Chapter 32: Attempt to Alchemy
After Ji Changqing gave the gold Zhubi to Han Yunzhi, he looked at the other objects. He was curious about everything here, and he eagerly wanted to know everything about the world of immortality.

Red always catches the eye first, and he noticed a crimson mineral on hand.

Kind of like lumpy granulated sugar, but redder in color.

When you pinch it, you can feel the texture of rock on your fingertips, which is hard and grainy.

"This is cinnabar ore. It is very common and can be found in ordinary blacksmith shops." Han Yunping found this boy quite pleasing to his eye now and took the initiative to pick up an ancient book on the ground.

"Look at the manuscripts left behind by my clan."

Ji Changqing put down the ore and curiously took the book. The cover read: Experience in drawing talismans.

The font was slender and beautiful. He glanced at Han Yunzhi. It was probably copied by her. It was very new. He didn't expect that she had such a talent.

Grind raw cinnabar ore finely, use clean water to remove impurities, add a little white honey, grind it into paste, and expose it to the sun for several days...

The first page you turn to is the method of refining cinnabar.

The first few lines of text summarize it very simply, but below there are more than ten pages of detailed production processes with pictures.

It just sounds "complex" to him, but it's very interesting. He even wants to buy all the ingredients now and try to see if it can be successful.

This is probably the charm of cultivating immortals. Everything is unknown and there are too many mysteries that attract him.

The book not only contains the process of making cinnabar, but also the method of processing seven-star grass into talisman paper.

This is what he needs most. Even if he doesn't draw talismans, he can still make a lot of money by selling talisman paper in a few years.

"Isn't it good?" Han Yunping asked proudly. He had Seven Star Grass in his hand and he would definitely need it.

Ji Changqing nodded and put the book on the table: "I want this one."

"Okay, let's look at this book again." Han Yunping squatted on the ground and picked up another book from the stall.

Ji Changqing walked over and took the ancient book with one hand. This book seemed to have been sealed for a long time. He dusted it off and coughed.

When the dust cleared, I saw the large golden characters on the cover.

The complete collection of Han's weapon refining.

"There are various methods for refining magical weapons, including golden talisman pens. We have memorized the contents, and now it is easier for you." Han Yunping helped him open the last page.

The first line reads: The pen tip is made from the neck hair of the second-level monster Golden Eyed Ape.

Ji Changqing's heart moved: "Brother Han, where can I find this monster Golden Qing Ape?"

"You only want to go so far in Qi training at the first level. If you want to pursue it, you are seeking death. This is a second-level monster, and even the seniors in the foundation-building stage may not be able to catch it." Han Yunping ruthlessly interrupted his thoughts to save him. So ambitious.

Isn’t this the future?

"Okay, I want this one too." Ji Changqing put the book back on the table, and he had his experience in talismans and weapon refining.

This thing is equivalent to an enlightenment tutorial, which is a rare treasure for casual cultivators.

There isn't much else, mostly just materials.

The two rabbit front teeth were extremely sharp and as thick as the middle finger. It was said that it was a first-level monster chasing the wind rabbit. It could run faster than the wind. I don’t know how he killed it.

Later, Han Yunping gave him the low-grade magical weapon Xuantian Sword.

The name was chosen by Han Yunping, and he had a pretty big background. However, it turned out to be just the lowest level magical weapon, which might even be worth a spiritual stone.

But for Ji Changqing, this is a treasure. He doesn't have any magic weapons now, and he hasn't even learned any spells.

With this Xuantian's weapon, isn't it a god blocking the killing god?
The transaction was completed, and the seven-star grass turned into a stream of light and flew into Han Yunping's storage bag.

"You really don't want to come with us? Jiayuan City's spiritual energy is so thin that we can't be as happy as we are on the mountain."

"If you want to catch a spiritual beast, you may have a chance to meet one, and my sister is here too. If you build a foundation, you might be able to become a Taoist companion."

Before Han Yunping left, he turned around three times to persuade him not to waste his talent. Before he could finish his words, Han Yunzhi pushed him away in a panic.

It wasn't until their figures disappeared at the corner of the street that Ji Changqing withdrew his gaze, turned around, walked into Ji's mansion, and closed the door.

It is too difficult for Han Yunzhi to become a Taoist monk in the short term, unless he can conquer Han Yunping with force and prove that he can protect his sister.

Just practice with peace of mind first, there will always be opportunities in the future.

And it was a fruitful day.

Ji Changqing took out an ancient book from his arms and smiled.

"Complete Collection of Huanglong Pill Refining"

This should be the most surprising treasure, if it is that kind of elixir.

Even in the world of cultivating immortals, it is one of the best elixirs to assist Qi training monks.Ji Changqing felt that he was about to take off. If he refined it and used the Tianling Root to mix it with medicine, how fast would it be?
Let's go find Feng Wu first. He can't even recognize several medicinal materials now, let alone making alchemy.

