Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 29 Jingjiao Society’s Transformation Plan

Chapter 29 Jingjiao Society’s Transformation Plan
As members of the major gangs entered the square, passers-by and vendors who were watching the excitement dared to come to the square.

There are hundreds of tables in the restaurant, and they are all packed and lively.

Knowing that they had been waiting for a long time, they were probably hungry.

Ji Changqing stood at the central escalator on the seventh floor, looking down at the people at the dining table downstairs.

He said softly.

"Everyone, be quiet."

His voice lingered in the restaurant hall.

"Let me just say a few words."

Everyone looked up and pricked up their ears. After hearing a few simple words, the hall became quiet.

"Just tell me a few words." Zhu Ganglie muttered softly, holding his stomach. He swallowed. He only saw the table full of food, so who would care about what he said.

Tianba and others also nodded with satisfaction.

Although they are very verbose when holding gang meetings, they don't like others being verbose.

Ji Changqing began to organize the language.

Naturally, he still had his considerations in agreeing to Yan's wedding.

First of all, show a little bit of strength to make the major gangs afraid. Don't think that the current Jingjiao will be a soft persimmon.

But don't go too far, otherwise you will be attacked by a group.

The golden mean, low-key economic development, wine when friends come, and sticks when wolves come, this is the essence of the rise of flower growers.

Ji Changqing naturally wants to learn a thing or two.

The purpose of showing strength should be achieved.

The next step is to develop in a low-key manner. Only when Jingjiao can keep a low profile can Ji Changqing practice with peace of mind.

Instead of dealing with the beatings and killings of these people every day.

The Jingjiao Society is now a thorn in the side of the major gangs in Jiayuan City.

If you want to keep a low profile, you must get rid of the minions, seal the killer weapon, and eliminate everyone's sense of crisis.

Transformed into a strong rabbit, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but it hurts when it hits people.

"First of all, thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend Ji's wedding banquet." Ji Changqing said very politely, and everyone's good impression of him improved.

"After the wedding, I will be the leader of Jingjiao Guild."

The purpose of his saying this was to emphasize that he would be the one to protect Jingjiao from now on.

The second is to make the next words more convincing.

Tianba and others saw Yan nodding, but they didn't expect her to be so courageous!
Not only did their daughters marry this man, but even the entire gang gave them a foreign surname as dowry.

"I'll just say one thing next."

Why not just say a few words?
Everyone looked up eagerly and began to wonder.

Ji Changqing stretched out a finger and continued.


"Starting from tomorrow, Jingjiao will give up the fight for territory."

The crowd was in an uproar.


"Give up the fight for territory?"

"I heard that right!"

"Isn't it a good thing for our little gang?"

"That's right, it's indeed a good thing."

"Why do gangs fight for territory if they don't fight for territory?"

"Does this kid know what the gang depends on for a living?"

"We, the Siping Gang, all make a living from the dock, and we have the final say over the entire dock." A ruffian with a long, slanted eyebrow and a look of rotten pear and bad jujube proudly boasted.

The big black man next to him mocked: "Er Gouzi, our Iron Fist Club didn't say anything, is it your turn at the dock?"

"Black bear!"

A dog and a bear glared at each other.

"Is it really shameful for you? The little Siping Gang and the Iron Fist Club dare to talk so shamelessly? When did the dock come under your control?" The young people at the table next to them all sneered crookedly.

Poison Dragon Gang!
Ergouzi and Black Bear shrank their necks and began to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

The words stirred up waves, and everyone began to whisper and whisper to each other.

"Mrs. Yan!" Ma Tiantian looked at her anxiously. Without fighting for territory, how would Jingjiao Club rely on to develop and grow in the future?
Yan lowered his eyebrows and said, "He is the gang leader now."

She can only choose to believe him.


Jin Can also hesitated to speak, wanting to go up and persuade Ji Changqing.

On the contrary, the large gangs on the sixth and seventh floors were unusually calm.

With the current strength of the Jingjiao Society, it is impossible to compete with them for territory unless Ji Changqing takes action himself.

However, it is obviously good for them to give up the land grab.

As long as the Jingjiao Society does not continue to expand, it is not a big threat to them.

as a guru.

Since he dared to say this in front of all the gangs, he obviously would not slap himself in the face.

If they break their promise in the future, they will have reason to unite to deal with the Jingjiao Society.

