Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 31 Han Yunzhi’s gift of gold to Zhu was rejected

Chapter 31 Han Yunzhi’s gift of gold to Zhu was rejected
Ji Changqing asked his servants to prepare two carriages, and after leaving Jun Yue Restaurant, he set off towards Mo Mansion. His carriage led the way, followed by the carriage of brother and sister Han Yunping.

Feeling the shaking of the carriage, the four brides were finally able to lift off their red hijabs.

Close to Ji Changqing is Wang Jiaoyan.

Wang Jiaoyan: Charm 41 (Outstanding)
Taoist companion reward: Charm Pill*6.

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Charm Pill*2.

You may say that charm is useless, but in fact it is still useful. It can be said to be a double-edged sword.

He has an average appearance and will be ignored by others when in danger. In a sense, it is an advantage in the world of immortality.

High charisma will attract special attention.

But it greatly affects the initial favorability.

His good looks and charm are a plus in his pursuit of Taoist companions.

Wang Jiaoyan's initial appearance is over 40 when she dresses up. She is definitely one of the most beautiful women in the world.

The key is that the figure is very material, the flesh has grown to the key points, and the feel is first-class.

Except for being a little clingy and having a yandere-like personality, everything else is good.

Sitting opposite Ji Changqing, the iceberg beauty Wang also took off her red hijab and looked at him staring at her with a half-smile but not a smile, and kicked his calf in embarrassment.

This guy actually asked his wife to pretend to be his bride.

Let Wang Shi pretend to be the bride, because she is a first-class master and can easily protect herself if someone robs her.

Another reason was because Zhao Kun blocked her punch, so she had to give her a taste of the good stuff.

As for the other two maids, Wangchun and Qingmei, who signed up voluntarily, they were both a little disappointed because they didn't come to the church to get married.

"Mr. Lang, you smell so good." Wang Jiaoyan, as soft as a bone, fell into his arms.

"Really?" Ji Changqing couldn't smell anything himself. "I'll be more serious when I get home later. Yu'er is a jealous little girl. I'm fine. You'll have to be bullied in the future."

Feng Wu, Cai Huan and Yu'er have been together for more than ten years, but Wang Jiaoyan is not sure, so I still have to remind them.

"Can't Mr. Lang make decisions for others?"

Ji Changqing remained silent and gave her a wish-for-blessing look.

After all, she had promised Yu'er that Ji Changqing's three thousand beauties would be under her control.

"Fortunately, I am very good at dealing with little girls."

"That's the best."

If they were left to handle this kind of thing themselves, anyone in Ji Changqing's gang would easily get angry.

In another carriage.

Han Yunzhi touched the storage bag on his waist and explored it with his soul.

There are only some scattered elixirs in the storage bag, low-grade magic weapon iron sword, experience books, first- and lower-grade monster parts, raw materials and medicinal materials of cinnabar, and a gold Zhu pen.

"Brother, we don't seem to have many spiritual stones."

Han Yunzhi squeezed the somewhat shriveled storage bag and lowered his head in embarrassment. Most of the spiritual stones they earned were used to exchange for elixirs, or directly assisted in cultivation.

"It's okay. You can exchange it with him for worldly money." Han Yunping crossed his legs and waved his hands indifferently. He didn't think much about it. After all, he also used silver to trade in the drug store.

"But Brother Ji shouldn't be short of money!" Han Yunzhi told the key point. She didn't think there was much hope that she could buy Seven Star Grass with money.


Han Yunping was startled. He took the storage bag and looked at it. The two siblings looked at each other. He scratched his scalp with his fingers in annoyance. They were all in tatters!


Casual cultivation is too difficult.

It would be great if I could join Spirit Beast Mountain.

Just when the two were in trouble, the rickety carriage turned into the side entrance of Mo Mansion and stopped next to the stable after a while.

Ji Changqing and others got off the carriage first and were about to discuss business with Han Yunping and the others. He glanced at the four 'brides'.

"Qingmei, take them all to Madam's place. I have guests here."

"Yes, sir." Qingmei nodded and replied. Of course she knew that Madam was referring to Mo Yuzhu. After all, the leader of the Jingjiao Society is now Ji Changqing, and Mo Mansion may have to be changed to Ji Mansion.

After they left, the Han brothers and sisters were brought to the living room by their servants.

