Chapter 35 Take Off
Among them, Yu'er has the highest level. She broke through the first level of Qi training a month ago and is only one step away from the second level.

Feng Wu and Caihuan have just broken through. According to their cultivation speed, it should take about three months to break through.

If he didn't take the elixir, Ji Changqing felt that he still needed to practice for half a month.

And now there is Huanglong Pill.

He really wants to see what the limits of Tianlinggen are after taking medicine!
add a bit!

Ji Changqing sat up straight with his legs crossed, took a deep breath, and adjusted his meditation state.

Then he picked up the jade bottle at his feet, took off the lid, poured a grain into his hand, closed the lid, raised his head and put it into his mouth.

When the tip of the tongue licked the elixir, it felt bitter for a moment. He quickly closed his jaw and wriggled his tongue. The saliva wrapped the elixir and slid down the throat. With the Adam's apple moving up and down, the elixir completely entered the abdomen.

Feeling a large amount of spiritual energy surging in his body, Ji Changqing closed his eyes and began to practice.

Under the internal vision state, the spiritual energy escaping from the elixir in the body, wisp after wisp, has reached the point where it can be seen with the naked eye.

Every time Ji Changqing moves for one week, an extra stream of energy will flow out of his Dantian. Normally, if he wants to accumulate so much, he would need at least ten big weeks.

This speed is more than ten times faster!
The spiritual energy in Ji Changqing's Dantian filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One night passed, and he took three pills in succession. Under the amazing power of Huanglong Pill, he easily broke through the second level of the Beast Control Art!

There are no bottlenecks, everything will be done naturally.

Tianlinggen's elixir is absorbed very quickly.

The medicinal power of the Huanglong Pill was almost completely absorbed before it could escape the body, leaving almost no waste.

This is the beloved child of God, no wonder it is called Tianlinggen.

As expected, Yu'er broke through to the second level.

Caihuan, Fengwu and Fengwu still had no movement, but Jiaoyan had been practicing for a whole night and had broken through to the first level of Qi training.

There are already five immortal cultivators in his Ji family at this time.

At the current speed of cultivation, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach the fourth level of Qi training.

After the breakthrough, Ji Changqing's senses improved again and his magic power became much stronger.

Especially Yuanshen, with the 100% bonus of talent, the improvement is even more obvious. Maybe he can practice spells now?
In the end, he endured it and sharpened his sword to keep up with the work of chopping wood.

Learning spells will be much easier after the fifth level of Qi training.

In the meeting hall, after breakfast, Yan reported to him the recent situation of Jingjiao Society.

Ji Changqing took over as the leader of the gang, and Jingjiao would still be left in charge of Yan. After all, she had experience in this area, and he would only take the initiative to intervene in some major matters.

"After the last rectification, of the four major industries, only the escort agency has developed, and the others are not very satisfactory."

Ji Changqing nodded. He had expected this situation. These people like to fight and kill, so they can't do the fine work.

What is this called? Mountain pigs can't eat fine chaff?
"Almost 30% of the gang members choose to work in the escort agency. In Jiayuan City alone, we have more than [-] branches of the Golden Lion Escort Agency."

What Yan said was actually a bit conservative, in fact it was far beyond the ninth floor.

"Ahem~ So many?" Ji Changqing's eyes widened and he almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

The number of chain stores is not that outrageous, there are thirty in one city.

Mrs. Yan's smile made no sense: "Not many, our Jingjiao Society used to have more than [-] members, and there are [-] in Jiayuan City alone."

"Now there are only more than 1000 left, and each escort agency has more than [-] people."

Did they all join the escort agency?It seems that the express station may be the first to take shape.

"Where did so many escort agencies come from?" Ji Changqing was a little confused.

"They are all made by restaurants, teahouses, rice shops, pawnshops and the like. Isn't that what you, the big gang leader, ordered? We will naturally obey." Mrs. Yan looked at him with a smile on her face.

Ji Changqing didn't answer: "How is the business of the escort agency recently?"

"It's much better than before. Changping Town in the south and Guanggui City have a lot more escorts."

"Liu Feng is taking the lead in Quling City in the west and has opened several escort agencies. The progress is going smoothly."

"Nanwu City in the north is already within the Yue Beijing's sphere of influence. It is difficult for us to carry out our operations for the time being, and it is far away from Jiayuan City."

"Where is Jingzhou?"

"Most of the Jingzhou area is too poor and there are many horse and grass bandits. Many escort agencies are unwilling to accept escorts who go there."

"So our Jingjiao Society is doing well so far?"

"It's not that simple. Although there are more escorts coming to us, more than half of the shops are still idle."

