Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 30 Meeting the Han brothers and sisters

Chapter 30 Meeting the Han brothers and sisters
Han Yunzhi followed her brother up the steps. She had been to this place several times and the food was delicious.

"Brother, why don't we use the hiding technique."

Han Yunzhi looked around and found that many very fierce people were looking at her. Their naked eyes made her a little scared. She held the corner of her brother's sleeve and leaned closer to him.

Han Yunping touched his nose and didn't care about the mortals around him: "That boy is setting up a banquet for mortals. We are not going to the ninth floor today. Later he will definitely persuade my brother to drink. My brother doesn't want to drink either, but I can't help it. He He has Seven Star Grass on him, so for your sake, I have to give him some face."

Han Yunzhi glared at her brother's back with beautiful eyes, but did not reveal his little thoughts: "Then I will drink for my brother."

"How can that be done?" Han Yunping immediately turned around and glanced at his sister, "If you don't drink, you won't give me face. We are all cultivators of immortality. We need to take care of each other in the future. Sister, you will get drunk as soon as you drink. After a while, my brother will come to hold the cup for you. .”

Han Yunzhi knew that he couldn't persuade him today so he could only give up and let his brother be happy for once.

"Brother will be more restrained in his words and actions in a while."

"Don't worry, I am the most measured person." Han Yunping's chest thumped.

hope so.

The two siblings walked up the steps and whispered, the bright golden bubbles really eye-catching.

So much so that Ji Changqing didn't even pay much attention to anyone.

Han Yunzhi: Charm 43 (+17) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Demon Refining Pot (Incomplete)
Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Demon Refining Pot (Fragment)
It is indeed a demon refining pot, I remember correctly.Although I don't know what the use is now.

But since the broken ones are all gold, they must not be worse than the Immortal Ring.

Han Yunzhi's charm attracted her attention.


This is the first time I’ve seen Bubbles rated so highly.

Ji Changqing's attention shifted to Han Yunzhi.

The girl on the steps is pure and lovely, dressed in pure white, spotless, like a drop of milk dropped into a bottle of ink, and is incompatible with this yellowed world.

She has a unique temperament that attracts attention.

Ji Changqing watched for a while before changing his gaze until the two of them came forward.

"Hahaha, congratulations." Han Yunping's voice was like a bell. As soon as he came over, he patted Ji Changqing's shoulder to express his closeness.

After a few heavy blows, an ordinary person would have to kneel down on the spot. Ji Changqing's current physique could not feel any abnormality, just like dusting off ashes.

Han Yunzhi was speechless and tugged on his brother's sleeves to ask him to restrain himself.

"Thank you, Brother Han." Ji Changqing didn't care and brought the two of them to the wine table. This table was empty and was specially prepared for the two of them.

I heard him say that he liked monkey wine before, so Ji Changqing paid attention and asked Ma Qi to prepare a few gourds.

Han Yunping's eyes lit up when he saw Houerjiu. He sat down, grabbed the gourd with his right hand and raised his thumb. The lid of the gourd flew off with a pop, and he poured it with his head raised.

"It's great, hahaha. It's been a long time since I drank this pure monkey wine."

Seeing how generous and unpretentious he was, Ji Changqing felt that this kind of person had a pretty good character.

"As long as Brother Han likes her, is this your sister?" After saying that, he looked at Han Yunzhi, and only now did he notice that she had a small beauty mark under her left eye, which was quite cute.

Han Yunzhi dodged with her big eyes, and she remembered that she had indeed met Ji Changqing.

"I forgot to introduce you. This is my sister, Han Yunzhi. We are the only ones left in our family." Han Yunping said straightforwardly and unabashedly. He originally wanted to use the sound insulation technique, but when he saw someone paying attention around him, he let it go.

"Sister Yunzhi, my name is Ji Changqing, and these seven-star grasses are a welcome gift when we meet for the first time."

Ji Changqing asked people to bring in seven-star grass. All three plants were more than ten years old.

The first impression is very important when it comes to liking others, so he was well prepared.

A seven-star grass plant has seven petals, and a ten-year-old plant is as big as a washbasin. Each petal is as long and flat as a rice dumpling leaf.

This is the best raw material for making talisman papers. If one plant has good skills, it can make at least seven talisman papers.

Twelve pieces of talisman paper can be sold for at least five spiritual stones.

This is too precious.

Han Yunzhi waved his hands in panic after seeing it: "Ten-year-old seven-star grass! Brother Ji, this is too precious, I can't have it."

"Short~Sister, your brother Ji is not an outsider, so I will accept it for my sister." Han Yunping happily accepted the seven-star grass, which can be used to practice talismans for his sister. No matter how much you say you don't want it, you don't want it.

"Brother, why are you like this!" Han Yunzhi tugged on his clothes.

