Chapter 28 An unexpected recipe

Ji Changqing was a little confused and nodded towards the strong man.

Are these gang leaders so easy to talk to?
Tianba tugged on his mustache to watch the joke, Zhu Ganglie's heroic words before were still vivid in his mind.

Even the little girl at her feet had big eyes rolling around.

But those who are familiar with him know what kind of virtue he is, Zhu Ganglie. His brothers are trying to help him, and he is trying to help himself.

Anyone who can become a gang leader is someone who climbed up from a pile of corpses.

In addition to strength, you also need brains.

On the other hand, the hunchbacked old man Shi Honglin raised his head and glanced at the strong man.

Really useless.

If I were younger


I don't dare to go either.

Why are these young people now more terrifying than the other?

There was Mo Juren before, and now there is Ji Changqing.

Why didn't Wang Yi come?

He suddenly thought that his right-hand man had also been taught by Jingjiao before.

He looked around but couldn't find him.

Ji Changqing got off his horse and his servants took him away. With so many people waiting, he was not good at ink.

He walked to the first sedan chair and the servant gently placed it on the ground.

Ji Changqing opened a corner of the sedan curtain, and inside the bride was sitting upright in a red dress. Looking at him through the red hijab, the silk was hazy and she could only make out an outline.

She stretched out her jade hands, and the palms were clearly calloused by sword masters. Ji Changqing smiled slightly and pulled out the bride one by one.

one two three four.

Niang Xipi.

Ma Ganglie finished counting in his mind, his eyes as wide as bells.

With his small body, can he bear it?
The square suddenly became agitated and there was a lot of discussion.

They have seen many people getting married, including four brides at the same time.

That was a real stab in the ass and an eye-opener!

In the eyes of everyone, Ji Changqing and the bride walked into the restaurant side by side.

Yan Shi's ladies followed closely behind.

Jin Can glanced at the major gang leaders and saw that the Tianba Sect, Brotherhood, and Five Color Sect gang leaders were all here.

He also knew some of the later ones, including Domination Villa, Iron Spear Society, Jieyi Society, Tsing Yi Gang, Golden Sword Clan, Canghe Boat Clan, King Kong Clan, Sunset Sect...

They are all famous in Jiayuan City.

Jin Can suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

If a commotion breaks out, Golden Lion Escort Agency really can't stand it.

As members of the Jingjiao Society entered.

The major gang leaders were also a little unable to sit still. After all, they were already feeling hungry after waiting for so long.

But when they wanted to enter, they were stopped by Jin Can and Ma Tiantian with their knives crossed.

"What do you mean! Are you trying to trick us?" Zhu Ganglie's volcano erupted suddenly, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Being exposed to the sun all morning, plus being laughed at just now, made me feel angry.

As a top expert, he had never experienced such humiliation. As soon as Ji Changqing entered, he couldn't help but get angry.

So what about the Grandmaster, now the entire Jiayuan City masters are here.

After offending so many people, no one would want to leave Jingjiao.

Ignoring the waves of murderous intent, Ma Tiantian pulled an ugly smile from the corner of his mouth, as a first-class master who has been following Mo Juren all year round.

He has also seen the world, and this murderous intention will not scare him.

"Gang Leader Zhu, why are you so anxious?"

"Keeping our entire Jiayuan City gangs away, is this how your Jingjiao Society treats guests?" Naturally, Shi Honglin would not miss this great opportunity.

The major gangs in Jiayuan City were originally evenly matched, but the sudden appearance of such a young master from the Jingjiao Society was bound to upset the balance.

Instead of waiting for it to become bigger, it is better to take advantage of the great opportunity now and join forces with other gang leaders to attack together.

But when he looked at Tianba, he was silent and just watching.

Tianba naturally knew what these people meant.

He also felt that this was a good opportunity and he could not let Jingjiao grow up.

But the good girl pulled his sleeve.

Tianbamen can reach this point because his precious daughter plays a big role in making judgments in major events.

And if a fight breaks out, he's not sure he can protect his daughter from the master's hands.

This is the biggest reason for his silence.

Shi Honglin suddenly felt that it was a pity that Tianba could be so timid, even worse than me.

Ma Tiantian sensed the undercurrent of the situation: "Wedding banquets have wedding banquet rules, and the invitation has a specific time. The gang leaders are willing to wait. What does it have to do with me, Jingjiao?"

"Every gang leader please present your invitation card and attach a wedding gift before you can enter."

When attending a wedding banquet in Jiayuan City, invitations and gifts are necessary. No matter how anxious they are, the rules cannot be broken.

Shi Honglin wanted to say something else, but when he looked up, he found Ji Changqing standing on the second floor looking at him coldly. He was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

He had a feeling that if he said one more thing, he would become the first choice to scare the monkeys.

