Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 105: Top level of Qi training, registration turmoil

Chapter 105: Top level of Qi training, registration turmoil

Nangong Wan became a Taoist monk.

Ji Changqing comforted her for several days before she finally relented and agreed to let Yu'er and the others come to the training room.

Although he was a little reluctant at first, he couldn't stand Ji Changqing's toughness.

However, Nangong Wan still has conditions and cannot be brought into the main room.

This is a space unique to her and Ji Changqing.

As an alchemy monk, Nangong Wan could not stop his flirtatiousness, but she could not bring him into the house. This was her bottom line.

Ji Changqing will naturally give up when things get better.

He knew how rich the spiritual energy was in Nangong Wan's training room.

Although there are some differences from the main room.

But looking at the entire Yue Kingdom, it is considered top-notch.

With such an environment, coupled with the support of elixirs.

Ji Changqing no longer needs to worry about their training progress.

After Wan'er agreed, Ji Changqing waited for two days before picking up Yu'er and the others.

Yu'er, Caihuan and the others came to the training room one after another.

Even Qiu Biluo and Qiu Wangshu followed.

Although the two women have perfected their Qi training, they do not need to practice.

There are only a few master wives in the Demon Refining Pot, and they have nothing in common.

Yu'er and the others need to practice.

Ji Changqing was worried that they would be bored, so he gave them talisman paper and talisman pens for them to practice.

Ji Changqing's daughters and sons were led by four mistresses.

didn't come out.

After the full moon.

With milk, they don’t have to worry about breastfeeding.

When he cries, he is easily coaxed.

Han Yunzhi and Han Xiaomei's belly are also two or three months old, so it's not very obvious.

You can practice with peace of mind for a period of time.

After Ji Changqing finished explaining, he left enough pills and teleportation charms.

Nangong Pingmao was at the door, secretly worried about his master.

Although I had known that Ji Changqing was very popular.

You can see it in the market.

But I didn't expect that he would have so many Taoist companions.

Beside the Fountain of Spiritual Eyes, there were two circles of futons.

The key is that every one of them is a beautiful woman with national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

There are too many of them, but there is only one master.

"Master's status is not guaranteed." Nangong Ping muttered secretly.

After leaving the training room, Ji Changqing asked Nangong Ping: "Senior sister, they will trouble you to take care of them from now on."



Boom~ boom~ boom!
On the top of the mountain, the loud ringing of the bell echoed for hundreds of miles, and the shaking clouds rolled and boiled.

Tens of thousands of disciples in every corner of the Hidden Moon Sect were listening attentively.

The mountain gate bell rang three times.

It means that the Bloody Forbidden Land is about to open in three months.

The elder passed down the order, and Baiji Hall began to issue missions in the Bloody Forbidden Land.

"Above the tenth level, any disciple who wants to participate can actively sign up."

Four foundation-building monks came to Baiji Hall and personally recruited disciples.

Among them, Master Zhao, Master Li, and Shangguan Yan were among them.

There is also a young monk who also has foundation building skills.

In Baiji Hall, the magic weapon's spiritual light kept flashing, and thousands of disciples came after hearing the sound.

In the blink of an eye, the peak of Baijitang was surrounded by water.

Uncle Zhao scanned the circle with his spiritual consciousness. Almost all of these people were Qi practicing monks, and there were many who were perfect in Qi training.

But they just stood in the air and watched, and none of them came down to sign up.

"How many registrations did you say this year?"

"It should be about the same as the previous few times, sixteen or seventeen people."

"I feel like there will be fewer people this year. Last year, our Hidden Moon Sect admitted [-] people, but only six came out in the end, and two of them were seriously injured."

"I think so when you say that. I heard that they were targeted by Huadaowu and Spirit Beast Mountain."

"There is no difference between entering this bloody forbidden area and risking death. Only fools would enter."

"Looking at how young you are, you must be a family monk." "So what." The girl snorted coldly.

"The monks in your family still have a chance to distribute foundation-building pills. Those of us who are helpless will basically have no hope of building a foundation in this life if we don't work hard."

