Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 109 Buying a Contracted Spirit Beast

Chapter 109 Buying a Contracted Spirit Beast

The temperature in the store was very low, and the breath exhaled from the tip of the nose turned into white mist.

The three of them walked around and found that this store sold ice turtles.

Available from turtle eggs to adults.

There are two adults, with top-level strength.

The ice turtle was lying on the ground. Its shell was shaped like ice crystals and was larger than an ordinary room.

He stood up on all fours and stretched his head higher than the two of them.

Ji Changqing stood sideways and watched, feeling like he was seeing a prehistoric dinosaur.

Humans are a bit too small for this giant beast.

The top level of the first level is so big, it is difficult to imagine what higher level monsters are like.

Its shell is thick and scary.

The clerk was demonstrating next to him, using the fire bomb technique to attack. The fireball exploded on the top of the turtle shell, leaving no trace.

The onlookers were amazed.

"Everyone has also seen that this ice turtle has amazing defense capabilities."

After the clerk cast the spell, he introduced it eloquently: "Even if you face three top-level monks at the same time, it will be difficult to hurt it."

"The older this kind of turtle is, the stronger its shell defense will be. With this hardness, even a top-level magic weapon cannot damage it at all."

"Everyone buys one and goes back to compete with others. If you stand behind it, you will basically be invincible."

"And let me tell you a secret, even if the ice turtle dies in battle, its shell can still be used to build a top-level defensive weapon."

"The Bloody Forbidden Land is about to open. If you buy a contract, your survival rate will increase by at least [-]%."

"How much does this spiritual stone cost?" A female cultivator with short hair couldn't help but ask, pointing at the giant turtle.

"Let's go, we can't afford it. It must be very expensive, and we don't have many spiritual stones left." There was a male cultivator beside her, pulling her arm with a grimace and urging her to go.

Many customers in the store found it funny.

I haven’t bought it yet, I’m just asking about it, so I’m so anxious.

The female cultivator also felt a little embarrassed, her expression became impatient, and she pushed him away.

"Can you please leave me alone? I'm just asking." The female cultivator suppressed her anger and tried her best to restrain herself. It would be even more embarrassing to make noise in public.

"This guest, in fact, the ones sold in our store are really cheap. This one is less than a thousand, only 99 spirit stones."

The clerk laughed dryly and secretly cursed the male cultivator for being a poor man. Why would you go shopping without a spiritual stone?

When Ji Changqing heard the quotation, he stopped paying attention.

One thousand spirit stones cannot be said to be expensive.

It's just that Ji Changqing doesn't think it's worth it.

Turtle eggs that have not yet hatched are sold for ten spirit stones.

The newly hatched fifteen spirit stones.

Ji Changqing bought four newly hatched ones, which were only about the size of a palm.

Two males and two females.

Maybe you can take it back and breed it later.

When Ji Changqing paid the bill, he discovered that the top-level ice turtle opposite him had actually been bought.

And she’s still the short-haired female cultivator from before.

The male cultivator made a fuss, but the female cultivator turned a deaf ear to it with a dark face and insisted on buying it.

A thousand spiritual stones is not a small number.

It seems that this spirit beast shop can earn spirit stones very quickly.

He has a demon refining pot, and cultivating spiritual beasts is much more convenient than drawing talismans.

After leaving the spirit beast shop, Ji Changqing knew that Elder Nishang was going to find Wan'er.

His consciousness heard it from several kilometers away.

"How is the relationship between Wan'er and Elder Nishang?" Ji Changqing asked Nangong Ping via voice message.

Nangong Ping thought for a while: "It's pretty good."

"What's the best way?"

"Every time Elder Nishang comes, Master will ask me to prepare cakes."

"Then it seems the relationship is pretty good."

Ji Changqing had to coax and lie if he wanted to eat. Wan'er was a bit protective about pastries.

"The two also often play chess together."


Ji Changqing remembered that there was indeed a chessboard in the room.

He thought it was a decoration, but he didn't expect Wan'er to really know how to do it.

Since the relationship between the two is not bad.

Ji Changqing is not in a hurry to go back.

