their front knees and chewed, following their first swallows.

Like rain after a long drought.

The dried bodies of the two calves were irrigated and nourished by the amazing medicinal power.

Their energy and energy improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Moo!" They took the initiative to stand up while eating.

After Ye Zi finished eating, he came close to Ji Changqing, swung his tail, widened his eyes, and waited for feeding.

They are still small, and Ji Changqing is afraid that they cannot digest Huang Jingzhi.

He took out a dagger and cut it piece by piece.

As Huang Jingzhi is swallowed, their fur is no longer dry, but gradually becomes shiny and shiny.

When Huang Jingzhi was still halfway through, he suddenly thought of something.

Ji Changqing stood up, walked around behind them, and lifted the cow's tail to take a look.

The red bull is male.

The white cow is female.

The two cows turned around again after eating.

Ji Changqing saw that Red Bull became lively and wanted to eat it.

"Why do bulls eat so much? They can't produce milk."

He muttered to himself and put it away.

"Come here and I'll feed you."

Ji Changqing looked at the little white cow with a pleasant expression.

"Produce more milk in the future, you know?"

"Moo!" Little White Bull was obviously very happy.

After feeding half a root of Millennium Polygonatum sibiricum.

Ji Changqing observed for a while and found something abnormal.

The little white cow was fine at first, but after a while its limbs were swaying, its eyelids were trembling, and it was lying on the ground a little drowsy.

Is this any kind of sequelae?
Or are you digesting the power of the medicine?

(End of this chapter)

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