Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 25 Immortal cultivators in Jiayuan City

Chapter 25 Immortal cultivators in Jiayuan City

The horse had a gentle temper and did not move erratically. Ji Changqing gently pulled the reins, and the wedding team set off amidst the noise of gongs and drums.

There were too many people watching in front of me, including the laughing and joking gangsters blocking the middle of the street.

The guard came forward with a knife to push away the crowd, and finally squeezed out a way. After some people were pushed down, they sat on the ground and cursed.

Most of the people standing on both sides were old, weak and young women. The girls looked at his handsome appearance and beamed with joy. Some stared blankly, and the bold ones even threw handkerchiefs at him.

"The groom is so good-looking." As the wedding procession passed by, the proprietress of a sesame cake shop couldn't help but sigh. The rough man next to her rolled out the dough and said sourly: "I was about the same when I was young."

The landlady didn't say anything, she just stared at him and smiled without saying a word. The man's face turned red.

The two have completely opposite attitudes toward the groom, just like the crowds on the roadside. Some like him, some are jealous, but most of them just come to watch the fun.

There were many children in the crowd standing on their feet and looking up, thinking that he would soon be a father, which made Ji Changqing happy.

He waved to someone to bring a box of wedding candies. When the box was opened, various silk packages were revealed. The crowd immediately jumped to their feet, cheered and raised their hands.

Ji Changqing grabbed a handful and threw them evenly to prevent them from fighting.

These ten boxes of wedding candies cost him a lot of gold.

Worldly money comes too easily to him.

And ordinary people may not be able to eat it during the Chinese New Year, so only the children of big families will buy it and try it.

When passers-by saw the wedding candies, even the many young people who had kept a straight face before could not care less about their envy and jealousy and stepped forward to grab the wedding candies.

In order to attract his attention, he even shouted congratulations.

"Master Ji, congratulations, congratulations!".

Ji Changqing smiled and tried to spread it evenly, but there were still people who couldn't help but fight for it.

"Everyone has it, don't grab it." Ji Changqing reminded kindly.

In this way, the wedding team marched forward amid the laughter and congratulations of the crowd.

Some even followed them all the way, and the queue was longer than the wedding queue.

No one has ever been so generous when getting married. Even passers-by have bags of wedding candies.

It's all money.

The Xianglu Grand Canal is more than a thousand feet wide, and you can't see the other side at a glance.

It was also the first time for Ji Changqing to see it, which almost ran through the main artery of the Yue Kingdom.

Hundreds of boats competed on the river, thousands of sailboats raced across the river, and various large merchant ships and medium-sized passenger ships were like blood cells, transporting nutrients and supplies to major cities.

Some bamboo raft fishermen were also fishing with nets not far from the shore. When they heard strange noises and saw the wedding procession, they all looked up and watched.

At this point, they have already left the territory of Jingjiaohui.

The gang forces here are intricate and the people's customs are simple.

This is not.

Not long after walking, I encountered a row of people welcoming the bride.

They stood ready, carrying various gifts in baskets.

There are rotten eggs that have been there for more than a year and are infested with maggots.

There are waxy cabbage leaves that have been rinsed over and over again in the pig pen.

There was even golden juice freshly discharged after diarrhea a few days ago.

Most of these people are aunts with incredible fighting prowess, and among them are some gangsters from major gangs.

Ji Changqing observed the lineup in front of him from a hundred meters away.

What a warm welcome.

Ji Changqing asked people to carry five heavy wooden boxes.

These were originally redeemed in case of crowd riots, but I didn't think much of it and would come in handy now.

As soon as it was opened, the crowd behind immediately became excited.

Copper coins, full of copper coins!

The crowds chasing after them were mostly there for it.

The aunt who was originally waiting for the bride saw the wedding procession suddenly stop, and a dense swarm of black locusts flew from the sky, and then it started to rain copper coins.

Ding Ding Ding!
Countless copper coins hit the ground and rolled everywhere.

The sweet voice is so familiar.

"Money! It's money!"

Someone in the crowd screamed in surprise, which sounded like an alarm that the zombies were ready for dinner.

There was a roar, and the crowd behind them was completely excited and ran for [-] meters towards the aunts.

Most of them are looking for this box.

In just a moment, the originally lethal jet team was overwhelmed in the blink of an eye and joined the snatching queue.

The culprit among them was dumbfounded.

This is different from what was planned!
Ji Changqing waved his hand, signaling the wedding team to move on.

The flying feathers that filled the sky just now consumed a lot of his energy.

Passing by the chaotic crowd.

The wedding team moved forward in an orderly manner, and no one paid attention to them.

