Chapter 21 Xianda Najie
Spiritual roots not only act on the body, but also on the soul.

With the spiritual root, it is easy to open the inner vision of the soul.

Ji Changqing sits cross-legged with his eyes closed, his lumbar spine straight, his palms facing up, his index and middle fingers touching each other and placed on his knees.

When he performs the Beast Control Art, the spiritual roots in his body will automatically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Ji Changqing ran several great heavens and spent several hours before he emitted some golden light energy bodies in his body.

These light spots gradually converged to form a stream of slightly cool energy.

At first, the golden light spots were too rare, and in the Dantian, they were as small as a grain of sand in the sea.

Very difficult to detect.

Only by practicing the Great Zhoutian for several times will the golden light points accumulate more and more. When they begin to gather, their existence can be seen internally.

This is only limited to Tianlinggen, such an abnormal speed of absorbing spiritual energy.

Moreover, the soul must be very powerful to be able to observe it in such a short period of time.

Yu'er both have Tianling roots and have been practicing for the same amount of time, but they don't have any energy flow in their bodies.

It's not that her cultivation speed is slower than Ji Changqing's.

It's that her soul has a hard time finding them.

This is what is called the sense of Qi.

Just because you can't sense it doesn't mean that your practice is useless.

It's just that I didn't notice it. As time passed, more and more spiritual energy accumulated in the body, so I naturally noticed it.

Ji Changqing put his fingers on her veins, and after some exploration, he also found a trace of cyan energy flow.

About the same size as him.

Only the aura properties are different.

With her spiritual awareness, it would probably take a day or two of practice to discover it.

As for Caihuan and Fengwu, Detective Ji Changqing searched around and found nothing.

The double spiritual roots really don’t work.

Ji Changqing's rough estimate is that with his current training progress, he can try to break through the first level of the Beast Control Art in as little as 20 days or as much as a month.

Ji Changqing almost wanted to give up practicing Overlord Armor.

In two months, even with Tianlinggen, it would be difficult to break through to the second level.

Unless you take unlimited drugs.

If Tian Linggen takes medicine again, his speed will really take off.

It is definitely not possible to practice Qi at the first level, and the wedding in two months is not safe.

You still need Overlord Armor.

Ji Changqing took out a bronze ring from the bubble, with a four-leaf clover inlaid on it and mysterious cloud patterns engraved on the surface.

Mo Feng Wu: Charm 45 (Extraordinary)
Taoist Companion Reward: Xiantian Najie (Xiantian*100)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Fairyland*10.

This is Feng Wu's Taoist reward.

Ji Changqing's teeth were infused with real energy, and he could only bite his right index finger with force and squeeze out a drop of bright red blood.

Blood dripped from the fingertips and splashed on the four-leaf clover, instantly dyeing the leaves red. The bronze ring flashed and appeared on the ring finger of his left hand in the blink of an eye.

Ji Changqing's consciousness was in a trance, and his soul came to a magical space.

Here, the sky is blue and white, the sky is round, the stars, the sun and the moon are rotating, and the five elements of spiritual energy gather together to form a small world of its own.

His soul floated in the air, looking down at the ground.

There is no other living thing except him.

The ground is a flat plain.

There are hundreds of acres of fairyland.

After recognizing his master, Ji Changqing also obtained information about Xiantian Najie.

After the Xianda Najie is activated, a space will be opened in the main world.

In principle, this is still the human world outside.

It's not a treasure like the Chaos Bead of Creation that can open up the world.

The Immortal Ring is just like demarcating territory, forcibly enclosing a part of the human world.

The stars, sun and moon here are also directly connected to the human world outside.

All the elements found in the human world are found here.

That's why the greatest role of Xiantian Najie is to cultivate spiritual plants.

This place has all the conditions for cultivating immortals.

Spiritual plants that can grow in the human world can be transplanted in the Immortal Field.

