Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 17 The Marriage of Three Lovers in Mo Mansion

Chapter 17 The Marriage of the Three Beauties in the Mo Mansion
Mo Yuzhu hesitated for a while, then propped himself up and sat up: "Husband, don't you want it?"

Shouldn't an ordinary husband be very happy when he hears that his wife is pregnant?Ji Changqing's performance was unsatisfactory.

She felt a little aggrieved: "If you don't want to, forget it, I just press it back."

Ji Changqing couldn't laugh or cry: "If you say something stupid, just give birth to me."

"Where are you going?"

Seeing that he was about to get up, Mo Yuzhu wouldn't let him go, holding her tightly around his waist.

"I'll make some soup for you to replenish your health."

Mo Yuzhu felt happy and rolled her big eyes: "Just leave it to the servants."

"No, I don't worry."

Yu'er is suddenly so pestering, probably because she lacks a sense of security. She is pregnant with Liujia and hopes to get his care.

As a man, Ji Changqing knew that his wife was pregnant, so he had to show it to calm her uneasiness.

"Lie down obediently, I'll be back soon." Ji Changqing touched his head and said.



quack quack!
Bamboo in the distance.

When Lao Liu saw him coming out, he immediately asked his brothers to jump and taunt him.

This guy had a green snake in his mouth a few days ago, but he casually threw it somewhere.

Ji Changqing turned his head and ignored it. If he was happy today, he wouldn't care about it.

Normally, I would have to make it pee.

He took his time and walked all the way to the medicine garden, where he found various medicinal herbs.

There was a slight sound of shoveling earth in his ears, and he followed the sound and saw that the cute little Mo Fengwu was indeed there.

Wearing a big flower hat, he squatted on the ground, like a little bee, busy in the medicine garden.

"Good morning, Feng Wu." Ji Changqing waved, and Mo Fengwu looked up at him, her big eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she walked over obediently holding a small basket.

"Here, it's sweet."

Ji Changqing took it and chewed it. Feeding the little girl was already a daily task, and he would come to check in every day.

"Feng Wu, do you have any medicine that you can make soup to replenish qi and blood if you are just pregnant?" Ji Changqing asked while eating.

"Sister Yuzhu?" Mo Fengwu exclaimed, and she guessed it right away.

"Smart, I can't trust anyone else. Only Feng Wu's medical skills are recognized by me."

Although Mo Fengwu is young, no one in the entire Mo Mansion can match her proficiency in medical skills.

"Hmm." Mo Fengwu was embarrassed by the praise, stepped on her toes, and pulled him to start looking for medicinal materials.

In the end, I collected more than ten herbs, including the more precious Huangjingzhi and Xuelingcao, and they were probably five or six years old.

Both of these medicines can be used to practice elixirs.

The little girl Mo Fengwu is really capable. She worked so hard to plant it, but even though she was reluctant to part with it, she still picked it for him.

Very generous.

Afterwards, the two of them came to the kitchen and taught him how to make soup. Ji Changqing took turns helping him, doing whatever she said.

Ji Changqing is self-aware about cooking.

The level is limited to being able to eat.

If you want to make good soup, you still need a professional.

For a whole hour, Mo Yuzhu lay on the bed, rolling around, laughing and smiling. She was moved but worried that he had never cooked.

After a while, no matter what he brings, he must say it tastes good, even if it is mushy.



The pear blossoms that Mo Yuzhu was moved by brought rain, it’s not hard to drink, it’s so good!
Ji Changqing sat on the edge of the bed, holding soup and feeding him one spoon at a time.

Is it so exaggerated?

Ji Changqing took a sip himself. It was indeed okay, so he couldn't help but take another sip.

"Why did the mistress suddenly agree to our marriage?"

"I'm pregnant with your baby. Auntie, can you not be anxious?" Mo Yuzhu touched her belly with a hint of contentment. She was a little worried before, but now she is not afraid at all thanks to Ji Changqing's love.

"I'll say it."

Obviously for Mo Caihuan.

I guess getting married is not that simple.

But it's always a good thing to get married early.

Ji Changqing didn't ask for a specific day, so he couldn't show that he was in a hurry.


Mo Mansion, dining hall.

Everyone took their seats one by one.

"Changqing, come and sit here." Mrs. Yan, who was in charge, was so happy that she insisted on sitting on the deputy seat.

The Wang family usually sits there.

Ji Changqing sat down reluctantly, suddenly having a premonition of trouble.

A large table full of dishes, full of color and flavor.

When everyone arrived, everyone started to use their chopsticks.

"Chang Qing, Yu Zhu told you." Before the meal was finished, Mrs. Yan turned away all the servants and couldn't help but say.

Ji Changqing nodded and put a mouthful of rice into his mouth, naturally knowing what she was referring to.

"That's good. Originally, there was no rush for your marriage."

"But now Yuzhu is pregnant."

In a word, everyone at the table had different expressions.

The most exciting thing was Mrs. Liu. Her eyes lit up. She was surprised that Ji Changqing was too strong in some aspects.

Unlike Mo Juren, among the four ladies present, only Yan gave birth to Mo Caihuan.

Mo Yuzhu, the daughter of the eldest lady Jin, has been killed.

And Mo Fengwu is still an adopted daughter.

Three of the five ladies were childless.

So the first reaction of several ladies was probably the same.

It's only been a few days?
"If you drag it on any longer, Yuzhu's belly won't be able to be hidden. Being discovered will have a bad impact on a woman's reputation."

"The teacher said it was true."

