Chapter 19 Three Taoist Companions
Ji Changqing found a table by the window. He could see the fighting in the arena by turning his head, and he could also understand the strength of the warriors while eating.

The waiter quickly brought five jade plates, silver chopsticks and porcelain cups.

The maids served tea one by one.

Ji Changqing asked Qingmei to come to the dinner table. It was probably the first time for her to enjoy other people's services, so she seemed a little reserved.

Then the waiter brought out a beautiful screen with the names of various dishes written on it, and even ink paintings, which were lifelike.

There is just no unit price.

This menu is quite creative. In his previous restaurants, it was engraved on the walls.

The illustrations show mostly meat.

The waiter said it was a spiritual beast.

The meat is of excellent quality, and eating it is good for your body.

He just heard how it was possible for a mortal to eat a spiritual beast.

I tasted it after it was served and found that there was something special about it, but that was all.

"This is our store's signature product, Monkey Wine."

The waiter pointed at the wine bottle illustration on the screen, enthusiastically promoted the product, and talked with great enthusiasm.

"The brewing process is very complicated. Ninety-nine and 81 kinds of wild fruits are put into the mountain spring. It goes through one hundred and eight processes and is naturally brewed by monkeys for a whole year."

"Whether the monkey can make wine is not a matter of discussion."

"Who stipulates 81?"

"Why only brew for a whole year? Two years will do."

The waiter at the shop was speechless by Mo Yuzhu's words.

Ji Changqing smiled and said nothing, and Yu'er clearly told the key.

How is it possible for this monkey to make industrial wine like a human being?

"This girl is right." A rough voice came from another table.

Looking back, I saw a big man raising his glass to each other.

He was wearing a black bear-like animal clothing, revealing his strong bronze arms. He was more than seven feet tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he was calm and powerful.

What is interesting is that there is a monkey sitting next to him, eating with him, and there is a green gourd hanging around his neck.

This combination of man and animal is quite strange.

The girl he mentioned was naturally Mo Yuzhu.

Obviously, anyone with a good eye can spot a woman disguised as a man at a glance.

And men have Adam's apple.

Ji Changqing frowned slightly. He had deep inner strength. He looked like a member of the Lian family at first glance. He must have an extraordinary status to be able to come to the seventh floor.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Mo Yuzhu turned around and asked.

"To be honest, I fell in love with the girl at first sight, Ma Lin."

"I have real monkey wine here, and I would like to treat the girl to a taste."

After he finished speaking, he winked at the monkey. The monkey hugged him tightly and was threatened by raising his palms. The red butt slid off the chair and crawled over, swaying left and right.

He walked up to it, picked off the gourd with his long-haired arms, and squeaked twice.

Mo Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, then took the gourd and pulled off the lid. Instead of drinking it, he gave Ji Changqing a full cup.

She is currently pregnant with Liujia, and Ji Changqing does not allow her to drink.

The aroma of wine in the cup is overflowing, but the color is a bit too dark, almost brown.

Is this stuff really drinkable?
Ji Changqing got closer and sniffed, and there seemed to be no peculiar smell.

There won't be anything weird mixed in there.

After all, monkeys brew it.

People are just so weird. Others take fake ones and sell them as real ones. You hope they are real, but when you take them as real ones, you feel a little disgusted.

He was afraid that he would be like Third Brother's stall, operating in secret and placing things randomly.

After taking a small sip, the tip of the tongue feels sour, sweet and refreshing, silky and refreshing, and the aftertaste is full of fruity aroma, which goes straight to the nose, leaving a long aftertaste.

It really is a good wine.

Ji Changqing's eyes lit up, and after finishing the meal, he couldn't help but look at the monkey a few more times.

Maybe we can catch a few to make wine in the future?
Mo Yuzhu added it to him again.

Ji Changqing drank one cup after another.

In the blink of an eye, the gourd was half empty.

Now Ma Lin couldn't sit down anymore, his face turned red from holding back, and he stepped over.

The monkey next to me was also squeaking anxiously, jumping up and down, scratching its ears and cheeks.

"You are so shameless. The wine was for this girl. Why did you start drinking it?"

Mo Fengwu's big eyes widened and she smiled. She liked Ji Changqing's straightforward character.

"The girl you are talking about is my wife. Is there anything wrong with a wife pouring wine for her husband?"

"Uh!" The anger disappeared from Ma Qi's face and he scratched his head, "Then it's Meng Lang."

Ji Changqing glanced at him, his attitude didn't seem to be fake, and the energy in his body quickly restrained itself.

Some surprises.

I thought it was to find fault.

"Thank you, Brother Ma, for the wine." After drinking half a bottle, Ji Changqing felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay." Ma Qi took the gourd and waved.

Then he looked at Mo Fengwu and felt a little petite.

"This girl fell in love with you at first sight."

Mo Caihuan: "..."