Ji Changqing didn't go with him. He didn't have a storage bag. It was best not to expose the Immortal Ring's storage ability.

Because he was going to trade seven-star grass later, Ji Changqing found a side room and took out all the ten-year-old grass.Only eight plants remain.

Not even a single drug store can stock it.

Although there are not many of this kind of good things circulating in the world, there are still people who specialize in growing them.

Although mortals don't know what the seven-star grass is used for, they know that this medicinal material can be sold at a high price. There will always be people who come to buy it. There is no shortage of buyers.

As long as something can be sold for money, someone will grow it.

Because planting is cumbersome and time-consuming, there is not much in the huge Jiayuan City, and more may have been bought.

After thinking about it, I took out ten plants from the eighth year, if they wanted it.

He took them out and spread them on the ground in a pile. After instructing his servants to bring them to him later, Ji Changqing also came to the living room and walked to the main seat to sit down.

"Brother Han, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as they entered the house, they saw the sad faces of their brother and sister. Their current mood was a bit like buying meat at the vegetable market. The boss had cut it, but it was embarrassing to find that the ones in the wallet that didn't have a hundred dollars were all for ten cents.

"Brother Ji, we don't seem to have enough spirit stones. Can we trade them next time?" Han Yunzhi explained. She didn't even ask if she could trade them with silver.

Ji Changqing picked up the tea cup and took a sip, finally meeting Han Yunzhi. He didn't know when the next time would be. This opportunity must be seized.

"It's okay, it doesn't have to be a spiritual stone, anything else is fine."

Ji Changqing waved to his servants to bring the seven-star grass.

Move the goods out first, just in case the other party really leaves. Everyone has brought them with them, so they have to trade some things from the world of immortality.

Han Yunzhi held the storage bag and counted it.

There are eight ten-year-old seven-star grass on the left. Although the ten on the right are a bit inferior, they are also good raw materials for talisman paper.

"Sister, give it to me." Han Yunping took the storage bag and took out one thing after another with his consciousness.

Both of them were setting up stalls, and the whole hall was covered with fallen objects.

"Brother Ji, you can choose it yourself. If you like it, just take it." Han Yunping said simply.

Ji Changqing couldn't sit still anymore and squatted on the ground to start picking.

The first thing caught his attention.

It was a golden brush with a golden barrel. It was quite heavy when Ji Changqing held it. The barrel seemed to be made of some kind of special metal.

"This is a talisman pen left by our clan. It's called Jin Zhu. I bought the seven-star grass this time because I want my sister to learn how to draw talismans." Han Yunping took out this pen to act as a front.

The saved pile of rags is a joke.

Ji Changqing put the pen back after hearing this: "Since sister Yunzhi wants to use it, then I won't win anyone's love."

To be honest, he wanted the Golden Zhubi very much. After all, he had a pile of Seven-Star Grass in his fairy field.

If you practice drawing talismans in the future, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

It's a pity that the seven-star grass on the ground is not as valuable as the gold pen and cannot be exchanged.

And since Han Yunzhi wanted to use it, it was even harder for him to get it.

I can only think of a way to get a talisman pen later.

"Brother Ji, if you want, I can give you this pen as a return gift. I feel like I don't have much talent in drawing talismans." Han Yunzhi lowered his head and clasped his fingers, a little disappointed in his voice.

Originally, the purpose of drawing talismans was to earn some spiritual stones and help my brother buy some elixirs, but in the end, so much talisman paper was wasted and none of them were successful.

Ji Changqing also remembered that the reason why Han Yunzhi sold the gold pen to Han Li was because she felt that she had no talent and it would be a waste to keep it.

Ji Changqing looked at her, this cute little girl was really a little silly and cute.

"How can such a valuable talisman pen be given away to random people?"

"It's normal to not have talent. Most people are ordinary people. Can't those who don't have talent do what they like?"

"Some people are born without spiritual roots, but through hard work, they can still cultivate and stand at the top of the human race."

"Is there really such a person?" Han Yunzhi was a little unbelievable.

"of course."

Ji Changqing handed her the gold Zhubi: "I think Sister Yunzhi will become a master of talisman making in the future."

"Brother Ji, thank you." Han Yunzhi held the gold pen tightly, and his words seemed to have inexplicable power.

(End of this chapter)

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