"No matter what, if you are really in a hurry to die, then why don't you sign up?"

"I'm still young and I want to live a little longer."

"When my time comes, I will go in and fight even if I have no choice but to waste my time without regrets."

Uncle Zhao apparently also heard their conversation.

These words represent the sentiments of the vast majority of monks.

One more day to live is one day.

There are only a small number of young people whose ambition is not to build a foundation, but to go further.

The sooner you build the foundation, the better chance you will have of becoming that high-ranking, free-spirited pill-forming elder.

"It seems that it will take a lot of effort to gather enough people this year." Uncle Zhao said to the other three.

Uncle Li sighed: "Yes, isn't it like this every year?"

"Those who can get in are the ones with great courage. If they come out alive, their future will be limitless."

Uncle Zhao suddenly thought of someone: "Do you think Ji Changqing will participate?"

Because she was the one who detected Ji Changqing at that time, she was deeply impressed by him.

"I heard that his Foundation Establishment Pill was suppressed, and he broke through to the tenth level of Qi training half a year ago. Without the Foundation Establishment Pill, it is estimated that it will be difficult to build the Foundation in a short time."

Uncle Li was half-convinced and said: "Breaking through the third level in two months must be a rumor. Even with Tianlinggen, it is impossible to cultivate so fast."

"I have actually seen the Ji Changqing you are talking about." Shangguan Yan, who was standing next to him, crossed his arms and attracted the attention of the two women.

They glanced down without a trace, wondering how hers got so big.

For the foundation-building monks, this weight is not much of a burden.

"So the rumors are true?" Uncle Li looked in disbelief.

"Then I don't know. Anyway, he was indeed at the tenth level of Qi training at that time."

"No wonder he was taken away by Master Nangong. After more than half a year, I don't know what state he is in." Master Zhao sighed slightly.

"He has such talent in cultivation. Even if he wants to sign up, Master Nangong won't agree."


"Look, it's Ji Changqing!"

I don't know who roared, and the crowd, which was originally very lively, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, and the crowd on the horizon naturally avoided a passage.

A man and a woman stepped on Jade Ruyi, coming in the wind calmly and unhurriedly.

He saw the person coming clearly and sensed the cultivation level of the two people at the same time.

Uncle Zhao's pupils trembled sharply, and his lips trembled: "Thirteenth level of top-level cultivation? This is impossible!"

Uncle Li also had a bitter look on his face: "It's so irritating to compare people to each other. At the top level of eight months, even Grandmaster Nangong can't compare to him."

Shangguan Yan's beautiful eyes flashed: "So, if he had been in Yanyue Sect from the beginning, wouldn't he be able to reach the top level in one year?"

"I'm afraid that's the case! Pill formation is just the starting point for him." Uncle Zhao looked full of admiration. She couldn't bear to compare with such a genius.

"He doesn't have a Taoist companion, right?" Shangguan Yan suddenly asked.

"Oh my God, it's really Ji Changqing. He's so good-looking." The female cultivator was amazed when she saw the token on his waist and his face.

Ji Changqing's charm: 47 (+35) unparalleled rating.

A full 82 points.

A few more points than Nangong Wan.

Just these points, stretch it to a higher level.

His appearance shocked countless monks, including many male cultivators.

Even if some of them are quite arrogant, they dare not say anything loudly at this time.

"It's actually a top-level cultivation!"

"The Tianlinggen is normal, right?"

Most monks have no idea about Tianlinggen. They only know that it only happens once in a hundred years, so it is natural for them to cultivate faster.

"What is he doing?"

"Probably just here to take a look." Someone guessed.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

The Banyue Sect rarely sees other people. When they hear the bell, how could they just come to watch the fun.

Just as they predicted.

Ji Changqing came as soon as he heard the bell.

Nothing to do, actually half a month ago.

His cultivation level has reached the top level.

He came to sign up for the Bloody Forbidden Land.

(End of this chapter)

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