Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 104 Chapter 10: Ji Changqing’s Strength

Chapter 104 Chapter 1④: Ji Changqing’s Strength

Nangong Wan was lying on her side, with the upper end of the pillow in her arms and the lower end tightly clamped by two white tender legs.

After Ji Changqing left, Nangong Wan didn't have any pills and didn't want to practice.

Seeing him coming back, he immediately sat up.

Ji Changqing entered the main room, and Nangong Wan was practicing seriously.
He pushed with both hands, and the two doors were locked in a row and tightly closed.

He was thinking about one thing, how to bring Yu'er and the others into the Moon Covering Sect.

The spiritual energy in the training room is rich, and the speed of training can be accelerated a lot.

But now, they can only go to the Demon Refining Pot or go to the caves outside the Hidden Moon Sect.

As for Nangong Wan, Ji Changqing has no clue at the moment.

Ji Changqing wanted to show off his cards, but he couldn't control her thoughts.

Nangong Wan didn't know where he went. He only said that there was something mysterious.

And once every ten days, very punctual.

She wanted to ask very much, but she didn't know how to ask.

The two looked at each other.

Ji Changqing felt that this was not the way to go.

If you hesitate to do something, it is better to be more cheerful.

"Senior brother, why do you smell so bad?" As soon as Ji Changqing got on the bed, Nangong Wan smelled it.

She leaned close to her chest and smelled it: "It smells like milk."

The way she bends over to sniff is a bit as cute as a kitten.

Ji Changqing smiled: "Could it be from you, senior?"

"I don't have such a strong smell of milk."

After she finished speaking, both of them were stunned for a moment.

Ji Changqing called her senior on purpose, but he didn't expect that she would actually answer it.

Nangong Wan also realized that Ji Changqing was testing her.

And because she didn't adapt to her identity, she didn't react for a while.

"Senior?" Ji Changqing smiled and continued to shout.


"Then should I call you Qing'er, or... Wan'er?"

Ji Changqing took the initiative this time and even got into bed, so what was he afraid of?

At worst, Wan'er would be tied up and whipped.

Nangong Wan's delicate body trembled. This was the first time that she was called such an intimate person.

"Call me Senior, not Wan'er."

Nangong Wan made a sad expression and said, "You actually tested me. It's a shame that I trust you so much."

"Good Wan'er."

"Who told Wan'er to deceive me and say she was a cousin? I still believed it." Ji Changqing said with a sad look on his face.

"Call me senior." Nangong Wan glared at him angrily, looking fierce and mean. Unfortunately, she looked like a spoiled child in Ji Changqing's eyes.

No prestige at all.

"You are quite smart. When did you discover it? I think there should be no flaws."

Ji Changqing looked at it and shook his head: "Wan'er, you are full of flaws."

The more she refused, the more excited Ji Changqing screamed.

"First I said yes, it was your cousin, and then it turned out to be a cousin, so I started to doubt it."

"Then she said she also likes sweets,"

"One more thing, Wan'er, don't you think that your cultivation speed is too fast?"

"The Hidden Moon Sect should not have had a second Heavenly Spiritual Root in the past hundred years."

He kept calling her Wan'er, which made Nangong Wan feel uneasy. Generally, only Taoist couples would call her so intimate.

But now they are practicing on the same bed, so what's the difference between them and Taoist monks?

"You know my identity now, and you still call me Wan'er."

"Don't you always call me senior brother? Then I'll call you Wan'er. What's the matter?" Ji Changqing began to reveal his past.

Nangong Wanqiao blushed: "That's acting, it doesn't count."

"Then just follow the rules of the immortal world."

Ji Changqing said with reason: "In the world of immortality, strength is respected. I am currently at the eleventh level of Qi training, and Wan'er is at the ninth level." "Should you call me Senior Brother?"

"It doesn't count." Nangong Wan began to lie and be unreasonable: "It's not because you said you were going to the Bloody Forbidden Land."

"It caused me to retreat early, causing errors in my reincarnation."

"Oh, that's right." Ji Changqing's smile grew stronger: "So I am so important in Wan'er's heart."

"Don't think too much." Nangong Wan hesitated and explained: "It's just because the Tianling Root is rare, the master asked me to protect you."

"Why is everyone talking about me going to Fangshi?"

"Master, she is an elderly person and asked Wan'er to be my Taoist companion?"

"Nonsense...uh~" Ji Changqing blocked her words.

She fell on the bed, and the two of them were tightly surrounded and intertwined. Ji Changqing was extremely skillful, and after a while, Yingying grasped her hand.

The smooth and soft touch made his mind wander.

Nangong Wan obviously sensed Ji Changqing's strangeness, her face flushed at first, but then Qingming came over and removed her red lips to prevent him from succeeding:
"Chang Qing! What are you doing? I am your senior. Let me go now!"

Ji Changqing was stunned.

When Nangong Wan saw that Ji Changqing was not moving, she hurriedly moved to the edge of the bed. She tried to get out, but her bumpy and delicate body was rubbing against each other. Before she could hold up her hands, she felt soft again.

Ji Changqing reacted and leaned down, rubbing her sensitive earlobe: "Wan'er."

Under the passionate kiss, her willow eyebrows gradually stretched, and she was enchanted.


Looking at the girl's peerless appearance, Ji Changqing finally fell deeply into the land of tenderness and could no longer extricate himself.

After a few hours.

Looking at someone, leisurely and contented, his eyes are full of love and tenderness for her.

She recovered and became resentful again. She was an alchemy monk.

This qi training boy actually succeeded.

The main reason is that Ji Changqing is extremely skilled.

She is a girl who has been hundreds of years old and has no experience.

How can it be defended?

Ji Changqing also got his wish and received Nangong Wan's golden reward.


Taoist Companion Reward: Talent: Samsara (Soul Strength +100%, Charm +10)

And inexplicably, there is a secret book of exercises in his mind.

Return to reincarnation.

Ji Changqing read it several times, and he was very sure that Nangong Wan's reward did not include this technique at all.

So where does this reward come from?

At this time, he was thinking about where this technique came from.

After Ji Changqing thought about it, maybe this talent was more than just doubling his soul.

Otherwise, the origin of this technique cannot be explained.

No wonder it is a golden bubble, it looks a bit like this.

But if you want to practice, you have to wait until you build a foundation.

This is a bit of a pain in the ass.

It feels like it should be the same system as Nangong Wan’s reincarnation skill.

"Wan'er, you seem to have grown a little taller." Ji Changqing found that Nangong Wan's figure was obviously much better.

"Thanks to you, I lost several years of mana in vain. Now you are satisfied." Nangong Wan blamed, but her tone was a bit coquettish.

"Yeah." Ji Changqing had a smile on his lips.

Sure enough, it still needs to be stronger.

Otherwise, with her arrogant temperament, she doesn't know how long it will take.

"You are still laughing. If master finds out, he will definitely blame me." Nangong Wan glared at him angrily.

"She shouldn't be very happy."

"Don't mention this, Wan'er, let's continue practicing."

Nangong Wan rolled her eyes at him: "I want to rest."

 I have some chores at home, so I probably don’t have much time to write these days.

(End of this chapter)

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