With Nangong Ping and Zhao Mingyue, we walked around for three or four hours.

I bought them some jewelry and clothes, which cost nearly a hundred spiritual stones.

It’s easy to make money by cultivating spiritual stones for women.

It's useless for training and fighting, and it turns out to be more expensive than elixirs.

It was dark when we returned to the cave.Ji Changqing scanned the area with his consciousness and found nothing unusual.

It seems that he should have left.

As soon as Nangong Ping came back, he went to try on clothes in a hurry and couldn't wait for a moment.

Ji Changqing bought her several items, which she liked but was reluctant to buy.

Ji Changqing came to the main room and wanted to ask Wan'er what the elder was doing.

He pushed the door open, turned around and closed the door, all in one go.

Just as soon as I closed it, it felt wrong.

There are actually outsiders in the room.

Nishang and Wan'er were at the chess table, while Suningning stood aside and watched Qi.

Nishang held a sunspot between her middle finger and index finger, and was about to place it when she saw him come in and was stunned for a moment.

He closed the door with a clean movement.

Nishang reacted immediately and chuckled: "It seems like he comes here often."

"I moved so skillfully that I entered your boudoir without even knocking on the door."

Nangong Wan paused and said, "Why don't you knock on the door?"

Ji Changqing was speechless. Who enters his wife's room and knocks on the door?

As an elder of Jiedan, Wan'er now has outsiders, and the junior Suningning is still there.

Ji Changqing still wanted to save some face for Wan'er, and said seriously, "Senior, I'm here to deliver tea."

"Well, Changqing, let me introduce you."

"This is Elder Nishang. You should call me Uncle."


"Yeah." Nishang's expression turned strange when she saw that the two of them acted well. Do they still like this tone?
They are obviously Taoist companions, but they are still called seniors.

What Nishang didn't know was that the two of them had more fun when no one was around.

Seniority is the other way around.

Ji Changqing is a generation older.

As for Suningning on the side.

Nangong Wan originally wanted to introduce her, but as soon as her parents came in, this junior seemed to have lost his soul.

When Nangong Wan saw this situation, he didn't bother to introduce him. Maybe they both knew each other.

Ji Changqing came to the chessboard and poured a glass of milk for the two of them.

Nishang glanced at him: "What's going on with you two?"

"What?" Nangong Wan asked knowingly.

"You're really not a Taoist monk?"

Nangong Wan pursed her lips and shook her head.

"In this case, I will have to play matchmaker for Ning Ning."

"Master." Suning Ning whispered softly and shook Nishang's arm.

The girl has a tender face but a plump and fleshy figure.

This contrast made even Ji Changqing look slightly sideways.

Nangong Wan glared at him calmly.

"Sister, let's talk about business."

Nishang is in the middle stage of pill formation, a small level higher than Nangong Wan.

"I knew you weren't willing to let it go." Nishang clicked and pressed Heizi onto the chessboard.

Nangong Wan didn't answer, inserted two fingers into the chess box, and pinched out a white chess piece.

Seeing this, Nishang calmed down her expression and stopped joking.

The two of them had been playing chess before, just to wait for Ji Changqing to come back so they could talk about business.

"Junior sister, do you want to go to the Bloodshot Forbidden Land by retracing your skills?" Nishang asked straight to the point.

She discovered that Nangong Wan's current cultivation level was close to the perfection of Qi training, so she guessed her plan.

Nangong Wan nodded slightly: "There is something I want in it."

Nishang naturally knew what it was. That thing was guarded by a top-level monster. It was no different for an ordinary Qi-training monk to die.

"Since you are going, I will lead the team in the Bloody Forbidden Land this year."

The bloody forbidden land is very restrictive.

It is very troublesome to open it, for the alchemy monks.

Leading a team is a thankless job.

If a disciple receives too few elixirs, he might be criticized.

But this time with Nangong Wan participating, Nishang no longer has such worries.

"That's fine. I feel more at ease when my senior sister leads the team."

Nangong Wan was really worried about someone else leading the team.

Among the Danyue Sect elders, only Nishang was closer to her.

(End of this chapter)

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