Chapter 18
After dinner, the sun rises in the east, almost noon.

With Qingmei driving the carriage, a group of five people set off from the side door of Mo Mansion and headed to Junyue Restaurant.

The wedding was held in a restaurant, so Ji Changqing naturally wanted to find out something in advance.

To know the basics.

He couldn't go out for half a month, and his three fiancées also had to go with him.

Ji Changqing couldn't bear it, so he had to agree.

The three beauties of Mo Mansion were famous beauties throughout Jiayuan City and had many suitors. They were afraid that they would be too ostentatious and cause trouble.

After dinner, they dressed up together, and the woman disguised herself as a man and got into the carriage with him.

In the carriage, Mo Yuzhu was dressed in a pale violet, decorated damask crane cloak, a green golden sash, double rings and four ruyi sash, his green hair was not messy, and his beautiful eyes were looking forward to it. He was truly a peerless gentleman.

Ji Changqing had to admit that even in men's clothing, Yu'er's appearance was no less than his.

It just feels a little weird to be hugged by a peerless man.

"Yu'er, please stop pulling and pulling when you get off the car. If you don't know, you might think I have a special hobby." Ji Changqing quickly pulled down the curtains and reminded.

"Don't you think it's more exciting, Brother Ji~" Mo Yuzhu pouted and leaned closer.


"Okay, don't make trouble."

Mo Caihuan was very curious and expressed his interest in watching, and even Feng Wu was almost led astray.

Ji Changqing suddenly felt a headache. This group of people seemed to attract attention no matter how they dressed up.

I wanted them to wear veils before, but I felt that there was no money to be had here, so I gave up.

No matter what, you can't stay away from home for the rest of your life.

"Is the restaurant so far away? Do you need a carriage?" Ji Changqing had never been there in his memory, or even heard of such a big restaurant.

Mo Caihuan explained: "Jiayuan City has a population of more than ten million and covers a vast area. Our Mo Mansion is on Nanling Street, located in the southeast. The restaurant is in the center of the city. It takes at least an hour to walk there."

It seems that Caihuan knows a lot about this.

Yan Shi wanted to train her to be the next gang leader, and he would tell her all kinds of news in Jiayuan City.

Ji Changqing continued to ask: "What is the origin of Jun Yue Restaurant?"

Mo Caihuan looked up at him: "Even my mother doesn't know this. She only knows that they don't belong to any gang."

"But he is protected by the major gangs. They will invite the gang leaders to become nominal elders and pay monthly salaries."


Ji Changqing was a little surprised. This restaurant could achieve this level. It would be impossible without the protection of the power.

"So, the master's wife also has one?"

"No, this is it." Mo Caihuan took out a gold card from his arms, "It can offset 1000 taels of meal expenses every month."

Ji Changqing took it and saw that it was engraved with complex cloud patterns. Isn't this a membership card?
It turns out that this is what the so-called salary is, and this is the first time for even Yu'er and Feng Wu to see it.

Knowing that they didn't understand, Mo Caihuan introduced it in detail.

"Those who can eat here are all high-ranking officials. Ordinary people rarely hear about this restaurant."

"The restaurant has ten floors in total. The first to fourth floors are the general area, with a minimum consumption of [-] taels. The ones above are the VIP level. You need this kind of card to go there."

Ji Changqing used to work in a restaurant with a monthly salary of twenty taels. In his previous life, the minimum wage was two thousand, and ten taels would be ten thousand.

This is indeed something that ordinary people cannot afford.

"I heard that the card has three colors, black, silver, and gold, corresponding to levels five, six, and seven. The higher you go, the higher the consumption."

"As for the eighth to tenth floors, I've never seen anyone go up there, which is strange."

Ji Changqing's curiosity was immediately aroused: "If you say that, I really want to go up and have a look."

Yu'er and Feng Wu both nodded in agreement.

Mo Caihuan was speechless, how could these three people be so rebellious.

The vendors on the spacious streets were shouting noisily, the horse-drawn carriages were driving at high speed, and the pedestrians were shouting and giving way.

Ji Changqing opened the corner of the car curtain: "Qingmei, go to Xiaoxiang Courtyard first."

"Okay, uncle."

He had a red invitation in his hand, and he heard that it was on his way to deliver it to Wang Jiaoyan. Isn't she the leader of Chunyu Tower?

The carriage went around three or four street corners and came to the familiar red building.

Different from the previous deserted mornings, this was the first time he saw the bustling crowds at noon.

This is the [-] strike against workers.

No matter how long he lives in a city, his perspective on life will always be fragmented.

