Chapter 34 Family Rules
Finally, he can take medicine to practice, and his practice speed may increase several times. Thinking of this, Ji Changqing's excited hands trembled slightly.

This round yellow elixir is still a little warm in your hand.

And it exuded an extremely strong medicinal fragrance. As this medicinal fragrance penetrated into the nasal cavity, he felt spiritual energy pouring into his body before he started meditating.

Upon seeing this, Feng Wu handed over a small jade-colored porcelain medicine bottle: "Brother, use this to put it in first, otherwise the potency of the medicine will dissipate."

"No wonder the scent of this medicine is so magical."

What kind of medicinal fragrance is this? This is completely a loss of spiritual energy!

Ji Changqing quickly took the small medicine bottle.

The medicine bottle is very delicate and can be held with one hand. It is a special jade object and is silky and cool to the touch.

I started purchasing this thing a few days ago, about a hundred pieces in total.

Because it is clearly written in the book that the refined elixir needs to be packed in a small medicine bottle such as porcelain or jade, otherwise the medicinal power will easily escape.

Ji Changqing held the mouth of the bottle with his left hand and tilted it slightly downward. Yellow pills the size of marbles rolled one by one from the mouth of the bottle to the bottom of the bottle.

In order to prevent the elixir from accumulating and being deformed due to pressure, it is best to put ten pills in one bottle. It is not easy to put too much and it is easy to pour out.

The ten pills were packed and capped, and then a label was attached with the words "Huanglong Pill" written on it.

You should develop good habits in everything. If there are too many elixir bottles in the future, even if they are put together, it will be easy to find the elixir you want.

As the pen tip slipped, Ji Changqing put down the brush and nodded with satisfaction. A bottle of Huanglong Pill was completed.

Is this bottle worth at least ten spiritual stones?

If some casual cultivators saw it, they would even have evil thoughts and kill people to seize the treasure.

Ji Changqing took Huanglong Pill into the Immortal Ring.

Then Feng Wu began to refine the second batch, while Ji Changqing worked beside him to handle the preliminary steps of the medicinal materials.

In order to prevent the servants from discovering any abnormalities, Yu'er and the others practiced on the first floor as usual.

For a whole day, they hid on the second floor of the wing and made alchemy. Whether it was successful or not, only the two of them know now.

This kind of cultivation elixir, which is worth hundreds of spirit stones, should be treated with caution.

In order to make the elixir today, the food was also prepared yesterday and will not spoil if placed in the immortal ring.

Only when it was time for dinner, he and Feng Wu sat down to eat together. After eating, they cleared away the dishes and continued to make alchemy.

It wasn't until the sun was about to go down and the light in the house was a little dim that even if five oil lamps were lit, it would still affect the rate of elixir production, then the two of them took the stairs down from the second floor.

Refining alchemy is a delicate job that requires extraordinary concentration. If a gram of medicinal materials is weighed too much, it may be scrapped, which consumes a lot of mental energy.

When Feng Wu went downstairs, her eyes blurred, and her body swayed forward. Fortunately, Ji Changqing's quick eyesight and hands quickly caught her.

I originally wanted to end it all at once, and there were not many medicinal materials left, so I was a little too hasty!

Feng Wu is small and thin, and the two of them have completely different feelings about a busy day. One is lively and energetic, while the other grits his teeth and persists.
Their cultivation cannot be ignored.

This also made him make up his mind about the distribution plan of the elixir.

There are currently 22 bottles of finished Huanglong Dan, and one bottle only has two pills.

A total of 210 two!
There are not many medicinal materials left, and maybe twenty or thirty pills can be refined.

Even more than Feng Wu expected.

With so many Huanglong Pills to assist in cultivation, he considered two distribution plans.

The first type is the most sensible in theory.

Prioritizing the accumulation of all resources into one person can allow the family to quickly obtain high-end combat power. Not only can the family be safer, but it can also obtain better resources when going out to explore.

The second type is exposed to both rain and dew.

Maximize resource utilization.

If you take too much of one type of elixir, you will develop drug resistance.

