Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 26 The Han brothers and sisters came to visit

Chapter 26 The Han brothers and sisters came to visit

Ji Changqing knew that he couldn't keep a low profile in Jiayuan City since the Yan family promised him the third beauties of Mo Mansion.

Before, he had been practicing quietly in Mo Mansion without leaving the front door, but he was still recognized by people at a glance.

He just went to have a meal, but Wang Yi wanted to kill him, and the two of them didn't even say a word.

The Jingjiao Society has lost Mo Juren, some of its masters have defected, and there are fewer alliances. The person in power is still the powerless Yan family.

There is a mismatch between strength and status, and many gangs want to take his place, divide up the major branches under his control, and even destroy the Mo Mansion.

Mo Mansion is the spotlight of Jiayuan City, and many people are watching it.

It involves too much cause and effect.

When Ji Changqing marries the third beauties of the Mo family, he will inherit the cause and effect of the Mo family.

He thought about leaving Jiayuan City with Mo Yuzhu and the others.

The result was that the Jingjiao Society and the Mo Mansion were full, and all the maids were slaughtered.

Ji Changqing enjoyed the convenience brought by Mo Mansion. Yan even betrothed his daughter to him so that he could take care of Mo Mansion.

It is impossible to run away just because there may be danger in the future.

There are dangers everywhere in the world of immortality.

Only when there is a last resort and there is an enemy that is impossible to defeat, can this strategy be taken.

Since I can't keep a low profile for the time being, I have to think of something.

This wedding is a great opportunity.

Compared with the deep mountains, the aura of Jiayuan City is relatively thin.

Most of the worldly casual cultivators who live in seclusion are below the third or fourth level of Qi training.

Slightly higher-level people rarely stay in Jiayuan City for a long time.

Ji Changqing wanted to get acquainted with some low-level casual cultivators, those on the first or second level of Qi training, to see if they could get some elixirs or something.

If it doesn't work, I can only go to the God's Hand Valley in the future and exchange Nuanyang Baoyu with someone.

Along the way, I met three immortal cultivators.

That young man is definitely in trouble, and he will have to be more careful in the future.

As for the blacksmith.

It would be safer to practice for a period of time first, to at least break through to the fourth level of Qi training, and then get in touch.

The cultivation speed of Tianlinggen is also fast.

I believe it won't be too long.


Han Yunping came to Jiayuan City this time mainly to buy some more raw materials of cinnabar and seven-star grass.

In the hands of their brother and sister, there is a talisman pen left by the clan, Jin Zhu.

The tip of the pen is made of the neck hair of the second-level demon beast Golden Eyed Ape, and the pen barrel is made of a mixture of gold essence and black iron. It is refined after three days and three nights of civil and military fire rituals by monks in the foundation period.

It is a rare treasure.

It's perfect for drawing talismans.

Moreover, the clan also left behind a book of talisman tips and a book of weapon refining tips.

One book teaches how to draw talismans and how to make cinnabar and talisman paper.

The other book teaches how to refine magic weapons.

Among them is the method of refining the golden Zhu Talisman pen.

Refining weapons requires not only talent, but also financial resources and strength.

The raw materials alone are difficult to find. They are level two monsters with strength in the foundation building stage.

So Talisman is more realistic.

Han Yunping also tried to draw talismans before, but it was a pity.

His hand as big as a cattail leaf trembled when he grasped the pen.

If you have talent, you are quite talented.

After all, with such a good talisman pen, the success rate of drawing talismans will be greatly improved.

Drawing talismans can also earn some spiritual stones to exchange for elixirs.

But unfortunately I don’t have much talent.

So Han Yunping pinned his hopes on his sister Han Yunzhi.

Han Yunzhi broke through the fourth level of Qi training and learned the rejuvenation technique, which was perfect for drawing the rejuvenation talisman.

Two months ago, he also bought some for Yunzhi. Unfortunately, if they were not scrapped, he still managed to get one or two.

Han Yunping also looked at Hope, and her sister was at least much better than her.

So he brought Yunzhi out this time to buy some more cinnabar and raw materials for talisman paper to continue practicing for his sister.

The cinnabar has been bought and is the material for the talisman paper.

Han Yunping went to several drug stores in a row, but couldn't buy any. Even the seeds were bought out.

After asking the shopkeeper, I found out that it was bought by a man named Ji Changqing.

At first, Han Yunping didn't know who Ji Changqing was.

I don’t know where to find it either.

But the shopkeeper told him that it was easy to find him. It was Mr. Mo who was welcoming his bride on the street today.

Han Yunping asked many passers-by with copper coins, and they all pointed in the direction of the Xianglu Grand Canal.

Yu Shanghan and Yunping soon caught up.

A long, fiery red dragon snakes along the river bank in front of it, with loud gongs and drums, making it very lively.Han Yun ran to the front of the bride-welcoming team like a calm breeze, and turned around quickly to see the bridegroom's appearance.

