Chapter 106 Alarming the Elder

As soon as they left the cave, they saw hundreds of monks, who turned around and fled towards Baiji Hall.

Ji Changqing was originally worried that registration would be full if he came late.

Unexpectedly, a lot of people came, and most of them watched the excitement from a distance.

"See, I told you there's no need to worry."

When the bell rang, Nangong Ping was casting water.

Halfway through the watering of the spiritual field, he was hurriedly pulled over.

Everyone in the Bloody Forbidden Land changed their expressions upon hearing this, but Ji Changqing looked impatient.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. I will help senior sister finish watering the spiritual field in a while."

"It's almost there."

In the main room, Nangong Wan actually advised him not to go so early.

Registration for the Bloodshot Forbidden Land usually starts one month before people sign up one after another.

Only when you are sure that you can't break through will you give up completely and give it a try.

In seven months, Nangong Wan also successfully rose from the ninth level to the twelfth level.

We are only one step away from reaching the thirteenth level of perfection.

Three months is enough time.

Originally, she wanted to sign up, but Ji Changqing was worried that it would cause unnecessary trouble, so she didn't agree.

After all, the fewer people know about an elder who has fallen into the qi-training stage, the better.

But now, even if Nangong Wan didn't come, the turmoil was already quite big.

Ji Changqing noticed that many people's eyes were focused on him.

At a glance, more than half of the room is occupied by gorgeous female cultivators.

They step on the magic weapon, have an outstanding temperament, are tall and have fair skin.

Among them was a female cultivator who was chatting and laughing just a second ago.

Ji Changqing appeared in view with Yu Ruyi.

The two looked at each other. She looked up and was stunned. She quickly lowered her head and raised her hand to tuck the broken hair behind her ears.

When Ji Changqing passed by, she raised her head and turned around, locking her eyes firmly and looking at his back.

The male cultivator next to him presented a top-level magic weapon. He was still complacent about making the beautiful woman smile.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the beauty's smile disappeared, and the reflection in her eyes was of the departing Ji Changqing.

The man called Su Ningning several times before she glanced at him.


The girl's tone was perfunctory.

He twitched his cheeks and smiled dryly, his expression a little unnatural.

With a handsome face, the cheek muscles became uncoordinated.

"Ning Ning, this Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Whip is a top-level magical weapon. I asked my ancestor to refine it with my own hands just for you."

Su Ningning didn't know why. She thought he was quite pleasing to the eye a moment ago, but now looking at his distorted face, she felt alienated no matter how she looked at him.


Suning Ning responded calmly, stopped looking at him, turned around and flew towards Baiji Hall.

"Ning Ning, where are you going?" he asked hurriedly.

"Go to Baiji Hall and have a look." Su Ningning put the magic weapon back into his hand, and without looking back, she surrounded Ji Changqing.

There are many female cultivators who come around like her.

Watching her retreating back, the handsome man's face suddenly darkened, and his knuckles turned white.

"Senior Brother Xu Yun, that woman is too ignorant. Why don't you give me this whip?" A young girl drove the magic weapon closer.

Xu Yun turned his head and glanced at her.

It was discovered that the girl was stepping on a green light mirror, which was actually a top-level magic weapon.

He immediately realized the identity of this woman, the most beloved granddaughter of the ancestor of the Zhao family.

Although the girl's appearance is good, she is still far inferior to Ning Rongrong.

His figure is also average, and his cultivation level is only at the tenth level.

He had no interest at all.

"Nothing to do with you."

The girl laughed playfully: "Why is senior brother so angry? I guess it's because of Ji Changqing. I've seen it all."

Xu Yun glanced at her coldly.

"I said, it has nothing to do with you."

Others in the Biyue Sect may be afraid of her, but the Xu family is not weaker than the Zhao family.

The girl ignored the warning look and continued to go her own way, shaking her head and saying, "Senior Brother Xu, I came here to care about you with good intentions."

"Senior Sister Su is famous for her beauty in our Yanyue Sect."

"There are thousands of male cultivators who want to pursue her."

"The ancestor of the Su family has two supreme elders. I guess you pursued her for this reason."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Xu Yun's face became darker and darker as he listened.Originally, with his appearance and status, it should be easy to succeed, but now Cheng Yaojin shows up halfway.

