Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 33: Go to the church and get elixir.

Chapter 33: Go to the church and get elixir.

At sunset, after Yan's mistresses came back, Yu'er, Feng Wu, and Caihuan started putting on makeup.

The marriage ceremony was held at the residence.

In the hall, the woman's family includes the Yan family, Wang family, Li family, Liu family, Jin Can and others. Ji Changqing's family has an aunt, Zhen Yulan.

My aunt married a man named Zhang Yong, and they gave birth to a boy named Zhang Tie this year.

Ji Changqing was a little surprised when he found out, but then he thought it was a coincidence.

There was so much iron in this era, so he didn't take it to heart.

"It's auspicious time!"

Ji Changqing and the four brides walked into the hall holding the red thread.

Sitting on the left side of the high hall was Ms. Yan, and on the right was Zhen Yulan, a wheat-colored woman with a slim figure and beautiful features. She looked quite similar to the mother in his memory. What a pity!
Seeing her, some bad memories automatically emerged in Ji Changqing's mind.

It would be a pity not to have them in this wedding after all.

Ji Changqing sealed up his memories and restrained his emotions. It was better not to think about these unhappy things on the big day.

The people sitting on the left and right were also relatives, and they all looked at them kindly at this time. The uncle named Zhang Yong was a peasant man with a Chinese character and an honest look on his face.

Before being invited by Ji Changqing, they were still farming and living a miserable life. They never expected that his nephew could become so prosperous.

And I can also think of poor relatives like them.

"When you bow to heaven and earth, the universe will shine!"

The worship service officially began.

The groom and the bride bowed towards the gate to heaven and earth.

"Two bows to the high hall, fertility and kindness are great!"

The groom and bride turned around and bowed towards the high hall.

Yan smiled and nodded.

Thinking of her sister who died of illness, Zhen Yulan smiled and wiped away her tears with joy.

"Three times, husband and wife, our love will last forever!"

The groom and bride turned around and bowed face to face.

This bow, in this life and this life, the husband and wife will be united forever!

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

The bride left the hall and the family dinner began.

As the dancer entered the stage and the guzheng played, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

The maids lined up to bring plates of delicious food, and the desks were piled up in the blink of an eye.

Ji Changqing found a case table and sat down on his knees. He was the protagonist tonight, and these people would not let him go easily.

Mrs. Yan took the wine glass and took the lead: "A toast to our groom."

"Thank you, mother-in-law." Ji Changqing raised his glass and drank deeply.

"Okay, the groom is a good drinker." Jin Can also raised a glass to welcome him. He originally had a lot of questions and suggestions about the Jingjiao Meeting, but at this time, he didn't say a word.

I just want to stay drunk tonight!

Ji Changqing was given a toast in turn, and after drinking at least a pound of liquor, he was still conscious, but he talked a lot more.

He walked to the farmer's table and asked, "Uncle, are you still used to it?"

The man nodded in panic: "I'll give you a toast."

"Ji'er is not an outsider. Look, I scare you." Zhen Yulan was furious when she saw her husband's potential.

"My uncle is just too honest. Auntie, please don't blame him. Just treat this as your own." Ji Changqing happily responded with a drink.

"Your uncle has been thinking about his two acres of land all day long. He has been unable to sleep well for the past two days."

"It's okay. Jiayuan City is in short supply of fields. When the time comes, I'll have someone buy a few acres for my uncle."

Zhang Yong was immediately overjoyed. He felt that other things were empty, and only food was real.

"Here, Ji'er, we're already embarrassed to live and eat here." Zhen Yulan originally just said it casually, talking about his manliness to make him a little more motivated.

"Auntie, it's settled." Ji Changqing waved her hand to interrupt.

The only person with whom he has the closest blood relationship in the world is his aunt, so he can still be satisfied with these mundane things.

Ji Changqing walked to Jin Can's desk again, this handsome uncle, Yu'er's grandfather.

"Toast to you."

Jin Can glanced at him, his state was obviously a bit high: "Drink less."

"Well, it's okay." Ji Changqing was quite touched. This grandpa was quite a nice person.

Jin Can then whispered seriously: "Otherwise we won't be able to get into the bridal chamber at night."

Ji Changqing's eyes widened in vain. You are such a bad old man. You are so gentle on the surface. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person.

After a round of greetings, Ji Changqing saw another handsome uncle, but he was still a stranger.

Ms. Liu twisted her waist, walked up to the door with a charming smile and introduced: "This is my brother Liu Feng, the master of the Changfeng Sect in Quling City."

Another gang boss.

I've never heard of Mrs. Liu mentioning it before, so why are you here today?

Before Ji Changqing made a toast, Liu Feng stood up and raised his glass and said, "Sure enough, a hero comes from a young age. I have often heard my sister talk about your deeds. You came uninvited and went ahead to show your respect."

Is this what it means to be rich in the mountains and have distant relatives, but to be poor in the city and have no close neighbors?

