Chapter 108 Preparation
Covering the moon Zongfang City.

After signing up, Ji Changqing and the two avoided the crowd and came to the backyard of the store.

Zhao Mingyue heard familiar footsteps, ran to the window sill and stuck her head out.

Nangong Ping is putting away Yu Ruyi.

Ji Changqing raised his head, smiled, and waved to the little girl.

Zhao Mingyue stuck out her tongue and rolled her beautiful eyes at him: "Sister Ping'er, come up quickly."

"Why is this girl so close to you?" Ji Changqing was a little depressed.

"Who asked you to bully her every time you come here?"

"Is there?"

The two of them chatted and entered the store through the back door.

Ji Changqing came to the front hall of the store, opened the door curtain, and Liangsheng immersed himself in drawing the talismans.

Standing in front of the counter was a male cultivator with a sixth level of qi training. He looked nervous and stared at the talisman paper with an expression even more focused than that of Liangsheng.

Ji Changqing suddenly appeared, and obviously both of them noticed it.

The male cultivator glared at him and made a silent gesture.

Apparently he was worried that Liangsheng would be affected and scrapped his talisman paper.

But his worries were unfounded.

Because it has been scrapped.

Liangsheng paused in his hands, stood up, and shook his head slightly at the male cultivator: "Sorry, this one failed."

"Ah? My talisman." The male cultivator immediately put it on his face.

He accused Ji Changqing: "This giant power talisman was almost successful, but you came out to cause trouble and distracted the shopkeeper."

"Tell me how to accompany me."

Liangsheng glanced at the male cultivator: "Success or failure is determined by itself. If the drawing fails, there is nothing you can do. If you don't have the talisman paper, please come down next time."

Before Ji Changqing spoke, Liangsheng was worried that the man's words would make him angry, so he wanted to drive him away.

"Is this your attitude towards doing business? It was almost successful."

"I don't care. If you don't give me a giant charm today, I won't leave."

The male cultivator saw that both of them had perfected their qi training, and although their tone of voice was much more restrained, he still had some sense and began to feel helpless.

He had scrapped two talismans before, but now that the giant talisman was about to succeed, he could have earned two spiritual stones.

Now I still pay three talisman papers.

How could he be willing.

Ji Changqing was also speechless.

It's just a giant talisman, so what?

I saw that he was young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was only at the sixth level of Qi training.

Xiang must be a casual cultivator who has just started practicing.

It is also true for them that spiritual stones are difficult to earn.

Ji Changqing thought for a while and said casually: "Let's draw another one for him."

"Okay." Liangsheng nodded immediately, then took out a spirit stone bag and offered it with both hands: "This is the store's monthly income, a total of 150 spirit stones."

After Ji Changqing took it, he weighed it twice in his hands and nodded slightly. The heavy weight was really good.

I got more than 100 spiritual stones, and I had income every month for the past seven months.

Including the previous six months, Ji Changqing now has a thousand and 240 spirit stones.

He put it away in his storage bag, then took out a talisman and gave it to him.

"Thirty intermediate-level diamond talismans, twenty high-level ice spear talismans, and ten high-level acceleration talismans."

"So many, and there are also high-level talismans!"

Liangsheng unfolded the talisman and was stunned. He didn't expect that this time it was not all diamond talismans.

"The high-end ice gun talisman can be sold for at least twenty snacks, and the acceleration talisman is the best among high-end talismans. It should be priced at forty pieces!"

"The total value is thousands of spiritual stones."

After Liangsheng finished speaking, the male cultivator next to him was stunned when he heard this.

Looking at the talisman, my mouth felt dry and I swallowed.

A thousand spirit stones!

How many giant talismans are these?

Seeing as he is young and not very old, he is actually the owner of this shop? !

The young male cultivator stopped talking.

Ji Changqing only started practicing the Ice Spear Talisman and Acceleration Talisman in the past two or three months.

The success rate is very low.

Most of them were drawn by the two sisters Bi Luo and Wang Shu.

Ji Changqing didn't want them to be too bored at first, so he let them practice drawing talismans.