She took the gourd and filled Ji Changqing's cup with Ma Qi's stunned eyes.

Ji Changqing became bored after taking a sip, and drank another cup of whoring for nothing.

"Thank you, Brother Ma. I forgot to explain to Brother Ma that this is also my wife." Ji Changqing reminded kindly.

Ma Qi scratched his head twice and turned to look at Mo Fengwu.

Mo Fengwu immediately understood what he meant. She had been smart since she was a child, and she knew what he wanted to say without him opening his mouth.

He took the gourd from Mo Caihuan's hand and poured another cup for Ji Changqing.

Ma Qi's face turned red from suppressing the pain, even redder than the buttocks of the monkey next to him.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Brother Ma, what do you mean by this? Do you think I'm lying to you?"

Ma Qi slapped his forehead and suddenly thought of something: "Are you Ji Changqing?" As soon as he finished speaking, the other four tables of guests all looked at him.

At the table directly opposite, there appeared to be a father and daughter.

The man is middle-aged, short, wearing a cuckold and a mustache.

My daughter is no more than six or seven years old.

There were more than a dozen guests at the table next to them, both men and women, wearing uniforms of different colors.

The most eye-catching one is sitting in the upper seat, a thin man with thick eyebrows and slender eyes. When his eyes move, he looks like a mouse secretly foraging for food in the kitchen.

This is Wang Yi, the current deputy gang leader of Wusemen.

As soon as Ji Changqing came up, Mo Caihuan reminded him, but he pretended not to see it because he was just here for dinner today.

As for the other two tables, like Ma Qi, they didn't look like gang members.

Ji Changqing didn't deny it, but he didn't expect that he was so famous.

"You guys came to our restaurant to make a reservation this morning because of Jingjiao's meeting." Ma Qi explained in a loud voice.

"In that case, I won't bother."

Ma Qi took the gourd back and left happily, but after turning around, he shook it secretly, with a look of pain on his face, and then threw it back to the monkey.

This guy is quite interesting.

Ji Changqing withdrew his gaze and glanced at the other tables.

These people had different expressions when they looked at him.

But they had no intention of coming up to talk.

Although his identity was exposed, Ji Changqing was not in a hurry to go back.

The meal is still to be finished.

Moreover, these people will have to come into contact sooner or later, so today's lie down is really not in vain.

I met the two top experts in Jiayuan City.

Ji Changqing has a scale in his heart.

When he reaches this level, he can know the strength of the other party just by looking at each other.

Ji Changqing didn't feel threatened by them, it might be a bit tricky.

But that's about it.

It's a pity that I only brought an invitation when I went out.

Otherwise, you can give it to them directly.

Fighting is not allowed in Jun Yue Restaurant.

What's more, these people are still nominal elders.

After the meal, we spent a total of 120 taels.

Calculated, it’s about 12.

It can be said to be a money grab.

But fortunately there is a 'membership card'.

When the carriage returned to Mo Mansion, the sky had darkened.

I also went up to the ring to play a few games and won ten taels of silver. However, I couldn't even move my muscles and bones, so I withdrew.

I didn't encounter any assassinations on the way.

During dinner, Mrs. Wang said that the bed in Mo Yuzhu's wing was too small and prepared a new room for them.

The special feature is that the bed is huge!

Can be made casually.

I thought it would take two months, but I didn't expect Yan Shi to be more anxious than him.

Ji Changqing wasn't pretentious either.

The family of four moved into their new house in the evening.

As Yanshi said, the bed is huge.

Three meters long and four meters wide.

This mother-in-law is really considerate.

Originally, Ji Changqing really planned to have a bridal chamber after getting married.

Very ceremonial!
After all, it comes only once in a lifetime.

And even if you are cultivating immortality now, the improvement in two months can be said to be negligible.

It is better to continue practicing martial arts according to the original plan.

Practice the Overlord Armor to perfection and the level will be greatly improved.

However, when Ji Changqing saw Yu'er, Caihuan, and Feng Wu all agreed.

He found himself wrong.

He ignored the most crucial thing!
He is not alone now.

But a family!
He already has a Taoist companion.

Then the thinking should be changed.

There are also the interests of the entire family that need to be considered.

Being able to advance two months, even if Ji Changqing doesn't practice, he can still let Yu'er and the others practice.

Caihuan and Fengwu are ordinary people.

Once they practice, Ji Changqing will feel more at ease.

At this moment, he was qualified to be a father.

Will consider my wife and children!

Ji Changqing remained calm in her arms.

It's impossible to get it.

He is only eighteen years old and full of energy.

The three lovely wives are stunningly beautiful.

And so it was.

The mandarin ducks sleep in pairs at night, and a bouquet of spring primroses weighs down the begonias.

The spring breeze is proud of the cows' crows, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.


 I deleted what I wrote yesterday if I wasn't satisfied with it, and I'll add it today.

(End of this chapter)

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