Tianba kid, you're wasting a great opportunity.

He wanted to curse loudly, but in the end he could only lower his head, his figure became even more stooped, and his situation was stronger than the person. "Haha, I didn't tell you earlier." Zhu Ganglie smiled and patted Ma Tiantian on the shoulder, looking completely different from the previous fierce look.

"Fox, bring it here."

"It's the helper."

He waved, and a thin young man walked behind him, holding a wooden box under his arm.

Ma Tiantian frowned and pinched the corner of the wooden box. The body odor emitted from it was dazzling. He finally understood why this kid was called Fox.

If this were in the wild, he would have killed the weasel with a knife.

He pinched his nose to resist the nausea and vomiting and opened the wooden box.

The red invitation lay crumpled, obviously being crumpled and then reopened.

There are still a few whiskers inside.

Thinking of Ji Changqing's instructions.

Ma Tiantian looked weird and even began to sympathize with Zhu Ganglie.

Then he shouted loudly towards the square: "As a gift from the Brotherhood, please take two ginseng sticks and sit on the first floor."

Whoa! !
The square exploded instantly.

"Hahaha I died laughing!"

"Ginseng whiskers? You are worthy of being a brotherhood. It's too harsh."

"Is the Brotherhood so poor? Why don't you come to our Tianbamen?"

"Let me explain, this is how the Brotherhood is formed, even dogs won't go."

"It's too embarrassing."

No one expected that the congratulatory gift would be loudly announced.

And I still give you something that makes people laugh out loud.

The key is for the other party to arrange their seats according to the order of gifts.

The Brotherhood, one of the three major gangs in Jiayuan City, sits at the bottom. This joke can make people laugh all year long.

Those who had a grudge against the Brotherhood were even more ruthlessly ridiculed at this time.

After the fox gave the gift, he showed a sinister smile. Before he could claim the credit, he turned around and saw Zhu Ganglie with a gloomy look on his face.

With one slap, the person was already in the air, his limbs rotated 360 degrees, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

In the blink of an eye, the fox's face was swollen like a pig's head, and his jaw was completely dislocated. Looking at the bloody fingerprints on his face, the men behind him became slightly frightened, and then dragged him away.

Ji Changqing frowned and looked at it, this was a character.

"Hahaha, this loser sent an invitation with ginseng roots sandwiched in it." Zhu Ganglie shouted loudly, as if he wanted everyone to know that it was just a misunderstanding.

"Brother Ma, the gift box just now was just an invitation, this is the gift."

He was so anxious that he took out an ancient book from his arms with a look of pain on his face.

In fact, he has two copies that he always carries with him.

This was found after killing a weird middle-aged man.

Because he often purchased old medicinal materials and spent generously, this attracted the attention of Zhu Ganglie's men.

So they poisoned him, carried out a sneak attack and killed him, and found two ancient books from the corpse.

There was a book called Beast Control, which only had the first four levels. According to the cultivation method in the book, he couldn't practice it anyway.

The other book records a strange prescription and detailed refining methods.

Because he has already copied one point, it doesn't feel too distressing to take it out now.

Ma Tiantian took it and took a look with doubt.

"Complete Collection of Huanglong Pill Refining"!

It doesn't sound serious.

Ma Tiantian was a little unsure of the value for a moment. Just when he was about to raise his head and ask, Ji Changqing appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, picked up the book and put it in his arms.

"Seventh floor." After saying this, Ji Changqing returned to the restaurant.

Ma Tiantian had a strange look on his face, and he suddenly thought of something. With so many wives, he really needed this kind of medicine to support himself.

"Brotherhood, precious prescription, seventh floor." Ma Tiantian shouted again to the square.

The crowd suddenly boiled again.

What kind of prescription is this? How did you climb from the first floor to the seventh floor in one go?

"A piece of Heavenly Silk Treasure Armor from Tianbamen, seventh floor."

"Five Color Gate Giant Rhinoceros Horn Bow, Seventh Floor."


Afterwards, various sects congratulated each other with gifts without any subtlety.

After all, it's too easy to give him away, and he can't afford to lose this person. His reputation is so bad that it will be difficult to recruit people in the future.

People from the square began to file in.

The long-awaited wedding banquet finally began.

At the Jun Yue Restaurant, nearly a hundred chefs took turns on the stove, preparing all night since last night.

The pot is almost burning,
up to now.

From the first to the seventh floor, hundreds of dining tables are already filled with all kinds of delicacies.

When everyone entered, they saw white mist lingering, like a fairyland.

When the smoke dissipated, it was all filled with plates of delicious food.

The warm white mist, with its fragrant aroma, made everyone's noses flutter, they swallowed hard, and their stomachs began to growl.

Ji Changqing led the brides up the stairs to the seventh floor.

(End of this chapter)

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