Chapter 15 Zhao Kun
"Zhao Kun, my second apprentice, your second senior brother."

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Wang continued to introduce.

Before, when Ji Changqing hugged Yu'er, he noticed the change in his expression.

Although Zhao Kun was still smiling on the outside, nothing unusual could be seen.

But Ji Changqing still noticed that when he held the wooden sword in his left hand, he obviously used a lot more force.

"Second senior brother, morning."

"Haha, morning." Zhao Kun smiled and nodded, "Junior brother, are you getting up so early to practice?"

Ji Changqing didn't respond after hearing this.

"Just come and take a look, I'm just an ordinary person."

"Haha, junior brother is so humble."

"I heard that junior brother is a martial arts wizard who is rare to see in a hundred years."

"Now Senior Sister Yuzhu and Junior Sister Caihuan are here too."

"It just so happens that I am a dull person and rarely practice swordsmanship. I wonder if I can ask my junior brother to give me some advice."

He said it very politely and politely, without seeing anything unusual, as if it was just an invitation for a discussion between ordinary senior brothers.

Ji Changqing combined with what Qingmei said, plus this guy held the sword tightly.

There will be a discussion from the very beginning, most likely because of personal grudges and to use this to humiliate him.

And when he mentioned Yu'er and Caihuan, his meaning was obvious.

Both senior sisters are here, you won't refuse, right?

Typical aggressive method.

If the two people are extremely different in strength, there is no chance of winning.

Ji Changqing can naturally refuse. The so-called face is not worth mentioning.

Zhao Kun is less than 15 years old now and has been practicing martial arts for at least seven or eight years.

He majored in the Trapped Dragon Kung Fu and was a few years younger than Yu'er. No matter how high his internal power was, how high could he go?

And this guy obviously also practiced swordsmanship.

He also said that he rarely practiced swordsmanship and was ashamed of himself.

Even if he spends one-third of his time practicing internal skills every day, he will probably not be able to cultivate his internal skills for more than four years.

Ji Changqing has cultivated his internal strength for more than six years. Just standing together, he could clearly feel that his internal strength was much deeper than his.

"Senior brother, you should have been practicing martial arts for more than ten years, right?" Ji Changqing asked tentatively.

"Haha, junior brother is joking. I started practicing martial arts when I was seven years old. Master taught me the trapping dragon technique before he left."

The internal strength is a little over five years, and the swordsmanship may have been practiced for eight years. The rest is unknown.

Ji Changqing thought about it and smiled, "Since senior brother invites me so kindly, I will invite you."

"Haha." Zhao Kun's smile froze, but he immediately looked as usual, held the wooden sword in his hand, and took the lead towards the center of the bamboo forest clearing.

Mo Yuzhu sensitively sensed something was wrong in the atmosphere between the two of them: "Zhao Kun's swordsmanship is no less than mine. Husband, you have never even touched a sword."

"It's okay, it's just a discussion." Ji Changqing touched Yu'er's cheek and then walked towards the middle of the field.

Zhao Kun glanced at the two of them with slightly narrowed eyes, and then got into a stance.


The two were less than a foot apart, holding swords against each other.

Zhao Kun's whole body was like a sharp sword.

Ji Changqing's expression was slightly condensed, and he felt a slight sense of oppression.

This battle may not be that easy.

With his eyes fixed on Zhao Kun, he held the sword in his right hand in front of him, adjusting his posture left and right, without any rules at all.

The corner of Zhao Kun's mouth raised slightly, and he could tell at a glance that he was indeed a layman, so he was completely relieved. He did a sword trick, used the Qing Gong Shen Xing to turn into an afterimage and rushed over without a trace.

So fast!

Can't see at all.

Ji Changqing retreated calmly, his eyes moving rapidly, trying to catch the opponent's figure, and silently running the Overlord Armor. He was already prepared for defense. At this speed, there was no way to avoid him.

The attack came so fast.

Zhao Kun got close and stabbed him in the abdomen with his sword. He moved slightly and easily dodged his chop. He slid behind him and slashed his back with his sword with all his strength.

It makes people suspect that the wooden sword is about to be cut off.

Standing beside him, Wang frowned slightly. He could see that this Zhao Kun was completely deadly and had no mercy at all.

Ji Changqing was sweating in pain, holding his stomach with his left hand and convulsing violently, and his back was burning. He became calmer after being so severely injured.

This is no longer a competition, but a battle of life and death! !
Anger only makes him calmer.

Seeing the other party ducking behind him, Ji Changqing quickly turned around and backed away.

Zhao Kun was a little surprised. He had already prepared to dodge and cut off his arm. Unexpectedly, the opponent retreated instead of attacking, and the distance between the two became another ten feet.

Don't let the enemy have any chance to breathe, and quickly take down the opponent with a violent attack.Zhao Kun used his internal energy to rush over like a ghost. Ji Changqing retreated and used his Overlord Armor to defend himself from his attack. However, his right arm and left shoulder were still hit, and they quickly became red, swollen and bruised.

