Chapter 16
Back to the courtyard.

Ji Changqing sat on the stone pier and took off his tattered coat.

There were more than a dozen bruises on the upper body, arms, stomach, and back, large and small.

Mo Yuzhu carefully applied the golden medicine, and his face turned pale with anger.

"I'm so angry. Why is that person like this?"

"The promised fight turned out to be deadly."

"I usually smile and think he is a good person."

"Why would dad accept him as his disciple?"

Ji Changqing listened to the mumbling in his ears that it would be okay if he didn't apply the Jinchuang medicine, but he gritted his teeth at the pain.

"Isn't your father just this kind of person? It wouldn't be surprising to accept him."


Mo Yuzhu was speechless, it seemed that was indeed the case.

"Huh, so are you, husband. Why do you have to compete with him?"

"It's okay now. I was injured all over."


Ji Changqing was quick to talk and shot himself in the foot, causing him to get burned.

"Hiss! It hurts. Be gentle."

"You deserve it. Let's see if you dare to compete with others next time." Mo Yuzhu lectured him, while his hands moved a little more gently.

"He came prepared and couldn't hide."

Today's events have indeed made him grow a lot.

Before, he felt that he was very afraid of pain.

Combat talent should be very weak.

After all, in those peaceful times, injuries were rare.

It also hurts watching those boxers compete.

But now, it's actually okay. I don't care about whether it hurts or not when fighting.

There was only one idea in his mind, how to defeat the opponent.

He was surprisingly calm.

I guess I played too many competitive games.

Ji Changqing's blood boiled a little when he thought about the previous battle.

That sword attack made the opponent retreat step by step, which was really refreshing.

It would have been even better if the last punch had hit.

Ji Changqing realized why he liked competitive games.

What kind of alliance, king, chicken.

It's true that fighting with others is endless fun.

There is a high probability that he is also a militant.

But in the end it came up.

When he saw Wang saving Zhao Kun, he was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

This is not advisable. It is easy to jump over the tower during the battle, which is the most dangerous.

You should pay more attention in the future.

As for Wang, this punch is not so easy to receive. He will think about how to repay his injuries in the future.

Not long after, Mo Caihuan arrived.

He was holding a bag of medicinal materials in his hand.

Standing pretty.

Eyes dodged.

"It turns out that you were injured so badly. Senior Brother Zhao Kun went too far. I was sent this by Fifth Yiniang. It seems that you can take a medicinal bath to treat the injury."

"Thank you." Ji Changqing nodded.

"I'll help you boil the water." Mo Caihuan spoke in a soft voice, and then hurried into the side room as if running away. There was a bathroom on the second floor.

Ji Changqing raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, who probably taught him this, otherwise how could this girl do such a thing.

Mo Yuzhu didn't let his eyes block his sight.

"looks good?"

Ji Changqing coughed dryly: "Yu'er is the prettiest."

"Hmph." Her ponytail twitched, obviously it was very helpful.


The second floor.

In the large bathtub, white mist filled the air.

The water surface is covered with various medicinal materials, and the medicinal fragrance is fragrant.

Bath water boils green.

It doesn't look like a medicinal bath, but rather like seasoning spices.

Mo Caihuan was going to cook him.

Ji Changqing covered his buttocks, raised his legs and took a dip.

Warm water spreads up the neck, and the aroma of the medicine is refreshing.

Ji Changqing breathed a long sigh of relief, leaned back on the edge of the bucket, closed his eyes, spread his arms, and floated on the edge of the bucket.

After a while, two pairs of cold little hands pressed his arms, and the two sisters moved one to the left and the other to the right.

If Mo Caihuan wants to stay, Ji Changqing will naturally not refuse.

After all, she came to Mo Mansion just for her.

He has accepted Mo Caihuan, and it doesn't matter if he has no feelings now.

Love develops over time and can be cultivated slowly in the future.

He was too lazy to think so much, and he would eat nothing if he didn't eat the meat on his lips.

But I didn't expect Yu'er to come in too.

His lips moved, but he actually wanted to say something.

It's fine for one person, but if he is tougher, he might succeed.

The two of them had better forget it, there was probably no chance.

But not in a hurry.

If Mo Caihuan can stay, it must be with Yan's consent.

It is estimated that it will be soon.