"It's just a small gift, not a precious item." Ji Changqing smoothed things over for Han Yunping, and they were relieved to accept it.

Although there are not many of this decade now.

But there are still ten acres planted in the fairy field, and now they have sprouted.

There are at least five thousand plants per acre.

In a few years, [-] ten-year-old seven-star grass can be harvested.

Ji Changqing made a rough calculation and found that holding the Sky Vase for seven days would speed up the process by 200 years.

Fifty thousand plants equals 50 years.

It took Han Li 47 years to harvest so much.

This is only the output of ten acres. If it is one hundred acres, it will be even more terrifying.

This is the advantage of Xiantian. Although it is slow, it is better in yielding more and the seeds will definitely survive.

Ji Changqing and Feng Wu knew about the properties of the seven-star herbal medicine.First, the growing environment is extremely harsh, and the soil needs to be carefully configured with a ratio of leaf mold soil and plain sand in a ratio of [-]:[-].

Water twice a day.

Moreover, the germination rate of seeds is extremely low, with only one in a hundred.

It is still very rare for the outside world to last ten years.

It requires careful cultivation and care.

But Xianda doesn't have this kind of trouble, just throw it in and survive.

So it was just a few plants, and it was really a small gift to him.

It's just that Han Yunzhi doesn't know.

"Thank you, Brother Ji." Han Yunzhi smiled lightly at him, revealing his two dimples, which made him look more pure and lovely.

"As long as Sister Yunzhi likes it," Ji Changqing said politely.

"Why are there four brides? Is there anyone else having a wedding?"

Only then did Han Yunping realize that the four beauties in red standing behind Ji Changqing were a little puzzled. They were wearing red hijabs and couldn't tell what they looked like.

Ji Changqing didn't hide it either: "They are all my wives."


Han Yunzhi was also a little surprised.

"Are they all mortals?" Han Yunping heard the message. He used his spiritual consciousness to investigate and found that they were indeed mortals.

Ji Changqing's mind moved, and then he nodded.

"Why did you marry so many mortal women?" Han Yunping frowned and continued to transmit the message.

"There is a difference between immortals and mortals. Don't you know that immortal cultivators live much longer than ordinary people?
"And with Yuanyang gone, the difficulty of foundation building will also increase exponentially." Han Yunping said kindly.

In his opinion, Ji Changqing has such good spiritual roots and should not linger on the world. This is a complete waste of talent.

He is not a fake spiritual root.

The other party is a casual cultivator and may not know this information about the world of immortality.

"Brother Han, there are many people here and this is not the place to talk. Why don't you go to my house first to talk about it. It will be more convenient to trade the seven-star grass." It is not easy for Ji Changqing to explain so much here.


Seeing that he agreed, Ji Changqing nodded and stood up.

When Han Yunping left, he did not forget to take away the two wine gourds on the table.

Han Yunzhi's eyes were a little reluctant to leave, and he looked back from time to time. It was a pity not to eat the food on the table.

Ji Changqing noticed it carefully and stopped.

"I forgot about it. Brother Han, you probably didn't have lunch. Why don't you leave after eating."

Han Yunzhi's cheeks felt a little hot and she glanced at Ji Changqing secretly. She knew that this was for her.

Brother Ji is a very nice person.

Han Yunping slapped his head and laughed: "If you don't tell me, I will forget about it. I'm just talking about business."

Ji Changqing was slightly ashamed, could he still forget to eat?

The two sat back down again.

Han Yunping ate boldly, grabbing some meat with his hands, and drinking heavily after finishing the meal.

The food was so satisfying that Ji Changqing felt hungry, so he sat down and ate something with them.

Han Yunzhi is more ladylike, with a small cherry mouth, and she chews her food slowly and looks delicious.

After half an hour.

Ji Changqing left the restaurant with the Han brothers and sisters, followed by the four brides.

As for the wedding banquet, the purpose has been achieved, so there is no need to pay too much attention.

As soon as he left the restaurant, a bride hugged his arm and leaned towards him. Ji Changqing knew who it was without looking at the worn silver bracelet on her hand.

"Mr. Sir, when are we going to visit the church to get married?"

Ji Changqing was speechless: "We'll talk about it when we get back."

In fact, of the four brides, only this one is the real one.

The other three were invited on short notice.

Just like Han Yunping said, the four of them are ordinary people.

These immortal cultivators can detect similar existences.

It is naturally impossible for Ji Changqing to let Yu'er and the others show up.

Forget about one cultivator, four of them from an ordinary family would be too conspicuous.

The matter of getting married in a restaurant was naturally cancelled.

 Thank you very much for the reward from Winter Night Snow has faded, as well as everyone’s recommendation votes and monthly votes.

(End of this chapter)

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