No matter what kind of genius or earthly treasure it is, even if it is a heaven and earth elixir that is transformed into the aura of heaven and earth, it can still be transplanted and even produce seeds.

This also means that as long as he obtains one spiritual plant, he can cultivate countless spiritual plants.

Sounds great.

In fact, it may not be that powerful.

Because the Najie space does not have a time acceleration function, the passage of time here is synchronized with the main world.

Various elixirs refined in the world of immortality.

There are very stringent conditions for the vintage of herbs.

The older the herb, the greater its value.Even ordinary ginseng, when it has been used as medicine for thousands of years, is a rare genius in the world of immortality.

If the medicinal materials of the Foundation Establishment Pill need to be more than 500 years old, he doesn't have time to cultivate them for 500 years before establishing the Foundation.

The grass on the graves is all withered.

Although time cannot be accelerated, Xiantian is Xiantian after all, and ordinary medicinal materials can grow faster when planted here.

It’s the same principle as pigs eating good feed will grow faster.

It’s just very slow!Take time to boil.

Fortunately, there are many fields, so he can farm them in acres and acres.

If he can live to be 1000 years old.

Those are pieces of thousand-year-old spiritual grass!

Ji Changqing suddenly thought of holding the sky bottle.

This thing can speed up the growth of medicinal materials, if it is combined with his Najie.

The sky is bright.

After practicing for a whole night, not only was I not sleepy, but I was extremely energetic.

This is related to the Beast Control Art.

The Beast Control Art not only trains Qi, but also cultivates Yuanshen.

Mo Fengwu went to the small medicine garden early in the morning. It has become a habit and it is also her hobby.

Ji Changqing didn't stop him either. The journey to becoming an immortal is so long. There is no need to rush. It would be better to just let things take their own course.

Originally, Mo Yuzhu also liked to get up early to practice swordplay, but now.

All his heart was focused on practicing the beast control technique.

Even more focused than her was Mo Caihuan.

She didn't even want to go to breakfast.

Directly order Qingmei to deliver it.

Mo Yuzhu originally wanted to eat, but she didn't expect this trick, so she didn't want to move.

Ji Changqing probably only had a few days of enthusiasm, so he didn't persuade him.

In the end, only he and Feng Wu came to the dining room.

The host, Yan Shi, asked in confusion: "Changqing, didn't the colorful ring come?"

Ji Changqing sat down and picked up chopsticks: "I'm practicing and she doesn't want to come."



The ladies looked at each other, not understanding what he meant for a while.

Liu Shi raised his right leg and said with a sweet smile: "Did you hurt your body last night? You don't know how to be more considerate. Caihuan is so delicate, how can he stand up to you martial arts practitioners..."

After she finished speaking, several of the mistresses looked strange. It was really possible.


Ji Changqing didn't bother to explain.

Yan Shi ordered his servants: "Send some qi and blood supplements to the young lady."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hey! Feng Wu seems to be okay?"


Mo Fengwu took a small bite of the corn, but she obviously didn't say anything.

Ji Changqing pretended not to hear anything and gave Feng Wu some vegetables she liked.

Not long after, the maid came back: "Madam, the young lady has already eaten."

"The lady said she is practicing, so there is no need to call her in the future."


The ladies were not in the mood to eat. They ate some casually and then went to see Mo Caihuan.

Ji Changqing doesn't find this situation strange.

Very few people can withstand the temptation of cultivating immortals. It would be strange if they were not curious.

As for the Sky-Building Pill, Ji Changqing is not worried that Caihuan will tell anyone about it.

I had made a confession with them before.

The question is that you have a special constitution.

Anyway, no one knows whether they originally had spiritual roots.

As for the mistresses.

If they also want to practice.

Somewhat tricky.

Naturally, the less we know about the Heaven-Building Pill, the better.

More on that later.

Ji Changqing ate a lot. Although he only practiced for one night, his appetite improved a lot. Even Feng Wu ate more than before.

(End of this chapter)

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