Feng Wu might be able to say that. After all, she had been exposed to medical skills since she was a child, and she planted all the medicine gardens by herself.

Ji Changqing came to the backyard excitedly and suddenly calmed down.

He didn't know how Wang Jiaoyan was doing now. The wing was not far away, and there didn't seem to be any strange noises. This made him relieved. Just don't fight.

He thought about countless scenarios before opening the door, but he really didn't expect this situation now.

Yu'er has recently become obsessed with men's clothing and likes to wear his clothes. After dressing up and looking handsome, Ji Changqing fell in love with her. As a result, she got out of control and now she no longer wears women's clothing.

When Wang Jiaoyan saw how handsome Yu'er was, she instantly forgot her purpose before coming.

He was extremely attentive to Yu'er, serving tea and water, and desperately sticking to Yu'er's body, which made Yu'er tireless and not even interested in practicing.

After seeing him entering the door, Yu'er hurried over and asked him to accept the goblin.

It seems that Wang Jiaoyan is not talking nonsense and is indeed very good at dealing with little girls.

But Ji Changqing didn't say anything. Isn't it good? Fighting and fighting between Taoist couples is better than a cold war.

Afterwards, he gave the prescription to Feng Wu. When he heard that he wanted to make an elixir, which would speed up his practice, several people suddenly became interested. Even Caihuan gave up meditating and gathered around.

Feng Wu was stared at expectantly by everyone, and she felt a little stressed, but she was also very happy to be able to help everyone. She clenched her fists to cheer herself up, and then opened the book.

For nearly half an hour, Feng Wu read Dan Fang from beginning to end. She read it carefully and was focused on the whole process, reading and analyzing each page word by word.

After reading it, Feng Wu closed the book with both hands and closed her eyes to review. Her memory became better after cultivating immortality. She had never seen such a magical prescription.

Everyone turned their heads and stared. They were all laymen and they didn't dare to say anything. They could only wait for fear of disturbing her.

Is this the sense of oppression felt by professionals? It’s so strong, Wang Jiaoyan thought to herself.

After Feng Wu opened her eyes, she smiled sweetly at Ji Changqing, who beamed with joy.

"Feng Wu, can we refine it now?" He asked everyone's opinions.

"Yes, it is all ordinary medicinal materials. However, the age of the medicine is very high. Most of them are more than ten years old, and the quantities and steps need to be very precise."

"Can we get it all together now?" Ji Changqing was referring to the pile of medicinal materials bought in Xiantian.

Feng Wu should know that she is most concerned about this. They were originally piled together in a mess, but she sorted them out herself.

Mo Fengwu did not answer immediately. Professional things still needed to be confirmed. Her soul came to the fairy ring, determined the total number of medicinal materials, and then calculated the portions.

"There are some medicinal ingredients, but the quantity is not much."

"As long as you have it, Feng Wu, you will make a list of the medicinal materials later, and I will ask people to go to pharmacies in major towns to buy them." Ji Changqing was overjoyed, and every one he could buy was one.

After a while, the medicinal materials grown in the fairy field will also need to be re-planned.

Before, I was planting blindly, planting whatever I could.

The main ones grown now are definitely medicinal herbs for elixirs.

The next step is to practice alchemy.With Feng Wu as the teacher, she found various unknown alchemy tools.

What kind of medicine knife can cut some hard medicinal materials?

The punch can be used to mash medicinal materials and the mortar can be used to grind them into powder. The file can be used to grind woody and horny medicinal materials.

There is also a boat-shaped grinding trough with a roller on it. People sit on one side and hold the handle with both hands to roll back and forth.

For Qi training elixirs like this, the medicinal materials are first processed, crushed and blended, and then rolled into balls by hand.

There is no need for any alchemy furnace at all, that can only be achieved by having the innate true fire during the foundation building stage.

Everyone listened with only a little knowledge. With this kind of professional knowledge, a layman would definitely be blinded in a short time.

You can only wait until you have reached the fifth level of Qi training and have the ability to remember things with photographic memory. Then you can learn things quickly.

The medicinal materials that Mo Fengwu gave everyone to practice at the beginning were all of ordinary age to avoid waste.

Only when you are very familiar with the process and can roll the balls with your hands skillfully can you officially start making alchemy.

After an afternoon passed, Feng Wu was the only one who could do it well alone, and the pills were round and round.

Moreover, the pill that was rubbed out actually had a trace of spiritual energy, but it was very weak.

 The weather changed yesterday, so I was lying on the mat with the fan blowing on. I had a high fever this morning. Fortunately, I just have a runny nose and my typing is a bit slow.

(End of this chapter)

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