And the higher the level, the worse the efficacy of the medicine.

Huanglong Dan has almost no effect on the tenth level of Qi training, and continuing to take it will be a complete waste.

This also means that if you only give it to one person to practice, a large part of the medicine's power will be wasted in terms of resistance and state.

Both options have pros and cons.

However, the first option has the biggest drawback.

If Ji Changqing takes up all the resources, it means that he will hardly have to go anywhere in two years and can only wander around Jiayuan City.The realm of several Taoist monks was too low. There were Five Color Sects in Jiayuan City, and they were watching with eager eyes, so he didn't feel safe going out.

Because once something happens to a Taoist couple, the rewards for future generations will disappear.

It was even more inconvenient to drag the whole family out, and they were still pregnant.

Ji Changqing planned to practice Qi at least to the fourth level and go to Jingzhou after gaining spiritual consciousness.

Ask your father-in-law for other elixirs and Changchun Gong.

This is the fastest development plan.

Staying in Jiayuan City stupidly, there are too many variables.

Hearing the thumping footsteps going downstairs, Yu'er's alertness was quite high. She opened her eyes, stopped meditating, and turned to look at the stairs. When two pairs of shoes appeared in her field of vision, she stood up with all her strength. .

Caihuan and Jiaoyan also gathered around, obviously curious about the outcome.

After Ji Changqing went downstairs, he locked the doors and windows first, leaving no gaps.

After that, I used the Sky Eye Technique to explore the surrounding area.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he took off his boots and got on the jade bed, sitting down cross-legged.

Ji Changqing waved, and when they all came up, they formed a circle with their legs crossed, and then closed the opaque red bed curtains.

Knowing what they were concerned about, Ji Changqing took the Huanglong Pill out of the fairy ring.

I saw the green light flying out of the ring on his left hand one after another, landing on the mat, and turned into small jade bottles, which were arranged in rows in the blink of an eye.

Yu'er took the lead in picking up a bottle, pulled off the cap, put her nose to the mouth of the bottle and smelled it.

"It smells so good. Husband, did you and Feng Wu succeed?"

Yu'er only calls him Brother Ji when she's teasing him.

Ji Changqing smiled and said, "We succeeded."

"Can this really assist cultivation?" Jiaoyan was a little skeptical, because she had not yet developed a sense of Qi, and even if she smelled it, she could not detect the changes in the spiritual Qi in her body.

"Yeah." Fengwu Chicken nodded, her eyes shining.

It can be seen that she is very satisfied with her work.

After their curiosity dissipated, Ji Changqing picked up a jade bottle and played with it.

"Feng Wu and I spent a whole day practicing this much, and the medicinal materials were basically consumed. Next, we will discuss the distribution issue."

Everyone fell silent, and they did not consider this issue.

Caihuan hesitated for a while and couldn't help but said: "Changqing, I know you are very kind to us, but there is no rule without rules."

"You are not only the president now, but also the backbone of our family. All resources should be directed to you. As for the distribution issue, you can make the final decision. There is no need to discuss it with us."

"When my father was here, even my mother only received a fixed monthly payment. This is the basis for maintaining the stability of a big family."

Yu'er also nodded in agreement: "Husband, you are now the head of our family."

"I also listen to my brother's arrangements." Feng Wu raised her hand.

Ji Changqing was silent for a long time after hearing this. This was somewhat different from what he expected.

His idea is based on the equal status of husband and wife.

Here, most people assume that strength is the most important thing. Even couples are divided into priorities. Especially in some big families, the class concept has been deeply rooted in their bones.

Two worlds with completely different views.

Maybe they are right.

The world has changed.

The concepts of peaceful times no longer apply here.

Everything is based on strength.

It seems that for the development of the family in the future, some rules will indeed need to be formulated.

As for Yu'er and the others' ideas, he didn't want to change them. There was no right or wrong. The way to get along was to tolerate each other's ideas.

After Ji Changqing figured it out, he took all the jade bottles over.

Four bottles per person, the rest will be discussed later.

(End of this chapter)

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