Chapter 22
After they finished eating, the maids began to clear the tables after they left.

Ji Changqing was not in a hurry to practice and took Feng Wu to the small medicine garden.

Now there is Sentian Najie.

Naturally use it.

His first thought was to collect all the medicinal herbs in the world.

Prepare for future alchemy.

The medicinal materials for refining Huanglong Pill and Golden Marrow Pill should be common.

There are only requirements for the age of the medicine.

There is currently no recipe for elixirs and I don’t know how to practice.

It's ok.

First collect various medicinal materials, and get a few plants of each, and the fairy field can be propagated into a patch.

If you find the elixir in the future, you won’t be blinded.

Find every medicinal material in the province.

As for farming, Ji Changqing decided to leave it to professionals.

The four-leaf clover on the Sendana ring.

Can be turned into four sub-rings.

The sub-ring has only one function, which is equivalent to a key.

And only those who are shown as Taoist companions in the bubble can use it.

The person who wears it can freely enter and leave the Xiantian space except for the soul.

The mother ring can bring medicinal materials into and out of space, but the child ring cannot.

But you can control Xiantian space in a small area.

Ji Changqing collected the medicinal materials and handed them to Feng Wu to take care of.

Xiantian is not like a small medicine garden, which requires watering, weeding, insecticide, etc.

Not that much trouble.

No matter how you plant it, it will be very difficult to die.

The provincial phoenix dances and Tmall wastes time in the small medicine garden.

Ji Changqing is a little worried. She has no intention of practicing for the sake of the medicine garden.

She can spend a whole day in the medicine garden.

There are some people in the world of immortality who are obviously very talented but waste their time on side jobs.

As a result, the realm of cultivation cannot be improved, and eventually the life span is exhausted and the path of life and death disappears.

Ji Changqing left Xiantian to Feng Wu to take care of, at least killing three birds with one stone.

Feng Wu doesn’t have to waste time on weeding and watering.

You won’t be distracted from practicing because you are worried about herbal medicine dying.

Let Feng Wu take care of Xiantian, and Ji Changqing can hang up and harvest the medicinal materials.

Ji Changqing didn't have to hide Feng Wu's secrets. The two shared secrets, and the relationship between the Taoist couple became deeper.

It can be said that there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

As for secrets, one secret is a secret, and two secrets are also secrets. One more is not more, and one less is not more.

Under the green snake fruit medicine shed, Mo Fengwu thought of the scene when the two met for the first time.

"Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you."

Mo Fengwu looked up at him, her shiny eyelashes trembling slightly, thinking that he was going to do something embarrassing. After closing her eyes, she even stood on tiptoes, but even so she could only reach her chin.

Ji Changqing couldn't laugh or cry.

With a flash of consciousness, a piece of the four-leaf clover on the fairy ring fell off, turned into a escaping light and appeared in the palm of Ji Changqing's hand, and turned into a bronze ring in the blink of an eye.

Although it is a bit ugly, a ring is a ring after all. It has great meaning and can be regarded as a token of love.

Ji Changqing raised her left hand and slowly pushed the ring onto her ring finger.

Sensing something unusual, Mo Fengwu opened her eyes, saw the ring and turned it around with her hand, feeling extremely happy.

"Do you like it?" Ji Changqing pinched his little face.

"Hmm!" Mo Fengwu stood on tiptoes again.

Ji Changqing gave a sip, and then took her soul into the fairy field space.

Explain to her the function of the fairy ring.

Mo Fengwu was so happy, this was the love field of her dreams.

She's like finding the best toy.

The soul is flying freely in the sky above Xiantian.

After a while, he exited the space.

Next is physical activity.

After exiting the space, let Feng Wu guide you.

Ji Changqing took a big shovel and dug from the roots of the medicinal materials one shovel after another.

Huang Jingzhi, I want it.

Blood Spirit Grass, move away.

Black plum, sweet spoon flower, plum grass, mountain beetle...

Move them all away.

With his current skills.

In a matter of seconds, the large and vibrant medicinal garden turned into a pitted yellow land in the blink of an eye.

That's still a little bit like before.

All medicinal materials were collected into the fairy field.

Mo Fengwu was a little worried at first, but when she found out that the soul could control the transplant, she became extremely busy.

Ji Changqing is harvesting, and Fengwu is planting in space.

Feng Wu planned the hundred acres of fairyland and planted herbs with different medicinal properties separately, laying the foundation for cultivating large areas in the future.

Now I have really become a hard-working little bee.

Her soul was flying around in the air.

After less than an hour of work, Mo Fengwu also went to practice.

Because she found there was nothing to do.

Everything that needs to be planted has been planted, and everything is living well.

There is still some emptiness in my heart.

Ji Changqing expressed comfort on the surface, but smiled inwardly.

Cultivation of immortality is the great way.

Don't let your business go to waste.

The matter of the Immortal Ring is settled, and Ji Changqing's practice of Overlord Armor is on track.

Practice the Overlord Armor during the day, and practice the Beast Control Art at night when you are mentally exhausted.

Both are true.

A week later, all 99 True Essence Pills were refined.

Overlord A arrived at the eighth level, with two levels left to complete.Name: Ji Changqing
Taoist couple: Ink jade beads, ink phoenix dance, ink colorful ring.

Cultivation realm: Introducing Qi into the body

True Qi: 99 years

Age: 18
Lifespan: 90
Spiritual Root: Gold (Heavenly Spiritual Root)
Talent: Traveler (soul strength +100%, charm +10)

Charisma: 42 (+10) Charm

Constitution: 88
This is the current attribute of Ji Changqing in the bubble.