But the more he looked, the more familiar he felt. As he walked and looked, he rubbed his head and thought for a while. It wasn't until he looked at Ji Changqing that he remembered, isn't this that boy?
Yunzhi also praised him for being a bit good-looking, right!Han Yunshan did remember it.

I just didn't expect that an ordinary person who I hadn't seen for two months would actually have a spiritual light on his body, and he was at the first level of Qi training.

Han Yunping can guarantee that this kid was definitely an ordinary person two months ago.

He still remembered what he said, what's the use of being good-looking, there are differences between immortals and mortals.

If you can break through the first level of Qi training in two months, you must have at least two spiritual roots.

His cultivation speed is about the same as Yunzhi's.

He didn't think about Tianlinggen at all, because it didn't exist. It was just a legend. He had never heard of Tianlinggen.

Han Yunping has three spiritual roots and is currently at the ninth level of Qi training.

In less than five years, Tainan Mountain will host the Tainan Mountain Small Meeting once every five years and the Immortal Ascension Conference once every ten years.

At the Immortal Ascension Conference, only those with dual spiritual roots can directly join the Immortal Cultivation Sect.

Yunzhi could pass the assessment directly, but that was not necessarily the case for him.

The three spiritual roots can participate in the arena battle of the Immortal Ascension Conference, and only the top ten from each sect can pass the assessment.

He knew that his hope was slim. Unless he had a large amount of elixirs to help him break through to the eleventh level of Qi training, he would have a glimmer of hope of passing the ring battle.

And if this kid has dual spiritual roots.

The cultivation speed is not slow either.

It should be able to help Yunzhi in five years.

Build a good relationship first, and then let him and Yunzhi enter Spirit Beast Mountain together.

You can take care of Yunzhi.

Han Yunping made a move to win over him. This boy seemed to be kind-hearted and harmless to humans and animals.

When asking for directions before, everyone said that the groom was very generous and gave a lot of wedding candies.

Realizing that he had been discovered, Han Yunping used his hiding technique to follow him, and found that it was indeed the same Mo Mansion.

"Why did fellow Taoist follow you all the way?"

Han Yunping was stunned, and the direction Ji Changqing turned to look was the doorstep of the restaurant where he was standing.

The concealment technique allows spiritual energy to adhere to the whole body, turning the body into a protective color similar to the surrounding environment, making it difficult for people to detect.

Achieve an effect similar to invisibility.

Ordinary people will automatically ignore his existence.

Han Yunping is currently at the ninth level of Qi training. As long as he doesn't get too close, it is basically impossible for monks at the first level of Qi training to detect him.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changqing not only discovered him, but also found out that he was following him.

It shows that he was exposed from the beginning.

Ji Changqing relied on his powerful soul and paid special attention to him, so he discovered what spell he used to follow him from the beginning.

I just didn't feel any hostility from him, so I pretended I didn't notice it.

Now they are all following him to the door of Mo Mansion, obviously coming for him.

The four brides, wearing red headscarves, stepped onto the sedan chair.

Ji Changqing can't continue to ignore it.

Because there were ordinary people around him, Han Yunping did not cancel the concealment technique.

He used his voice transmission technique to quietly send a message to Ji Changqing, but only two people could hear it.

Sound transmission technique, long distance is a talisman that can only be used with the use of sound transmission symbols.

If you are face to face, you can also communicate with each other using your spiritual consciousness.

"It turns out to be fellow Daoist Han." When Ji Changqing heard Han Yunping's self-reported surname and purpose of visit, Ji Changqing's mind suddenly moved, and he suddenly thought of a girl he met two months ago.

Han Yunzhi!
The reward for Taoist companions is gold.

Demon refining pot!
Both of them have the surname Han. If they were ordinary people, it might be a coincidence.

But immortal cultivators are so rare, and there are too few with the same name.

There are very few people named Li Feiyu.

At least it means that he knows Han Yunzhi.

In my impression, these two siblings are very nice people.

He had been thinking about when they could meet again.

Now the opportunity will come.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I do have Seven-Star Grass, but it's just a little inconvenient to trade now."

"Today is my big day, why don't fellow Taoists come and have a glass of wedding wine too."

Ji Changqing did not agree immediately, but chose to hold him back, and finally met a high-level monk with good conduct.

No matter what, we need to get acquainted.

"Haha, I like drinking! But, my sister is still waiting for me." Han Yunping scratched the back of his head in confusion. Naturally, he wanted to go.

One is for wine, and the other is for wine. When it comes to wine, he forgets why he is looking for him. Yunzhi rarely lets him drink.

"Then how about calling your sister to join us." Ji Changqing was moved and said while the iron was hot: "The banquet will be held at Junyue Restaurant. Do you know me?"

"I didn't tell you earlier. I've been to that place several times above the eighth floor. Hou'er Wine is good. Okay, that's all. I'll go find you later." After Han Yunping finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Han Yunping was still racking his brains to think of how to win over him, but he didn't expect this kid to be so smart and take the initiative to show up.

(End of this chapter)

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