Ji Changqing looked at him coldly, retreating while using his Qi to relieve the pain. If he wanted to win, he knew where his advantage was.

He has Overlord Armor and strong internal energy. Although the wooden sword hurts people, it can't hurt the root.

What he has to do is to prevent the other party from stabbing his vitals, and at the same time consume the other party's physical strength and vitality.

He also saw from these attacks that the opponent's martial arts had been cultivated for at most three years. Although the sword swing was fast, the strength was insufficient. Both the light skill and the sword swing would quickly consume the opponent's true energy.

Mo Yuzhu looked a little anxious and wanted to stop but was held back by Wang.

After receiving a few more blows on the back, this guy liked to get around.

At the same time as Ji Changqing retreated, he clearly felt that the opponent's physical strength was declining. He found the right opportunity and took advantage of his attack without defending. He held the sword in both hands and jumped up, slashing down quickly. Zhao Kun reacted quickly and raised his sword to resist, but was shocked by the tiger's mouth and retreated continuously.

Zhao Kun's face was flushed, and his right hand was shaking slightly. Ji Changqing didn't give him a chance to breathe, and rushed towards him, slashing with his sword, but he dodged repeatedly.

Zhao Kun was heavy and calm. He was looking for a flaw. He wanted to use his last strength to defeat the opponent with one blow.

The opportunity came quickly. Ji Changqing raised his hand to slash. He quickly dodged behind him and slashed towards his neck.

How could it be possible to win the third time with the same move?

"I've got you." A cold voice like a ghost came to Zhao Kun's ears. Ji Changqing bared his teeth and turned back sharply. His face turned red, he lunged, ignoring the opponent's chops, and all his true energy suddenly burst into his left arm. , the muscles bursting and the clothes burst.

This punch will be returned a hundredfold! ! !
Ji Changqing roared loudly!The left fist roared out as the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

Zhao Kun suddenly had a deathly look on his face and couldn't hide away!No matter what, you can't avoid it!He had already anticipated that his ribs would be broken and his liver and gallbladder would be ruptured.


After the violent impact, a green shadow instantly flew backwards for dozens of steps. Wang's face turned pale and he stopped walking. The palm of his right hand was dislocated and hung down helplessly.

After Zhao Kun died, he escaped and sat on the ground.

Ji Changqing's pupils shrank violently, he stood up and stared at Wang, a substantial killing intent spurted out, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. Wang noticed his anger and smiled helplessly.

"Zhao Kun, I took this punch for you."

"Your master asked me to take care of you before he left."

"Now that the promise is fulfilled, you can go and never set foot in Mo Mansion again."

Zhao Kun's face turned gray, he opened his mouth, glanced at Mo Yuzhu from the corner of his eye, got up from the ground in a panic, and then said to Ji Changqing: "I lost today, sooner or later I will come back and take back everything that belongs to me. "

Ji Changqing didn't even look at it.

Just a prodigal dog.

Zhao Kun walked away in a panic, and Yan Ge chased after him.

They were getting along well at first, but suddenly they became like this.

Seeing Wang's injury, Mo Caihuan ran over anxiously: "Fifth Yiniang, take your hand."

Mo Yuzhu came to Ji Changqing's side and carefully opened his sleeves. Seeing the scars all over his body, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Ji Changqing smiled slightly, touched her cheek and said softly: "Silly girl, why are you crying? Go back."

Mo Yuzhu wiped away her tears and nodded.

This battle made him realize that fighting is not a child's play, but a fight to the death!

If this is the case in the secular world, how cruel is the world of immortality.

As for Wang, she has her reasons, but that doesn't stop Ji Changqing from declining her favorability.

Wang frowned and watched the two people leave.

"Fifth Yiniang, I'm going to call the doctor." Mo Caihuan's face turned pale.

"It's okay, it's just a trick."

Wang held her right wrist with her left hand, folded it slightly, and heard the bones snap together.

It was so dangerous just now. Fortunately, she had predicted Ji Changqing's intentions in advance, otherwise Zhao Kun would have been killed or injured.

In fact, she could have received the punch without any injuries, but she still gave up using her internal strength and took it forcefully.

Only in this way can Ji Changqing's anger calm down a little. After all, this is a competition between them, but he interfered. Just recalling those emotionless eyes, Wang knew that he had done the right thing.

one day!

It's only been one day.

Zhao Kun practiced for eight full years.

It is self-evident that it is light or heavy.

Although she had some regrets, she still chose to save Zhao Kun, just for the promise made by her master back then.

"You should also go and see Evergreen."

Wang looked at the silly and naive Mo Caihuan and sighed silently. The fourth sister's so-called real wife probably had little hope.

"But he is accompanied by Sister Yuzhu." Mo Caihuan was a little reluctant.

"You are still childish and will suffer in the future. Forget it, I will go find some medicinal materials and you will bring them to him later."


(End of this chapter)

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