This also made Tianba, Zhu Ganglie and the others relieved.

Ji Changqing waited for them to calm down and stretched out his second finger.

"Second, Jingjiao will transform some industries."

"Stop all red buildings and casinos."

Especially these two industries.

It damages your reputation to a great extent and can easily cause all kinds of trouble.If a cultivator forces a person to have sex for free, should he take action or forget it?
Money has almost no value to immortal cultivators.

This is not conducive to the long-term low-key development of Jingjiao Club.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the gangs thought he was crazy.

These two are one of the gang's most profitable businesses.


"Is this a thing?"

Finally someone remembered.

Ji Changqing continued with a smile: "After the Jingjiao Association, we will only develop the four major industries in major cities."


"The blacksmith shop."


"Escort agency."

"I hope you will come to support us."

Ji Changqing said this because he wanted to take this opportunity to advertise.

Pharmacies can collect medicinal materials, sell medicines, practice medicine, save people, and accumulate reputation.

The blacksmith shop can collect minerals and create weapons and equipment.

Needless to say, auction houses are the main channel for collecting rare objects from all over the world.

The last escort agency he wanted to transform into a courier station.

As for whether it can develop and what it will look like, that is a matter for the future.

Ji Changqing doesn't expect these mundane industries to bring him anything.

Just like a medicine shop, can you expect it to receive thousand-year-old spiritual herbs in this world?

Almost non-existent.

He was very happy for ten years.

These are just the prototypes of the future development of the family.

What he needs to cultivate is talents in this area and business experience.

If you can open a medicine shop in the secular world, you have experience in this field.

If a family becomes an immortal, can they open a pill shop in the world of immortality?

The blacksmith shop can also be developed into a weapon making shop.

Not to mention the auction house.

Maybe I didn’t think it was so simple.

All beginnings are hard.

How will you know if you can succeed if you don't try?

Ji Changqing naturally has to think long term for the development of his family.

These industries may have some competition with these gangs.

But in fact, they prefer to fight and kill, and do some business without capital and profit.

Just like the Siping Gang, the Dulong Gang prefers to occupy the docks and do some hard work like porters on the surface. In fact, when they see fat sheep, they will still rob homes and kill people to seize treasures.

"Okay, I'm done. Thank you all again for coming."

"The wedding banquet has begun, everyone is welcome."

Most people breathed a sigh of relief.

These are the bottom of the gang.

Because what Ji Changqing said has little to do with them and is not something they should worry about.

They only care about when they can eat!
When will we talk about it?
Now, as soon as I heard the lecture, I immediately picked up my chopsticks and joined the queue to grab the food. I was afraid that if I ate less, I would suffer a big loss. These are delicacies that I cannot usually eat.

The tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks in the restaurant downstairs were clinking, people stood up and fist-pumped, and people were drinking and eating meat.

They are all rough guys, don't expect them to be polite.

At least at this moment, it was rare for the major gangs in Jiayuan City to gather together to eat and drink, full of laughter and laughter.

They usually fight and kill each other, life and death!
On the contrary, the sixth and seventh floors are much quieter.

The people sitting here were all martial arts masters, and most of the gangs didn't move their chopsticks immediately.

They were wondering what Ji Changqing's purpose was.

For the development of the gang, it is completely thankless.

Does he still expect a bunch of illiterate warriors to become doctors?

The blacksmith shop and escort agency will be the focus of the future development of Jingjiao Society.

They are wondering whether they should avoid these two businesses.

The other side is going all out to develop these, and they will definitely suffer if they want to compete.

However, these industries pose little threat to them.

This is a good thing.

The major gangs also started eating and drinking.

After Ji Changqing finished speaking, he had a drink with the major gangs, fulfilled his friendship as a landlord, and stopped caring about these gangs.

His purpose of coming today has been achieved.

As for the marriage ceremony, there are other arrangements.

His eyes were always focused on a pair of siblings.

From the moment he started speaking, Ji Changqing discovered that they were already on the first floor, and Han Yunzhi pulled Han Yunping to prevent him from coming up.

After he finished speaking, they walked up the central spiral staircase.

 Thank you very much, book friend 20170425224516630 for the reward.There are also recommendation votes and monthly votes cast by everyone. I am too slow to update and I am embarrassed to ask for them.

(End of this chapter)

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