Never have I been so free as I am now.

Yu'er and the others had only heard of this Goulan music listening place before and were quite curious about it. They had never been in it. Today it was men's clothing, which made them a little bit ready to move.

Ji Changqing naturally pushed them back, and he had no intention of going in.

Wangchun noticed the extraordinary carriage at a glance, saw it slow down, left the poor man beside him, and walked slowly towards the guardrail on the steps.Wangchun looked shocked when he saw the man dismounting. In less than half a month, he transformed from a waiter in the shop on the ground floor to the uncle of Mo Mansion.

Ji Changqing approached and held his hands, as if they were meeting for the first time: "Girl, do you know me?"

Wangchun's charming eyes were as silky as silk, and she leaned down, revealing a patch of snow-white color: "Did Young Master Ji come here specifically to make fun of me?"

"Miss, I misunderstood. I really have something to ask for." Ji Changqing handed over the invitation and attached five taels of silver: "Please give it to Wang Dongdong and tell him that if you have any trouble, you can come to Mo Mansion."

Wang Chunxi raised his eyebrows, took the money, stuffed it into his trembling chest and promised.

"My young lady is completely devoted to Mr. Ji. Please don't worry, Mr. Ji, I will bring you the invitation and the message."

"There is a Lao girl."

Ji Changqing turned around and left.

Seeing the carriage disappear at the corner of the street, Wangchun slowly came back to his senses. He thought he could spend the spring night with him, but now there was no hope.

On the third floor of Xiaoxiang Courtyard, Wangchun tapped the door buckle.

"What's the matter?" A lazy voice came to mind in the room.

"Miss, someone brought something."

"That group of people again? Tell them that no one will come and return the items."

"Then I will return it to Mr. Ji."

There was a creak, and as soon as Wangchun finished speaking, the door of the room quickly opened a crack, and a jade hand stretched out.

"Bring it."

Wangchun laughed playfully and handed over the invitation.

"You damn girl, why didn't you tell others earlier?"

"Let's go."

There was silence in the room for a while.

"Mr. Ji said that if the young lady gets lonely, she can go to him at any time."

The door of the room was opened, and Wang Jiaoyan was wearing pajamas as thin as blue silk, and her seductive figure was looming: "Did he really say that?"

"It's absolutely true, how could someone lie to a young lady?" Wangchun listened deeply, and that was what Mr. Ji's words clearly meant. She knew best what a man's virtues were.


If the young lady succeeds, I will marry you there, but I can’t say anything about the future.

"If you lie to me, let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart." Wang Jiaoyan secretly rejoiced and closed the door expressionlessly.

As soon as the door is closed, he climbs onto the bed, his delicate body twisting, and the invitation seems to still have the lingering scent of him...

Back on the carriage, the three women stared at him, making him quite uncomfortable.

This kind of thing cannot be explained, and the description becomes darker and darker.

In less than a quarter of an hour, I arrived at the back door of Junyue Restaurant and got off the carriage. Someone from the restaurant came to lead the horse and feed it.

Then someone led them to the front door.

Jun Yue Restaurant occupies a huge area, and the side view alone can cover at least half a kilometer.

Arriving at the main entrance, the view suddenly becomes wider. This is a huge square.

It can accommodate thousands of people doing radio gymnastics.

Directly opposite the restaurant is a large martial arts arena.

This is where Ji Changqing and Tianba agreed to compete.

It is said that the martial arts arena is more like a ring.

There are people fighting in the ring all the time.

The martial arts arena was surrounded by crowds of people, including three circles inside and three circles outside. A group of people were blushing and cheering.

The whole restaurant can clearly see the battle situation in the arena.

The exterior of the restaurant is decorated with carved beams and paintings, red bricks and jade tiles.

Walking inside, there is an open-air layout of hollow columns.

The sunlight cast by this skylight will not appear dark even if there are hundreds of dining tables on one floor.

Avoiding the crowds and walking inside, there is an endless stream of customers coming in and out, and people are mingling with laughter and laughter.

As soon as Ji Changqing came in, he noticed that the service staff were strangely dressed, most of them wearing various patterned animal clothes.

After Mo Caihuan showed his gold card, the waiter smiled even more enthusiastically and led them to the seventh floor.

Compared with the bustle downstairs, it is much quieter here. There are only dozens of dining tables. There are five tables of guests eating here at this time.

As soon as the six people came up, they all turned their heads to look at them. Most of them were experts with superb internal strength.

Ji Changqing specially chose a corner. He just came to eat today and get familiar with the layout of the place.

(End of this chapter)

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