Unexpectedly, they are pretty talented in this area.

It took nearly half a year to draw these advanced talismans.

Ji Changqing said casually: "The Bloodshot Forbidden Land will be opened soon. These high-level talismans should be easy to sell. You can sell them first."


When all were sold out, there were more than 1000 spiritual stones.

You can now buy a top-level magic weapon.

After explaining the business, Ji Changqing came to the second floor.

Zhao Mingyue was tired of being around Nangong Ping again. She was like this every time she came, a typical girl who lacked love.

Ji Changqing found a desk and sat down cross-legged.He knocked on the table and said to the little girl: "Why don't you give me a cup of tea or something for senior brother?"

"No!" Zhao Mingyue snorted.

"In that case, senior sister, let's go and see what we can buy."

"I want to go too." Zhao Mingyue stood up quickly.

Ji Changqing pointed at the table.

Zhao Mingyue glared at him, bit her teeth, and reluctantly offered a pot of tea.

"It's full."

"I know, long-winded."

Nangong Ping shook his head slightly, these two were like enemies, couldn't they get along well?
Drink tea for a while.

Ji Changqing took the two of them out to visit the market.

Once you have some spiritual stones on you, you can't help but want to buy something.

The first is the combat spirit beast.

Ji Changqing's spiritual beasts, none of which can fight, are contracted.

There are two cows, which can be cultivated to the second level of strength.

The momentum is very intimidating.

But in fact, his fighting ability is not very strong.

The defense ability is very weak, and the skin and flesh on the body have no scales.

The only way to take action is to have more mana.

Obviously they can't be expected to fight.

Ji Changqing's current spiritual strength is completely enough to contract a second-level cow.

With two talents, the strength of the soul quadruples.

In addition, the Beast Control Art itself tends to cultivate the soul.

The same is true for Qi practice.

Ji Changqing's Yuan Shen's strength was five to eight times stronger than Qiu Biluo and the others.

If there is a good, second-level combat spirit beast, Ji Changqing will consider a contract.

But forget about the contracted cows.

It's not as good as five or six top-level monsters.

The top-level monsters are more powerful, such as the black phosphorus python.

Even for Wan'er, it would take a lot of effort to kill it after practicing it to perfection.

At the same level of strength, most monsters have an advantage.

The three of them walked around and came to the middle level of Fangshi.

"It seems that a new turtle shop has opened here. Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Nangong Ping remembered that there was no such store before.

Although there are many shops in the market, monks have a photographic memory.

As long as you go shopping, you can basically remember all the stores.

Although Nangong Ping doesn't have a spiritual stone, she actually likes to visit the market. If she doesn't want to buy, she just looks at it.

Pay special attention to jewelry, clothing, spiritual food, etc.

As for fighting and training, there is a lack of interest.

Ji Changqing asked why she didn't like practicing.

Her answer was also simple.

Nangong Ping felt that he was lucky to be able to build a foundation, and forming a core was something he couldn't even imagine.

There are so many talented people, and how many are able to form elixirs in the end.

Life is short, so don't waste your time in seclusion day and night, pursuing the ethereal realm of elixir formation.

It is better to enjoy life and do what you want to do.

It can be considered worthy of this life.

After hearing this, Ji Changqing admired her optimism.

Ji Changqing likes both her grandfather and grandson's personalities.

Ji Changqing was also curious about the newly opened spirit animal store and followed Nangong Ping in.

"Welcome, welcome." A young man came up to the store clerk.

He was thin, with dark skin and calluses on both palms.

His eyes were evasive, looking a little unconfident and inferior.

Ji Changqing looked familiar to him, and Nangong Ping also turned to look at him.

The two of them had a flash of inspiration and obviously remembered it.

Isn't this the old dairy shop selling ice turtles?
Why are you working as a store clerk here?

Although it is a bit strange, it is not too surprising.

There are too many people who have a one-sided relationship.

But this one is rather weird.

Go to the cattle shop to sell turtles.

So it's a little more impressive.

Ji Changqing stopped paying attention and took the two of them around the store.

(End of this chapter)

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