Ji Changqing looked at him calmly, then smiled and drank in return.

The lively wedding banquet lasted until midnight and then ended. Because it was too late, the guests were arranged to stay in Ji's Mansion one by one.Qingmei helped him walk towards the new house. After leaving the hall, his neck felt slightly cold. Ji Changqing wrapped his clothes tightly and felt like he was floating when he walked, but his consciousness was still very clear.

After walking for a while and no one was around, he used his true energy to circulate throughout his body to refine the wine's power.

The reason why he didn't refine it at the beginning was because he was the protagonist tonight, and even a fool could tell if he was refining the wine while toasting, so drinking like this would be meaningless.

He still knows a little about the ways of the world.

After being completely refined, her steps were steady and she no longer needed Qingmei's support. The little maid seemed a little disappointed.

Ji Changqing saw it but pretended not to know, it was so troublesome to love others.

He couldn't respond to every expectation!

Entering the bridal chamber, several brides actually took off their red hijabs.

Ji Changqing was furious and closed the door. He decided to educate them and let them know what Fu Gang was.

In the evening, the light rain fell on the eaves, and a white mist gradually arose. The clouds were so heavy that it made people breathless.

This was the fourth fight between Wang Jiaoyan and Ji Changqing. They were weak and suffered a big loss. They lay motionless and panted heavily.


Ji Changqing sat down like an old monk and said secretly.

That’s all!

He stood up and opened the window, looking up at the stars, feeling extremely peaceful.

After the wedding, in the next week, Ji Changqing and others not only made alchemy, but also made elixirs.

Although Feng Wu could roll the balls with her bare hands from the beginning, she was not perfect yet.

In order not to waste medicinal materials, one must be very skilled.

This week, everyone was thinking about making elixirs even while eating.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. Ji Changqing, Yu'er, and Caihuan didn't master any of them. Occasionally they could succeed in one or two, but the failure rate was extremely high.

As for Jiao Yan, she has been practicing the Beast Control Art this week.

What Ji Changqing gave her was the last Double Spiritual Root Pill.

Gold and wood attributes.

Jiaoyan has become much calmer since she started practicing and is no longer clingy to others all the time.

As for elixir refining, fortunately, Feng Wu has been able to achieve an elixir formation rate above the ninth level, and no matter how hard she practices in the future, she will not be able to improve it.

Ordinary people have their limits after all.

But that's enough.

Ji Changqing knew that it was time to get serious.

When medicinal herbs that were more than ten years old were taken out, he was still a little nervous and looking forward to it.

These medicinal materials were purchased by himself, and were stocked by Jingjiao Society and Chunyu Tower for ten years.

They also mobilized the power of two major gangs to purchase them in major towns.

In short, according to Feng Wu's rough estimate, it should be able to produce more than 230 pills.

For casual cultivators, it is a large number, and it is worth more than 200 spiritual stones.

But that's about it.

It only costs so much to spend so much manpower and material resources.

You can imagine how scarce the cultivation resources in Tiannan are today!

Originally, there could be more medicinal materials collected, but besides him, there are other immortal cultivators who also control secular gangs and secretly collect medicinal materials.

For example, the five-color gate in Jiayuan City.

I heard from Mrs. Yan that on the night of the wedding banquet, Shi Honglin, the leader of the Five Color Sect, died in mysterious circumstances on the way back.

Many people suspected that Ji Changqing was responsible.

After that, Wang Yi successfully took over Wusemen, and uncharacteristically, he also began to purchase large quantities of medicinal materials.

Ji Changqing knew that it was definitely this guy who did it.

And there might be a cultivator behind the other party, so he immediately thought of that young man.

Afterwards, the difficulty of collecting medicinal materials will increase greatly.

Ji Changqing doesn't care about that much for the time being, and will first refine the elixir and develop it in a low-key manner.

"Feng Wu, don't be nervous, it will be okay even if everything is scrapped."

Before refining the elixir, Ji Changqing wanted to give Feng Wu some reassurance and encourage her.

"Master every step proficiently. The age of the medicinal materials is no different from the usual practice. Don't worry, brother, it won't all be scrapped." The little girl comforted him thoughtfully.

Ever since Wang Jiaoyan joined his big family, the women have called him all kinds of strange names.

Ji Changqing guessed that maybe they wanted to highlight their differences.

Feng Wu started calling her brother, Caihuan called him Changqing, Jiaoyan called him husband, and Yuer just called him brother Ji.

He was speechless for several days, a good guy married a brother, right?
Feng Wu's comfort comes from the confidence of professionals. Only novices like them would express doubts about their own skills.

As the medicinal materials were mashed and fused, plump yellow pills began to take shape.

Feel the extremely abundant medicinal power in the elixir.

He knew it, and it worked!
Ji Changqing is really in love with Feng Wu, this girl is really his lucky star.

(End of this chapter)

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