Ji Changqing watched while riding on horseback. Suddenly his expression changed. He noticed something and looked up.

They were two men. They were sitting on the balcony of the restaurant eating and looking downstairs to watch the show. After realizing that they had been discovered, the middle-aged man on the left had a stiff expression. The young man on the right raised his glass and smiled, taking a sip casually, as if they were separated from each other. Toast.He knows the one on the left.

Wang Yi, the deputy gang leader of Wusemen, sent Ouyang Feitian to kill his villain.

This is really a narrow road for enemies.

So, these people probably have something to do with him.

The young man on the right is full of heaven and has rosy blood. He is not like a martial arts practitioner. He seems to have no strength in his hands, but it gives him a faint sense of familiarity.


A few days ago, he just learned a simple auxiliary spell from the Beast Control Art.

The celestial eye technique can observe the cultivation of immortals, and can cause mental shock to ordinary people, making them panic.

There is no need to consume any spiritual energy to release this spell, and it is easy to learn.

The other party is with Wang Yi, so he is probably an enemy, and we need to find out whether he is real or not.

The spiritual energy gathered towards the eyes, and Ji Changqing released the Sky Eye Technique.

Just one glance made Wang Yi tremble all over, his eyes were full of fear, and he was sweating profusely in the blink of an eye.

Ordinary one.

The expression of the young man on the right remains unchanged, and his body emits a cyan aura.

Judging from this aura, it is roughly estimated that he is at least the seventh level of Qi training.

No wonder Wang Yi dared to appear here blatantly.

If he were an ordinary person, ten top experts wouldn't be able to save him.

But Ji Changqing is also an immortal cultivator now, so it is not easy to kill ordinary people in front of the immortal cultivators.

It may break the secular rules of the cultivators.

The young man looks very young, he may be a casual cultivator.

Now Ji Changqing is also an immortal cultivator. Although his cultivation level is low, he can at least sense the fluctuations of spiritual energy.

He can react when the opponent releases spells during combat.

The two already belong to the same kind of people, rather than the crushing of ordinary people by immortal cultivators.

With his current physical fitness, it is almost impossible to be stopped if he can react in advance.

Moreover, Ji Changqing has true energy to protect his body and can also release his true energy.

There are both melee and long-range means.

If ordinary poor monks don't have defensive magic weapons, they will just give them to them when they come.

Primary defensive spells may not be able to prevent a few of his attacks.

As a master and a qi-training monk, he still has this confidence.

The young man noticed his clairvoyance and raised his glass with a smile, showing no signs of turning against him.

Meeting an immortal cultivator was expected, but Ji Changqing was testing.

If any immortal cultivator dares to do something blatantly, it means that the seven factions have little restraint on the immortal cultivators.

After killing the young man, he would plan to evacuate Jiayuan City and take the Taoist couple, Yan and the others to another place to practice.

But since he didn't take action, it meant that he still had taboos.

Ji Changqing just glanced at it and then looked away.

After the wedding team left.

Wang Yi was shocked and wiped the beads on his forehead.

"Master Immortal, is he also a cultivator of immortality?"

"What do you think?" The young man looked at him lightly, picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth.

"Well, why don't we forget it?" Wang Yi asked tentatively.

"Stop your little thoughts, I really want to take action. Killing him is just a matter of picking something up." The young man boasted.

"You said before that he was an ordinary person, so I agreed to help you."

"But I've already been marked by him. If I don't kill him, I won't be able to sleep or eat well." Wang Yi said unwillingly.

"He has a grudge against you?"

"Not really." Wang Yi touched his chin and recalled: "I just heard that he was a disciple of Mo Juren, so I wanted to kill him."

"Come with me to practice first, and then it's up to you if you want to kill him." After the young man said that, he got up and left.

If he didn't agree, he was naturally unsure. He never did anything he wasn't sure of.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that the other party has only practiced Qi at the first level, but it gives him a great sense of crisis. A master who cultivates immortality should not be underestimated.

It was close to noon when the wedding team returned to Mo Mansion. Along the way, Ji Changqing discovered two immortal cultivators.

There was a strong man who was a blacksmith, and his family of three lived in seclusion.

Ji Changqing didn't use the Sky Eye Technique. He didn't know the other party's cultivation level, so he didn't think it was very high.

There was also a young man, tall and sturdy, who looked at him for a long time at the intersection, with a surprised expression on his face, as if he knew him.

Ji Changqing thought about it for a long time and couldn't remember that he had seen this person before.

In order not to cause trouble, Ji Changqing pretended not to see it.

His circle has changed unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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