"The escort agency alone cannot support all of us. This month, there has been an imbalance in the income and expenditure of major towns."

"Is it."

Ji Changqing tapped his index finger on the table regularly and was silent for a while.

This situation is now expected.

"What kind of escorts does the escort agency currently accept?"

Yan thought for a moment: "The main ones are letter darts, silver darts, grain darts, material darts and personal darts."

Ji Changqing said in a deep voice: "Then expand the business. Who stipulates that the escort agency can only send valuable items? As long as it is what others need to send, we will accept it, ranging from gold to delivering meals to people." "Is this possible?" Mrs. Yan was skeptical, as she had never heard of anyone delivering food.

How much money can you make by giving away such a small item?
"Whether it works or not, you will know after you try it. There are many escort agencies idle."

"We can not only help deliver goods, but also help with purchases. We need to be open-minded. We can do anything that requires transportation." Ji Changqing finished speaking and took a sip of tea.

"Then I'll tell Jin Can to rectify the escort agency."

Yan felt that this matter might be a bit difficult to handle. Given Jin Can's face-saving attitude, if he asked his subordinates to deliver meals, he would most likely not agree and would definitely seek argument from Chang Qing.

But since Chang Qing is the leader of the gang, Yan knows that she just needs to follow what he says.

The rest of Evergreen will take care of itself.

"Wait." Ji Changqing thought of another question.

"It would definitely be chaotic if an escort agency accepts everything."

“And it would downgrade us.”

"We can divide escort masters into several levels based on force, speed, and completion of darts."

"Such as black iron, bronze, silver, gold."

"The iron escort master joins the black iron escort agency, and the golden escort master joins the golden escort agency."

"Iron escorts will give you low-grade escorts, and gold escorts will give you the highest grade."

"Changqing, your idea is really good!" Yan immediately confirmed his idea after hearing this.

Only this class differentiation will promote their ambition.

In the past, there was no need to separate the escorts because there was only one escort agency and they accepted everything from big to small.

But now that there are so many escort agencies, once they are treated differently, the competition will be very fierce.

I believe Jin Can will also be very satisfied. He can always send high-end escorts without complaining about sending small items.

Today's young people are quite thoughtful.

Ji Changqing touched his nose. It seemed that he had also become bad. The so-called concept of equality gradually faded in his heart.

He will slowly adapt to the world.

Autumn passes and winter comes, and a month flies by.

The leaves began to wither, and the maids in the courtyard were cleaning the fallen leaves under the trees, gathering them into piles. Later, someone brought a dustpan, put it in a basket, and took it away.

Ji Changqing sat by the lotus pond, spreading fish bait with Cai Huan.

This is the only thing Caihuan has to do every day in addition to practicing.

Next to it was a pure black crow, standing on the lotus leaf and watching eagerly.

Ji Changqing glanced at it, and after relaxing, he felt as if everything was back to the starting point.

After five bottles of Huanglong Pill were completely refined, he broke through to the fifth level of the Beast Control Art within a month.

Taking medicine feels good for a while, but it will keep you feeling good if you keep taking medicine.

Now that Huanglongdan is gone, it will be uncomfortable.

It's terrible to practice. With his current daily practice progress, he wants to break through to the sixth level of Qi training.

In a place with thin spiritual energy like Jiayuan City, even his spiritual roots would take half a year.

So he gave up practicing the Beast Control Art and practiced some basic spells instead.

The fifth level of the Beast Control Art also has the power of cleansing the marrow and opening up the mind, and it is a method that is biased towards the cultivation of the soul.

Relying on the ability of photographic memory, the soul that is twice as powerful as an ordinary monk can easily learn all the basic spells in the Beast Control Art.

There are also exclusive spells for beast control, charm, contract, and spirit control.

No, his first spiritual beast was the stupid bird on the lotus leaf in front of him.

Ji Changqing calls it Lao Liu!

In fact, it's not even a spiritual beast, just an ordinary crow.

Lao Liu picked up a piece of bait from his hand, stood on the lotus leaf floating on the water, then threw the bait down, and picked it up again before the bait sank to the bottom.

Then throw it away again, and so on.

Until a goldfish swam over, it picked up the goldfish in the water in the blink of an eye, raised its head and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Nasty Sixth!" Caihuan was so angry when he saw it that he threw it with bait. In the end, it caught a few of the fish he had worked so hard to raise.

"Changqing, can't you change to a spiritual beast? Lao Liu is so annoying."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lao Liu flew onto Ji Changqing's shoulder, croak!expressed dissatisfaction with the hostess.

"Disgusting old man."


One person and one bird actually started to quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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