"It's nothing. Ji Changqing wants to sign up for the Bloody Forbidden Land, and I'll go check it out too."

After Zhao Duobao finished speaking, he chuckled and left.

"Is this a bloody forbidden area? This bitch wants us to fight in such a way that we will both lose?" Xu Yun grasped the key point and reacted.

He narrowed his eyes and looked through the crowd towards Ji Changqing.

Ji Changqing happened to land on the top of Baijitang Mountain.

"I've seen a few uncles."

Uncle Zhao nodded slightly, hiding his admiration and astonishment. It felt like he had changed a lot since he first entered.

"Changqing, what mission did you come to Baiji Hall to take on?" Uncle Li asked in surprise.

Ji Changqing got straight to the point: "This junior is here to sign up for the Bloodshot Forbidden Land."

"Do you really want to enter the Blood-Threaded Forbidden Land? Aren't you a Tianlinggen? Uncle Nangong agreed?" Shangguan Yan crossed his arms and asked three questions in a row.

She really couldn't figure it out. There was no need to take risks with Tianlinggen.

"Yeah!" Ji Changqing nodded firmly, "Uncle, you should be able to take on this kind of mission, right?"

"Yes, yes, don't you think about it more? There are still three months left."

Uncle Zhao asked Nangong Ping next to him with his eyes, and when he saw her nodding, his mood suddenly became complicated.

On the one hand, I hope that if he can sign up, the recruitment task will be easier.

On the other hand, she and Ji Changqing are somewhat destined.

Because of his outstanding appearance, I couldn't bear to see him take risks.

Ji Changqing took out the token: "Thank you for your concern, uncle."

Uncle Zhao sighed and looked at each other for a while with Uncle Li and the others.

Knowing that he was determined to go, Master Zhao reluctantly took the token.

The jade slips are engraved with the three characters "Ji Changqing".

The front of the jade slip is engraved with a bloody forbidden area.

The reverse side now has his name and cultivation level, displayed in the first column.

Ji Changqing took the token back and breathed a sigh of relief.

Registration for Bloodshot Forbidden Land was successful.

"I want to sign up too!" Among the many monks in the crowd, a girl in white jumped down.

Ji Changqing turned around and found that it was the girl he had looked at before.

Suningning: Charm 48 (+20) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Family Title: Yuanying Family (success rate of breakthrough to realm below Yuanying +10%)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Taiwei Jiangyundan*1
Because her reward was somewhat special, Ji Changqing took a few more glances when passing by.

The girl has a curvy waist and pert butt, and her fleshy white legs are second to none.

"No!" Uncle Zhao saw the person coming clearly and smiled bitterly.

"How can you follow this nonsense?"

Ji Changqing was a little surprised. The foundation-building monk used the honorific title for the girl who had perfected her Qi.

The respectful tone also showed that the girl had an extraordinary status.

"I don't care, you sign up for me." Su Ningning found Ji Changqing looking at him, bit her lip and took out the token.

"Ning Ning, please don't make things difficult for us. We can't go to that place." Uncle Li also didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Changqing can do it, why can't I? Am I lower in cultivation than Changqing?"

Ji Changqing was also shot while he was lying down. He was just watching the fun and didn't even know the girl, so why did she blame him.

"You know, this is not a matter of cultivation. The elders will not agree."

"Sign up for me first, and don't worry about anything else."


The four foundation-building monks suddenly became embarrassed. They really couldn't afford to offend this little ancestor.

But if they agree to her registration privately, they really can't make the decision.

The scene froze for a moment.

One insists on signing up, while the other is doing Tai Chi and saying that he can’t make the decision.

Finally, Uncle Zhao sent someone to find the leader.

Waited for about a quarter of an hour.

The leader didn't come, but instead a woman in white palace attire came.

She didn't use any magic weapon, her body turned into escaping light, and she flew through the void.

"Welcome to Elder Nishang!"

The shouts and shouts were so loud that they shook the valley.

Nearly ten thousand monks bowed their heads and bowed their hands to welcome him!

This is the lofty status of the alchemy monk.

(End of this chapter)

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