Ji Changqing ate the food silently, but was glared at by Yu'er.

Yan Shi couldn't figure out what he was thinking. She saw that he was very interested in Caihuan before, but now he was not impatient.

"Since Changqing has agreed, let's find a time for you, Caihuan and Fengwu to get married together. After all, this is what the master wants."

Yan was referring to the letter Ji Changqing wrote originally, and now there is a reason.

The three goddesses have different expressions and twist their delicate bodies unnaturally.

Ji Changqing glanced at them, put down his chopsticks, and said seriously: "As long as the senior sisters are willing! I respect their choice."

Originally this was a family marriage.Even if the three women would not refuse, there would still be a trace of grudge left in their hearts.

You will feel that you have no control over your destiny.

But with just one word, he turned family marriage into freedom of marriage.

Leave the choice to them.

After hearing this, Mr. Li was greatly surprised, and his eyes were filled with approval.

This kid is one of a kind.

"I can."

Surprisingly, Mo Fengwu was the first to raise his hand and said weakly.

"I like brother Changqing."

"So I am so charming?" Ji Changqing chuckled: "Sister Feng Wu is very cute, I am determined to marry her."

The whole table was speechless.

Is it so easy to like someone?

Why does it feel like you two are eating and drinking?

Can you be serious!

Yu'er pouted and was unhappy because she was robbed of the first place: "I am willing to accompany my husband for the rest of my life."

Ji Changqing took her jade hand and said softly: "This life may be very long."

"Eh! Numb." Mo Caihuan chewed a piece of meat, swallowed it and said, "I don't like you as much as they do, but I don't hate you either."

"You will like it one day." Ji Changqing smiled and suddenly felt that Caihuan had quite a personality and couldn't help but take a second look.

Yan Shi smiled happily: "In that case, then I will decide your marriage for you."

Mrs. Li also nodded dignifiedly and wiped her red lips: "This is a rare and happy event for our Mo family."

Liu didn't mind watching the excitement and said, "Why don't we hold a big wedding and invite all the gang leaders in Jiayuan City?"

Wang frowned: "It's too dangerous, and our Mo Mansion can't accommodate so many people."

Yan tapped the table with his index finger: "It can be held at the Grand Hotel."

Li reminded in a low voice: "Fourth sister, Jingjiao Hui Kuyin..."

This is a big event, and the cost is not small!
"It's okay. You can still get some out if you grit your teeth."

"What if they cause trouble? None of these people are easy to get along with."

The four ladies collectively looked at Ji Changqing, wondering if he had the strength to shock the crowd.

Ji Changqing frowned.

The gang leaders from all over the city were invited, which is exciting just thinking about it.

To be honest, he didn't want to be too high-profile.

It's not that you're afraid of these gang leaders.

After a few days, after eating more than 90 True Yuan Pills, he will reach the master level.

In the mortal world, I am afraid that none of these gang leaders can be his opponent.


Don’t forget that there are still reclusive immortal cultivators among the common people.

From the day he traveled through time, Ji Changqing learned that this was the mortal world.

He told himself silently.

Stupidity doesn't necessarily kill, but arrogance certainly does.

There are people outside of people and there are days outside of people.

All masters have the heart of a disciple.

But it doesn't mean that he is afraid of everything.

Be timid in doing things.

Ji Changqing thought about it and decided that the wedding must be held, but there must be a foolproof plan.

Most of those reclusive immortal cultivators would not dare to cause trouble in such large occasions.

After all, the seven factions of the Yue Kingdom have regulations.

Immortal cultivators are not allowed to interfere in the secular world.

Jiayuan City has a population of more than ten million, but there are only a few people who have seen immortals, let alone causing trouble in the city.

Since it is going to be done, there must be more people. The more people there are, the less likely it is that the immortal cultivators will cause trouble.

The main thing is the power of the secular world.

From the moment he married the third beauties of Mo Mansion, he could no longer keep a low profile in Jiayuan City.

It's like marrying a celebrity wife. Even if you hide in Mo Mansion, others will know.

It actually doesn’t matter whether the wedding happens or not.

Being famous will make the cultivators worry about his identity.

"In two months."

Ji Changqing is confident that he will be able to practice the Overlord Armor to the full level within two months.

You can even practice so close to the end of the world.

"Well, it's settled, your wedding will be held in two months." Yan's bottom line was finalized.

Li suggested: "Then we should send out invitations now, otherwise they may not have time to come."

"I have to trouble my second sister about this."

Mrs. Liu smiled charmingly: "Interesting, I'm looking forward to that day coming soon. Changqing, I leave my safety to you."

Ji Changqing rolled his eyes wildly, Master Gonghuo was talking about you.

"Chang Qing, after this wedding is over, you will take over as the leader of the Jingjiao Society. Are you willing?" Yan said with a serious look on her face and waited for a reply.

Everyone looked at him as if they were not surprised by Yan's decision.

Ji Changqing calmed down, lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while.

It may not be that simple.

Several women sang together and arranged things clearly.

I'm afraid it was agreed upon from the beginning.

I want him to establish his authority at the wedding.

The situation of Jingjiao Society is getting worse and worse now.

If people look down upon them, they will only be grouped together and divided.

Even though he was aware of this, Ji Changqing couldn't refuse.

Now, the Jingjiao Society is his foundation, and Ji Changqing is married to the third beauty of the Mo family.

It is equivalent to inheriting their cause and effect.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided.

That being the case!

Ji Changqing nodded and agreed with what they said about the wedding.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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