Ji Changqing closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

...Two days later, with the help of medicine, Ji Changqing's injuries were all cured. They were all skin injuries, and they healed quickly.

And he has been practicing Qi for 18 years.

Already surpassed the Wang family.

Overlord A has also been trained to the third level.

Copper skin refers to the hardness.

Now, if he faced Zhao Kun, even if he stood and let him chop him, even if the wooden sword was cut off, it would be difficult to hurt him at all.

The benefits of strength go far beyond that.

The ladies also became more and more enthusiastic and prepared various medicines for him to practice.

Even Mo Caihuan often ran to him in the past two days, saying that he wanted to teach her how to practice martial arts.

Ji Changqing only found out after asking Mo Caihuan.

It turns out that Secret Helm of Luogu Town, under the Jingjiao Society, was attacked by Tianbamen last night and fell. Nearly five hundred members of the core gang were killed or injured.

This is Tianbamen’s response to the challenge incident.

Yan dared not speak out in anger, knowing that this was just Tianba's excuse.

It's not easy for these women.

If 500 people said no, it would be gone.

In this era, life is as thin as paper.

In addition, after learning that Wang Jiaoyan was fine, Ji Changqing felt a little relieved.

He practiced more diligently in the next few days.

A week later, Ji Changqing completely refined sixty True Yuan Pills.

Now he is able to release his true energy.

He waved his wooden sword casually and cut off the mouth of the bowl-sized bamboo.

The medicinal materials provided by Mo Mansion greatly accelerated his cultivation.

Overlord Armor also simultaneously cultivated to the sixth level, Iron Bone.

Wang uses the Green Bamboo Phantom Sword, and even if he doesn't use his energy to defend, it's hard to hurt him.

Ji Changqing officially stepped into the top masters, half-step into the realm.

It is much better than Mo Juren back then.

In fact, being able to use the true energy to release it externally, and having extremely profound internal strength, can be said to have reached the state of transformation.

It's just that Ji Changqing lacks combat experience and is still a little behind the real masters of transformation.

In the early morning, Ji Changqing was woken up by those damn crows again.

The sixth child knew that he would not kill it, so he called his brothers to retaliate every day.

If you can catch it alive, sooner or later you have to make it look good.

Ji Changqing's palms were full.

Has Yu'er's figure improved?

"Why are you staying in bed today?"


Mo Yuzhu murmured softly and arched her arms in his arms.

Why is this girl a little listless?

"Physical discomfort?"

Ji Changqing frowned and put his forehead close to each other.

It's not hot either.

He suddenly realized that there seemed to be something unusual last night, and he was not energetic.

I didn't eat much at all.

Mo Yuzhu was all wrapped around him, not wanting to move at all.

"Should you call the doctor over?" Ji Changqing straightened her hair.

"No, I'm fine."



"There must be something hidden from me."


Ji Changqing patted her gently, and then Mo Yuzhu said leisurely: "We are going to get married."

That's it?

Ji Changqing's heart moved.

"Isn't that a good thing?"


Mo Yuzhu began to grind his teeth, wanting to bite him. This guy really didn't know, or he was pretending not to know.

"Afraid that Caihuan will take your place?" Ji Changqing said amusedly.

Mo Yuzhu turned her head away: "What do I have to be afraid of? Who you like has nothing to do with me. You and Cai Huan are settled."

Ji Changqing was speechless: "Okay, if you don't like Caihuan, we won't marry her."

Mo Yuzhu turned to look at him: "Are you willing?"

"It's up to you to decide whether to let go of my three thousand beauties. You can marry whomever you want."

Mo Yuzhu raised her eyebrows and said, "It's not like I'm marrying a wife."

Ji Changqing knew that her anger had subsided, so she hugged her and asked, "What's happened recently?"

Mo Yuzhu touched his belly and looked at him for a long time.

Ji Changqing was stunned, stretched out his hand and touched it, and said with a complicated expression: "Are you going to see the doctor?"


How so fast.

Ji Changqing sat up, scratched his head, and looked at Yu'er again.

All kinds of emotions came to mind for a while.

Excited, happy, confused, worried, all kinds of emotions were tangled and intertwined, and finally they turned into one voice: "I'm going to be a father!"

He was just a young boy before.

When a child is born, he will no longer be a teenager.

Ji Changqing felt like something was pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe.

It is the responsibility!
There is one more person he wants to protect.

(End of this chapter)

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