The biggest changes are in spiritual roots and physique.

His physique has increased nearly nine times.

This is the result of practicing Overlord Armor and strengthening internal strength.

When Overlord A reaches perfection, he should be able to reach one hundred.

It's quite scary. Ji Changqing can now lift a huge boulder with one hand.

Hanging ten Taoist monks on one arm is no problem.

The explosive force can break rocks with just one punch using only his physical body.

Invulnerability is no longer a problem.

Now his body density.

It should be more than ordinary ironware.

You can use your hand as a hammer, hitting rocks like tofu.

But being invulnerable to fire and water is a little less interesting.

It is worth mentioning the changes brought about by True Essence.

The internal strength is so deep that it can compress the true energy and release it outwards, emitting sword energy similar to the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

The power is quite impressive.

Deep internal strength also brings another benefit.

Can slightly strengthen the muscles and veins.

Although it has no effect on the speed of cultivating immortals, it is actually somewhat useful.

Every time a cultivator fails to break through, his muscles and veins will be severely damaged.

This also leads to the fact that immortal cultivators can achieve breakthroughs only if they are absolutely sure.

Instead of failing, continue to break through until you succeed.

If this were the case, building foundations and forming pills would not be so difficult.

Therefore, in the later stages, physical training still has advantages.

During this period, many large and small things also happened in Jiayuan City.

Jiayuan City itself is controlled by major gangs.

As the major gang leaders received invitations.

The marriage of the three beauties in the Mo Mansion has been rumored all over the city.

It didn't matter at first, just forget it if there were three grooms.

It happened that they were married to the same person at the same time, and that person was once a waiter in a shop.

At this time, Ji Changqing became the public enemy of Jiayuan City.

Young talents from all walks of life are eager to take their place.

The threshold of Mo Mansion has been almost crossed these days.

They all want to see Ji Changqing and fight to the death with him.

It's a pity that most of them can't even get through the door.

There are some who are a little bit more powerful, and Mo Mansion is also very lively at night these days.

All kinds of shouting to catch the thief.

Heroes from all walks of life sneaked into Mo Mansion quietly.

Then he was caught by the guards, and those with status paid to redeem him, while those without status were tortured severely.

Of course there are more powerful ones.

While Ji Changqing was practicing at night, he suddenly noticed something unusual.

My ears twitched slightly, and when I looked up, I found that a skylight had opened on the roof, two tiles were empty, and an arm was stretched out.

He ducked and jumped lightly onto the beam, quietly hiding in the corner.

Because the bed curtain was covering it, one person was missing from the bed. The owner of the arm did not notice anything unusual, so he continued to move the two pieces apart. When enough space was available, he jumped down from the roof towards the beam.
A black night jacket covered the whole body, revealing two eyes that were rolling around.

When he saw the whole person clearly, before his feet even touched the ground, Ji Changqing grabbed his neck with one hand and grabbed him like a chicken.

The man in black had his feet dangling in the air and resisted instinctively. Ji Changqing used a knife in his hand and tilted his neck to silence him.

After jumping off the beam, Ji Changqing lifted him outside the house, threw him on the ground, and pulled off his mask.

He is actually a middle-aged man with a scar from the corner of his left eye to the center of his eyebrow.

The sound of opening the door startled Mo Yuzhu, and she was slightly startled when she saw the appearance of the man on the ground.

"Ouyang Feitian? Why is he lying here?"

"It's normal for young people to like to fall asleep. Is he the gang leader of Domination Villa?"

Mo Yuzhu shook his head: "It seems to be the deputy gang leader, but this person has practiced Overlord Armor like my husband, and I heard that he is close to reaching great success."

"Is it."

It seems that it is indeed the unlucky guy.

"Is he dead?"


"What should we do now?"

Ji Changqing picked him up and patted his cheek.

"Wake up, wake up, don't sleep."

After Ouyang Feitian opened his eyes, he felt that his head was buzzing, his neck felt like it was broken, and his cheeks were burning and hurting. He still didn't realize what happened.

"Why did you sneak into Mo Mansion without sleeping in the middle of the night?" Ji Changqing asked.

"I, Ouyang Feitian, am not as skilled as others. I will take it from you today. Whether you want to kill me or cut me into pieces is up to you." Ouyang Feitian was not panicked when he found out about the current situation. Instead, he had a tough look on his face.

"He's a man. It seems like he can't ask anything."

Ji Changqing looked at Mo Yuzhu and said softly: "Why don't you make a U-turn and hang it up at the door of Mo's mansion to show the public, and save the trouble of all the cats and dogs coming to make trouble."

Ouyang Feitian knelt on his knees and burst into tears: "No, brother! Gold, I have gold! Please let me go with your noble hand, I have just started to enjoy it! I don't want to die yet, there are forty aunts waiting for me, I If they die, they will all be left as widows."

Mo Yuzhu: "..."

Ji Changqing suggested: "How about becoming a eunuch first and then hanging up."

Mo Yuzhu nodded, marrying so many people would harm many good families.

"Don't, don't, don't, I say! I say! It's the dog from King Yi of the Five Color Sect. Give me 100 taels of gold and trick me into killing you."


I probably don't have any grudge against him. We just met him once at the Grand Hotel.

If I had to say it, I probably only have the title of Mo Juren’s disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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